Review Ep. 3 Ch. 1 Special Remake, 3.2GB Filesize
There is content until Chapter 7.2
TLDR: Download this one if you're interested in the tags. It has an original storypremise and sexy girls, enjoy!
The story is fun. The overall plot to delve into the memories of the dead father while uncovering more ways to use and abuse the power you get from the pills has some captivating elements to it. The powers itself are nice and deliver on the mind control tag, which is nice.
The women felt a bit overly generic and bland in the beginning but took up speed rapidly, after their storyarcs began. As of Chapter 7.2 the characters have received satisfying amounts of developement and progression and feel like people that belong in adult novels.
There are real choices with different paths to them, but you dont feel cheated out of sexy content (in this game you don't feel like an idiot who has to choose between spending the night with girl A or girl B)
The remade and new animations look very good and refined, an eye-pleaser for sure.
This goes for all the new and remade content, the renders, lighting and models are very beautiful.
The game delivers on the kinks adervtised in the tags
Realistic erotic story progression considering the mnd altering abilities of the MC
I'll end things with a small nitpick and input for the dev:
This goes back to the core idea of why I (and persumably most) play adult games: masturbation or erotical satisfaction. If one takes a look at how long an average Pornhub visit lasts (10min28sec according to PH stats) and how much and frequent masturbationable content most VNs have, the desparity is jaw-dropping. The sex scene in "lable ep7ch2_faith_lovepath" from where Faith takes of the MC's trousers to the scentense "huh, my pleasure take about 5 mins on a reasonable auto text speed and clicking the fast option once in every animation. Compared to the scene with the ass shaking to blowjob finish from Dr. Stone in the very beginning with 3 animations and 12 images which takes about 4min 30n The quality of the renders and animations went way up but the duration per image/video went down somehow. Which is weird since the Dr. Stone scene feels more like an appetizer, an outlook to what is to come in the future while the scene with Faith feels like it's there to be the or one of the masturbational moments of the update. This should not lead you to the conclusion that sex scenes should be needlessly prolonged to reach a set time goal, but a nudge to think about how they could be fleshed out.
As a fan of the not messed up stuff from the anime&black lilith games, I'd take them as an example of games that have very long and dialogue / voicing heavy sex scenes. Compared to Shut up and Dance ,which has both better animations and models as well as more renders for the sex scenes, those in a black lilith game are way longer and in for example Taimanin Asagi franchise mostly relevant to the story and directly linked to character developement. This model would be completetly not suitable for Shut up and Dance however, since it would not fit the narrative. But maybe steal some concepts

As a non-game dev, but person with some knowledge of coding and Dax 3D & Honey Select, it looks like you could deliver more sex content if some of the images would be re used while presenting the characters thoughts / words. For example an idea to put an image of a womans face in between a doggy animation, show us how good she feels, give us some of her thoughts and then continue. If you take multiple angle shots of the same scene or just change the facial expressions of the woman before retaking the shot , you'd have much more material to work with to reach my insignificant idea of pleasurable lenght for sex scenes.