1st pick shows there is comon wood, scouting and 3 unknown resources to assign. (Location tab)
Second show Daisy is resting and work she can be assigned to in this location. (Working tab)
The point is, those 3 question marks don't show on work tab and I don't know why.
BTW only Daisy is only unit at the location. 1/1 in scouting and 3/3 in common wood mean there can be assigned 1 and 3 workers.
Only that 1 wood there can be harvested.
0/1 and 0/3 shows how many can be assign and 1/1 and 3/3 means 1 has been assign and 3 have been assign.
The ? means there is nothing else there.
And Yes I know only Daisy is there but you have 4 others already assign unless the dev has changed the code because its always been that way for me.
Can you click on the "Farm" at the top of the page?
Click on the resource and try to assign Daisy to it and see if she can harvest it.
The other icon means you can search for someone. The 0/1 option.
All this is if the dev has not changed the code since the last time I played over a year ago.