[Tales of Legendary Lust: Aphrodisia] --- BUILD#2-H RELEASE (+Lewds, Videos, Discussion & Development Thread)

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Thanks mate!

Curb Your Enthusiasm
Agreed. Orcs feature prominently in ToLLA's main story, there'll be plenty of them to play around with.

We like to joke that they all live in 2x gravity or something, which is why everyone's so jacked (elves included).

First build in around 10-ish days. We're still finishing up the art. Don't want to give a specific date because holidays and everything, we're busy with work and family stuff. But soon(ish)!

We went for a more stylized and simplistic approach for storybook events, to add a bit of visual diversity. I can see why they remind you of Tyranny, our artist is a huge RPG nerd and she plays everything that Bioware, Obsidian, and CD Projekt Red put out.

We'll do our best to make combat fun and non-grindy, but keep in mind we're a 3-person operation (artist, writer, scripter), whereas Obsidian had like 50+ people working on their game. As for the world, yeah, we wanna make a fun RPG that can stand on its own legs, and which doesn't use its lewd content as a crutch but rather as another layer of fun for the player. As far as project scope goes, we're developing areas one by one, which mitigates a lot of feature creep problems and allows us to tackle an otherwise enormous undertaking in small, bite-sized chunks. Basically like separate D&D modules, linked together by an overarching story.

Cheers mate!

Somewhat. Abstracted top-down bird's-eye-view for exploration, dialogue box + bust + portrait popup for conversations, sideways party vs. party turn-based combat for fights. You'll also be able to loot from multiple container types (armor mannequins, weapon stands, treasure chests, bookcases, reliquaries, scroll bags, etc.).

No hard date yet; it's done when it's done. Holidays derailed us a bit, but the initial build should be ready in 10 or so days (give or take a few).

Thanks man!
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Jan 6, 2018
Your harem is made of enemy girls you've defeated in battle and captured over the course of the main story... So characters like an amazon queen, a female brigand leader, a female corsair captain, a female orc matriarch, a dark elf head-priestess, a giantess shield maiden, etc. If you decide to capture them (instead of simply executing them for their crimes), they'll appear in your camp and remain there as your servants. They're yours and yours alone - you can talk to them, have sex with them, and if you want, get to know them and find out why they were aligned with your enemies. You can even free them, if you change your mind!

This is in addition to the regular female companions who'll travel with you and fight in your party, and whom you can romance.
Ah, but can you romance those enemies too? I would love dark elf waifu.

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Yeah, def need more 2D fantasy games! They're by far our favorite genre.

As for the drow, there's actually a couple of dark elf girls we're planning to include. One is a full companion you'll be able to recruit and romance and turn into your waifu, just like in any standard 2D party-based RPG. The other two are enemies you'll be able to capture and add to your harem... You can still talk to them and have sex with them in your camp, but they won't follow you around the map or into battle.

Meredith is the Captain's ex, yes, and they're friends-with-benefits when the game starts. It's up to you if you want to keep it like that, or get back together with her and add romance into the mix. She's madly in love with the Captain since they've known each other for years, and is probably the easiest waifu to get into a relationship with (the others will want to get to know you first, and travel with you for a while).
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Lola's Daddy™︎
Game Developer
Aug 12, 2018
Hot Damn! I really dig the premise and the features of the game. It reminds me my teen days of playing D & D with my friends and GF, in fact her PC was a similiar voluptuous elf with blue-black hair so i guess the art hit me right in the feels!
Also... Is that a dwarf gal in MCs feet in the Xmas artwork? I don't really like dwarves but when i DO, i love them.

Since you ask for some suggestions and the game has that Baldur's Gate/D & D feeling...
Maybe you can add a small character creator if you haven't already.
Simple stuff, name the MC, maybe a couple scar/tats on face and maybe hair color. I know it requires extra work but it's still feasible and since the scope of the game is big enough already, might as well go the extra mile and add few things so the player can customize their hero

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
Happy New Year everyone!

Yeah, D&D was so much fun back in the day... And yes, that's a cute little she-dwarf! From left to right: halfling, half-giantess, mountain dwarf, half-elf (moon variety), drow, human, and wood elf. We have plans for a detailed Morrowind-esque chargen, but it'll have to wait a bit... We're currently focused on releasing the initial build, then pumping out a bunch of content for it (both regular gameplay, and lewds). We want to get to about 5-6 hours of available playtime before adding 'luxury' features like character generation/customization.

Thanks man! We'll release the initial build here on F95 after our patrons have had it for a week or so.
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Feb 4, 2020
Colorful I like the games look. I've played all the above mentioned games, aside from Fable, and Dragon Age Origins, they are all infinity engine games, which are isometric rpg's. Seeing your answer to flamestbh, I'm guessing the relation to the above mentioned games is more thematic. I'm definitely interested to see how it works out down the road.

Crimson Delight Games

Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Nov 20, 2020
We're directly porting over some mechanics like exploration, dialogue, relationships, looting, itemizations, etc., while somewhat tweaking the others to better fit our game. There's only so much a single artist can do, especially since all our visual assets are custom 2D (which means everything has to be painted by hand: main UI, area art, character portraits and busts, spell/ability/item icons, combat miniatures, etc.). But yeah, hopefully people will have fun playing ToLLA, especially if they liked the old iso-RPGs.