Okay, that's just strawmanning. You aren't doing yourself a favor by claiming people (or specifically, me) attack you rabidly when at least I have responded multiple times to your comments without any personal attack whatsover.Like the above, difficulty is not the problem and stop with the you are playing the game wrong rhetoric. I enjoy it the way I like it but that doesn't mean I can't have criticism. And since when providing critique is being "entitled" ?? The way fans rabid attack anyone that dares to criticize anything about "their" game is honestly so tiring.
But I get it. My usage of the word entitled isn't nice and not constructive either. So my bad, I'm sorry. Got lost in the sauce for a while.
What made me use this term is this weird and consistent implication of your comments that the game design choices you have a problem with are objectively bad. It doesn't seem like you are willing to understand or come to terms with the intention and also the merit of said design choices.
Lastly, I didn't say you play the game wrong. That's also a strawman. I outlined playing the game pure is a valid option, I said the game is designed to play it in multiple ways. But you have to accept playing it pure for what it is: a challenge. And with a challenge comes a learning process to deal with the obstacles and frustrations that you deal with. You didn't seem to enjoy the game that much as that sort of challenge, so it was important for me to highlight that there are other ways to approach the game.
And on that note, I can assure you a good amount of people who enjoy the game enjoy it precisely because of these design choices.It's also important to discern if those that enjoy the game enjoy it because or despite said design choices.
Anyway I hope you have a good day and you can either enjoy the game nonetheless, or find something else for you to enjoy. I don't think there is much else for me to say unless a new point is brought up.
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