VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Second Chance [v1.0] [Maks]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 435834


    Things to know
    1. Story-driven game with minimal RPG elements.
    2. The game has two main paths so you will need two play-throughs to experience all the content.
    3. Will take few hours to finish the whole game without skipping through the unseen dialogue.
    • Beautiful Renders - Obvious one.
    • Sex scenes - It's not a cock tease, I.e., it has more than enough sex scenes.
    • Animations - Animations are better than average.
    • Well-Coded - Wasn't able to find any bug while playing this.
    • Impactful Choices - Your choices have a lot of impact towards the direction of the story.
    • Mediocre Story - The story is pretty average with the protagonist being a chick-magnet, which is so strong that he will put even 90s Brad Pitt to shame.
    • No Gallery - The non-existence of the gallery makes it harder to know whether or not you missed a sex scene.
    • Typos - It has couple of typos.
    HOTNESS SCALE: 8.7 out of 10 on the hotness scale.

    Definitely worth a try. The story maybe be average but the sex scenes and the renders make it up for it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game had a lot of promise with the unique ability to stay mad at charaters who had justifiably wronged MC(which in these type of games just dosent happen, they are almost always forgiven at the start) but unfortunally like all other games(even through it takes far longer to happen) an eventual sorry is all it takes to forgive things any real life person would never forgive.

    MC gets dominated several times and while threatens to do the same, never actually does.

    The foced forgiveness makes all of the choices for the still angry route pointless.

    Animations are crude but effective and dont get in the way which is a nice change, the writing style is simplistic but still better than reading page after page of filler, art is good but nothing special.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pros: Renders are soild, girls are attractive and there's a wide range of types on display. The idea of going down 2 paths is also interesting and it's slightly different to the themes that are commonly found.

    Cons: I'm not entirely sure how much my choices matter, like you sometimes get to choose to smoke a joint or not and it doesn't seem to change anything and the rest of the choices seem to be more about do you want to go down the forgiveness path or not so it kinda feels like at the very start you could just have it say which story do you want to see and then not have to decide anything from there on (but maybe I'm wrong, I only played through a few times).

    I think it'll be much easier to make a judgement when more of the game is out... I'm hoping the non-forgiveness path will be able to lead to some really rough stuff with the mother, also that I'll be able to hand over the bitchy sister to the prisoner that's owed a turn, and hopefully get to bed the younger sister.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    In short: The renders are good, yet the story and characters are poor.

    In long:
    The models look nice. All characters (except the stepdad who is blurred out) look good and have good detail overall. The enviroments are, although simple, good. The different poses and facial expressions do not convey a whole lot of body-language or mood, but are in no way bad.

    But the story and characters are not good. The story is very straightforward, which can be a good thing, yet you jump from scene to scene with lightning speed. Entire scenes are sometimes only a few lines long.. making you think why this was particulary necessary.
    The characters are one-dimensional... there is no better way to put it.
    - The mom/role-model wants you... that is her entire character. No other motives or hobbies seem to be there. Her only hobby seems to be fantasizing about you.
    - The younger sister doesn't do anything. Nothing in the story gets actively triggerd/caused by her. She just... exists and does very little to advance the story.
    - The older sister is all over the place with her behaviour. At some point she mentions that she has bi-polar disorder, yet this is not further elaborated. She just hates you and everyone else... for reasons that are mentioned once and never again.
    - Your friends are also not any better since all of them seem to agree on one thing: You are handsome as balls. Everybody mentions that constantly, and everything you say that could be considered a compliment immediately makes all blush. It gets repeditive after a while.

    I realize now that this review sounds incredibly negative... which is true... but i guess i am used to more story-focussed games. (on a porn-game site you ask... well, yes.)
    I hope that the author will try to improve the story and make the scenes start and end less abruptly. If that would happen... this game could be something really good.

    I won't give it a poor-rating, because the models look good and the sexy-time scenes are pretty well animated (sure there are better ones out there, but this is in no way bad). So... i'll keep it on 3 stars.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Do not expect much, the game wants to be simple with very good models but with an story/writing that balances between very average and bad.

    The Characters, Models and Renderings are great. Nothing to say.

    The whole story and writing boils down to being a nice/bad cuckold or to be a big bastard, combined with a protagonist who lets appear few emotions. The character of Nicole is interesting and finally we are more interested in Nicole than the rest of the game who is forgettable, shame. 3/5
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall an interesting game, both paths are worth to be explored and the scenes in both are pretty good.
    The mother is a very interesting character, especially in the non forgiving path.
    She actually seems to be a very obsessive type, but after some time the interest for someone fades and she looks for someone better, i.e. your father, then Derek and now you.
    And if she doesntget what she wants, she would be taking it by "force".
    That part is pretty rubbish, since you could just film her or do anything else to keep your distance from her if you wanted.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Really cool game. Original, especially the unforgiven path. Sex with mommy by version 6, which is quite good, compared to endless teaser games with render time completely wasted on showing MILFs loading the bloody laundry. I can only hope and imagine its going to get really kinky since they are now having sex.

    Pleeeaaase make it real kinky from now on! We need more western games like this, true antidotes to the coyfest we've been treated with with almost all other western incest games (too few exceptions to this damn rule).

    My first advice which could be given so far to the writer: make mommy say "sweetie" or "honey" to her new lovetoy. Keep the "son" calling for the unforgiven route I guess.

    My second advice is make her dress more sexy from now on. She had that little top in the first scenes which seems to have been lost in her laundry for casual, less enticing clothes. Make that son crave for his momma!

    From what I understand, only two routes with mother: below and above 0 affection?
  8. 3.00 star(s)



    The game is OK but for me it have one big mistake.
    The mistake is: In the "hate" path we don't' have a route where we side with Ashley (the blonde daughter) as we share a mutual hate for the mother. And i think that the dev lost a chance in the last update to bring ashley to our side...but i think that is still possible fix this "problem".
    Besides that,
    +good renders
    +the girls are beautiful
    +bugs free
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Edit: Well congrats on finishing the game.

    I must say, the game still is really meh. The dialogue is just so awful and robotic. The story and writing just aren't good.

    The girls are hot and the animations are decent but other than that, the game is very lackluster. I think the best I could give this is about a 2.5 or so. The conversations are just so fake and uninspired.

    You might disagree, so I'd recommend giving it a go but if you like an entertaining story and gripping dialogue, this game absolutely does not deliver.

    Edit: After 0.7, some of my issues have seemed to change. Don't get me wrong, the game still has some issues in regards to pacing and the dialogue makes characters sound pretty robotic at times. But it seems the mother may have a change of heart which I think would really benefit the game. I find all the girls really hot and MC's friends are pretty cool so after this update I will change my rating from a 2 to a 3. The game has potential to end strong, I hope they continue down this path.

    This game is weird. It's not terrible, just some parts are written terribly.

    First of all, the mother. She is pretty much insane. She starts off by "loving" her son and wanting to makes things better with him, but that quickly translates into wanting to screw your son even if he is still pissed about being abandoned. You can't refuse her because she makes you a slave even though 2 days earlier she is upset about getting blackmailed by her husband's daughter.

    So you would think you could team up with Ashley, her husband's daughter because she hates your mom too, but you get blackmailed by Ashley as well. So you live with 2 batshit crazy chicks and are forced into a dumb slave relationship with your mom. Your other sister, Chloe, is cool but oblivious to the fact that she is living with phsychos.

    Other than that, the game is pretty cool. But those issues are pretty hard to look over. The art is great and every girl is honestly attractive. The story just really falls short in my opinion.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    It's great seeing a incest game where the son is not behaving like a horn dog. The mother I feel is well written as someone who is attempting to deal with conflicting emotions after finally having her son back in her life
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 15555

    love the different routes of the mom / role model, the girls are pretty and sexy, the animations are not very good but not bad either,
    Hope the Little sis get a route since she is so damm cute

    (he ruined the game by giving the same girls to another game)
  12. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 319490

    The plot is interesting but poorly developed.
    You have a son abandoned by his mother years ago and mother and son get reunited again.
    You can follow two paths: affection or resentment. I chose not to forgive mom and hate her but MC suffers from bipolar disorder. In one scene MC says 'I hate my mom that whore' and 5 minutes later when bitch sister says my mom is a bitch MC gets angry and says 'don't offend my mommy :('
    Mom also has mental disorders. She reunites with her son after years and the number one concern is to fuck him and even try to kiss him. After being rejected several times the mother surpasses all expectations by 'forcing a blowjob' on her son and saying that he will be her sexual slave and threatens blackmail him.
    Fortunately I will not know what will happen as I will not repeat the mistake of downloading this game again.
    (Render is good but plot is more important = 1 star)
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Decent renders.
    + Decent animated scenes. (Have some effort for sure not 1-2 second looped and bad looking ones. But animations so slow like a slow motion and little bit weird. Need improve.)
    + Choices mather and changes story little bit.

    Bad Points
    - Render quiality could be better.
    - Its ended without any well written and long enough story.

    For The End
    This game had potencial and could it be pretty good with improvements but its ended before we getting what this game deserve... Its not bad game but not good enough for being average either, its more like 2.5 star rate of game.
  14. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 881965

  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This is the kind of game where the son comes to live in a house of women after a long absence.

    A synopsis of the first 10 mins of the game:
    The very first night in his new home, his mom jumps on his bed and starts kissing. Next day mom is touching herself and thinking "I'm falling for my son." (uhhh riiiight) In the interim, son goes to very 1st day at Uni with no orientation, no student ID, nothing, and asks around for his classroom. He gets picked up by a neighbor's daughter, who doesn't know him from Adam, who takes him to her home to try to jump his bones.

    If this sounds like your kind of jam, go for it. For me, it's a hard pass.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewing this as of 0.3x:

    + The models look great in general;
    + It's not a slow burn kind of game. If you want to see some things happen early on, you'll be pleased;
    + There's no grind whatsoever, as you follow a linear VN plot only choosing which girl you're prioritizing;
    + It's wincest.

    - The plot and dialogue are poorly written;
    - The choices are often two extremes, as exemplified by the very first choice in game where either you absolute hate your mum's guts or "lol it's all good". There's no nuance there.
    - A point system that factors nearly every single choice you make, often affecting characters that aren't even related to the scene in the first place, which can block you out of certain scenes if you don't fully prioritize one character per save;
    - To compound on my last point, you can only see mum's score, not the other girls', so good luck figuring out what works for each of them. A better idea would be to divide the game in fewer key choices that dictate who you're going for, instead.
    - A choice to skip seeing mum getting banged by Derek would be nice for those who aren't interested in that (even if the renders look good).

    Overall it has the potential to be a great game, or remain a good wank with a sort of forgettable story, which is the current state of the game.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of v0.3
    This is a fine game; and it seems to be shaping up somewhat nicely. The love/hate stats does add more than a modicum of replay value. That said, the game is somewhat short. After a single playthrough you can play the opposite route again much faster and then replay it again 2 or 3 times looking for missing scenes (because the stats where too high/low) in about 10-15 minutes.

    I really like how both Chloe and Jessica look and more of both of them is sorely needed. Nicole and Carol are not bad either but… sigh I'm not too big of a fan of Ashley. I guess that's to be expected since she is not a very likeable character.

    Even though our choices really change what happens (and the freedom to reject drugs (is this a spoiler?, there's not that much story so far) is appreciated), it is clear that there are things that happen because it's needed by the plot. Which is fine but it is (what it is).

    Also, I find it somewhat bothersome when games make less sense without an incest patch. It's not as bad as it is in other games though.

    To conclude I'll just reiterate and ask for more Chloe (cute) and Jessica (sexy and cute).

    EDIT: After playing v0.7 (10.1.20) I have to admit that now I prefer Chloe above all. Also, the relationships in this game confuse me a lot. I don't know who is related to who or what is going on with little best friends and role models and moms… It is my view that games should work even without a patch. :/ I can't bump the score up to 5 sadly
  18. 2.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    TL:DR I hated this game but you may like it
    I'm trying to broaded my horizon and play games outside of my comfort zone. so I gave this a chance.... but it will be the last..... no second chances....

    + Jessica, she's trouble.... the good kind of trouble
    +Chloe, she's just that adorable step-sister
    + quality renders and a quite hot dames but.... what's the point if the story sucks

    - the engrish... it's written as if someone was translating the script word by word. sure it's understandable but sometimes you get sentences like " this is a pen, It is my pen, my pen is red. This is not your pen"
    -the story, dialogue are ridiculous, it feels as if it was a parody of all incest games... what kind of perv getting a goodnight kiss from a mother that banndoned him goes " you're sexy mom".... not even Max would be this straightforward.... the prose lacks any finesse....
    -the scoring system.... choies that you make on the other side of town somehow affect the score with the mother even if she's nowhere to see it.... is she psycho or something?
    -and here comes the worst part of the whole game THE FUCKIN SUNGLASSES ON NICOLE"S HEAD... bitch! do you have a second chance of eyes on your head? is that where your psychic powers come from?

    Overall a fun pastime game, but not for me
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The different story lines are not very complex, but renders are good and it's going straight forward with all girls, except Chloe .(I sure hope to get into her panties after the next update). Excellent game for fapping!
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    From a writing point of view, this is meant as constructive criticism.

    The story itself is good but it really doesn't flow. The constant 'sometime later' are really jarring.

    No depth to the the conversations. A simple few lines to move the story don't really add anything.

    Instead of having multiple threads going on at once concentrate on one. The Jessica blackmail story could of been so much better.

    Said my piece.