
Jun 10, 2022
Hey does anyone here know what the pickup items on the floor are for ? Like the flower , the sword and everything ? Special characters ?


Jun 1, 2019
Do you believe only people that can afford education should be educated? And lets make sure that we both understand that "those people" are just people lucky enough to be born into rich families, like how it happened untill the end of the 19th century.
Do you believe libraries shouldnt exist?
Do you believe that road signs shouldnt exist?
Do you believe that asking a question should imply a monetary (or any kind of payment form) reward?
Do you believe that orphanages shouldnt exist unless those kids can pay to be taken care of?

That "shitty philosopher" is the reason this game even exists. He was the one that ended the Post-Hegelian era and argued how the traditional society is the real enemy and how every individual should stride for freedom (or not if they dont see it fit).

No... prick is just a word to describe an annoying person (its up to everybody to determine whether or not it is an insult).

Would I share my culture for free? Absolutely, it is in my best interest! If my culture educates other and we start from the point that educated people create the most economic benefit for a country (country that takes care of me), then it is in my best interest to educate everyone that wants to be educated.

Im actually writing an entire string data type lib with python-like syntax and plan to make it open source. It will only use cstring (C++ is a superset of C after all), istream (I wrote a memory safe method/function to get whole lines, hence simple istreams only take delimeted strings as input) and vector (std::vector goated asf, only critique is using is having std::vector.push_back() instead of std::vector.append(), but no biggie. It only exists so nmp::string.split() will return a std::vectod<nmp::string>)

And for the record: Im not mad he doenst give it to me for free, Im only mad he doesnt want culture to be free, which goes against what I stand. Thats why I request the demo to be the base game without the gallery or any H-Scene, for people that want to play the game for the sake of the message it conveys, even if I dont really agree or find any value in it.
Brother this is a porn site, this really isn't the place to post your masters thesis on culture and capitalism

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Yeah... I did never say that its ur intention, it just how it comes out.
Nah, the MC is a literal kid: is the size if one, acts like one and gets treated like one (sometimes he is even teased for not having stamina). U sound like those Japanese old pedos that simping a 400 year old deity that resembles a children isnt actually pedophilia, c'mon bro.
And I did never ask u to publish it here + I still touched my scope (making this piece of culture available for free)
Oh... and didnt intend to insult u. Most 1st projects have shitty spagetti code, happened to me too. Just use OOP in anything u design
I think you're projecting some weird desires onto the game. The protagonist is bullied by the succubus about his size and stamina because they're demons lol, other girls praise him for his size it's literally just personality text dependant on the girl. All of the characters are relatively the same size minus a few pixels so I'm not sure what you're going on about. I don't know why you're fighting so hard to have them be a child when it's literally implied nowhere, it's just strange.

I tried to attach the image directly but the site can't handle the image all the characters are close in size.

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Btw, not being against pirating, but neither supporting it is being against pirating.

Explanation: There's no such thing as an apolitical action. The absence of an action against the status quo is the indulgence and the acceptance of the status quo. (Eg: Thinking that one egg shouldnt cost 1$ and still buying them at this price is the indulgence of the 1$ price tag.)

If ur current status quo is that u dont help piracy, then ur against it.
I think you should put the beer down lol if I was against pirating I would be trying to get this page shut down, not talking cordially with the people here who enjoy my work. If you want to ignore that and focus on me refusing not to leak my work then go ahead but I'm not going to give in to your weird demands or betray the people who support the project financially. All of my work will be leaked by some third party inevitably so I don't know why you and several other people get so anal as if you're not going to get the game for free anyhow.
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Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Projecting is the act of attributing to another person the feelings or opinions you would have in a situation similar to theirs.

Could u explain why u think I project a "weird desire" when I point out how MC has too many similarities with a child and how he is treated, because the closest thing I get is that u imply I got assaulted as a kid and that I enjoyed it.
You're reaching a bit with the abusive backstory, but yeah I am implying you have a weird desire because no one brought children into the equation until you stumbled in and started throwing out baseless accusations.

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Ur acting like u could shut it down, be fr, dude.

Also, is ur average player a rich magnate that thinks giving free stuff should be a crime?

"The artist I financially support offers copies to people that cannot afford his art, I feel so betrayed!" Like be fr, they most certainly dont give a fuck and choose to support u because (and this is a mind blower) they like ur art and not becauss u dont offer free copies.

Also... for 4th time I have to rectify I didnt ask u to post it here.

Im starting to think that ur replying in bad faith or that ur retarded.
If I wait for a product and pay money for it to have it first then I see other people getting it for free as soon as they demand it then yes I would be mad lol what are you talking about? Also you quite literally asked me to update the game and only then sperged out about culture or whatever when I refused to, put the beer down and get some help lmaooo

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
"Ur reaching" - the dude that implies I love children getting SAed and refuses to explain his point of view

U sound like the average reddit atheist: *puts fedora on* Hmph... baseless accusation.
"yeah I am implying you have a weird desire because no one brought children into the equation until you stumbled in and started throwing out baseless accusations."

I explain myself in the second half of the message, please stop drinking.

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Ur not going to enjoy the fact that some starving people receive free food.

Also, I like how u act like ur game isnt a digital product, that can be replicated infinitely, and that ur only selling licenses that allow people to play the game, which can also be infinitely replicated.

Are u the type of person to flex the new stuff he bought on Social Media or idk where? Because ur quite fixated on having stuff first.

Yeah, I guess that ur the average rich snob minus the money.

Yeah... I did ask u to update the game: I asked u to add a human readable save file (which I read in the comments u did, altough not sure).

Theres a big difference from asking u to update the thread with the latest version and asking u to update the game itself.

Im down 4 beers and still have better text comprehension than u
The only difference is that people need food to survive people don't need porn games to live, what are these comparisons? I'm not fixated on having things first you just lack common knowledge. My paid supporters pay to have the game first, to play and experience my content before anyone. If I upload it for free I'm ruining the product I'm selling that is why I refuse to do it, it's really not that hard to understand.

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Cant wait for him to say that I have a fetish for animals up next because I observed this
Yeah but you're not observing anything you're assuming it's like looking at an abstract painting and seeing what you want from it that's my point. Also they're furry characters I'm starting to wonder if this is your first day on the internet, do you know what site you're on? You're grasping for straws so I'm guessing we're done here haha
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