VN - Ren'Py - Shut Up and Dance [Ep.1-10 Ch.1 v1.0 SE] [Boring Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Damn. This game might be the pinnacle of the genre right now.

    Hot characters, entertaining but not overcomplicated story, superb renders' quality aaaaand those Animations! (yes, they are Animations with capital A) - Animations are one of a kind.

    Also probably the only case ever recorded, where remakes are indeed worth the time invested.

    I won't even mention too much about main LI's - they are simply amazing and I will leave it as that.

  2. 3.00 star(s)


    English: 7/10
    User Interface: 8/10
    User Experience: 8/10
    Art: 8/10
    Dialogue: 4/10
    Story: 5/10
    Opinion: 4/10
    Avg: 6.29/10 [3/5]

    First thing I see, trying to download this for the first time, is that this is in a perpetual state of "redevelopment." And by redevelopment, we all know that means they're more than likely just rerendering old images, not actually working on story, mechanics, or anything that doesn't actively get a rise out of the patrons penises. So in a year or so, I expect to se "Ch. 1 super special edition" Because ideas are hard, I'm sure. ALSO, seeing Ch. 5 SE but the last version was Ch.9 I, as a user, don't understand if I'm only getting up to chapter five, or I get chapters 1-5 "remastered" and then everything else up until chapter 9. So, really work on your marketing (This was changed in the OP AFTER I'd started the game). And after starting it up, I realized, this isn't my first time. I played this way back, when I knew it was gonna be nothing but micro updates. The story goes nowhere, nothing makes logical sense, and holding true to their name, this is a boring game. But I will stick through, more than likely my second time getting to chapter 5, and review what I see. From what little I do remember, this is about a (what looks to be)30 year old guy living with his NOTmom and NOTsis that contracts a disease that needs him to jerk off? He hurts his right hand, and since no one in this universe has heard of just using their other hand, everyone tries to help him get off? I guess? Who knows.

    So this all starts out with MC, the only working adult in his house of three grown ass people. He's a bartender with no real skills or personality. One night, at work, a woman just comes up to him and says she could use him for things his NOTdad was working on. It's right here, the beginning, that the "We're avoiding TOS with landlord" makes the story completely fall apart. Why would she need him if he's not blood related in an experiment that she never tells him about? Anyway, he shows up she says he has to use the table and he can only use it with experimental drugs. What any of that means, what the machine does, or what drugs he's taking, HES NEVER TOLD. He just blindly says "Shoot them drug up in me daddy." And it's here you realize he's a drooling moron. Right after, he blacks out, is hit by a car, and ends up in the hospital. What's the first thing he does? Molest his doctor. Wow. But, contrivance to the rescue, his medicine makes angry people horny. So sex happens, then he literally says "I really don't want to use my left hand." But one, why? And two, why does he need to jerk off? At no point was he told he needs to. His entire character is someone so lazy he doesn't want to work or even jerk himself off. What a piece of shit. For some reason I remember this not being so scummy, but I did forget this even existed, so... Great.

    Then you meet Jake. An even worse piece of human trash, MC's best friend. Of course MC tells his idiot friend about his mind control thing right away, it being a secret government project and all. I think that's the only choice that actually matters in terms of "overarching story," not that there is one. Then he begs MC to do his mind control on his mom, so she'll be nicer and be naked. Next, queue up the typical shopping and yoga scenes with NOTmom and a few tropey bratty NOTsis scenes, because why would we be original? I guess here we learn it's the thing from Assassins creed to view memories. But again, it turns out it's probably a mafia story. NOTDad took bad money, then died. Every interaction is completely predictable. The ONLY time MC is serious is when he's talking to Emma about his memories, but I'm sure that will change soon enough. Everything else is him using his last brain cell to get whatever woman he's talking to to touch his dick. While, in the beginning, every interaction with Sarah, they act and talk like they're 14. The mental gymnastics these morons do to arrive at the conclusion "let ME jerk him off" makes no sense, even with the context of "magical super pills that make him emit hormones that affect other peoples hormones." Every single time I have to hear him complain about how bad it is to do it with his left hand, I want his hands to be cut off. And to anyone that "agrees" with him, that fumbling around is how your mythical virgin maiden would touch you.

    Around here is when NOTmom gets fed up with MC and stops doing what they were doing. You know, because she finally realized "I shouldn't be doing this." All MC thinks is "why won't she do it again?" Because he's a piece of shit. I should say, this is all the while MC(and you, the player) are drip fed three frames of NOTdad's memories on the table. My bad, around 10 frames. Sarah's story becomes "I wanna be just like mommy" so her entire character gets reduced to nothing. Sad. Enter lust free spirited NOTcousin trope. She wants weed and will screw her dealer for it. The joke here is, it's legal almost everywhere now so why does she need a dealer? I understand I'm supposed to pretend or whatever, but when MC is a lazy rapey troglodyte, I can't get invested at all. It also takes 4 chapters to get to anything that resembles why this is titled "Shut up and dance." It's a dumb card game they threw in because they were tired of questions about the name. The illusion that this was written by someone that speaks English fades once Kate enters, as well. It'd been slipping for a while, but it gets a little jarring. And the mystery blows its load all at once revealing the big bad guy. Whose beaten right after.

    Then it switches back to pre-rework and while I will say, the renders got much better, just make another game. If I were paying for this, and started seeing remastered versions of things I'd already paid for, I'd be done. Yes, your renders are improving, but every time you get to chapter 5 you're gonna say "Man, chapter 1 looks bad compared to this." It's good to want to improve, but at some point move on. This story isn't even all that good. The English keeps getting worse, and no matter how much the AAA games industry tries to push it, games that were made less than 15 years ago don't need a re-release.To be frank, after around chapter 6 I lost interest entirely. I can see what's gonna happen, none of the characters are any good, and I'm bored. If the "twists and turns" of this surprise you, I'm jealous, please enjoy it. But this isn't for me.

    The English is fine up to about halfway then you start getting jarring non English lines. The UI/UX is pretty good, I think they need to keep all skip options, and probably do away with the random boxing minigame, but effort was actually made. The art, even with the rework and such, is a little inconsistent. But good. The dialogue and story are boring. None of the characters stood out until the very end, and even then it's not very interesting. This is overall just kinda there. Sure, the rework saves it from looking bad, but without that, it doesn't try to be anything more than contrived sex scenes and snowballing plot.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    On one hand, almost everything in this game has been seen before in other games. On the other hand, it's absolutely smokin' hot, looks great, and just keeps building. I literally just posted about wanting to find a really great game in this style. So, yup, five stars from me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Shut Up and Dance is one of the best works I've ever played, whether it's the rendering of the animation or the music, it's perfect. The only drawback is that the plot is a little monotonous compared to other visual novel games, but the good thing about it is that it has some really hot sex scenes, especially the corruption line!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    [EP 9, Ch. 2 SE] Great game, a good example of an adult game should aim for. My summary:

    - Good story. The story is secondary like 95% of the games, but I personally didn't have the need to skip dialogs in the "story moments", so good enough.

    - H-scenes are great. They are very well done, a lot of different scene types. Don't follow the strict rule of bj>pussy>ass, so you will get a lot of bj in later scenes for example. There is lingerie in some scenes, but I would like more, included costume or clothed sex.

    - Great animations.

    - The pace of the scenes is nice. You won't miss h-scenes too much, nor story moments.

    - Character design really good. All girls are really hot and have differents looks.

    - Good sound/music. There music all time. No sounds at all.

    - Technically almost perfect. 0 bugs but sometimes it lags, more in replay mode.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great dialogue, characters, ambiance, models, music.
    But more than that, the author does know how to add details in a way that increases the game charm even further.
    A true masterpiece with a great narrative behind it, can't recommend it enough.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Based on what I'm looking for in an erotic game

    first: hot and sexy ladies any age, underwear, heels, sketchy and perverted situations, corruption, threesome at some point, and second environment, general atmosphere, and at last plot and dialogues;
    I try to stay away from impregnation, and make a full stop at pregnancy, futa and bestiality, and couldn't care less about the ridiculous debates about NTR and depth of characters/story/ veracity of details

    I'm so glad I took it, because initially I skipped it because of the silly title and its main image (I thought it was some kind of poker games... yes I'm a skimmer), but it fit my tastes quite nicely and is probably one of the few games that I want to / will replay.

    The characters are attractive, in many ways, the situations may be classic for some, but much enjoyable to me, there could be more sexy apparel and heels, but the attention to details is here, and I found myself reading more than usual.

    Now I can't wait for an update involving the fabulous looking Violet.

    So congrats and thanks from my little window for a beautiful and very hot game.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I think this game exemplifies what you need (and don't need) to make an adult VN work. The plot itself isn't all that great or engaging, the characters are pretty simple archetypes, but the prose and pacing is good enough and the scenes are hot enough that none of these things detract too much from the experience imo.

    The incest content is the main focus this game which is fine. But the incest plot feels totally disconnected from the main plot (which other characters like the boss and cousin have a stronger connection to) which makes the main plot feel like a side story.

    However this game does harem far better than most, once you progress far enough with both the mom and sis you can get the mom to hit on the sis to make it an open harem. This is done at a perfect pace imo, not too slow for blue balls, not too fast that it feel unearned. I really really hope that in the Love route we see a role reversal and the sis is the one trying to hit on the mom.

    I would recommend the walkthrough mod just to make save management less tedious if you're someone like me who doesn't like missing out on scenes due to unforeseen consequences of seemingly unrelated choices. Thankfully the game structures choices such that you can get 95% of scenes in two playthroughs which isn't too bad.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Maybe the last time I saw a game with more better and better story and animation was Power Vacuum, great plot design, rapid updates, Tease release frequency, this is what a good writer does, this is our hero!
    Latest update CH9Pt2: The BJ scene of Mom and sister is amazing, although I saw the exact same scene in one PervMom video, it didn't stop me from enjoying this one! Hope to get more Threesome scenes! Can't wait for the next update!
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    [Ep9 Ch2. SE]

    Well, the visuals are great as other said. The characters are, of course, inhumanely well made up at all times and perfect, but aside from mom's hyperboobs and devs' love of bubble butts and a single body type, the renders are very good.

    The premise is kinda ok as far the setting goes. It does stretch credibility a bit, as most of hypno/mind control stories will, but, hey, it's there.

    The MC is the issue.

    FIrst of all, despite having physique of an adult male in his prime, he is acting much like a teenager.

    Worse, he can't put together 2 and 2, and use the pills either for good or bad.

    Despite game being tagged as bdsm (no such thing there really) and male domination, the MC couldn't dominate a wet paper bag, and is constantly led on by his mom, taking a back seat at all times, despite taking "corruption" route. Oh, hehe, yeah he influenced and corrupted her by breathing his drugged(pills) breath on her once and telling her stuff once. Pathetic.

    Same about others, the hypnosis pills are not used as a means to an end by MC, but as a repeating deus ex machina, saving his ass, when he is stuck.

    Author's should rewrite this as femdom game. It already feels like it, and it'd be easier than to try to salvage whatever bdsm/maledom they had in mind, if they did indeed.

    All the 3 points go for visuals only.

    Oh, yeah, and the dialogues don't make any sense without an incest patch. "landlady" indeed.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an amusing story which can captivate audience pretty closely if you can accept logic used for source of MC's power , it's a little bit far-fetched that MC can affect so much with just a pill , anyway that's a pivotal base for what is going to happen next .
    There is not complete volition for all scenes that happening, it would have been better if there was, also MC's best friend seems like a big douche bag, very annoying and immature, unfortunately he can affect MC's future later on which is not pleasant at all.
    Characters are well-designed and story is believable, plenty of tasteful scenes, there could be more determining choices implemented, but I guess there is enough amount as of now.
    Shut Up and Dance is a decent VN , definitely recommended .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is definitely one of the best mom/son games ever, the mom looks astonishing, super sexy renders and dialogues. The story is not too convoluted, it is just enough. It does not feel grindy at all, there is action almost immediately, yet there is always a reason to continue, every chapter contains something new and exciting.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Well I like the game in terms of graphics, animations and ...well thats all i guess.
    The reason being:
    1. I kinda don't like the story/plot. Acutally, I just don't find the story that exciting with the MC getting a job where he gets some pills to influence people and has to live with the consequences due to him influencing the wrong people at the wrong time and stuff like that. But it's what the tag "mind control" is supposed to be i guess.
    2. I really detest the MC someti..usua..overall. It's especially the way he acts nearly all the time and that's HORNY teenager and pervert. Well it IS a porn game, but I mean he literally looks like a 25 year old dude who finished highschool centuries ago and keeps saying cringe and corny sentences to the LI's wherevertheplace. It especially gets annoying when the MC is, for example, at the gym and keeps talking about her ass ALL THE FCKING TIME. And you can't even choose what to say at those times.
    3. CHOICES MOTHERFCKING CHOICES..they really do NOT matter except when u have to decide to go sharing path with Jake's mother and when u have to decide to go corruption/love path with MC's mother. But I DIDN'T want the mother to begin with bruh...Basically, due to my personal preferences I WANTED to decline the mother and Jake's mother but the game just likes to fuck u in the ass reeeal hard. It's unavoidable, the sex scene with the mother in the pool or sth...unavoidable. U visiting Jake's house where his mother has ur dick deep down her black ass throat while sleeping..UNfuckingAVOIDABLE.
    But anyway those are personal preferences i guess cause I don't have no problem with the other females/LI's (they're all the same in the end, ending up as some woman in ur harem) cause they suit my taste.

    What else is good?
    If u want every woman with each their own characteristics given and only want to decide if u share 1 with ur best friend or want to decide to corrupt/love ur mother then it's good, Ah u also don't get to decide what relationship u want with ur boss. Love path? Sub path? Slave path? dom path? NO...she slave, take it or take it. no other option.

    Graphics and English still good tho, especially after rework.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is extremely weak, there is nothing but good renders and animations and that's where the positives end. You just can't see anything else.
    The plot makes no sense. Everything happens in a moment! The only thing you can do in the game is nothing. You have no control over how much of an asshole we are
    Hopeless decisions, you have no influence on the characters, this is a one-shot you will play and forget about this game. No matter what you click, you still have all the characters.
    The characters are hopeless they only love the MC's dick nothing else.
    You can skip everything and you won't lose anything.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Let's get the obvious fact out of the way: 3 star game if you are not into incest, 5 star game if you are. So objectively this is a 4 star game overall.
    Dev does a good job with remakes, without the remakes god this would be an awful game. Kudos!
    Yeah it is one of those supernatural/SciFi your way into "keeping it in the family" kind of game, but I like the mom and sister as they are beautiful and cool. Also, MC is the least creepy MC of all the incest games with that plot going on so praise to the dev.
    I don't know what to feel about the story, we will see the end to judge I guess.
    Sexual content is satisfactory but since it is the main focus of the game I think we need more lewd sounds and better work on the animations for those who can't get themselves off of the incest theme.
    Recommendation: we need paths for characters other than mom may be?
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best AVNs in this website.
    It has everything, amazing renders, girls designs, the hottest MILF, excellent incest mom x sister x mc, a great Harem, top notch animations/sex scenes. With the sex scenes it has the best positions and POVs that you could imagine.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1666680

    I think it went a bit too fast with the mom and the story how it started (he can't jerk off because he broke his hand) is just kinda insulting to the audience's intelligence. The story would certainly benefit from a better reason that started it all.

    Besides of that, the hottest mom in any adult game out there, and an enjoyable plot and humour.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Looks good, great sex scenes. The scenarios are pretty hot if you like hypnosis...but other than that, the story and characters aren't really captivating.
    1. The story premise is ok. It's just there to set up the sex scenes. You could tell this was one of those incest ones that had to be replaced to comply with P*treon requirements.
    2. This one's an interesting one, where the visuals just got a huge upgrade to the render and animation quality. It's also been through a makeover, where the chapters 1-5 from the really rough early version has been fixed up with higher quality renders and animation.
    3. There's still a weird ugly middle section that still has bad renders that hasn't been fixed up yet.
    4. The models are mostly the same, so it seems like the creator just skimped on the quality of the render output from Daz and the animation work.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    First of all i've got to hand it to the Dev in terms of animations this is THE BEST infact the amount of polish that went into the details like the physics & facial animations is so darn impeccable,hell that facial expression of the Doc during BJ scene was so alluring that i had to take a snap & turn it into my freaking wallpaper!!!

    So in overall visual fidelity this is definitely 1 of the best, but now the cons:-
    1.The Story ,i mean sure most of us r here for the Sex still the game doesn't leave a lasting impression on the player due to the lack of a good story
    2.The sex happens too fast especially with the mom.They had a great opportunity to make a slow build up with the mom as she is goddamn incredible to look at & was definitely worth the wait. It would have been really nice watching the MC slowly corrupt her step by step through strides like their first kiss,BJ,etc making it way more sensual.Instead here she just comes home drunk 1 night & kisses & gives BJ only to regret it all next day
    3.Too much regret going around with the mom as everytime she takes the next base she goes to regret mode.This could've been avoided if they had taken those steps nice & slow.I mean seriously though this women takes Post Nut Clarity to a whole new level!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I took a star off from my original score as the writing has been going down hill. The whole thing with the cousin and the boxing thing are simply annoying.

    I had a hard time deciding on what I would rate this one.

    The chapters remade look much better, the aunt especially improved.
    It was nice that once sis crossed the sex line she didn't backtrack at all unlike mom. It was also nice that sis didn't start out as a mean bitch just for the sake of having a mean sister.

    The things that held me back from a higher rating are first the dialog sometimes wasn't great, particularly from the MC. There were times he would have been better off keeping his mouth shut, especially during sex scenes.

    I count the main girls as Mom, Sis, Aunt, and cousin. All the others I see as side girls and it's always nice to have the option as to which you want to pursue and which you don't. The scene between Sarrah and Jenny definately should have been optional.

    Mom's figure was made too extreme, she looks cartoonish and unnatural. That made some of the sex scene poses look even more unnatural, her spine had to bend in a way no human spine can without snapping. Sis wasn't as bad.

    There was much more content on the corruption route with mom than on the love route which is unfortunate, not the first time I've seen corruption routes prioritized. Also it seems as you can set up a three way with mom and sis on the corruption route but at this point not on the love route, also unfortunate.

    My wish list for this is a happy ending with both mom and sis, hopefully with aunt and cousin as well.

    Keep side girls optional.

    Make anal optional, sometimes it's fine but nice to choose, also a choice between creampies, facials and body shots.

    Pregnancy is always nice to have as at least an option.