English: 7/10
User Interface: 8/10
User Experience: 8/10
Art: 8/10
Dialogue: 4/10
Story: 5/10
Opinion: 4/10
Avg: 6.29/10 [3/5]
First thing I see, trying to download this for the first time, is that this is in a perpetual state of "redevelopment." And by redevelopment, we all know that means they're more than likely just rerendering old images, not actually working on story, mechanics, or anything that doesn't actively get a rise out of the patrons penises. So in a year or so, I expect to se "Ch. 1 super special edition" Because ideas are hard, I'm sure. ALSO, seeing Ch. 5 SE but the last version was Ch.9 I, as a user, don't understand if I'm only getting up to chapter five, or I get chapters 1-5 "remastered" and then everything else up until chapter 9. So, really work on your marketing (This was changed in the OP AFTER I'd started the game). And after starting it up, I realized, this isn't my first time. I played this way back, when I knew it was gonna be nothing but micro updates. The story goes nowhere, nothing makes logical sense, and holding true to their name, this is a boring game. But I will stick through, more than likely my second time getting to chapter 5, and review what I see. From what little I do remember, this is about a (what looks to be)30 year old guy living with his NOTmom and NOTsis that contracts a disease that needs him to jerk off? He hurts his right hand, and since no one in this universe has heard of just using their other hand, everyone tries to help him get off? I guess? Who knows.
So this all starts out with MC, the only working adult in his house of three grown ass people. He's a bartender with no real skills or personality. One night, at work, a woman just comes up to him and says she could use him for things his NOTdad was working on. It's right here, the beginning, that the "We're avoiding TOS with landlord" makes the story completely fall apart. Why would she need him if he's not blood related in an experiment that she never tells him about? Anyway, he shows up she says he has to use the table and he can only use it with experimental drugs. What any of that means, what the machine does, or what drugs he's taking, HES NEVER TOLD. He just blindly says "Shoot them drug up in me daddy." And it's here you realize he's a drooling moron. Right after, he blacks out, is hit by a car, and ends up in the hospital. What's the first thing he does? Molest his doctor. Wow. But, contrivance to the rescue, his medicine makes angry people horny. So sex happens, then he literally says "I really don't want to use my left hand." But one, why? And two, why does he need to jerk off? At no point was he told he needs to. His entire character is someone so lazy he doesn't want to work or even jerk himself off. What a piece of shit. For some reason I remember this not being so scummy, but I did forget this even existed, so... Great.
Then you meet Jake. An even worse piece of human trash, MC's best friend. Of course MC tells his idiot friend about his mind control thing right away, it being a secret government project and all. I think that's the only choice that actually matters in terms of "overarching story," not that there is one. Then he begs MC to do his mind control on his mom, so she'll be nicer and be naked. Next, queue up the typical shopping and yoga scenes with NOTmom and a few tropey bratty NOTsis scenes, because why would we be original? I guess here we learn it's the thing from Assassins creed to view memories. But again, it turns out it's probably a mafia story. NOTDad took bad money, then died. Every interaction is completely predictable. The ONLY time MC is serious is when he's talking to Emma about his memories, but I'm sure that will change soon enough. Everything else is him using his last brain cell to get whatever woman he's talking to to touch his dick. While, in the beginning, every interaction with Sarah, they act and talk like they're 14. The mental gymnastics these morons do to arrive at the conclusion "let ME jerk him off" makes no sense, even with the context of "magical super pills that make him emit hormones that affect other peoples hormones." Every single time I have to hear him complain about how bad it is to do it with his left hand, I want his hands to be cut off. And to anyone that "agrees" with him, that fumbling around is how your mythical virgin maiden would touch you.
Around here is when NOTmom gets fed up with MC and stops doing what they were doing. You know, because she finally realized "I shouldn't be doing this." All MC thinks is "why won't she do it again?" Because he's a piece of shit. I should say, this is all the while MC(and you, the player) are drip fed three frames of NOTdad's memories on the table. My bad, around 10 frames. Sarah's story becomes "I wanna be just like mommy" so her entire character gets reduced to nothing. Sad. Enter lust free spirited NOTcousin trope. She wants weed and will screw her dealer for it. The joke here is, it's legal almost everywhere now so why does she need a dealer? I understand I'm supposed to pretend or whatever, but when MC is a lazy rapey troglodyte, I can't get invested at all. It also takes 4 chapters to get to anything that resembles why this is titled "Shut up and dance." It's a dumb card game they threw in because they were tired of questions about the name. The illusion that this was written by someone that speaks English fades once Kate enters, as well. It'd been slipping for a while, but it gets a little jarring. And the mystery blows its load all at once revealing the big bad guy. Whose beaten right after.
Then it switches back to pre-rework and while I will say, the renders got much better, just make another game. If I were paying for this, and started seeing remastered versions of things I'd already paid for, I'd be done. Yes, your renders are improving, but every time you get to chapter 5 you're gonna say "Man, chapter 1 looks bad compared to this." It's good to want to improve, but at some point move on. This story isn't even all that good. The English keeps getting worse, and no matter how much the AAA games industry tries to push it, games that were made less than 15 years ago don't need a re-release.To be frank, after around chapter 6 I lost interest entirely. I can see what's gonna happen, none of the characters are any good, and I'm bored. If the "twists and turns" of this surprise you, I'm jealous, please enjoy it. But this isn't for me.
The English is fine up to about halfway then you start getting jarring non English lines. The UI/UX is pretty good, I think they need to keep all skip options, and probably do away with the random boxing minigame, but effort was actually made. The art, even with the rework and such, is a little inconsistent. But good. The dialogue and story are boring. None of the characters stood out until the very end, and even then it's not very interesting. This is overall just kinda there. Sure, the rework saves it from looking bad, but without that, it doesn't try to be anything more than contrived sex scenes and snowballing plot.