VN - Ren'Py - The Agency [Ep. 3 v0.9.7] [Studio Kami]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    good game i dont think many games of this kind exist very refreshing playing it so many characters love it. especially different angles make the game super fun and its a long game so you can fap tons of times without any wait
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I tried the game and to me it is a 3/5.

    It has a lot of great content, but unfortunately there is also a lot of bad content that I dislike. I couldn't manage to get invested, and I must say that the game just isn't for me. I am sure this is a wonderful game for others, but its too repetitive for myself, and I tried this game hoping to like it, but it's just not for me. In fact, this is the game that solidified my opinion against HTML games. Last one here.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I don't understand the point of this game. It's just porn videos gated behind a bunch of game over screens and invisible point systems to let you watch a piece of the video. It's not like in some other games where the girls are placeholders for characters in the game in which you can influence and decide which type of scenes you get to watch, here you just try to get the magic number of points or select the "correct" choice to advance to the scene. There's really no way to even rate this game as it's literally just porn gated behind poor, unbelieveable writing.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    The Agency is basically a collection of gonzo clips that keep playing or not depending on whether you pick the obvious right choice and are linked together by an uninspired college/incest story. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather cut out the middleman and go straight to the porn sites these were lifted from, since the generic gameplay and dialogues don’t exactly add to the experience.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3482284

    I think this games really good, and I'm only onto episode two right now. It builds up its story very well, and there is a LOT of h content but it also has a fair amount of characters that it doesn't rush with, which is nice. Every character has a consistent model, and overall all of the pictures used go very well together. I also like the soundtrack; so many of these type of games have zero music so it's a nice change of scenery to have near constant music.

    I've ran into no bugs, and the walkthrough is very well made as well. Overall I've found no major issues with this game, it's the best one I've played in a while.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Unfortunately, I don't think there's any reason to play this.

    The story's paper-thin, the dialogue is cringe-inducing and overly verbose, the visuals are just porn clips and random videos of POV walking around, the audio is horribly mixed so the only way not to get jump-scared every 5 minutes is to turn it off, scenes just begin and end abruptly in a confusing way, and finally and definitely most egregiously: the humour makes me want to claw my eyes out.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Don't listen to others, make sure you simplify the amount of the video clips but leave some especially where you can actually see specific things (e.g.: see girls, sneak into the toilet, meeting girls' events around, e.t.c) and you can just leave some random videos about walking too (to trick the players into thinking not every single video is about girls) it is good but not too much. To raise their expectations into the game, not so predictable... you know, the rule of thumb is not to let the player predict your game too easily, however, to balance the players' feelings too. Don't irritate them too much. Btw you should focus on the less plastic looking girls, they are too stiff to even look at not to mention jerking it off. Just nice, a bit hot, no big boobs needed
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It is in my Top 5. I confess that I am in love with Dani, although I would be unable to break the heart of any of the other beautiful girls that appear in the novel. I like the plot and fit it with real characters with sex, ambitions and emotions, it's the first novel I've seen that perfectly fits and deepens the real world with the MC's decisions without resorting to screens with only text and two images. In my opinion it is a novel that can mark a milestone in the world of erotic novels. My congratulations to the creator.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The selection of videos for each scene and their coherence with the dialogues is impressive. It's clear that the developer could have written even better stories if not limited by the videos, but for a game in this genre, it's more than sufficient. In fact, this production is unique.

    While Episode 1 was the developers first work, it's evident he/she put his/her heart and soul into it. Although there are a few errors in some of the dialogs, it doesn't detract much from the game experience.

    Part 2 is where things start to get really interesting. The story becomes more engaging, and the various locations and characters are well-connected. The casting is top-notch. As an adult game, the primary objective is to entertain, and this game certainly does that.

    Episode 3 marks a significant improvement in terms of storytelling, dialogs, and several other aspects. I strongly recommend it, even if you haven't played parts 1 and 2. It's more free-form, and the endings are more varied. I love it, and I'm confident that future versions will be even better. It's definitely not the work of a newbie developer.

    X-Mas episode is an entirely different game, a combination of sandbox and agency versions. Although it's not particularly long, it's evident that a lot of effort has gone into it, and it captures the Christmas theme beautifully. It's much more than a mere side game.

    In summary, this game is undoubtedly worth a try. At the very least, play Episode 3 and the Christmas special episode. They are games that stand out from other episodes.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The biggest problem with this game is too many video clips that are too large, too numerous, and too long. Each independent episode is more than 4 gb of data.

    There's obviously a lot of porn in this game, but it doesn't tell a very coherent story, and it's annoying to have to go through so many video clips just for background events before even getting to the sex. Seriously, there's video clip/gif for everything from exiting a room, to walking down a hallway, to walking outside. I don't need a video clip or gif for everything. A simple image would suffice.

    Basically I like the idea of this game, but it is poorly written and poorly executed.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    So I think it said something about the first two episodes being proofread but the dialogue is still kind of terrible. I can't imagine how bad it must've been before.

    Sorry but the only way games like this work is if someone can smoothly read through the story. I'm too distracted by the broken English. Edit: The other stuff was too mean, my bad. I removed those parts from the review.

    I appreciate what you were trying to do with the videos in order to make it feel more immersive but it's just kind of tedious to watch a video of simple actions every scene. Especially when the broken English has already destroyed my immersion anyway.

    The models used are pretty fucking hot which is a first.

    Overall, 3 out of 5. Maybe I'll come back to it later when I have more patience but idk. If all I'm doing is just playing for the models, then it's more worthwhile to just look them up if I'm not even going to be bothered to read the story.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    One of the better games in the "real porn" category. It avoids most of the nagging issues that plague similar games and shows a real effort to make something substantial. No vague stats to grind. No quests that require you to navigate an awkward sandbox in very specific ways. Choices are actually meaningful and can lead to missing a lot of content, which is good for replayability. Little details like dialogue being incorporated into video scenes can add a lot. You can also just skip fetishes as they come up in the story.

    The few cons can be easy to ignore but are still there. You have to just accept that the main character's family walks around in lingerie all the time. Some awkward model choices also mean that you'll be switching between first and third person view depending on what's available.

    Still very good and proves that real porn games don't always need to be the most low effort content imaginable.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The Dev has done a great job of bringing an immersive and visual experience. I find this refreshing, as opposed to most "real porn" games that uses a lot still images and a whole bunch of text, part relying on the reader to fill in with their imagination to paint a picture. This is much more accessible and more akin to the regular Renpy VN that we all are familiar with and love.

    The girls are varied and model selection is great. Of course, with any "real porn" games, the variety of situations and scenes that the game can present is limited by the footage available to the dev. This includes inconsistencies when it comes to locations and MC's appearances (whose face is blurred most of the time). As long as you come in with the right expectations, you will see and appreciate the creativity and uniqueness of this game.

    However, this game is not without flaws. Even the remastered version, the English dialog sometimes has this weird flow that just don't feel organic, even if grammatically correct. Also, sometimes transitions between videos and still images are not the smoothest, leaving a clunky feeling.

    But still these minor flaws did not hinder my enjoyment playing this game. Highly recommended, and best of luck to Kami
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played parts 1 to 3 and I can truly say that this is the best VN that I have played which uses real porn. The developer clearly has good taste in women based on the actresses that were chosen to portray the characters of the story. I love that it uses POV scenes instead of the third person view. It is also evident that a lot of time and effort were used in creating this game. It also caters to a lot of kinks and fetishes which are all optional. The sex scenes are hot and there's a lot of it. I am hoping for more scenes with the three sisters especially Ashley.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    So good. Doing real porn and videos in a Renpy VN is an interesting idea and the developer delivers. I like the selection of girls and the amount of effort put into editing them into a cohesive story is incredible.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Imagine Lifeselector but with an actual story to tie the porn scenes together.

    The story will not bore you with hundreds of lines of dialogue and the game maintains a POV perspective the entire time which is very immersive. It feels like the dev has created an entire porn studio dedicated to shooting videos for this game. The girls are hot and varied which is a plus. The hottest moments are when you get a glimpse of a very attractive model and you know that if you play your cards right you will very likely get to fuck her later on.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for X-mas Episode : So i had the pleasure of playing the X-mas episode and finishing it all scenes as usual, i like the sandbox elements added to the game, and i want more for the main game of this, The sandbox elements, are helping build up the stories, but still we need more build up for the girls so we care to even fuck them, and not feel like we are just watching porno, The Scenes need more involvement from the Writer of the game, you need to use each character personality, and bring them into the scene, you need to make the scene have more talk between the MC and the girls, there is improvement, but it needs to improve more, you need to maybe take a page from other games, and see how they write sex scenes, how they build up the relationships, because you don't need much here, Good writing can bring this game to the 5 star threshold, right now its just a 3 stars, but i don't want to give it less for now.
    Review for Episode 1 : its one of the top 5 real porn games on this site for sure.
    the walkthrough for part 1 made me miss 4 scenes, we can unlock them but i was interested what did i need to do differently to get them.
    the game also explores so many kinks, and if u r like me its a treasure box, i just watch everything.
    i also like the little videos walking down the stores opening a door having breakfast, it just makes the game flow, now i only played part 1, the story was not that great yet, but i am really hopeful for part 2, and part 3 when its finished.
    great job and thanks for the experience
    Review for Episode 2 : So I played part 2 and there is a glaring issue with the game, all these relationships with these girls need more work, i find the hottest ones were the sisters because they actually took time till they came to fruition.
    But i found myself not giving a fuck about any of the other girls, except Reagan with her stretchy asshole.
    Also the game needs to scramble scenes, i get sick and tired even with the hottest girl, i shouldn't be getting 3x ash scenes in a row or 3x mom scenes on a row or 3x dani scenes in a row, they need to be different lineup, specially since the scenes are way too long.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Long Scenes and Videos instead of small GIFs. Very Nice!
    Sort of an interesting Story as well, even if it's very linear.
    To the End of 0.8 there is too much Video in a small period. Please think of a little bit more story between the Scenes.
    I hope and can't wait for more content soon! :)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I like it. I think the developer has great taste in women and I want to see this story fleshed out more. The use of content featuring real actresses means that there may be some limitations in terms of story progression and variety of choice but I feel that the dev has done a good enough job of stringing the various video clips together, and us with it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This is just collection of porn clips tied together with minimum amount of interactivity. Also why the hell there is so much unnecessary amount of clips like making coffee and walking a street? Yeah, this is basically more of a way of pirating porn clips than a game.