Solid chapter. There should be more cosmic horror VNs like this instead of mediocre school setting rubbish. Even anime has shifted away from ecchi & harem themes.
Heya, I have been meaning to give you my quick thoughts on 2.7. I enjoyed it, as I said before I love the story so far. Only issue with these last couple updates for me is I think that they were all a little too chatty and flirty while in such a crisis. I kept saying to myself, you guys got to move, there are things to do and you keep standing around talking and MC is to into checking the girls out during a dangerous situation. I could just be misinterpreting it. Hope this is helpful. Looking forward to more and I am glad you and your family are safe.
Yea, there's a little bit too much chatter during the ship boarding scenes. You'll need focus when at low, high alert, contacted and even during downtime when swinging from engagement to engagement. All that chatting, flirting, having lengthy discussions and trying to sort out your feelings while in the midst of executing an ops is not realistic. Its high risk, will get your squad killed and personally for me it jinx the mission lol. Usually we sort all these feelings out before the mission or deal with it after. We're trained to cut all that shit out while on ops, there is only the objective.
I understand the need to convey the tension, atmosphere of foreboding and all that but a better alternative is using inner monologue. Lightening the mood happens in between missions/battlefields, not during engagements. Then post mission, you can have your after action review and coping sessions.