Here's an especially smutty pre-cumshot pic...
Damn proud of the way our artist manage to capture Meredith's lewd expression!
That dude was one of the funniest characters on the show!

But Meredith isn't all that big, it's more an angle played for effect because that particular pic shows up in the femdom sub-section of the intro. But we do have plans for true giantesses and the like, it's just that they're mostly in the northern areas which become explorable a bit later in the game.
I laughed at that comic way harder than I should have! Now my cat's looking at me like I'm crazy.
That's actually a really solid idea! I'll add it to the writing section of our design doc...
Thanks, glad you like it! She's our in-house artist for the entire project. Most of her online stuff is for her regular job and freelance work, and is under her real name... I can't share it here, sorry.
There's another orcess companion you can recruit (a grey orc female), and she's got lady parts down there. As for a half-orc son, the main orcish fortress in the game has 'service' pens where you can casually whore out the Captain to the elite orc females there in exchange for favors, info, money, and equipment; I might actually write an impregnation quest centered around that concept, now that you mention it - thanks for the idea!
Yeah, we're going with content releases as soon as they're ready. It's been a bit slow since there's so much art to cover and currently only a single artist on the team (as well as a bit of feature creep), but we hope things will pick up once we finish the initial release and expand the core group. We do have weekly update posts on our Patreon, so everyone knows exactly what we're working on at any given time.