VN - Ren'Py - The Agency [Ep. 3 v0.9.7] [Studio Kami]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    After playing this game my first thought is there is not too much "Game" in this game. It is mostly just POV porn and a few options.
    Some people like that and that's why this game has a 2-star instead of a 1-star one.

    I like my porn games to be porny but it's got to fit together to at least maintain a suspension of disbelief. This game does not do that very well. The pacing is all over the place. Sometimes to trip and fall into a threesome, other times you flirt with someone perfectly and they ask you to leave. I assume it was the designer's choice but it's inconsistent and jarring. Either make things a bit slower to fit the slow build scenes, or make the slow scenes faster.

    TLDR: what porn there is, is good, but the game is bad and personally, id rather just find the source video or the lifeplay game it came from.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Went into the game with no real expectations but it's very good videos wise. You will definitely enjoy it if you like pov porn in general. Better than the usual HTML games with videos inserted. Writing is little poor but i really enjoyed it initially. In recent releases it degraded bad
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Played: 0.6
    Time Played: About 2 hours, completed content though used a gallery cheat to see scenes I missed.

    My only experience with the "real porn" tag has a been a now defunct visual novel set in Japan. I have to say, in terms of visual options, real porn has to be my least favorite as it somehow feels the least creative or the "easy way out." (Note: This is just a feeling; I don't think making a game is "easy" by any stretch of the imagination, so perhaps this is more of a "prejudice.") However, as with just about anything, execution is everything, and while The Agency hasn't exactly left a burning desire in me to seek out more in the style, it is well-made.

    + Broad selection of women with something for everyone (leans heavily into white chicks though, with one woman who looks mixed and no Asians)
    + The amount of time and care put into the game is evident
    + Potentially interesting set up, narratively
    + Ample amount of porn with a decent amount of fetishes even at this stage

    - Plot is very slow-moving, with the main hook of the titular agency not seeming to be even close to implementation
    - English could use a lot of work
    - The MC (ie male actor) will change from scene to scene (duh), which could be potentially very immersion-breaking for some.
    - Minor, but the file size is freaking huge. As the game is only going to get bigger, dev needs to look into some compression options STAT. There are also some transition scenes like walking down hallways or opening doors that could easily be cut with no detriment to the game (though I can understand why they were included).

    As it stands, since the main plot hasn't really gotten going yet, your interest in this game is going to really hinge on whether or not you're a) into real porn, a') whether or not you find the actresses attractive. If you're on the fence, I think this is a pretty decent place to start. If this were a game with DAZ3D or HS graphics, I would probably be more interested, but as it stands, I won't be waiting for future installments with bated breath.

    Note to devs: Thank you for the game! Please look into compression ideas for a "low-spec" download option. Please try to get someone to proof your English. Get the main plot on the rails sooner rather than later.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I like the fact that the POV scenes immerse you in the game and I also appreciate how much incest is in the game. The thing that prevents me from enjoying it however is the dialogue. English is obviously not the creators first language and they don't know how people actually talk in conversations with others. I am usually very picky when it comes to dialogue so it might not bother others as much, but it ruins it for me. Most of the scenes seem rather fabricated and I'd like more realism, but again, maybe I am expecting too much of a porn game.
    Not my thing, but there is probably still an audience for the game so take my opinions with a grain of salt and give it a try if you think you might enjoy it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Thats not a realy good game, there is a lot of work to do but there is a qualitty what makes it to a "must get 5 Stars" game.

    Most games arround, we have seen multiple times in the past but this is complete different, new.

    it´s like to become a part of the game itself and it must ne be verry difficult to find theese 3-d video parts takes that will fit the story.

    its a new gaming experience and this allone will get 5 stars

    the story, quality of clips? Not importand in this case, it is defenitly worth a must try.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice use of POV scenes. Really makes the player feel immersed in the game. Might be difficult to the keep the game size down in the future but the random pov scenes of opening doors or walking in hallways really helps with immersion.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the dev may need to change the thunmnail of this game. That;s what ppl see at first before choosing games.

    It is quite unique game and is it based on real person? not cgs? because they look so real not like 3d animated ones. Anyway they all look really cool and feel like i am actually mc talking to chicks in the game.

    The story lines seem rather plane but because of the graphics implemented, it gets immersive from time to time. lookin forward to playin more like this
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very interessting game. I like it a lot and the images and videos are very well chosen. I hope there will be much more femdom, but we will see. Also there were funny game over scenes and I think the characters are nicely developed.

    clearly, a deserved 5-star rating in my opinion
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Lots of potential as of 0.3.
    It's like a choose-your-own-adventure with real porn videos. There are some choices that will have bad outcomes and then others with great rewards. Some of the videos and scene transitions seem a bit pointless, but everything that involves female characters is great!
    There's enough content to give you an idea of where the game is going, but I will definitely check back in later down the track.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    My First Ever Review

    To start, I'm a big fan of the "real porn" genre. I'm truly impressed with how the Dev has set this game up. The POV videos, give it a very interesting feel. Its like controlling a movie, and high quality (I have terrible bandwidth, so I'm ashamed to say, I had to DL the compressed one). There is some spelling/grammar that could be polished up a bit, but it doesn't take away from the overall experience. At first it was a little strange not to have a menu bar on the right side of the screen (inventory/saves/stats/etc.), but it works. Having audio for the videos is always welcome (IMHO), and fits well with the narrative the Dev has woven. I really hope they continue this endeavor. It feels fresh and I'm excited to see how this turns out. Definitely following this project. I wish the Dev all the best, hope to see the story continue and thanks for your efforts.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty fucking good . Certainly the best RenPy real porn game on this site .
    PROS: 1) The quality of content is pretty high . The backgrounds and scenes fit the story pretty well .
    2) Has a decent story . Although the MC should be more subtle in showing his horniness to others , especially his stepsisters.
    3) Isn't grindy at all .
    4)The choice of models is great.
    5) There is a gallery . yay !

    CONS: 1) The story is linear . But I understand it's real porn , so making different choices is pretty hard considering you have to find a porn scene in a similar atmosphere for it.
    2) 5.5 gb ?! the content is HD which is good , but 5.5 gb for the first release is pretty big.
    3) There are grammatical mistakes and spelling errors .
    Overall , It's pretty well made for a real porn game . The dev certainly is trying his best to make the game good . So I'm looking forward to this game's development .
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    Completely linear: You always need to click on everything previous before you progress the game.
    No real choices: Whatever choice you click it have always the same result.
    One hot rape scene: Too bad it lead to a game over.
    Pretty straight forward: The sisters are always partial naked. The MC is horny as hell cuz he want to fuck his sisters. He dont even hide it, cuz he tells they have hot butts and so on -.-
    Not fully real porn: One hentai scene.
    A lot typo.
    A lot videos for nonseless actions like running from one room to another one.
    Pretty short for 5 GB size: Just around 8 scenes.

    Whole gameplay with reading everything, around 20 minutes.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    this is my kind of a game, a very good first impression

    + hot model (especially ash who is she?)
    + good story build up
    + hot scenes

    what i don't like
    - kinda linear, i love sandbox where you can feel that your are the MC, with reasonable grind of course