A game with heaps of potential but delivers on nearly none of it.
Sandbox elements are nearly always a waste of time for everyone involved, but more so here than even normally, because the game is basically entirely linear. There's no point in this game being a sandbox game, it just makes it a chore to play and you can tell it takes lots of development time away from actually developing the story.
The girls look gorgeous but for as many updates as this has, there's almost no content for them. We spend basically just as much time around the twerpy "friend" character Bill (a trope that these games has got to stop insisting on, no one plays these games to spend time with some ugly "friend guy") and ugly jocks as we do with the girls. The game completely lacks focus on this regard.
BTW the first thing I would do if I were the MC would be to brainwash Billy to completely forget anything he ever knew about me, if not just to jump off a bridge. Why would I want him around? He's a useless twerp and is only going to be liability in a world where powered individuals exists. I wouldn't want to share even a sliver of the fruits of my powers with him.
The story is truly stupid at times. So we're supposed to have brain control powers but for whatever bullshit, handwavey reason we can't just tell the boss to give our Mom more time off, we have to get a hooker for him to hire instead, but then we can also mind control him to make him not do anything sexual with her. There's no reason to make anything this headlessly convoluted and if there's absolutely no rhyme or reason to what we're allowed to force mind control victims to do, it's just whatever the game wants to pull out of its ass at any given time.
There's a parallax/screen moving effect whenever you move the mouse and I'm sure the developer is very proud of themselves but at the very best all it is, is distracting, at times nearly nauseating. It doesn't serve a purpose, it doesn't make the game more immersive and I wish more developers would realize that you don't need these useless trick gimmicks to make a good adult game, what you actually need is to focus on basics of having a good story, including a satisfying amount of actual lewd scenes and delivering it in a somewhat timely manner. Everything else is just noise, and certainly nothing you should even begin to consider spending time on until you have the basics down.
Oh and there are unskippable minigames. I'm sure some people think it's hilarious to sit there and fiddle with banal minigames that do nothing to build the story or anything meaningful, but probably most don't. It's, again, just a waste of the players time.