VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rebirth [Ep.1-5 All in One] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    For a game with an insane amount of nudity there is very little sex, I get some games are more plot driven but why so much nudity for the sake of nudity with no real action in the game?

    It is a shame because the characters animations look great & the vampire genre is used very minimally in these games that being said the story is pretty good but if people out there are looking for titilation look elsewhere as there is next to nothing to be found here
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The world is more or less Vampire: The Masquerade.

    The focus of this VN is story, characters and their interactions. There are a few choices but the protagonist mostly does his own thing.

    Playtime is about 5-6 hours as of ep2up5.
    Don't expect much in the way of h-scenes. There are a few present but I found them creepy and unsettling more than sexy. I suspect that's intentional.

    Anyway, the characters are great and the story is great, so I would warmly recommend this VN.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1490985

    Sexy vampires? I’m in! This is a rare gem, the story is interesting and suspenseful, the girls are hot, and the MC is an immortal Casanova; the dialogue is often witty and funny, and I can’t get enough. Each update leaves me at the edge of my seat wondering what will happen next.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This has got me hooked. I really didn't expect to like it, but I'm really enjoying this. The minimal sexual content does not make it less enjoyable at all. The characters are interesting. The story flows very well. When the current update ended, I was craving more. Renders are good. The darkness hasnt seemed like too much dark (which has happened in other VNs), Great job and keep it coming!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like vampire stories and fantasy in general. In adult games I vastly prefer story driven games with romance and great characters. So this game feels like it was made for me.
    Don't play it if you just want sex scenes to masturbate to!
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Found myself incredibly disappointed by this game. Maybe it's just me (and looking at the other ratings suggest maybe it is) but I could only get so far before stopping.

    It's just........ boring. Starting off, the game seems to take place and the MC is along for the ride. He has no say in anything which happens to him until about 10/15 minutes of just watching plot happen. It's not helped that one of the first characters you speak to has the ability to make you do whatever she wants so it really hammers home the point where it feels like someone elses story. In the parts I played, I've no issue with there not being any sex in it. It wouldn't have helped make me feel more engaged than I did. It was just.... meh.

    I get the subject matter kinda makes it required, but most of the renders I've seen so far are quite dark which isn't great when trying to judge the quality of what's on screen.

    Maybe it picks up later but the game suffers from being almost stale. The plot is interesting but the fact I got too bored to continue before it even got to the point isn't exactly a tick in the plus column.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a game that I have been wanting to play for some time now. I think my fear was that it wouldn't be what it is. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it is what I hoped it would be.

    Having just played through episode 1 and episode 2 Up. 3, I have to say that I love the story so far. I have enjoyed playing through it and where I suspect the story might be going in the future. It doesn't rush into sex or anything sexual. But even still the visuals are great and help bring everything together.

    Easily 5 stars, would recommend.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A visual novel that closely follows Vampire the Masquerade in lore and setting.

    ****This is a mature game that is NOT porn, some nudity and such is present but only as a part of a greater story****

    Disclaimer over, the renders will not hold up to 'Being a DIK' or 'Milfy City' standards but to my eyes are still attractive and in many ways the facial expressions beat most other games in quality but the real reason I rated this so highly is the characterisation and plot. Its a gripping game and I played through Episode one in one playthrough.

    Now the negative, its a gipping game and I blew though lots of loving effort in one playthrough!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    First, it must be said that although this is an adult game, this is not a porn game. If you are just looking for mindless sex scenes this game will disappoint you, so please avoid it.

    It's a story of a man who discover that mythical creatures that should only exists in fiction books do really exists. And he is brought into that world.

    The story is very well written, and if you look at the posts you will see that most of them talk about the plot and the future of the story.

    If you played any of White Wolf's World of Darkness pen and paper RPGs, or even played Vampire: The Masquerade, Bloodlines on PC, you will find yourself at home with this excellent game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a review written by someone who didn't play Vampires: The Masquerade ever! Let me tell you that I liked what's been done here nevertheless. It's a story-driven VN about discord between humans and different kind of vampires in a modern fantasy world. The protagonist suddenly becomes a vampire without knowing anything about them. You can follow his way... struggling, being desperate, finding help, new hope, getting stronger.

    Anyway, caps were hard to read when locked close together. Sounds are quite monotonous without supporting any mood in particular. English dialogs are probably not polished yet, though well written and easy to understand. If you're not looking for the next best fap source over here, just give it a shot. Very adult, nudity inside! Recommended to check out ep1 just for the story.

    As for ep2.xx I daresay: character development is nonexistent (-)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Currently one of my favorites! And this even though it is not a typical adult VN. Or maybe I like it just because of that. The game simply takes its time to plausibly tell the story and building relationships between the characters. There's no rushed Sex, no quickly added animation because other devs have it too. (Almost) everything is just right in the game.

    But: this game is NOT for those who are looking for a "quick fap" - they will be disappointed from the game.

    – Story, Characters
    – Renders, Models (Sharon...), most graphics
    – Models and locations
    - Updates (every month)

    – The lack of Animations (its better for having none then bad ones)
    – The music/sound ( it's not bad - but not good either)
    – some graphics are "funny" - for example the "backflip" of Carmen, some facial expressions (Miri)
    - the "adult" content. Only some nudity and a little teasing

    Rather bad:
    - Some points can only be reached by a random generator - in my opinion this is nonsense.

    This would be 4 points in neutral terms. But there are some reasons for me to rate with 5 points:
    1. Sharon (oh well, she's so beautiful...)
    2. I got 2 "bad" points fixed with the Audio/Cheating Mod (the randomizer and the average music)
    3. The really good and exciting story
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of EP1 and EP2

    Vampire stories are really hard to do these days...they've been done to death (pun intended). To write a vampire story that's interesting is a real challenge. Why? Because we all know the basics. But at their core, modern vampire stories are a reflection of humanity.

    The story begins with the MC and his best friend Laurie as popular DJs. MC ends up performing a gig on his own one night and is turned by a mysterious woman. He gets very sick and is picked up by a vampire, Sharon; who has been tasked with training him.

    The culture of vampire society is slowly developed as are the powers that the MC obtains over time (in this story, vamps have different powers based on their lineage).

    The story managed to suck me in (pun intended) and keep me glued to the screen through both episodes. LikeBlondes crafts a world that's familiar (thereby accessible) but different enough to keep it interesting. For a story with no sex yet (only nudity), there's still a slow erotic burn here between MC and Sharon. This may be one of the games my wife would enjoy. There are real stakes (pun not intended) in this story. It's a vampire story, people will die, vampires are hunted, and there are a few good antagonists...whose motivations are not totally known.

    The characters are interesting and they all have different motivations. Rather than make those motivations obvious, they're slowly uncovered. We still don't know all the characters' motivations which keeps the reader interested. The characters are relatable and surprisingly human.

    The renders are very good, no animations.

    While the lack of sex in this game may keep some people from playing it, those that enjoy a well-crafted erotic story will enjoy this game.

    My only real issue with this game is that the development time is very slow. 2 episodes over the course of a year. This game may take 4 years to complete at the current rate. This isn't a criticism of the author as not everyone can develop games full-time, just an observation.

    Graphics - 9/10
    Animations - N/A
    Story - 9/10
    Characters - 9/10
    Fun - 9/10
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played this game for the first time, yesterday. It's as if you're watching a very decent vampire movie while playing. I usually skip the lines to get to the next sex scene, asap. This game has virtually no sex scenes, yet. Just some nudity. The build up is VERY slow. But the story and the renders make up for that. It makes you really want to keep playing. You really want to know what happens, next. Therefore I can definitely recommend you guys or gals to play this game.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is great, actual narrative, unique models, good renders, etc.

    What is surprising is how lacking the sex scenes are in contrast to how much the story progresses, which I am sure will be corrected in further episodes. Also I wished the music followed more the tones of the scenes, instead of having a few songs on repeat.

    Finally I appreciate a Vampire game that isn't tacky and that's not an easy feat to achieve. I'll be looking forward to the final product.

    3/5 :devilish::devilish::devilish:

    EDIT: Ep. 2 Up.8

    Still almost no sex scenes and no animation or sound (there is a mod), this game could be great but the dev seems more interested in the VN aspect rather than the sex game aspect. So I had to change my 4 rating down to a 3, hopefully it will get corrected by episode 3.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    i just finished the 1st episode and im super impressed, though the lack of lewd scenes is disappointing. The world is based on Vampires: The Masquerade and i love the Bloodlines game so it pretty much felt like home, the characters look amazing and the writing is also pretty good. But like i said, you need to temper your expectations, there are some scenes with nudity but other than that nothing else. Im off to see whats next.

    Edit: So finishing what's done so far in the 2nd episode was pretty fast, but most of the stuff that are true in the 1st also apply to the 2nd one, it has a bit more nudity which is always welcome. Still its a great story and i hope that it will be finished. As lacking as it is in the lewd department i still love it and definitely keeping my eyes on this one :)
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    I usually don't like supernatural and mind-control tags since those are often end up boring VN's.. Saying Rebirth surpassed my expectations is downplaying my enjoyment, damn. Honestly, I felt so amazed by my experience of it. World making was so insane. Later on from here I learned it was based on Vampire The Masquerade. I knew how good that game was but I haven't played it because it was an old game. Now I regret it.

    Now onto the game itself, I liked the plot and story is being told amazingly. It is mesmerizing. I thought my choices were like the only way the game would play out, like a movie. Brilliantly immersive. I was going to complain about the collection of girls since they were few but, after spending time with Sharon it came very naturally that she is the only girl MC will ever need.

    Regarding to almost non-existing the lewd scenes, when the player naturally wants to pick the sensible, nicer option for a girl rather than the usual lewd choice, you know the game got you good. It just felt natural. Characters do feel alive(no pun intended), rather than simple sex objects.

    Renders are brilliant, models look very pristine. Attention to the detail is insane. Especially for the nos species of vampires. Animations/Short videos would be a nice bonus if they ever arrive, but I'm not that hurt that they are missing. Not vital for a VN.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite games on this site and the reasons are, the story is intriguing, the setting is inspired by VTM from what I can tell and the author does an excellent job bringing it to life, or unlife, and making it their own, the characters are all amazing in their own way, and I like how the MC behaves for the most part and where the choices are, although I normally don't like RGN it does bring a little bit of the tabletop to the game which is great, the renders are also amazing, really just an excellent job all around so far.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Have been waiting for something to catch my attention and this right here has me waiting for the next update! Already at the edge on my seat. Models are looking hella fine and the story has me trying to figure whats next. Hope to see this project blow up and get a big following.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    The story writing is great. Really. It's really good. The story has a lot of potential to go in very interesting directions, and I hope that it does. I am looking forward to learning more about this story, which is a really great sign for a porn VN. The author is definitely going for the slow burn build - up to the good stuff... which is fine IMO if the story is well written, and it is.

    The character modeling is exemplary. It's not the very best but it's quality is high enough that if you know what to expect in the porn VN genre, the art quality in this VN high quality, high effort. Well done.

    So far, the choices in the VN seem to all be rewarding being a good guy. I'm fine with the MC being a good guy, it's jut that the choices don't feel like they matter. The choices are like.... do the good guy thing rather than the horn-ball thing... and you are rewarded with positive relations with people you want to have sex with but no action. At this rate, choosing the hornball option may be the only way to get any action even though the author seems to want you to choose the other option.

    The rest of what I have to say contains minor story elements, but no big spoilers.

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