Thanks for the help. I'm like 90% sure I already screwed my run, but so far it seems the game is /designed/ for you to screw your run and face the consequences, so I'll see how it goes.
I'm really worried about the echo here on the lategame though, as for all that apparently the game is designed for corrupted Aura to be bad end Aura, it's also not designed for, well, good end Aura to exist. I really hope the people who talked about the lack of content unless we go full corruption were vastly exxagerating, and that my fears are only grounded on all the other porn games which did that.
First of all, the game really IS designed to prevent Aura from remaining uncorrupted. Though, there's degrees to everything. While it's mathematically possible to keep corruption down to a minimum, that requires knowing where everything is, more or less, and playing perfectly. It's quite frankly impossible to do perfectly well on the 1st run simply because there's a lot of stuff you don't know about and the game doesn't warn you about. (Mainly because there's no way for Aura to realistically have that information herself.)
A good example is the slime summon. The slime summon can be strengthened by feeding it mats, and it gains the stats offered by those mats the same way Aura would if she used that material at the Workshop, and also XP based on the value of the mat.
However... The summon slime spell goes up by 2 MP every time you feed the slime... so the spell's cost can go up FAST for little actual gain if you're not careful... and the only way to limit this (and further improve the slime) is Bonding... which is a lewd event.
The difference between a slime with zero bonding and a slime with bonding 3 is... quite frankly absurd. In total, all 3 bonding levels gave you... uh... 30-40 to all of the slime's stats? I don't remember exactly... but suffice to say a Bond 3 slime can easily have notably stronger stats than a well invested late-game Aura.
Another example is the Alchemist discount. For just showing the old-fart Aura's panties once, you get a
permanent 40% discount, which adds up with the 10% discount you get for giving him an ingredient, which means that with a bit of care, you can have a permanent 50% discount whenever you shop from the guy. The amount of money you save up with that is
huge, and if you're trying to keep Aura even remotely "pure", for whatever value that's worth in this game, then that's a bargain that's easy to make.
Ultimately, the game is full of temptations, and you have to figure out which compromises to make, and when, that will actually seriously benefit Aura, and which ones will fuck her over in the end. Because the above examples? Those ones don't really have any negative consequences aside from 1 corruption point per scene, a bit of lewdness and in the case of slime bonding 2 and 3, a total of 4 Max Willpower loss (which is no big deal if you do things carefully and use a couple of books that give you 10 Max Willpower each.)
There are other deals which will fuck you over
hard even if they seem like they have good benefits in the short run, and there's not always big neon signs warnings for which ones those are. There are
some warnings, but you have to talk with NPCs and whatnot and actually pay attention to what's being said...
Either way, I wouldn't worry too much on a 1st run. Just save often and remember to save-scum properly and you'll do fine. If I could hit Ending A after 321 days of play, odds are anyone can. That's 160 corruption from the passage of time alone btw. I have no idea how much was earned from various other sources...