Unity - Completed - Summer Clover [v1.11] [Connection]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I honestly think this game would have been better served with being a game without any H-content. The adult aspects of the game are quite weak imo. I feel like the cooking stuff, colors, sounds, va, and humor/art clashes pretty hard with some subpar writing and quality of H-scenes.
  2. 3.00 star(s)

    Tarnished Saber

    This game is grindy. Like, mind-numbing, soul-crushing grindy. You spend way too much time doing pointless tasks - cooking, cleaning, and dealing with that awful energy system - just to make any progress, which is still slow because you need to talk to a girl 10 times to progress but ypu can do it a couple of times per day iirc, and so on and so forth. It drags the whole experience down hard. That being said, the character designs are straight-up gorgeous. The art is top-tier, but tbh - they all kinda look the same: big tits, big ass, copy-paste. Personalities exist, but they’re walking stereotypes, which kinda works in this setting but still feels uninspired. The plot is surprisingly funny. It had some solid chuckles. The overall vibe is lighthearted and chill, which is nice, but the actual gameplay kills the pacing. The sex scenes? Pretty good, even if it’s just some PNG-stretching Live2D animations. I tried to push through most of it, but at some point, the grind just broke me. If this game was 10 times shorter, it would’ve been way better. As it stands it's solid 3/5. Decent, but bloated with pointless busywork.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    ++ for the full voice acting and animations.
    Very polished games.
    Some bits can get repetitive but the game provides ways of reducing this without the need for cheats. No need for external guides to unlock final CGs as the UI provides a clear way for unlocking anything.

    One of the better games I've played on this site.

    Looking forward to the next release.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art and a really polished game. The story is enjoyable, and the overall experience is great. It’s not special in any way, but it does everything so well that it truly deserves praise. Every part of the game feels carefully crafted, making it a joy to play.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really loved this game, thanks dev. Decided to support it on Steam after starting to play it here.

    Kinda wholesome considering the extremely beautiful and delicious H-scenes wowowow.

    Beautiful game
  6. 1.00 star(s)

    Animal Oddity

    Just play summer memories instead. This is basically a ripoff of that game without its charm or unique artstyle. Down to the three heroines basically being the same huge booba family of 3. The blonde, the mom, and the one that looks like her mom. Except that's it and there's no equivalent to the other 8 heroines like Summer memories has besides the coworker you have a fling with in this game.

    While the artwork is undeniably better here, it looks more like ai cg and they made the sex minigame super overcomplicated by requiring you to skip through a ton of fluff dialogue and restrictive into 2-3 "scenes" for each girl. Which makes no sense to just teleport to the ferris wheel to relive a cg memory when you're just fucking in the bathtub.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    I just hate these stories and characters, the whole reverse rape is wholesome is just not something I almost ever like or even can play through.

    other bits that add up

    Graphics, art, animation, etc... are all good of course as reviews say, but I am just tired of the reverse rape, way way too many of them.

    If that does not bother you or obviously if you like it then this above the average for certain, but otherwise skip plenty of things with animations and sound etc... without that content.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    4 out of 5 stars sounds rather fair, mostly due to the sheer amount of total garbage I've found on this site. This one... is actually great! Not perfect by any means, but great. The animations and art are spectacular, far surpassing many of it's peers, and is what allows me to forgive a lot of the issues. The character writing and humor is great... which makes the overall arching plot even more apparent in it's shoddiness. It's a porn plot. I won't hold that against the game too much, it's just that it becomes more apparent as you interact with the characters, and the contrast kind of takes you out of it.

    I won't go into deep story details if someone doesn't want spoilers, but the very beginning premise is you are a single man, with sexual harassment suits (though these aren't your fault, for once) and a massive debt, being sent by a company, to a vacation home of the company president, to care for said president's three indescribably hot daughters. ...Like I said, a porn plot that doesn't make a lick of sense, even towards the end. It's partially explained, but then it becomes apparent that a full half a year is totally unrealistic, there's no way a problem wouldn't come up waaaaay before the actual end. But yeah, won't hold that all too much against the game, it's a male fantasy after all.

    ...What I WILL hold against it is how some things get swept under the rug when they shouldn't! Another reviewer mentioned it, and indeed, you are drugged and raped by one of the girls basically in the very beginning. And it's... just sorta allowed. And then another one blackmails you for sexual favors using video of the rape. Also swept under the rug. That... doesn't sit well at all. Once you get past it, both girls are fine up to the end without such psycho behavior appearing again. But sweeping rape and blackmail under the rug because the MC is a guy being raped by a hot girl doesn't sit well. That's probably the biggest reason I took a star off. There's other complaints, but they're minor enough they don't affect the rating due to the overall quality of what is there, and I'll list these complaints below. These are mostly just things that feel like they could, and should, be more than they are, with a couple exceptions that need genuine tweaking.

    First, as someone else said, there's a lot of mechanics which don't appear until you've essentially finished the game. Outfits? Can't buy those till you've essentially finished the individual story for the character you want to dress up, so you can't interact with that aspect much until like, the latter half of the game. And outfits are expensive to boot. The mechanic where the girls go into heat? Also past the halfway point of the game, I think you have to finish all the individual stories and then move onto the "common path" before that unlocks.

    Secondly, on the outfits I mentioned. You'd think that buying them means if you dress them up, they'd wear the outfits in sex scenes, right? Nope. Every sex scene/position is unlocked by character progression, and if you initiate sex, and select said scene/position, they will be wearing the same outfit they wore in the initial scene, such as Shizuko's office outfit, even if she was in her lingerie when you initiated sex afterwards. As a result, the outfits feel rather pointless, only existing for when you interact with the character and chat with them in that little menu. There are special outfits that unlock specific scenes if you fulfill the requirements, but each character only gets one of those, and only one scene with said costume. The biggest sin of this, for instance, is Shizuku gets a bunny outfit, an EXCEPTIONALLY lewd one. And all you can do with her in that outfit is get a blowjob, nothing else. Can't use it in other scenes at all. As said, the outfits thing feels kinda tacked on, teasing something in-depth with a lot of interactivity but not delivering past a bare minimum, sometimes not even reaching that, such as with the outfits that don't even get used in sex scenes. Also, the lingerie designs are pretty boring, they're essentially just a bra and panties for each of the girls, where's the negligee?! ...okay, that last one is just whining, but come on, who thinks of just a bra and panties when it comes to LINGERIE?

    RnG. There's a fair bit of it. Not crippling by any means, but some things require you to trigger them by chance, such as completing exploration jobs, and finding event triggers and items around the house. The journal will hint at what to do for most event triggers (except one hidden thing you can only get by clicking on Shizuko a lot when she's in a certain position in her apartment when the store is closed, that isn't hinted anywhere, and trust me, once you want her in that position, by god will she be in every single other position for a full week before taking it), thankfully, but still, sometimes it can take an unreasonable number of attempts just to get one thing done.

    As was implied with the outfit thing... well, I'll preface by repeating that the sex scenes are great. The character designs are great. And it feels like an entitled, asshole thing to say... but especially with the outfits-not-going-into-sex-scenes thing, there's not ENOUGH sex scenes, and you can't change to another position within a sex scene either! Honestly, just making it so the outfits go into the scenes would add a feeling of freshness and variety to it from the get-go, and the ability to switch to other positions as well. It's mostly a feeling of "been there, done that," when the sex scenes look the exact same on repeat with no change except maybe it's a safe day, or they're in heat. And the former just means you don't need a condom, and the latter just gives them heart eyes and talking more horny.

    Adding in the outfits would fix a lot of that, at least, and adjusting the dialogue to address changes in their relationship and the outfit would help too. But here's the biggest thing that feels... missing, and I fully realized it once I 100% beat the game. There is a harem ending, you likely can guess as much. The girls all get along pretty good, pretty quickly even when it isn't the harem end, except for the sisterly spats between Ayano and Shizuku. But... there is not one, single, threesome, foursome, or fivesome. It is always JUST you, and one of the girls, despite one of the earliest events being another sister recording you being raped and getting off to it. This is another entitled moment where I want something unreasonable, I know, which is why I'm not taking off stars for it. But really? Nothing with more than one of the girls at once? Even with the mc having a behemoth dick?

    And then there's the daily loop. At first it's fine, everything is good, but eventually, the whole cooking and eating ritual wears thin. You can't escape it, you must sit for about 15 seconds every single time that it's time for dinner. These games always have this habit of having there be ONE blasted time waster thing at a minimum, and the dinnertime is it. It's nowhere near as bad as other games, but dangit, can't we skip the animation for the dinner after we've cooked each type of food once? We already know how they'll react to it at that point. Still, not as bad as other games with similar mechanics, so not docking a star for it, it's just a minor annoyance.

    The character interaction. I noticed what was missing after awhile. There's... very little point to the girls being in different rooms of the house, except for event triggers, and when they go to the toilet, bathroom, or bedroom. What I mean is, you don't SEE them in any of the rooms, you go to the room and select the option to interact with them, and then they appear before you. And if you have sex, as said above, it just takes you to the default setting and outfit. Such as Ayano, who has a risky public sex scene. You find her in the hallway at the house, you initiate sex while she's wearing lingerie, select that scene... and you're both now back in that public location, with her wearing her casual clothes, doing the sex scene. There is one exception, and it is what makes me complain more about the dissonance with the house interactions... and it's Shizuko, when she's in her apartment. When she's in there, she's THERE, lounging on the couch, typing on her laptop, sometimes switching to a different spot... it feels lived in, like she's a part of the environment. You can even click on her to get some voicelines (and trigger a unique event in the right position, you will need to click several times though, and none of the other heroines get a scene like it!), and there's an item you can click on to trigger a brief conversation. That doesn't happen at all with the three sisters at the house, it's all menus, nothing organic, they don't exist outside of events and the interaction menus. None of the sisters can occupy the same room either. And with the sex scenes always going back to the initial spot, there's no chance of anything risky or dynamic, like hallway sex that could get you caught by the other sisters or something, or banging Shizuko at the store while hiding from customers.

    You see what I mean by it feeling like it has a lot of potential but... not quite delivering? Again, this is an amazing game, I wholeheartedly recommend it, even if you're just opening it to unlock the gallery with a 100% save file for wanking, as it totally delivers, the sex scenes as they are are fantastically animated. It just manages to be excellent enough that it leaves you wanting more, and makes what flaws there are all the more glaring.

    Edit 12/26/24: After a couple days not touching the game, I decided that, yeah, the whole thing with the scenes not being dynamic and forcibly taking you to another location than where you are, without the current outfit, took me out of the game enough to take off another star. I was being overly generous before. But 3 stars... yeah, that's about right.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Summer Clover, from the voice acting to the H-scenes down to the story, it does everything right, at a profesional consistency. Although parts of the narrative are hard to believe it delievers a solid experience as an H-game.

    Games like this is the perfect examble and balance of VN narration and sandbox mechanics, where you can interact with the characters to learn more about them to raise your relationship level, cleaning the house, cooking, or going for a hike to strengthen yourself and make some extra cash. It isn't too grindy, the game snowballs so the more you keep at it the easier it gets.

    The UI is responsive, the grind isn't that much, the outfits are hot and the H-scenes are hot as well. Only downside is that there isnt more H-scenes with the girls because they are all big titty trad queens that can bench your dick on their sleep. Like judging from their CG's they must be at least 2m tall, and one of them even has the "mommy" trait as she is the oldest.

    This is a 5/5 game worth playing, just keep your pants on for the first 2-3 hours until things develop in the story, then you have go one-handjob solo for the rest of the game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Welp, i'm not the type to rate and reviews games that I've played. But, this game really makes me.
    Story 10/10
    Art 10/10
    Characters 10/10
    Overall 10/10
    What can I say? It's a really good game with lots of story and "materials" for you.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall Excellent game.
    • I really loved the characters.
    • The writing made me laugh a few times.
    • Theme song is pretty good.
    • CGs were pretty good

    The only thing I didn't like was that the translation was a bit rough at times. Also, there could have been more CGs and sex scenes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely funtastic gamse!! Try it.
    The rest are written using AI, sorry lol
    With its charming art style and engaging storyline, it draws you in from the very beginning. The characters are endearing and relatable, each with their own unique quirks and depth. The writing is both witty and heartfelt, striking a perfect balance between humor and emotion.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Sometimes I find myself just vibing to the BGM or replaying a line from one of the girls because the audio work and voice-acting is so well done. Also, the characters have hopes, open up, and grow through the gameplay, which is really endearing.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is about a young male worker that mysteriously has a huge amount of debt, which he intends to pay by working to a company that agreed to hire him and only take half his salary each month to solve that situation. The issue is that he's on the cusp of being fired because all his coworkers issue complaints about sexual harassment against him because he has a big dick.

    So the solution found by his supervisor was to send him to work for the director's daughters as a butler/housekeeper while they spend their vacation (sort of) on the countryside (as a punishment for something they did).

    The setup is well and good (as porn writing goes), although already not to my taste frankly. Then we arrive at the house and these three women are more or less teasing towards you and that's also fine. What isn't fine is that blonde girl will run into you showering, and upon seeing your dick, will drug everyone and rape you while you sleep - you'll wake up in the middle of it, be unable to move and then the next morning her other sister (aware of what she did) will comment saying that you don't seem that distraught by what happened, so it's "fair game".

    So we have a sister that raped you, another that knew it would happen and let it (and now even seems interested in doing it herself to some extent). If you managed to get this far and still see no problems with it, you may find it to be a great game, as other reviewers did. I'll never know cause this shit isn't for me.

    The reason I write this review is so that I might spare someone else from being totally blindsided by this, as nothing in the description of this game prepares you for this.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game

    Very nice CG
    It has great quality of content.

    It gives lots of choices to players.

    I has 5 different endings, 1 for each girl and 1 together

    Got a hint of how to complete quests and scenes

    After completing the game title changes
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    You play as FAT COCK who has had numerous sexual harassment incidents filed against him for having a FAT COCK, so naturally Mr. FAT COCK is given a special assignment to be the the housekeeper for the CEO's three young, hot, bit titty, sexually active daughters! What could ever happen! That said, the premise is a bit silly. Lets get into it.

    Lets talk about some negatives first:
    My main gripe with this game is that it does a lot of important things too little, too late. There is a dress up feature! However, it is unlocked after you've done all the required interacting with the individual girls, so you don't get to experience it through natural gameplay. You can have sex with the girls at work! However, it is unlocked at the very end of the game and it's essentially the same scene for each girl. You can have unprotected sex with the girls! However, it's also unlocked at the very end of the game. You get the point.

    The first half of this game has actual (typical VN) gameplay and h-scenes, while the second half of this game is a lore dump (akin to a Kinetic Novel) with minimal porn and a heavily repeated process. I was actually invested in the girl's stories and the overarching story during the first half (even though the story isn't that good, it's just alright), but after a few chapters of the second half I just wanted to get the game over with. It certainly didn't help that there wasn't any actual conflict in the second half, which was supposed to be about the girls competing for your love. Then, when the ending finally happened, I did not care at all to read through the blocks of text that were each girl's individual endings. They had not only lost me by that point but had convinced me that the only that makes sense is the harem ending or a "no girl gets the guy" ending. So at this point I just wanted to read the harem ending and get it over with as I was bored to death. Unfortunately for me, in order to get the (best) ending, you have to sit through each girl's individual endings (4) which each include two incredibly slow, unable to be fast forwarded parts. The story is just so unreasonably dull by the end of the game, which sucks because the first half had me genuinely wondering if I'd pick girl A over girl B.

    Some others negatives:
    - Anal scenes were lackluster for two of the girls
    - There's some odd pacing and bad logic behind the story and sex
    - The h-scenes are great but the story behind them tends to be the same each time
    - There is zero challenge to the game
    There's a lot more cons, but those are the ones that really stick out to me

    Lets just list out some positives:
    - The girls are attractive and the animation is clean, yes they're similar body shapes but hot is hot
    - The girls might look the same, but their personalities certainly are not
    - The h-scenes have a degree of interactivity to them, hell the dress up in them is better than the dress up in the overworld
    - The UI is clean and easily navigated
    - The first half of the game is genuinely fun
    - The game has some fetishes that tend to be underutilized, such as inverted nipples, foot play, and hypersensitivity
    - Day/Night cycle is done well
    There's a few more pros, but those are the ones that really stick out to me

    If this game was just the first half or if they had merged the first and second parts together in a better way then this game would be an easy 4/5, however with the way it's presented in the final product it's a solid 3/5. It is an incredibly generic romance VN (which you should be able to tell based on the opening song that sounds like the OP for every single romance VN ever made) that has a good first half and a weak second half.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    WOW.....what a game...i'll be the first to say that i am a BIG time hater of these romantic novel like games but always liked anime....i've played a couple of those type games on the site but they always looked boring to me.....then i stumble upon this and gave this genre a final chance and BOY was i impressed!!

    For someone that doesn't write reviews (this is actually my first lol) i'm writing this to say if you're into anime women, a good story and erm.....good......."scenes" (LOL) this is a MUST PLAY!! i enjoyed everything from the characters, story, and the most important thing.....the scenes lol! 9.8/10 from me......why not a perfect 10? i just hate all the talking sometimes lmao! has nothing to do with the game being bad just a personal preference.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Good atmosphere and overall quality. Humorous, with decent art style and animations, fully voiced, story is engaging but simple (which is good, i hate walls of text to read).

    Overall its 5/5 game, but like always its not perfect. I was disappointed in early game cause it looked like girls gonna tease MC a lot and he has to handle situation, sleep blowjob was also great but after that it pretty much turns into farming new scenes and engaging sex by yourself with MC. Game also (like most of the time) has no difficulty, early game seems little hard with energy but later on everything is super easy and we swim with money.

    So... its another game that started like, with potential where MC is teased left and right by girls and he has to handle situation but turned out to be another classic grind > see cutscenes > forget you even played the game and look for next one. Its not a bad thing itself but i really hope one day some devs will make actually good game focused more on what i said. Sometimes you find one of those games but they are super rare or do things partially. Ouch, i wouldnt even dream of MC having to resist for example to not cum inside girls while they act mindlessly, like a mini game or something. But thats something that i only seen in one game and it was also canceled - Labyrinth of Estras.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. The only issue is that it's too short! I hope there is more to come from this dev.

    The story is simple but executed very well. The lewd scenes are fun and plentiful enough. Most people do not like grinding, but this has a healthy amount of it. Though, it does not go overboard.

    Play this game!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    A bit grindy at times but thankfully there are items and activities lets you manage that. Fantactic CG, lovable characters and decent story. I rarely come across games being this good with my preferred thicc body type.