I should open by saying I really dislike harem games. 95% of the time, they are trash, just a thin veneer of poorly written 'story' to excuse a bunch of 3D Daz models banging. Yaaawwwnnn.
But then, every once in awhile, there is a harem game that actually tries. Shattered Minds is one such game. Some highlights:
- Pretty interesting story. Standard issue mind control powers, but executed well.
- Great visual renders, with a diverse cast of body types. Kudos for the chubby computer girl (my fav)
- A sidekick who is fun and adds a lot of humor to the game
- A sandbox that doesn't make me want to gouge out my eyes
- Enough build-up to keep you wanting more
- Semi-realistic storytelling (specifically thinking of the whole mess you get into with the football player and the cheerleader)
All in all, an outstanding VN. I always say, if someone can write a story I enjoy that utilizes a trope I hate, they're a fantastic writer. Cheers, dev.
But then, every once in awhile, there is a harem game that actually tries. Shattered Minds is one such game. Some highlights:
- Pretty interesting story. Standard issue mind control powers, but executed well.
- Great visual renders, with a diverse cast of body types. Kudos for the chubby computer girl (my fav)
- A sidekick who is fun and adds a lot of humor to the game
- A sandbox that doesn't make me want to gouge out my eyes
- Enough build-up to keep you wanting more
- Semi-realistic storytelling (specifically thinking of the whole mess you get into with the football player and the cheerleader)
All in all, an outstanding VN. I always say, if someone can write a story I enjoy that utilizes a trope I hate, they're a fantastic writer. Cheers, dev.