
Jun 10, 2022
Not really... I believe culture should be free (that's why I'm one of the few people that support the hackers that attacked WaybackMachine and Internet Archive and why I bought Ultra Kill, even if I didnt play it or plan anytime because I find it boring).
The dev is lowkey of a condescending prick that forgets some peope might not have money for culture. I was actually baffled to him saying that he wouldnt support free culture because some people pay for it. I don't respect Multby6 as an artist whatsoever (the literal MC is a kid that gets raped... wtf? And the cartoony graphics give that comercial for kids kind of vibe, the ones I would see at Cartoon Network about a shitty new cartoon), even so, I can tolerate the culture he creates for the sake of culture. With all of this said, as a bussinessman, he disgusts me. If ur an artist making art for the sake of money then u should work in marketing.
Im a prick too, just like my favorite philosopher: Max Stirner (or Johan Kasper Schmidt). One of his books (and a Friedrich Engel critique), Art and Religion, was written under the Anti-Copyright, which denied him any right on his work and offered everybody the right to reproduce and distribute it however they would see fit. Max Stirner is the father of Modern Philosophy, Western Philosphy and Egoist philosophy; the impact this divorced alcoholic college drop-out had on the human race is beyond comprehension.

So, Multby6 (I know u will read this), I will distribute it here and to anybody that would like it, unless u release the 0.9 version and 1.0 (or whatever the final version is) as a full game, without the gallery or the caught scenes (if the player is caught, they will simply lose one health point). And I also want human-readable saves as soon as possible.

I offer u 3-4 weeks (just because ur code might not be the tidiest) to comply.

For me this game is just 5 bucks down the drain, for somebody else it is 1 hour of their life or even a lunch. How much is this game for u?
No one asked lil bro, talking about spending your life on nothing when you took your time (several times) to write shit and also saying the dev is a prick but so you are (so this is supposed to be mean to the dev but positive for you ? cuz of some shitty philosopher ?). "As a businessman" bro look at you seriously you give me cringe nerdy anime fan vibe. And you are mad because he give content to people that actually buy what he does but dont give it to you ? I mean would you share a game you spent hundred of hours making just for free when your goal is to make a lil money ? That ultimatum (if we can even call this an ultimatum) is shit bro just buy it it's 5 bucks, or wait like everyone.

gybg h

New Member
Dec 27, 2023
Anyhow I like spreading positive vibes so I'm a say this plus a question. Cool game so fair. Gameplay is okay but what really carries the game for me personally are the characters (which isn't a bad thing). If you're planning on making other games will you return to this universe or start anew?


May 14, 2023
Not really... I believe culture should be free (that's why I'm one of the few people that support the hackers that attacked WaybackMachine and Internet Archive and why I bought Ultra Kill, even if I didnt play it or plan anytime because I find it boring).
The dev is lowkey of a condescending prick that forgets some peope might not have money for culture. I was actually baffled to him saying that he wouldnt support free culture because some people pay for it. I don't respect Multby6 as an artist whatsoever (the literal MC is a kid that gets raped... wtf? And the cartoony graphics give that comercial for kids kind of vibe, the ones I would see at Cartoon Network about a shitty new cartoon), even so, I can tolerate the culture he creates for the sake of culture. With all of this said, as a bussinessman, he disgusts me. If ur an artist making art for the sake of money then u should work in marketing.
Im a prick too, just like my favorite philosopher: Max Stirner (or Johan Kasper Schmidt). One of his books (and a Friedrich Engel critique), Art and Religion, was written under the Anti-Copyright, which denied him any right on his work and offered everybody the right to reproduce and distribute it however they would see fit. Max Stirner is the father of Modern Philosophy, Western Philosphy and Egoist philosophy; the impact this divorced alcoholic college drop-out had on the human race is beyond comprehension.

So, Multby6 (I know u will read this), I will distribute it here and to anybody that would like it, unless u release the 0.9 version and 1.0 (or whatever the final version is) as a full game, without the gallery or the caught scenes (if the player is caught, they will simply lose one health point). And I also want human-readable saves as soon as possible.

I offer u 3-4 weeks (just because ur code might not be the tidiest) to comply.

For me this game is just 5 bucks down the drain, for somebody else it is 1 hour of their life or even a lunch. How much is this game for u?
"Ew the mc looks young"
(And you consume the product feeling that way anyways, which, whoa)
*Asks the dev to put game for free for archiving procedures*
Yeaaaaah sure, no worries, people in 3024 will be able to enjoy this game
"You don't need money when the game is finished"
(Any decent person that's not a parasite... does?)
"The dev is condescending towards it's userbase"
(Most supposedly condescending thing the dev has said is that they won't post the game here as that would be counterproductive and that someone eventually will anyways; if you see other parts of f95, you will see actual antagonistic devs that are assholes)
I'm sorry that a game developer is challenging or clashing your believes of morality and philosophy and on the verge of crashing your remaining 5$, or that you have to personally crack it, whatever

Holy fuck I just reread the whole thing and you also said game is appealing to children due to cartoon aesthetics
Type hentai in Google
Also, it's not "complying" code, it's spelled compiling
Gallery coins respawn, just take the minecart multiple times

Sorry people, I took the annoy bait and bloated the page...


Jun 10, 2022
Do you believe only people that can afford education should be educated? And lets make sure that we both understand that "those people" are just people lucky enough to be born into rich families, like how it happened untill the end of the 19th century.
Do you believe libraries shouldnt exist?
Do you believe that road signs shouldnt exist?
Do you believe that asking a question should imply a monetary (or any kind of payment form) reward?
Do you believe that orphanages shouldnt exist unless those kids can pay to be taken care of?

That "shitty philosopher" is the reason this game even exists. He was the one that ended the Post-Hegelian era and argued how the traditional society is the real enemy and how every individual should stride for freedom (or not if they dont see it fit).

No... prick is just a word to describe an annoying person (its up to everybody to determine whether or not it is an insult).

Would I share my culture for free? Absolutely, it is in my best interest! If my culture educates other and we start from the point that educated people create the most economic benefit for a country (country that takes care of me), then it is in my best interest to educate everyone that wants to be educated.

Im actually writing an entire string data type lib with python-like syntax and plan to make it open source. It will only use cstring (C++ is a superset of C after all), istream (I wrote a memory safe method/function to get whole lines, hence simple istreams only take delimeted strings as input) and vector (std::vector goated asf, only critique is using is having std::vector.push_back() instead of std::vector.append(), but no biggie. It only exists so nmp::string.split() will return a std::vectod<nmp::string>)

And for the record: Im not mad he doenst give it to me for free, Im only mad he doesnt want culture to be free, which goes against what I stand. Thats why I request the demo to be the base game without the gallery or any H-Scene, for people that want to play the game for the sake of the message it conveys, even if I dont really agree or find any value in it.
You are asking the creator of a PORN game, on a PORN games sharing website to make a free alternative of his game, that doesn't contain PORN, just because you want the "message it conveys" even though you know you wont find any value in it. This is the definition of useless, i want something even though i know its bad. I personally dont give a fuck about a philosopher that might or might not changed our society (because imagine if he wouldn't exist, would every thing be worse at it is right now ? It's hard for me to to believe so). And wow that's good but it's not because you make something for free (if you really are doing what you've just told me) that it means you are a good person, i mean if no one uses it what's the point ? No one life will change after all. And also what culture are you talking about ? Culture is free for mostly everyone, at least the general one but here what culture do you want to see ? It's a fucking porn game bro and as for the the questions you asked at the start of your sentence, i wont answer them because those a philosophical questions that has vague answers and because you are on a PORN WEBSITE. And so you are just telling me that you describe yourself, the developper and your philospher as prick but here your message is mostly here to ask the dev in a mean way to do what you want and the way you use the word "prick" just seems like an insult compared to the way you suck you philosopher dick. If it wasn't your intention well you should make better sentences, as for freedom you should not talk about it in your case since you are ordering someone to do what you want.

And also if we see your previous messages, im pretty sure you are trolling and just want an update cuz you want to jerk off to monster girls riding on a huge boy's dick


Sep 27, 2021
Alas, it's my turn to be the hero this time. Enjoy!

Your welcome, I paid the 5$ for this cause this dev is worth supporting so if you enjoy their work why not make a small contribution
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Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Anyhow I like spreading positive vibes so I'm a say this plus a question. Cool game so fair. Gameplay is okay but what really carries the game for me personally are the characters (which isn't a bad thing). If you're planning on making other games will you return to this universe or start anew?
Thank you! This is my first project and I didn't expect it to balloon this size! My next game should be more focused with the gameplay and story and it'll take place in the same world!

Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
Not really... I believe culture should be free (that's why I'm one of the few people that support the hackers that attacked WaybackMachine and Internet Archive and why I bought Ultra Kill, even if I didnt play it or plan anytime because I find it boring).
The dev is lowkey of a condescending prick that forgets some peope might not have money for culture. I was actually baffled to him saying that he wouldnt support free culture because some people pay for it. I don't respect Multby6 as an artist whatsoever (the literal MC is a kid that gets raped... wtf? And the cartoony graphics give that comercial for kids kind of vibe, the ones I would see at Cartoon Network about a shitty new cartoon), even so, I can tolerate the culture he creates for the sake of culture. With all of this said, as a bussinessman, he disgusts me. If ur an artist making art for the sake of money then u should work in marketing.
Im a prick too, just like my favorite philosopher: Max Stirner (or Johan Kasper Schmidt). One of his books (and a Friedrich Engel critique), Art and Religion, was written under the Anti-Copyright, which denied him any right on his work and offered everybody the right to reproduce and distribute it however they would see fit. Max Stirner is the father of Modern Philosophy, Western Philosphy and Egoist philosophy; the impact this divorced alcoholic college drop-out had on the human race is beyond comprehension.

So, Multby6 (I know u will read this), I will distribute it here and to anybody that would like it, unless u release the 0.9 version and 1.0 (or whatever the final version is) as a full game, without the gallery or the caught scenes (if the player is caught, they will simply lose one health point). And I also want human-readable saves as soon as possible.

I offer u 3-4 weeks (just because ur code might not be the tidiest) to comply.

For me this game is just 5 bucks down the drain, for somebody else it is 1 hour of their life or even a lunch. How much is this game for u?
I don't care how you feel about me but don't spread misinformation. This is not a game targeted towards a younger audience just because it has pixel art (read the disclaimer on the title screen), the MC is not a kid, and I'm making games because I enjoy doing it. I'd prefer to spend all day game deving rather than working a separate job, coming home, and then working on this project. If I get enough support I could work full-time which would mean more games of better quality that would come out faster. I never said I'm against pirating either, I'm just not going to post it myself and cheat the people who support my work financially. Also, someone already leaked v0.9, so your weird offer kind of falls flat, not that I'd accept it anyhow lol. The sneak diss about my coding was funny though!


New Member
Jun 4, 2022
I don't care how you feel about me but don't spread misinformation. This is not a game targeted towards a younger audience just because it has pixel art (read the disclaimer on the title screen), the MC is not a kid, and I'm making games because I enjoy doing it. I'd prefer to spend all day game deving rather than working a separate job, coming home, and then working on this project. If I get enough support I could work full-time which would mean more games of better quality that would come out faster. I never said I'm against pirating either, I'm just not going to post it myself and cheat the people who support my work financially. Also, someone already leaked v0.9, so your weird offer kind of falls flat, not that I'd accept it anyhow lol. The sneak diss about my coding was funny though!
im baffled you have to deal with people like this. this is a fantastic game and im so grateful for the effort you put into it! i really like you as a developer and to even take criticism from those who pirate your game gives me so much respect for you. keep doing what your doing, ignore weird people like them ‍


Dec 24, 2017
anyone got a full save file? my mask button is broken and using the corrupt save file option reverted me before the cultist town. still can't change masks or use the disguise

saves are stored in regedit under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\DefaultCompany\SuccubusHunt
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Deleted member 6611159

Game Developer
Oct 17, 2023
im baffled you have to deal with people like this. this is a fantastic game and im so grateful for the effort you put into it! i really like you as a developer and to even take criticism from those who pirate your game gives me so much respect for you. keep doing what your doing, ignore weird people like them ‍
Thank you! And I'm surprised too haha I've been lucky so far it seems like I'm finally getting real haters, I never thought I'd see the day haha. But yes normally I love to take criticism even in the most scathing of reviews there can be nuggets of valuable advice! I hope to impress moving forward and thank you so much for the kind words! :]
4.00 star(s) 25 Votes