Unity - Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long [v2.81] [Sinful Salad Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game as a full release would be worth paying money for.

    +Porn game that integrates with engaging gameplay.
    +Fantastic original art
    +Very high quality compared to the majority of games on this website.

    -Specific scenes can be very difficult to find even if you know where to look.
    -Demo currently lacks a gallery and enemy viewer.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    An unpolished diamond. Gameplay has a unique and great foundation of mechanics that meshes well with existing sexual content, with potential for more.

    The writing, if you care about that kind of stuff here, is both casual enough to skip but clever/cheeky enough to enjoy reading.

    Music surprisingly bops. Sound design is solid.

    Art style is refreshingly unique. Keep an eye on this one.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Hope there'll be a way to recover losing a heroine, and it's reasonably common to get softlocked (it is a demo after all), but other than that I'm really digging this gameplay and art direction.

    If they ever start looking into VA or sex sfx, some Bad North-esque sound pacing that increases the tension & excitement of losing could really work.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This is better as a demo than a lot of completed "games" on this site.
    The art is phenomenal and full of charm.
    The gameplay is both actually a game, and not just clearly a ripoff of a successful non-porn game.
    Good sense of humour to the writing, though as of yet there's not much to follow from.
    The only "bad" parts of this game come from the gameplay needing polish, but that will certainly come with time considering where they are at already.
    The developers are also notably active in the discord and appear to be very passionate about this game, and it being a 2 person team means there's less likelihood of burnout that is so often seen in solo developers.
    I don't often rate games on this site, but i just knew i had to give this one a glowing review.

    While it's not perfect, and some might say 5 stars is too much for so early into development, the potential alone gives it the boost to 5.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is seriously incredible for just a demo. There are a few bugs and sometimes they're frustratingly gamebreaking, but that's mainly a downside because the game is so good. It can stand entirely on its own and be a sellable product, I only wish the porn aspects of the game were easier to reach. Character design is well done and so are the ero images when your heroines do end up caught, but it's simply difficult to get there unless you really try. Looking forward to this game's future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall, "Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long" is a delightful and enchanting gaming experience. Its vibrant visuals, engaging gameplay, humorous narrative, and memorable characters captivate players. This whimsical adventure will bring countless hours of fun and laughter.

    10/10 would highly recommended
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Gravy Dog

    I love the potential this game has as a game. It can be a really solid roguelike with enough love and development. The porn is incredibly lacking at the moment, but I don't really care. The game has enough potential in gameplay to stand out by it's gameplay alone. It just needs to refined and expanded on. A solid demo for sure.

    I love the pushing and pulling mechanic to deny enemy actions. I love maneuvering my enemies into skill ranges. Pulling them into traps and messing them up is very satisfying as well. It really needs good sound effects to really land that satisfying feeling though and currently they are not there yet. The heroes seem really dependent on AoE and the game doesn't always give you AoE immediately. Enemies spawn a lot and keeping up with them without AoE seems quite demanding. There is very little relief to help you if things get out of hand either. A break between waves would help a lot.

    As for the porn, it is very poorly designed. If you want to purposely lose, it takes a long time, all the groping animations are quickly skipped through, and the game quickly transitions to the game over screen with very little fanfare once all your characters are captured. So you might think you'll just play the game normally and enjoy the porn along the way. Problem, the game is designed in such a way that you are either dominating the enemies or they are spiraling out of control with no comeback potential. This means the porn is quite limited to really quick groping and maybe your character gets stripped nude in a boss fight. There was only one time where I had a character die and came back from it. otherwise, it was just stomp the enemy and never ever let them get out of control.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    the darkest dungeon row combat thing is interesting, and despite the fact that most of my runs end before i can get them, the item and skill systems are solid as well. i just wish the sex part of this sex game was more accessible -- the heroines usually run out of stamina and die before they actually get naked, and if you lose one, it's basically game over already. would probably make a pretty great regular roguelite if all the porn was removed and the core systems were polished up.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    oh my goodness gracious. the gameplay is also good but the RNG sucks sometimes. the tile mechanic is something really unique and i hope the devs do more with the idea. the cutscenes of the characters getting grabbed and stuff are too short though, make an option for it to be longer please. more enemy variety as well hopefully later. solid as hell demo though.

    also pls futa content
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Awesome first release. Gameplay from a conceptual standpoint is great, but it doesn't feel very rewarding yet. Runs are relatively short and the roguelite progression is not very extensive (yet?). The art really needs to pick a direction though. It currently feels like its randomly cobbled together, from the high quality character portraits to the MS Paint style UI.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good. Top ten I played this year for sure (in general, not only hgame). It is a "demo", so you should expect some bugs, but it's fully playable, and there is A LOT of content. The art is top, the kinks are vanilla with a twist (which I love it), and strong girls as protagonist, the best kind.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Name and gameplay 5 stars. Unique rogue-like battler with a sarcastic sense of humor. Potential for lots of build customization and replayability. Hand drawn art style and anti-meta HUD/interface. Excited to support the finished product.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A rare gem!
    If you are looking for rare indie quality porn "game" this is the one. It story is simple. Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long.

    You meet up with girls and attack enemy BUT WAIT! this is not just simple RPG game but rougelike. Which mean you die and come back stronger! (gotto beat the boss first tho but you now learning about enemy) You attack monster in 3 colorful line by which line for each heroes to attack full damage and same goes for monster but that can be ignore by skills. This is what make video game. you must strategically tank damage because you can regen your Stamina and Sex Resist which if any of these fall you lose one of your hero.

    As you know AAA are release quick cash grab for quick finish dead line homework for their CEO. This game really is a flesh air and IT IS PORN too. The art and music really have some soul into and created by Sinful Salad team of 2 People

    Demo that actually fun
    I know this is just a demo but it is suprisely fun. Thanks to all gameplay and everything work together so well.

    recommend to support the dev
    . The game can not be done without support. Give them some and they will giving us a good game
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The first demo sold me on this game -- the gameplay is fun, the porn's pretty good if a tad difficult to actually access, and it's got enough humor to keep you going between. It's very rare to have a porn game that's genuinely enjoyable to play as a game, especially in the roguelike genre which tends to have pretty awful games. Can't recommend this more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a very good start.
    It is one of those rare cases where dev who makes porn game doesn't forget to make an actual game (you can unironically play this for more than porn).
    Gameplay wise I can see how someone would accuse this one of being too repetitive, but if you can stomach roguelikes, this one is more than fine.
    Difficulty is fun, as in: it is hard but doesn't feel too unfair and forces you to actually engage with the game.
    Art is amazing.
    Porn is good, but is somewhat repetitive. There is a fair amount of it and it is consistent. Porn is somewhat loose to see, but not really, to get it you need to put your characters in a dangerous (but possibly rewarding in gameplay terms) situation. It is kinda hard to explain, but porn in this game is also somewhat roguelike.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Wait a minute, this is actually a really good game.
    The size is small for now, the music is pretty bopping, we need more.
    The strategy for taking out enemies is all shifting and movement based, pretty easy mechanics.