I mean, I'd say the exact opposite there? Her subconscious self explicitely help Alicia understand how you can twist seemingly insignificant changes into major changes.
Subconscious Aura explicitly knows things that conscious Aura doesn't, and more importantly, subconscious Aura acts on basically all of Aura's impulses. She represents Aura's arrogance taken to extreme. Also, based on her speech(es), it seemed to me less like she believed that the mental changes couldn't stop her if enough piled on, but rather, that Alicia couldn't do enough changes in time to stop her from owning Richard.
Conscious Aura doesn't know any of that
and in the lead-up to the Victory Ending, she gets a memory dump from Luciela and is actually kind of horrified to find out that her subconscious self actually actively helped Alicia.
Aura isn't truly conscious of her arrogance. Most people aren't particularly self-aware about their flaws after all.
That said, I still have no idea what you'd expect Aura to DO on Earth in regards to Richard and Alicia. She's just a normal girl there. She has no special abilities. She can't really stalk them around, and even if she does... what would it achieve? What would she learn and how would it help? The Earth side of things tries to be more realistic... and realistically, a normal person without any means or connections can do jack and shit about someone as rich as Richard or even Alicia.
It's why George was playing the long-game of studying and getting into Law. Because that was the key to being able to do anything at all, and even that's a long-shot.
As mentioned, all of this is imo kinda more ambiguous, as Aura immediately think there is going to be a trap, and takes it into account, she just values helping to save as many people as possible as fast as possible more than, well, taking care of the trap first.
No. It's not ambiguous at all. It's just stupid. She never stops to consider the question of "what happens if I fail?"... and what happened is that a lot more people suffered and died because she rushed into that trap. If she'd been more cautious and if she'd taken steps to break the trap without tripping it and so on, sure, more people would have died in the immediate battle, but many more lives would have been saved in the long-run.
Given that Richard was
summoned with her, in a sense, by the Goddess, during the whole set-up in the prologue, it was rather obvious that
she couldn't win under those circumstances. Her arrogance made her think that she could... but she ultimately just made things worse for herself in particular and the world in general. There's a rather long list of suffering that can be tracked back to that monumentally bad decision.
Which includes most of an entire city dying btw.
Both Rose and George imo have very easy ways for Aura to involve them, and she very much knows how important talking to people and influencing them on earth can be to win on Royan too (she does think about it iirc). It just... never goes anywhere apparently.
You keep forgetting that neither Rose nor George have memories of the summoning after the Prologue. She only really has proof for George about what's going on, and even that's sketchy. I agree that she could have involved them more, but I disagree that it would have been easy.
The amount of things they could have done would have been limited too. I'm not sure what you're thinking that they could have done on Earth that would have significantly impacted things on Roya. Nothing on Earth, for example, impacted stuff like the Demon Generals or any other minions Richard has in Roya. Only Richard and Alicia are summoned. All the other Demon Generals and stuff? All fully from Roya.
Hurting or otherwise inconveniencing Alicia or Richard on Earth would have no impact on their Demon Selves aside from maybe making them be more annoyed or hasty with some of their decisions... but that's not guaranteed and it's also hard to do without risking other things. Like them getting the police involved for harassment or whatnot... which would ruin Aura's life and the lives of her friends far more than it'd inconvenience the bad guys... and it wouldn't change one lick of things in Roya.
Lastly, as mentioned before, killing Richard or Alicia on Earth would just make things worse, so that's not an option either. Hell. Even if Aura could, through some extremely convoluted means, get those two in prison or something, that'd STILL just give them more time to sleep which means more time being active in Roya, which means more problems for her.
So what exactly are you thinking that she could even DO...?