Unity - Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long [v2.81] [Sinful Salad Games]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has the potential to be pretty great, but it's not quite there yet.

    The main issues are that it's buggy, like the game errors out sometimes and breaks (like a soft crash) which allows me to quit or start over (or keep playing but when it happens it happens because i can't keep playing)

    I've had 3 fatal crashes like hat ruin my runs, i've never managed to get very far in this game because it always crashes sooner or later like this. With how simple the game is, it's extremely surprising to me htat it's this broken.

    The other issue is sexual content, only way to get it from what i've seen so far is when enemies grope the heroines (which flashes for literally one second, it could afford to be 3 or 4 seconds so you have time to see the artwork tbh) and to wait until that happens enough until the sexual resistance is all the way down and then the next enemy will fuck that girl and you get an artwork and a simple animation along with some moans to go with it.

    That's cool, but it's not enough, and you will sometimes go like 30 minutes without this happening depending on how you play. There's another way which is to just buy potions that instantly start the sex but it's kinda a waste of resources which is a big no-no in a roguelike like this.

    The game could afford to have more sexual content, maybe some cutscenes and sexual attacks from the heroines insteado f just the enemies.

    This could be the start of something great, but only if the dev at bare minimm fixes the breaking bugs that make it impossible to finish a playthrough.

    The game I don't find particularly difficult, it was mostly intuitive to me once I figured out the effective zones of the heroines and how to use push/pull strategies to control the battlefield. How easy it is each run depends very heavily on what skills you get though, some skills make things really easy but most of the skills are pretty meh.

    The only real danger is new enemies with special abilities (like blockroaches) since if the winning strategy is to kill those first, you won't know, until they're well on their way to killing you.
  2. 4.00 star(s)



    This game was created with enthusiasm and love.

    As of version 2.72, I believe it can only be rated 4/5 at the moment, as the game is only 2/3 complete, if not less. Once the development is finished, I will return and update my review accordingly.


    1. Hand-Drawn CGs and animation: As I mentioned "the game was created with enthusiasm and love. " It weirdly reminds me of Futanari di Funghi when playing. Overall the art is good.

    2. Unique Gameplay: While the gameplay isn't entirely unique or one of a kind, it is indeed not the common type. It reminds me of "Necroking" on my first run. But overall, it's quite good for both the concept and the design for a team of only two developers (if that is true).

    1. Excessive Grinding: The amount of grinding required is overwhelming, to a point where simply I give up and modify the save file to unlock all the CGs. (I have a full CG save file uploaded in the thread)
    The problem is not just grinding, but grinding without feeling rewarding, I see no 100% in sight even if I grind for 50 hours. I strongly suggest that the developers consider one (if not both) of the following changes:
    - Add an option to allow the game to run at 2x or even 4x speed. There's no need to repeatedly watch the animation for the arrows flying or to witness what each demon does after your turn. The gameplay animations could be streamlined, similar to "One Step from Eden".
    - Increase the rewards for catching a demon, maybe show one random CG of the character who used the power to catch the demon. Then that means players have a chance to view all 4 CGs of a character, just by catching demons/monsters.
    A game of this type should be designed to allow players to achieve 100% completion in a maximum of 15 hours (at least for the amount of content as of V2.72). This way, players can focus on the enjoyable aspects of the game (the excellent CG and gameplay) and avoid leaving negative comments about the grinding.

    2. Frustrating Bugs: There aren't many bugs in the game. But if you ever encounter one, you have to abandon your progress to restart. The game does not save after each checkpoint, and since the game relies heavily on RNG, the loss of a good run due to bugs can be particularly frustrating.
    I can vaguely recall a situation where the game became stuck. After encountering an event on the map, and before the sprite fully appears, you can still click the map icon and open the map, and you can even select the next destination. However, upon closing the map, the game got stuck, as it seemed to want to automatically open the map for me to choose a destination when I had already done so. This caused the event sprite not to appear, forcing me to abandon the run and restart.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v2.70

    I personally want to like this more than I really do, but I also don't think a three star rating is fair. As a lover of roguelikes I can definitely get the appeal of Some Heroines Climb Up a Tower to Ask God Why the Game Has a Name That's So Long, but I think the game feels a little too tedious for my personal preferences.

    I love the whole aesthetic of the game. Unique characters, fun comedy, lots of interesting designs, and the art has a ton of charm. No complaints on that front.

    The tedium for me comes down to the gameplay. I think the concept is fun with the movement-based abilities and having each party member sort of control an area. You essentially play off of combos and weave in abilities to manage the board before getting overrun. But for me that ends up turning into what feels like a slog. Mainly because it's pretty easy to get overran by enemies, especially when a boss shows up, and also because the travel time between map locations runs so long that it feels almost never-ending in a way.

    It's also a little too RNG dependent imo. Now there's a lot of ways you can minimize that for yourself, but more often than not I felt like I was getting fucked over by it. Maybe I just suck which is fair, but it just feels like there's too much to manage really is maybe more of the issue. Again, a bit tedious. The game seems more about how much you can limit damage since you can't really avoid it. I suppose you can say that about a lot of roguelikes, but playing this you'd get more what I mean. It feels so easy to go from doing great, to then one of your heroines gets stun-locked in a sex scene and it happens to be the one enemy at full hp outside of your other heroines preferred zone. Also you got no stamina, and next turn a different enemy depletes it and now you're down a second party member and it's time for a restart. Perhaps just a skill issue shrug.

    My other gripe is with the sex scenes. It's all battle fuck content. Now "losing" to enemies to get the scenes can be beneficial because if you knock them out of it you get a buff which is nice, but I still really dislike having to almost micro manage everything just to unlock that one sex scene with a specific enemy. Once again, feels more tedious than anything. It would maybe help if there were scenes outside of that, especially with so many hot NPC designs, but to my knowledge there's none of that (no idea if it's planned though). But I think if you're coming here for the sex, you're gonna get annoyed with it more than anything. It just makes me want to download a gallery save because the art itself is really good and worth seeing. Don't want to grind it all out to get it myself though.

    TLDR - Didn't hate the few hours I spent on the game, but I don't really have a strong desire to keep going with it. Didn't click enough with me and unlocking all the lewd stuff just feels like a hassle. That being said, the game still has a lot of charm and effort going into it. Try it if you like roguelikes at the least.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I don't want to fight normal mobs for another 30 minutes to get to my end. It feels rewarding to get a glimpse at the actual fap material that's somewhat controllable but holyfawk.

    Temporary campfires for each level, succubus shop and a decent amount of content already made that review obsolete. I see the consistency and love in these devs. All it takes is balance, qol that doesn't stray away from the genre and more content that activates neurons. This game will be remembered for a long time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Phenomenal game! This is exactly what I've been looking for; a game that blends in fantastic roguelike mechanics with great combat sex scenes.

    It is quite difficult but not in a grindy sense but in just the mechanics, which I love. As somebody who loves tactical strategy games such as X-COM, I immediately fell in love with this game within the first 30 minutes.

    You can definitely see the love poured into this game, and I hope the developers never stop adding more content!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I was very shocked how much I liked this game. The artwork from first glance did not seem that appealing, but after playing it definitely has its charm. In terms of a hentai game, the breasts on the characters were good enough to get me going, but the Gallery/Capturing system is a bit tedious to complete. Now, I actually really like the gameplay loop and the fact that the developer has put actual thought into the mechanics and difficulty. The dialogue being unserious as ever is a lot of fun and with the right RNG I was able to defeat the second area. The replayability is definitely there, but I'd love to see an actual ending and more heroines in the future! Great Game!
    Oh and the Music has NO right to be as Good as it Is. Love the Vaporwave, Earthbound/Undertale vibes I get from it, a perfect fit for the unserious vibe! However, I was a bit let down by Area 2's music since it took such a different turn, not nearly as catchy in my opinion.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Gave it three and a half hours. If the dev sees this, the main problem is it takes too long/much to clear a single enemy since they can freely change places even on diagonals.

    Meta progression from run modifiers to equipment to just 'put points in for more stats, permanently' would improve the gameplay experience greatly. Putting in a modifier that removes all permanent stat upgrades from such a meta-progression system would probably be the cleanest answer to this without compromising the original vision of the game.

    It could be a much, much better gameplay experience but currently I couldn't put up with it for the art style alone as it proved too frustrating to try to manage the board.

    Edit: Changed to five because the dev addressed this, woo! :D
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Tower climbing with a long ass name is in my opinion one of the better games that exist. The reason behind this is because of its unique combat system as well the jokes that are made during the story. The game is still in development and still require some finetunig as it contains small bugs as well some balance issues. If you can get pass that as well the unique artwork then start playing this game
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, I usually consider myself a pretty chill individual, especially when it comes to silly videogames, but jesus fucking christ, this was one of the very few games (porn or otherwise) that were able to frustrate me this much.

    Over 20 times I've started runs trying to make some progress, but to no avail. The farthest I've got was to the 3rd spot in the first map (cause I'm assuming there's more beyond that shadowy "miniboss" icon that I'll likely never reach).

    I've been following the rules just as they are in the guide on the game's wiki, but here's the thing:

    1. Keep enemies out of the zone of their color and most will be unable to hurt you.
    How am I supposed to keep them out of their zones when the full 18 spaces of the board end up getting filled with enemies no matter what I do, and NOT EVEN THEMSELVES can block each other, as they can SWAP PLACES FREELY TO BETTER SUIT THEIR STRATEGY?!

    3. Get F*cked more. A heroine will recieve a temporary x2 damage buff if you destroy the enemy she's having sex with.
    There's no way for me to control which enemy hits each heroine with each attack. The enemies target a random heroine with a random attack (physical attack, clothing attack or sexual attack), how do you expect me to make them "get fucked more"???

    4. Keep an eye on your HP bars to stay on top. If possible try to not have all 3 Heroines have low SR at the same time.
    I JUST SAID THERE'S NO WAY TO CONTROL THAT! That's literally how I die every single time! As soon as one heroine fell, either to sex or captured, it has never been more than 3 or 4 turns until all others fell too. Their random attacks lower the heroines bars extremely evenly.

    Seriously, I tried studying the most effective way to combo each enemy, but no matter what I do, it takes multiple turns in the best possible conditions to kill a single enemy (except for the archers, which are usually one or two shottable), the heroines bars go low too evenly, the screen gets swarmed with enemies, those blue dickheads stay trapped in the blue zone between two columns of enemies making me unable to get them outta there or make considerable damage with anyone except the ninja, and I make no progress. Like, at all.

    Plus the sexual content is laughable, at least up to the point I were able to play. We get less than half a second to view whenever each heroine is harassed, and when they fall we can't even watch it as the screen cuts to the game over screen immediatelly.

    I'm sorry devs, I don't think I've ever been this harsh to any other game I've played here, but this was frustrating to no end. I really, REALLY value games that care a lot about humor in their story, the art is great, the story is unique and the characters are interesting. I feel like this could become one of my favorite games from this site if the awful gameplay wasn't in the way. If only the heroines were 2 or 3 times stronger than they actually are...

    Am I doing something terribly wrong? Cause I asked myself this question at least 100 times already while playing it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Very challenging but interesting game. It isnt focused around sex, although drawings are great.
    Would recommend if you want to spend some good time in a turn-based strategy game (have beaten the game in around 30 hours of gameplay). Would not recommend if you just want to fap.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Eepy Poss

    The balance of this game is entirely its problem. That's just it, really. There is literally nothing you can do if the game just decides that you deserve to get 6 waves of 3 enemies in a row right when you start the game and haven't hit a single node and only gave you single target abilities on all of your characters. This game is heavily RNG dependent and a majority of the time your runs are going to end in failure just because you get so massively overwhelmed by enemies with health that is too high for your characters that just don't deal enough damage.

    I love the style and the goofy plot that doesn't take itself seriously. The gameplay itself is interesting to have it be an endless wave defense game where each character does best in their own specific zone but this does create all sorts of issues. The warrior is useless like 90% of the time because shes either dealing 50% damage or 25% damage because a majority of enemies are green or blue zoned and outside her red zone, making her job almost exclusively dealing 3 or 5 damage and pushing enemies back. The archer has some of the same problem but the green zone will almost always have enemies in it because of the nature of this game so she is constantly putting in work. The ninja is lucky enough that she will only deal 100% or 50% damage since the blue zone is in the middle and surrounded by the other two.

    This however does create massive issues down the line if you happen to get unlucky with skills, the map layouts, and which enemies are spawning. Its no surprise that you can easily be overrun and chipped away at if you just get two waves of those blue ghost enemies that can buff anyone to be able to attack at any zone regardless of their typing and they constantly attack you or buff the upcoming enemies while having 40 health so they're all absurdly tanky for their utility and zone. The archer has a 50% chance to deal double damage which is great but also shows how inconsistent she can be because she can kill an enemy archer, 20 health, in one hit if it procs, or struggle to kill two archers while 3 more are spawning in and just constantly chipping away at your stamina. Same problem can happen in reverse if you get too many red enemies and they just push into the front zone. The green and red zones suffer from having one of your members completely useless in their opposite color so these overwhelming numbers become a massive slog that usually feel like theres no possible way out of it.

    The game can be fun but most of the time it usually isn't just because of how reliant on RNG it is. Items are absurdly strong but rarely do you come across them. Skills become extremely important but balancing out their stamina and sexual resistance costs can be tricky because an enemy can fuck you over (literally and figuratively) with a well timed combo, not to mention you might get nothing but bad skills that do nothing to help cull the numbers.

    Its a nice game but I feel like it has a long way to go with its balance issues. Doing a fresh run right out the gate and you're immediately hit with 3 enemies 5 times in a row just isn't fair and shouldn't even be possible to get overrun that much immediately. Another run you constantly only get 1 or 2 enemy spawns every like 4 turns and its an absolute breeze. The game ultimately decides if you're going to have fun or not and there isn't much you can say or do about it.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    A middle-aged Femboy

    -Put a bit more time into it and finally beaten the 2nd level and finally let go of my seething and generally rewrote-
    This is probably my 2nd or 3rd time I played this game, and for someone like me that doesn't play many in-depth turn-based games and/or dives in head-first then ask questions and make assumptions later, its a bit difficult to get into.

    +1 stars
    The concept is simple enough, its a rogue-lite where you travel throughout as you constantly fight against an endless onslaught of enemies. You have 3 zones (close, middle, and far) with 3 heroines for each zone (Knight, Shinobi and Archer { [K], (S), and [A] for reference} ), but [K] pushes, (S) pulls, and [A] does neither but has a chance of landing 2 hits. However, each character' damage falls off ~50% the further their attacks are from their zone, but items will always do 100% damage along with skills unless stated otherwise.

    As for skills though, they usually come at the cost of either sex res.(buffs and debuffs usually) or stamina/hp, and if sex res. runs out your character is fucked by an enemy until you kill that enemy in which the character will get a damage boost for that turn and the next, though if stamina reaches zero you have to find a slaver and buy your character back -or buy a ticket so heroine appears in box on battlefield.- You do regain some stamina each turn, though a character's sex res is only restored when they kill an enemy.

    Of course you can also buy/unlock more skills and items to encounter at the hub with medals (i forgot what they were called), skills from the crocodile lady after defeating a mini-boss, and items from the store owner who'll appear after the first run, though its a fairly early build and there isn't a whole lot of items to unlock, though I think there is a decent number of skills for the current build.

    It was hard at first but after putting 5 more hours into it I managed to barely beat the final boss/mushroom scientist along at the same time as the (weakened) spider-lady and started to enjoy it a bit more than at first. I did have a few runs of bad luck, with one spawning enough wizards to cover most of the field or an archer fucking my swordsman while they're being protected by a vodoo doll as the chameleon mini-boss kept my heroines heroines hp at 1, but it does become a bit easy after a bit once you know what to do.

    I generally think the first level is balanced well enough with the right path and skill set, but I will say that I do think that the 2nd level would be a bit too easy if it wasn't for the mushrooms, the blue cockroaches are annoying with the damage reduction/nullification they give to nearby enemies but I don't particularly call it a challenge so long as you have still have (S) and can move them. I do wish that there is some more rarer/unique enemeis in the 2nd level that can up the challenge a bit more along with a way to remove (at least 1 or 2) of the spore missiles, but the thing I want the most so far in terms of gameplay is just a way to deal with shroomification aside from just waiting it out (Or its just a flaw with my own style since I try prioritizing more other enemies before dealing with the shrooms that arise once they die).
    -It does become pretty bullshit once you can't move or barely attack the blockroaches-
    I do like the idea of a boss influencing the field before you do fight them, so I do hope that any other bosses that are added afterward do the same thing for some buildup and give an idea on who you're fighting to form a plan before you finally encounter them

    I like how the sprites look as far the aesthetic goes, and the heroines look cute too. I also think the plot is enough to drive the story with how lighthearted and barebones it is thusfar. There were some bugs that I found, usually the sex res bar turning into a white bar after getting to the 2nd level (heroines that are bought back are fine though), along with a bug that happens if the bomb-boss explodes (I forgot to take a screenshot). Aside from those and occcasional glitch of a sex scene not showing for a moment until the next turn (iirc) there wasn't anything gamebreaking that I noticed, aside from the bomb-boss.

    B rating
    I've been a bit too busy seething in previous runs to notice the H-factor and I do think it looks good, though I'm unfortunately not attracted to one of the heroines as I'm no furry (doesn't count since its basically on the cover). I have been trying play things cautiously at first so I haven't been able to view much of the scenes and wasn't able to make a good judgement on it. I do wish that there is a gallery or a more spicey gameover screen depeneding on the level though, still I am a bit more interested in a gallery and I do think it will be added at some point later.

    [F = *disqusted look* "Euugh" || C = "Eh, good enough" || S = "Whoa! Where did my pants go?!" ]

    ==Suggestions and Improvements==
    • Add in a way to have heroines fuck on command (via item) as to prevent a heroine being fucked at the wrong time as well as a chance to see the porn without having waist time by burning a turn or two using skills certain if you have them
    • Have an item that clears spores/mushrooms, or perhaps a skill that cleases status effects from the heroines.
    • Increase font size of the status numbers and maybe increase the status bar's thickness a smidgen. Also, I think it might be a good idea to show how much stamina/sex res you'd lose or be leftover after using a skill by showing how much of said skill would take away from stamina/sex res bars
    • Add in a way to clear up obstacles on the path, like maybe a custodian working for god... for free
    • Maybe add in some sort of augments at the hub before you go out on a run which changes how base attacks behave (for example, [K] could have augment which increases push back and crash damage at the cost of regular damage, or [A] trading in crit/double hit chance for moving an enemy up a column instead)
    • Have the guard be a dummy to test out new skills or strategies and/or be an advanced tutorial
    • Maybe a secret area for the S.L.A.V.E. HQ after you beat every/enough slavers for lewd and/or bdsm theme
    • Add in more unique enemies and content
    • Add in a skill that might consume armor for greater effect
    • Maybe have the hex skill allow you to tether the stamina pool of the one heroine you choose to the enemy of choice instead of it just being (S) (Cant be casted again if its already active ofc)
    • Maybe have a plague/illness status effect where its doesn't do as much damage as fire or poison, but spreads to nearby enemies instead of crashed enemies as fire does.
    • Once the game is pretty much finished, maybe add in challenge runs that shake up the game a little while giving some reward for beating them for extra replayability (ex. bondage run for (S) skill item/scene/lore, no push/pull run for [K] skill/item/scene/lore, etc.)
    • Adding in a gallery would be nice (there is one, its just hidden), and more H-scenes is always welcome

    Seems like a pretty decent turn-based game with a pretty high skill curve, but it does become a bit easy once you get the hang of things, mainly in just managing stamina and sex res. The game generally rewards you for being more daring instead of cautious, as well as being experimental with what you have on hand, and I do recommmend this to people who like turn-based rpgs who want to play something, though there is only 2 levels thus far so there might not be a lot of content after you beat it as it is currently.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Squishy ladies enjoyer

    I hope for this game to come out at some point on steam. Great potential. The only thing is that there is more of a normal gameplay and too little of sex, or even when sex, at this point it's gonna mean that run is ruined. But considering devs team in 2 ppl. I'm glad that I at least finally can complete first lvl in current version [2.42].
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Fuck the rewiev i just made i erased from existent, Now this game its Just as bad as puting you dick beetwen some cactus bcs of the gameplay and progresion, The gameplay its Just so frustrating and lame the bad RNG and the unwineable sittuations that the game put you in its abysmal. The game its not Hard its just unfair. Stil it has a lot of potential And can improove in so many things so for now its just a 5/10 game and it lack a lot of content and Cg animations. i will put this in my watch lst and hope for the better of this game.
    (Sorry for my bad english)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a lot of potential. It's a fun rogue-like hindered by poor balancing, RNG, and a inept progression. The H content is lacking, but great for the little amount there is and has room to grow. The game is still in development and I look forward to future updates and progress.

    The game loop itself is fun. What isn't fun is how the game locks you in unwinnable situations due to immpossibly bad RNG and not being supplied the tools you need to proceed. It will take a god run to get past level 2 with how much it throws at you. Level one is difficult but doable and once you get the hang of the game it becomes consistently winnable through skill and knowledge.Level 2 is not that. Level two introduces so many more mechanics that you just can't keep up with because of how little the game supplies you with. It's incredibly frustrating after spending hours trying to figure it out, incredibly punishing, and unfair to the player.

    Lets list what level 2 introduces:
    1. enemies that counter
    2. enemies that reduces all damage to baddies around them (potentially all damage and you become locked in an unwinnable game quickly. good luck having the dps to get rid of all of them before they get to the blue squares in 2 TURNS. Also you need to have the dps and sustainability gathered from only the LEVEL before!! This is end game,extra dungeon level of difficulty - not for the second level.)
    3. enemies that can hit all heroines
    4. Invincible missiles that are difficult to remove and cast a enemy replacement buff to enemies around it EVERY TURN. Removal is RNG dependent on where the missles land and if another missle lands nearby. Good luck having the dps before this enemies get this buff.
    5. Mushroom debuffs and poison.

    Introducing one or two mechanics would have made it spike in difficulty. The game creator introduced ALL OF THESE in the SECOND level. It can't be consistently won even after you figure out the mechanics. It becomes RNG dependent and a not good game design. I hope the creator thinks more about the balance of the game and improves it going forward as, again, there is A LOT of potential for this game.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This is THE game. You can PLAY it.
    Soundtracks not that boring and all keeps more or less single theme.
    Artstyle is a personal thing for everyone. And can't be valued. Nothing too strange or too ugly for f95 average user.
    Text/lore/dialogs not overwhelms player and funny to read.
    18+ content have some good amount in game. And as well it is again personal thing for everyone and can't be valued. Theme of content and fetishes somewhat repeats and you know what to expect but still there is enough thing to see.

    (almost) Negative thing -- it is difficulty of game. But some may it find positive.
    Gameplay repeats itself and currently only few random things refreshes game. Picking skills, different bosses. Though it feels that there is more space for random-iness.

    If put away all small bad things, game in my humble opinion has raiting "must play at least once".
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The art is great, but the gameplay of constantly battling is quite repetitive. The porn is okay, but you can only see any sex scenes during these battles. A lot of times however, they can lead to you losing, so it's so-so about even wanting to see the porn. All in all, it has great potential, but it's still a long ways from being good imo.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    TL;DR: A fun game that has a nice gimmick which makes playing it as an actual game a viable option. Writing is good, artstyle is really pleasant, but suffers from a lack of proper porn aspects

    + I love the artstyle, tbh
    + The writing is goofy and funny, doesn't take itself seriously and isn't shy about it
    + The gameplay is surprisingly fun and engaging while also being relatively challenging

    - While the MCs have nice tits, the porn aspects of this game fall flat for me, I just don't really find myself getting too invested into the groping/capture/whatever imagery when I'm more focused on trying not to get wiped the fuck out by 4 archers and 6 ghosty boys. If I had to recommend a change, I'd say that some sexual scenes involving some of the recurring cast members can take place between battles when you're moving in the overworld, that could offer some lewd shit outside of the hectic battlezone, but that's just my opinion.

    Overall, I'd definitely play this for a couple of more runs, but I don't see myself getting too invested into it as a porn game, instead I'll be playing it as a fun little side thing.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I tried this game because I was attracted by the art style, and boy was it worth it!

    First of all, and most remarkable is its gameplay, you could say it's a good mix between tactical game and tower defense, but at the same time it's something completely different, it feels really fresh, although the difficulty can be a bit crazy sometimes!

    You will use three important characters, a girl knight (Aka Swordwoman), a hairy girl (Aka Archer) and my personal favorite a Shinobi blue-haired girl (Aka Ninja), you will have to combine their skills wisely if you want to survive long enough, and manage RNG too, so u wil need repeated plays to do your best.

    Losing is not all bad, since you get erotic scenes this way, and honestly the reason why most of us play the game hahaha!

    There are plenty of interactions between the girls, plus a meta humor that made me laught at times, the game is not heavy in terms of text and you will spend most of the time playing or unlocking scenes, so the interactions are great to give variations to the rhythm of the game. although this is quite subjective and may change from player to player.

    At the moment there is not too much content, but I see a huge potential to expand the game, besides adding some features that would further enhance the experience (like a gallery, but i think that Extra option in the main menu will gave something like this in the future).

    tl;dr: I really recommend this game, quite different from everything I've tried in this genre and with a charm that I have not seen elsewhere (Sexy ninja included).
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Relatively light on concentrated H-content, it's more sprinkled throughout the game rather than super-focused on it, though it should be noted that the art is hella good. The draw here is the combat/gameplay loop, and it's really solid - characters do zone-based damage, and some can move enemies between zones. Combined with battle being essentially continuous throughout a region, it makes for an extremely fun roguelike, if you can stomach the difficulty (which is decently high). Big recommend.