Unity - Completed - Summer Clover [v1.11] [Connection]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good game in general, have a great story (even if i find it simplistic), the hentai stuff is great (maybe to much big boobas) and the gameplay is simple to understand and you have some hints to help you anyway if ur locked.
    The big cons that makes it 4stars is that the game is long (or you should add the tag VN i think) and the hints have some translation that are not in the game (like exciting or heat).
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    By far one of the best games on here. I don't often write reviews but I feel the need to do so when I find a stand out. The artists talents are incredible, the animation is perfect, and the attention to detail is really good. There is a small grind but it's nowhere near as bad as other games, and you'll quickly snowball into unlocking everything.

    This is definitely a game for big boob, harem enjoyers. My only complaints are there are no scenes with multiple girls, and that there aren't any ending H scenes. Either than that it's well worth your time and you can 100% the game in an afternoon.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Maannn the animation quality is top notch, the story kinda wholesome considering the previous game this developer made. If you like a bit of grinding game (this is not that hard to grind) and good voice acting and fun not too serious story, this is for you
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Art 5/5 beautiful art
    H-scens 4/5 many scenes but small window would have liked to be able to change window size, and lite more balanced H-scens between the chareters like all chareters have a missonary, blowjobb, dogy...... and so on
    Story 4/5 very bright story funny to
    Game play 4/5 delight thet its not to much girnding and no time limite
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Good game. My only problem is that I can't get past the "Very Happy" mood on all the character. You need the ecstatic mood to progress. Besides that, the animations and story is good. Definitely recommend to anyone.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Noah Neim

    I'd say a fairly decent game for what you're getting, but i can hardly call it exceptional in any regard

    Phenomenal voice acting, with a fair bit of effort put into it that doesnt sound too cringy

    The art is absolutely beautfiul, it's that perfect anime art style coomer game made for that specific audience even though the artist(s) could've probably found better work elsewhere
    The standard is kept throughout all the outfits, though i find the outfit options boring

    The writing is as good or as bad as any other game, it's not trying to do anything exceptional, but it's definitely trying it's best to put out something and add some narrative
    It's a little half assed to have entire character arcs which just end with generic advice of solutions, but this is just me putting it a too high of a standard for a fucking porn game, but i like criticizing things so i wont stop
    THough the main character is exceptional i can hardly find reasons why they manage to fall in love with him over the most inane things ever, there's the bit about his dick being too big and having a fuck ton of sexual harassment? come on

    gameplay is boring as ever, nuff said

    Now onto the complaining

    First of all i find the notion of ALL 4 possible romance options being the literal same body time extremely boring and stale
    It's an incredibly limiting factor on the kind of audience that you can pull in, and it's just a waste of the artits clearly high level of skill and ability

    2nd the gameplay is as boring as ny other game, it's merely padded by a few features which do nothing but waste your time by the end

    3rd is the progression, for some reason you first need to get 10 or so events for all of them and THEN progress events together, just because you arent close to them doesnt mean that the relationship progression has to be mutually exclusive until you max all of them out
    Then i find the notion of event conditions to just be frustrating, unless you buy this very specifc item that lets you skip days around you will literally waste so much fucking town it's unimaginable, and when you get all their events you're basically skipping to sunday everyday, it makes one question what was the point of a 7 day system in the first place if the only thing they do with is set event conditions but have very little relevance to the actual plot (aside from the weekend ones)

    Oh right, and last complain is the half assed translation, i am far from saying i understand japanese, but years of being terminally online ahss given me atleast some idea, and even i can note the difference that what they're saying and speaking isnt the same
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game stands out as a top-tier experience with exceptional quality and engaging content. It features fully voiced and animated scenes, with attractive characters and a mature main character. The animations are smooth and fluid, and the visuals are stunning.

    While I wish there were more interactivity in the sex scenes, the overall experience is highly positive. I approached the game with low expectations but was pleasantly surprised by the cute characters, diverse scenes, and high-quality animations. It's a solid and above-average game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Possibly the best game on this site. Fully voiced, with fully animated H-scenes, with hot characters that don't suck ass (for the most part) and most importantly with an MC that doesn't look like a kid. Truly a 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Rikka Takarada

    This is probably one of the best dating sim, i guess it just needs more flexibility on sex scenes being able to interact with the heroines bodies using our hands. The animations are smooth and fluid, the visuals and heroines are great having the well known tropes of "Big sister/oneesan like, Gyaru oneesan, and a tsundere like oneesan." I am looking forward to more development and wants to support the developer. This game is fire.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    All i can say is that I went to play this game with low expectations and it surprised me in a good way

    can't say much about the story because i skiped most of it, not that it was particulary bad, I just didn't felt like it and went straight for the content and let me tell you, it was awesome.
    The girls are really cute with a few different scenes for each of them, voiced, high quality animations, what else can you ask in your h-game?

    tl;dr: solid game, above average.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good h-game. I didnt like this circle's first game (Happiness Room or whatever it's called), but they swung for the fences on this one and it totally hits. Great story, likeable protag, and a cast of likeable heroines. The minigames are ok, the sex scenes are drawn to perfection, but the actual interaction/control you have sucks ass. If this gave you control over the sex, this could have been a 5/5.

    I also just want to say, whomever the story planner was for this must have had some godlike epiphany - summer clover -> clover has 4 petals -> 4 heroines. Fucking chefs kiss.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i finally end the game with all finals and scenes and the game is really good, all waifus are really sexys, the seggs scenes are so fking sexy (they have a few visual bugs and Shizuko´s anal crash the game) but its ok
    the only thing "bad" for me is the game doesnt have pregrantcy, its a pity
    My top : Ayano - Shizuko - Kasumi - Shizuku
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    the girls are all hot as hell, story is also decent and animations are top-tier. looking forward to their next release already. I love the option to go for everyone in one playthrough and also how you can view the different h-scenes differently by toggling different things.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Played from 1.00 - 1.05, including DLC. Apparently a couple of things have been patched in, addressing my gripes with this game. I'm waiting for more content though.

    Review has some spoilers so if you ignore this and get mad, go fuck yourself.

    Because its a long ass review, heres the good shit:
    • 4 Sexy girls with godlike bodies
    • Protagonist with a huge cock
    • All scenes are animated and have a lot of detail, the asscheeks actually wobble when you clap them while fucking them from behind.
    • Very relaxing atmosphere and basically no punishment, fap at your own leisure
    • The sound and voice acting is very good
    • For you fucking degens, this game has footfetish scene and its some of the best I've ever seen
    The Bad things:
    • Every sexy scene is content locked and has a theme behind it. Want to unlock a specific position or fetish that is implied by the included compleationist list and fetish counter that is built into this game? Play through 16 hours of absolute slob first and pray that the scene is actually included somewhere.
    • Consistent dick size apart of two scene where it looks either weirdly smaller than other or laughably small. One is a tittyfuck scene, where you fuck one of the girls in a costume. Compare it to the tittyfuck scene of the milf who has the biggest where the dick actualy looks bigger all of the sudden too.
    • Most scenes are too generic to be hot, yet each and every one of these themed sexscenes are walled behind a wall of story that you have to play through, and every each of these sex scenes are contextualized. Think of it like a random scene from a visual novel, rather than something you can repeat. Which doesn't make sense because you can repeat these scenes by asking the girls, repeating the scene in the most illogical way.
    • Good writing at some scene that may provoke some nice vibes but overall its an absolute slob.
    • Theres no body comparision. One girl only has a slightly above average body compared to the 3 others, yet she is drawn almost as thicc as the rest of em.
    • After 20 hours of braindead dialogue the girls all decide you're the chosen one but there is no real romanticism, it feels more like a friends with benefits and fake love.
    • All the chores become annoying as fuck mid game. To explain what I mean, let me tell you I played through this game in two saves. One where I rushed all dialogues to see what the game offers, the other was a serious playthrough just to see if theres nuances that make the game worthwhile apart from the sex scenes. On the rushed playthrough I forgot to cook for the waifus and they forced me to talk to them a couple of times so I could progress. Its almost always the same shitty ass cutscene apart from one instance where they got their ovaries blown because they ate food better than sex. Fun scene but apart from that all the chores, espcially cooking, sucks ass.
    • Theres no fucking way to tell how sexy these woman really are. Sure theres some dialogue but apart from one rather busty random woman that just appears once who speaks like 3 sentences and then vanishes theres no other defined characters that have any art related to them. Maybe every woman in this world is just as sexy as these 4 woman? In any case, even though these girls looks absolutely sexy, I have no reason to believe they're special in their beauty. Maybe all woman look similar to them.
    The Ugly:
    • The mid game serves no purpose just to watch a cutscene without anything happening in them
    • Enjoy fapping to the same six scenes for hours until you progress.
    • Scenes are often almost boring and too generic, the themed nature of the game takes you out of the progression. Even the sexy ladies can't carry this shit.
    • You barely do anything on those tits and thighs. 80% of every sex scene is basically you just banging her without much emotions, thats how generic that whole piece of shit game feels too. It feels like watching the fucking animal channel rather than actual love making and romance. For all the love the main character gets, the girls ain't got anything in return.
    • Which leads me to my biggest gripe. Most of the girls act like stupid fuckdolls with no agency. What began as interesting characterization turned into an absurd slob. Way below average writing in the end with all the lazy ass tropes that just reek of idiocy.
    • Late game is absolute ass, worse than any themed slice of life anime episode I've ever watched. You can bang a girl in a themed environment, think anime episode slice of life like, once every week. You can speed up the process by using a cheat item that you can buy, ripping you out of the story on purpose because the gameplay is so horrible.
    • This game has a nun theme to it, some of it may find it hot, but some may not like it. Besides that, all of these woman act like absolute sluts to your godlike cock anyway. I find it hot, but others may not. The theme makes no sense anyway, 5 minutes into the game and its revealed that they're all fucking sluts anyway.
    On paper, Summer Clover is a game game has everything. It was the chosen one! Every girl has gigantic tits and is beautiful beyond measure, hourglass oversexualized body drawn in such a alluring way that these woman should become the gold standard for hentai games. The Protagonist actually carries around a cock so large that it is pretty much the centerpoint of the story. Yet, once you play this game for 22 hours since there is actually a ton to read and to grind, it all fell apart pretty fast yet I still kept playing. All the Sex Scenes that aren't hidden behind content walls provide less than 50 minutes of fapping material because most of them feel too generic. I'm so disappointed in this ass game that I want my money back and I can't because I pirated this piece of mediocre, fuck me man.

    Of what could possibly be the greatest Hentai Game of all time was all in all an underdelivered mess of a game. Let me explain why this game isn't as great as people say.

    This game has the enormous problem that it tries to put the story and setting first instead of the actual sex and lovemaking. The cardinal sin to put the sex in a fucking sex game behind everything else is laughable. And the story isn't even good. The writing overall is bad enough to reconsider my stance of the overall quality of Starfield. At worst the story is laughable and barely cohesive, at best it made me keep playing. The wholesomeness is just a bunch of shitty tropes that made me even more sad about this game.

    Damn son, of what could possibly be the greatest hentai game of this decade turned out to be only a decent experience if you're here for the actual, average, story. The game without the sex scenes is 3 stars, the game with the sex scenes is 3 stars. The games art and sound while stripped from all the dialogue and context is easily 5 stars though. The devs thought similarly and included ways to interact and ask the girls for sex. But here comes why this game is actually average and not rated higher or lower.

    Yes thats right, some scenes are repeatable but this epitome of a mid game actually only has 20 chooseable sex scenes, in which 4 of them require a special unlock item. Theres more scenes available, amounting to almost 40 sex scenes overall, but its all locked behind scenes and the post game, which is locked behind a bunch of bullshit that takes 20 hours to reach. Want to fuck a girl in a specific way? Instead of just asking the girl just that like in their previous game Happiness Double Room, you have to progress the game by clicking on specific things on repeat whenever you want to watch the scene in the game. Instead of just going to the girl, saying "lets fuck in this position" and watch while interacting with the scene all the sex scenes actually have a theme behind them. For instance, one scene where you have sex isn't in the bedroom but in a toilet of a mall, another is rapesex while you sleep, etc. The dialogue of the repeatable scenes change but the art and the general theme doesn't. And the scene looks the same, which takes you out of the game entirely whenever you want to rewatch shit.

    There is a gallery mode but its absolute shit and is the least helpful shit you've ever seen, takes you out from the game completely while forcing you to reread all the shit dialogue before seeing the juicy bits because the team is so sure that its the next Hemmingway, but its a high 4/10 compared to actual visual novels. It also proves any point i made about the game being episodic in nature ripping you from the gameplay entirely by the sheer amount of stupid ass dialogue. Rarely you will see an important scene that actually makes you think you're actually bonding. I counted two overall and one was so badly written that it made me question how shit my taste in games really is, after all i'm playing this horrendous mid boring ass slob.

    Which brings me to a huge gripe of mine. Compared to the content you unlock, the amount of dialogue is fucking gigantic. So much that I'm not lying to say that the sexy scenes amount to maybe 2% of the game, in a fucking sex game. And I'm no slow reader. Its just that dialogue is fucking everywhere in this game.

    Apart from the early rapescene which i loved, the game has the problem that asking the girls to fuck them results in basically having the same scene with the same theme. A one or two star rating is saved by the fact that sex scenes are actually costumizable. Instead of just replaying them, you can undress the characters or choose to have dressed sex with them, or to strip them naked, or to have sex with them in lingerie which is very hot.

    The absolute tragedy that this game actually performs is that specific sex scenes are locked behind content and doing a very specific set of actions that will make you progress further. The entire game is storydriven, yet it tries to give you the illusion that your choices somehow matter. They knew this, yet they still messed up. To give the illusion of choice and sandbox elements, the game keeps track of all the positions you're able to fuck the woman.

    Lets take titfucking scenes as an example. So The game has three different tittyfuck scenes for three different girls each. One is part of the overarching main plot of the game regarding a jaded milf who is actually very sexy and their jaded lover, who thought that NTRing her would make his sex life great yet instead shes so sexy that all the other women are essentially ugly boys compared to her. So far its hot. So the frustrated MILF decides to put her j-cups to use and all is dandy and nice. The scene is good.

    The counter of the titfucks goes up by 1 as well. Now two of the other girls also have tittyfuck scenes, so how to you pick them? For one girl, you buy specific clothes which seem completely obtuse, for another, you complete the game and tittyfuck the third girl on the beach. Want to watch the tittyfuck again? Wait for a whole week! Or buy a item that is rough to get inside the shitty ass store that also contains a subplot which is also a important part, albeit boring, to complete the story of the game. Anyway you have to complete the entire base game to reach to the point.

    Every sex scene is pretty sexy but most of the dialogue is shit and drags down the overall quality. Not being able to ask the woman for more sex scenes is a crime which should be fixed by further updates. I want to fuck and appreciate all the girls, no themed horseshit.

    Like <removed>, each and every of these these woman would kill people just so I can fuck them late game. Then why the fuck can't I just approach someone in the kitchen and then ask her to get a tittyfuck or having a quick missionary at every place I want? Take her to a place like bed or bathroom and just do it there? Fuck this game does so many things right yet the game itself tries so very hard to not make you fap at any moment there is a sex scene. Because as I wrote before, it all hinges on the fucking plot, rather than to play around with waifus in a sandbox. And this gap between the story based gameplay and the open world is why this game filters me and many others. These devs had no idea what they wanted to make and instead choose to make a normal summer themed visual novel, then decided to make it hentai and put a bunch of busty bitches in it. More than often the dialogues you see in the cutscenes compared to the sex scenes also seemed out of place for that very reason. Any of this is not unsaveable though if they choose to expand on the formula.

    And before you say skill issue or reveal that you never played any other hentai other than this one believe me I'm highly skilled in falling asleep to this shit so I can spend my energy in fapping to their previous game rather than this shit, I expect people with actual taste to do the same. I'm glad that 3 of these girls are nuns or otherwise it may not be enough to pray for the poor souls that give this game more than 3 stars. If they update the game to include more generic cutscenes where I can ask girls how and where to start sex and in what kind of generic position then this would easily become a four star or even higher. Less fluff, more stuff.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    10/10 it's sleek, clean, the artwork is very pretty. You're just a fucking sex butler living the dream. It's actually pretty chill tits. Has an upbeat tune, the lines are comical and the story that unfolds is actually really wholesome. I think I've got a church kink coming back from when I was a kid... Fuck.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Not in my top games i've ever played, but definitely one of the best visual novels (cuz its a visual novel practically).
    Voices, Art, Animation they're all exceptionally good

    Gameplay gets a little boring, its gets a little grindy at the beginning and it honestly doesnt make much sense to me, i mean, its funny and cute the first hours all the mechanics, discovering cooking recipes and all that stuff but at the end you just smash the click button to raise girls affection and watch the story.

    Overall, great game.

    Kasumi FTW
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    feels like im in heaven

    the art, the voice, the animation all is perfection

    just wish there is more to this game we can control

    wish they give us freedom of position and outfit during the h scene

    the story is just standard harem mc story but the h animation is what makes this game good
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Skip to TL;DR at the end if you hate reading

    Very conflicted about this game, there's not much outright bad and would be a deal breaker to me, but many smaller annoying things combined made this a "meh" experience.

    The Good
    - Girls are cute, there is voice acting, and in game guide that is easy to follow. No time limit so you don't need to min-max your grind.

    The Bad
    - The classic Unity game that eats up your computer and has loading screen every 10 seconds of gameplay.

    The Ugly:
    • The writing of the plot and characters are lacking.
    - There really isn't much of a plot, and the characters are very one-dimensional. The interactions between characters, or between character to MC aren't interesting or funny most of the time. Fortunately there are 4 girls so maybe you will at least find one that you like.
    • English translation is not great
    - It's not MTL mess, but even with the limited Japanese I know, I understand the text does not match the voice acting a lot of the time.
    • Non-skippable sex scenes turned into grinding mechanic
    - You have to have sex to get points to unlock CG and outfits. Having to raise lust for you and the girl is not too bad, but the sex scene is not skippable. Maybe it's me that is stupid for screaming at an adult game to let me skip sex scenes. But it is the same animation over and over.
    • Outfits don't apply to sex scenes... or much else
    - Every sex scene has their original outfit. You unlock other outfits, just to look at them for 2 seconds after you press "Interact with X", before you press "Sex" and go to sex scenes. The outfits don't even apply to common, every day dialogue.

    Fully voice acted game with cute girls and plenty of sex scenes. 4 girls to choose from, which means it's likely you will find one you like. There are annoying things like questionable translation and grinding unlockables that don't do anything. Also, the characters are one-dimensional, and a lot of the dialogue is uninteresting.

    3/5 if you really like how the game looks, go play it and skip some dialogue.
  19. 5.00 star(s)



    1. No Deadline / Play all you can Storyline Without Pressure
    2. One of the Best Quality H-Scenes I've ever played.
    3. No NTR, Pissing etc.
    4. Repetitive Gameplay Weekly but It's not boring.
    5. HOT BABES and Interactive Gameplay with Multiple Angles at the same time!

    CONS (and probably RECOMMENDATIONS TOO):
    1. Few bugs (Raw H with Shizuku not working even if its Safe Day etc.)
    2. No Threesome or more.
    3. Unskippable Credits Scene for every ending.
    4. No Toilet Raid or Bath Raid
    5. You can't take out the Ladies for a date (Except in the Story)

    Overall most of those are just recommendations. It's pretty damn good game. I also have a
    NUN FETISH so if you guys are into that then this game is pretty much perfect for you. I really loved the game and there are some pretty funny scenes and romantic ones that will melt your heart. It's 10/10 for me

    BTW, Kasumi FTW!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Pretty good!

    Nice story with nice girls. The only detail is if you know what are you doing, when you unlock the hiking option you already unlock everything by farming it. The correct options give you 700/800 money and 20/25 of energy which alows you to do ir practically all day. And from there it converts it in a VN, but this is not a bad thing.

    Never saw a game like this with nuns, so it was a nice and horny sorpise. Recomended :)