While I understand the line of thought regarding levels, the thing is SKA enables different playstiles depending on if you go heavier into magic or physical, or more item related, so I think making that kind of categorization universally accurate is difficult. There are just multiple ways to approach enemies, and it depends on where you currently are and what skills you learned, which stats you invested in, etc.It is not a first game that has weaknesses and resistances, none is expecting lv 10 dog and lv 10 giant to be on same difficulty. Neverless if you are lv 10 you should be able to deafeat lv 10 giant if you employ correct stragy. And if you had trouble with lv 10 when you see lv 20 one you know you should probably go somewhere else.
I checked Giant crab, that thing certainly have more hp than listed 240HP and there was some other I forgot. Edit: The other one was Hobgoblin and LOL I see they both got tenacity. I didn't know what it is when I was checking them so I ignored it. But that just doubles up on the issue of not being able to see what the skills do. Especially with bosses as they got unique skills, so what that they tell me the boss skill name if I don't know what is the skill doing ? Those skills are not on wiki or at least the boss pages don't have active links to them.
I honestly didn't even remember they exist when writing it, I recalled later. But I'm so starved for gold that the idea I would be spending it to check enemy stats is preposterous. Also doesn't it require pyromantium ? thats very limited more like a luxury item to use when it counts.
Even in other RPGs I mostly rely on trying stuff out to see how easy the enemy actually is because any sort of label for strong, normal, or easy I find not to be that helpful... Except when it's a deliberate developer label that you shouldn't engage x enemy yet. In the end of the day you gotta test stuff out and see how it works.
Now, I agree with you that the compendium should be more detailed. But it's not the biggest deal, even more so considering a lot of enemy attacks you can learn yourself (like Tenacity) so if you want to know the details you can look them up that way. And the unique ones I find very intuitive for the most part. Like when the Low Demon prepares a curse, of the one which inflicts Dark weakness. Where compendium was useful and is very useful is looking up stats, and I especially think it matters even more because damage calculation in SKA is very transparent. It's still a mighty feature and the battle system being so easy to plan out is a big plus to me. Could be better, but that applies to everything.
Gold is a general thing to manage in this game, it's a resource management challenge. The game is designed like that. However, I don't mean you have to buy many flash bombs, it's just a noteworthy and mighty possible strategy you can lean into if you like it. You do already get some through chests and co. and you can save them for if you need them (like back attacking certain enemies). In Fortress of Wrath for instance, they are kinda necessary. If you just want to look up the compendium, you can either SKA an opponent, or go to the wiki. For the former you reload ofc after having peeped the compendium.
It's also noteworthy that pyros become much more accessible later in the game.
Last thing which is also worth bringing up again (not a direct response) - SKA is meant to be a game where the odds are stacked against you. They game basically wants you to start leaning into lewd content to make things easier. If you are strong enough you can get through it pure, but pure is just by design the most difficult route. Requiring multiple attempts, tests and more to progress is just part of the game. Knowledge is power, so to speak. Normal Difficulty is also not meant to refer to what normal difficulty is like in other games, the developer just stated that it's the intended difficulty for this game. But that doesn't mean it's similarly difficult like other rpgs, and if you want a less frustrating experience you really shouldn't shy away from switching to lower difficulties. That's why they are in the game.