VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Rebirth [Ep.1-5 All in One] [LikesBlondes]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The first couple of chapters of this game are very good and show a great deal of promise but after the first half of the game choices become very few and far between and the ending feels incredibly rushed and hugely disappointing. Sex scenes are also very lacking...there's almost no sex in the first half of the game and when it eventually starts happening there are very few sex scenes. I was going to give this game a 2 star rating but just for the fact that it maintained my interest until the end it gets 3...that's about it though.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked the game a lot. The length of the story was a pleasant surprise. It concluded past my original expectations. Which was a big deal for me. I had been suspended from work, so this really helped me get through tough times. Would have given it 5 stars if not for the spelling errors.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story begins being quite interesting, but seems like the concept got cut in half during the development.

    Don't get me wrong the idea in itself and how it played out in ep1 and ep2 was quite good, but the more the game itself played out, the less it made sense, a lot of dead ends in the plot and as well as rushed ending and many plot holes.

    To that, romance or love scenes are quite rare :(
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    very good AVN, the plot had me from the beginning despite not being a fan of vampire stories per se, it has good models, the face expressions are funny, sadly the end felt pretty rushed even though the plot was going at a good pace, a couple of side stories were left unfinished, but despite all that it wasn't bad and leaves me with a feeling of satisfaction, give it a chance. (y)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Ren'Py games I’ve ever played.

    Not too many lewd scenes, the characters are perfect, and I don’t know what else to say—it’s a well-rounded game.

    Absolutely love it!

    Thank you for letting me play.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Episode 1 and the introduction to this world, "heavily inspired by Vampire the Masquerade" , would be what I'd take away from the game, but the first chapter and the characters introduced are amazing, it's just...after that, it's a whole lot of nothing.

    There is not a lot of sex, not a lot of important plot, you don't care that the MC is moving up the ranks, you just want to stay home with your new Vampire mommy, not the OTHER vampire mommy that gets introduced. I think the author wanted a grand adventure with a lot of plot, but this game could have been a lot shorter or at least a lot more grounded.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This is my overall review after playing all episodes and wasting my time on this project in high hopes of adventurous experience.

    Ep 1 started out well where mystery mistress made MC and undead monster, who's still in a process of discovering himself and his belongings in a journey for self survival in a world ruled by ruthless bloodsuckers.

    He had unknown blood that gave him power vision and dreams, yet his actions defy established logic of Vampire types etc. This plot could have become a masterpiece VN.

    Especially the first fight with feral female Nos inside abandoned asylum was shown beautifully. However excessively re-use of same renders made it a bit underwhelming.

    Yet, developers wanted to milk more and more so they slowly chewed upon the plot and unnecessarily divided into several half baked episodes that led us nowhere in terms of MC's powers, his mother, friends or family backstory or his vampire character development or fulfilling the original plot story of discovering his source of dreams.

    Same goes for every other character, NOS, Hunters, Archons etc even mystery mistress mom who's character arc was as confusing and disappointing as Sharon and her loving bodyguard's backstory.

    MC'S cult Mom, and cult cousin turned out to be clueless douce with pitiful also meaningless deaths, undermining their prior actions for secrecy and self preservation.

    Ending was desperately rushed as severe diarrhoea on devs part. Ep 2 and Ep 3 is where such disaster started showing initial signs.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has dragged out for far too long, having been in development for over 5 years. The pace is glacial, the renders suck, the dialogue isn't well written and the characters are shallow and one note. Not to mention the lack of meaningful sex scenes or relationship progression in an AVN. This feels like the adult part of the adult visual novel was more tacked on as an afterthought to pander to the dev's existing audience.

    The only thing this game had going for it was that the overall plot in the broad strokes was engaging enough to make me want to keep going to find out what happens, and then even that was ruined by there being no meaningful conclusion to any of the questions/mysteries that the story sets up. By the end of the game, the dev seems to have just... Forgotten? About the main plot entirely, leaving huge plot holes and unanswered questions.

    Don't waste your time, don't download this game. It's far too long and boring to be worth a look.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The story had great potential but went downhill from Episode 4, leaving a lot of holes and incoherences, and the pseudo-ending did not help, it felt rushed, savorless. But the biggest frustration is that in the end the choices did not matter, except for one LI, many variables were carried over from one episode to the next but were never used, so we ended up with a bland kinetic novel.

    By chance, I was not really playing this VN for the sex scenes, cause they are very rare and very rushed (4-5 renders each, no animation), with no real build-up nor romance, you can skip/avoid them and the story won’t change at all.

    I will not tell you that it’s not worth downloading, you can still have a good time if you’re not too picky, but don’t expect a story with many cliffhangers, twists, or whatever, it’s very linear and will leave you with many questions (I guess the dev lost himself in it). As for the ending (there’s only one), it suggests that there could even be a sequel but I think the dev should stick to something less complicated in the future, something he can fully control from A to Z.

  10. 5.00 star(s)


    A very captivating story. The story get rushed and leaves you with barerly any freedom. It's still an easy 5-star, but if it was better fleshed out, it's name would be carved in stone among the greatest.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is not a quick slut-fest free for all. This is a real story-based game with minimal and mostly unimportant static sex. I won't even call most of the few sex scenes 'porn' because there appears to be great care put into the scenes. Angle of the views and narration (this is not animated) culminate in a harlequin romance rather than just raw porn.

    Honestly, there is a lot of story, lore, and world-building. Almost too much at some points. But it draws you in. Not since playing ClassyLemon's games have I enjoyed the story as much.

    Unfortunately, it drops from the epic 5 star rating for two reasons. By the 4th Chapter, the story has already begun to spiral, with added maguffins and unnecessary plot devices. By the Dev's own admission, there appears to be a split of focus to trim the ever expanding story in order to allow for some kind of focused conclusion. However, I feel the wrong path was taken, and the ending felt very bare, with many unanswered questions and no feeling of an actual ending.

    It also becomes more apparent of the speed with which the ending was rushed as the grammar and spelling become ever more erratic. It was a disappointing end to an otherwise amazing build-up. It could honestly use 1-2 more chapters to actually offer an ending worthy of the setup.

    And a provide a gallery mode, for crying out loud!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll be honest, I should give this a 4. But I'm not, I have to give it a 5. It's decent, but it's not special mechanically. No animations, some of the plot threads go nowhere, the coda/epilogue is overlong and focuses on cleaning up plot threads.

    But... look, I'm a veteran Vampire the Masquerade player, and so is the author, clearly. I know it's not set "in that world" but I was able to positively identify every clan, discipline, and most of the story beats going on. This game hit that nostalgia button SO DAMN HARD. I was able to talk about the game to my friends in VtM terms. This game made me feel joy in a way almost no other AVN has. I want to get a group together and run a Vampire game now.

    And honestly, for my complaints there's a LOT this game does right. The characters are great, the writing is on point, and the main plot goes in directions I didn't expect. And frankly, I've played a few vampire themed AVNs in my time and didn't really like any of them, until now. I wanted to keep playing this, to see the story to the end. It pulled me in.

    This is a very worthwhile story with some technical flaws. Highly recommended for VtM players, and pretty well recommended for everyone else, too.

    Good job, author. May your D10s always roll successes.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    I'm really at a loss on how to rate this game. There are various reasons for that.
    First of all, I really like this genre and don't want it to die because of poor ratings.
    The story is somewhat okay. The renders are okay and no animation. The models are not that attractive except for the main FC. The renders are dark as fuck, whenever there is a sex scene you can't really see anything. Given the game took so long to finish the content or the story is really insufficient. These types of novel needs lots of mystery and action but the story is overall really dull given that it has almost non existent sex for first half of the story. I really love story with less fucking but this VN has neither. I really wanted to rate it 5 ⭐ because of the genre but at the end I am really disappointed because the story is totally dull.
    1⭐ for real but adding 1 more star just for the sake of the genre.
    SN: The sex renders are basically useless because you cannot really see properly.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    Info: I played the game with an additional Music mod from KoGa3 from the beginning.

    One thing before anything else: if you want to play this game solely for the sex scenes, skip this one. It barely has any, and the few it has, are short and mediocre. This game is really only interesting if you want to play it for the story the dev has to tell.

    Well, unfortunately, the game turned out rather mediocre. As many people already mentioned, the premise and the start are promising (especially if you like the whole vampire trope). But the further in we are, the more the story seems to lose the focus and at some point, the whole plot just "ends" basically, and we continue with something that feels more like a subplot.

    A lot of people complain that there are not enough relevant decisions to make, but I personally like those games more with less focus on making too many ends. I encourage developers to focus on the story they want to tell, as it takes a skilled developer to actually make multiple endings interesting and engaging, and in the end, unfortunately, I have yet to find someone to pull it off (and I am not only talking in this space, there are also a lot of AAA failures who suffer the same issue).

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    The character development is a bit weird at times and I really think there was a lot of wasted potential with the attempted systems, given that most of the "combat" mechanics really did not matter at all.

    The ending does not feel like one, and it rather feels like it just ended in the middle of nothing. The overarching main plot ends somewhere towards the beginning of episode 5, and you have a whole episode where it feels like just some side-mission that suddenly is in the focus. As mentioned before, I think if the dev focused less on trying to give the players decisions to make and focused on the story, this could have had potential for a cool vampire story.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Fun premise, but wasted potential.

    When people bring up Vampire the Masquerade, they really aren't kidding. It's a vampire series through and through, and if you enjoy media like Interview with a Vampire, What We Do in the Shadows, True Blood, and many others, you'll recognize a lot of the tropes and motifs in Rebirth.

    MC is a newly turned fledgling vampire suddenly pushed into a secret society made up of the bloodsucking undead. It's decadent, indulgent, and not particularly original, but it does a decent job of setting up an interesting atmosphere. It plants the seeds for what should be an intriguing supernatural story.

    Unfortunately, everything that follows ranges from borderline unsatisfactory to outright letdown. On every level, Rebirth fails to deliver on its promise and leaves you wondering what could have been.

    The story is linear, essentially a kinetic novel with minimal choices. There's effectively three main character stats (stealth, prowess, and charisma) and a few other hidden numbers that are tracked, which determine if Sharon is willing to save Laurie and if Carmen becomes your lover. Every other choice is essentially largely irrelevant—and, truthfully, so are the aforementioned. Choices in this game really don't matter. There's very minor differences to how certain scenes play out, but they all get you to the same place.

    The game also commits the cardinal sin of laying the groundwork for decent characters and dynamics, but ultimately failing to let them live up to their potential. You have Laurie, your childhood friend whom the MC stupidly ropes into this world and strips her of her right to live a normal life. You have your vampire caretaker/mommy, Sharon, and her thrall, Andrew. You have a vampire hunter, Carmen, who you capture and essentially stockholm syndrome into changing sides.

    Development between them is mostly teased but never actually shown. For instance, apparently Carmen and Laurie become quite close, but you only know because the characters say so. They share almost no scenes with each other, and even in the scenes they share, they don't have the benefit of much interaction. The game essentially proceeds to ignore them all in favor of showing the MC awkwardly bumbling through the vampire world, needing every detail explained to him like an idiot, which gets old the 2nd or 3rd time it happens, much less the twentieth.

    There's also a fairly large cast of secondary characters in this game, many of them with some promise: Merrick, Markus, Frank, Virgil, Marcius, Astrid, Eloise, Malia, MC's sire/vamp mommy, Calisto, and many others. But almost all of them fail to live up to their potential. A lot of them are heavy-handedly discarded to set up some nebulous big bad threat, which ultimately is dealt with incredibly unsatisfactorily.

    Characters are not independent agents as much as objects where things happen to them. It's an amateur mistake repeated many times over. Instead of showing how characters react to their environment, how their perceptions may be challenged, changed, or solidified, they simply react to the newest event that happens, and not particularly convincingly at that. You rarely feel like these characters have their own ambitions. long term goals, or core desire because they're all prisoners of the moment, left at the mercy of a story that's not particularly interesting.

    The story, which seems to build up to the MC and his gang figuring out how to take out this elder god vampire ends with literal whimpers, as most of them are taken out off-panel and the MC cuts a deal with said deity that he's never actually shown having to pay back. Then the last half of the last chapter is MC making some shitty political maneuvers to rise to the top of the vampire hierarchy, which was never a stated goal of any of the main characters. It's all as unsatisfying as it sounds.

    Plenty of others have brought up the concern that this is essentially a porn game with very little actual porn, and that is certainly valid.

    Make no mistake, a porn game doesn't need to have a lot of lewd scenes in it. A few relatively choice scenes in an otherwise interesting story is perfectly adequate. But the issue with Rebirth is that it's clearly a porn game, with so much of the focus on sexuality and the MC's sex drive, impotence, and obvious attraction to the women in his life. Yet the actual porn is so unsatisfying that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. It feels too much like drip-fed patreon-milking that's already too common amongst this genre's shovelware.

    It's all a terrible slow burn with the MC simping after Sharon for three or four chapters before they actually do anything, despite their clear mutual attraction. When the levee finally breaks, the scenes are bland, not to mention horribly dark and poorly lit so that you can't even see what's going on.

    A lot of the problems with the lewd scenes, or lack thereof, would be alleviated by a strong, taut story, but this game is too much setup and not enough knocking down. The story essentially floats out there without any real urgency. Characters can disappear and the MC and his gang are supposed to find them, and yet they'll still be spending most of their time arguing about clothes or sleep schedules instead of having any urgency to get the apparently very urgent tasks done. It's a visual novel that plays out like a video game, where you can leisurely do sixteen fetch quests before you attend to the next pressing matter, which works in a free roam RPG but not so much a kinetic novel.

    Ultimately, this game leaves you feeling more disappointed than impressed. At least it has an ending, which is better than most games on this site, but it left you feeling like the developer was just winging it without a plan, and the characters and storylines were just arbitrarily picked up or dropped at leisure. Almost none of the big mysteries established in the first act are really answered, such as the MC's vampire heritage or even the ultimate fate of the big bad. It's an interesting premise and a fairly strong start that's let down by everything that happens in the middle and end.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    A fairly average game in most respects.

    The writing and the choices are all fairly average, the story isn't bad, but its not terribly exciting, and it all just sort of cruising along, the ending and climax aren't anything great, but again it isn't bad so, there is always that. :confused:

    Upsides? The renders all look nice, and whilst there are a few glitches here and there, its a pretty good experience. I liked most of the characters its just that most of them don't really do anything.

    All in all, a average game, that has an actual ending. Which, ya know, is kinda rare, so kudos to the dev. (y)
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The fact that this VN has (at this time) average of 4 stars is WILD... Shows how much do the reviews of early versions of VNs matter (they don't).
    This VN is average at best, and that's only if, like me, you ignore the fact, that this is supposed to be a PORN VN. You know, enjoyable/exciting sex scenes and all of that. If you are someone looking for a porn/erotica VN, I'd rate this VN 2/5 instead, because you basically can NOT fap to this (the sex scenes are bad, like seriously bad).
    The characters of the story are relatively interesting, however the story is bland. It's a functional story, you don't get bored reading through it and I personally don't regret finishing it, however...
    This is a kinetic novel. There are no choices (even killing a side character doesn't matter, I replayed the VN to see the difference). Your powers don't matter. Your stats don't matter. Yes, sure, there's a little bit of a diversion in the dialogue temporarily, however ultimately everything goes the same, the main parts of the story are always the same. Like, maybe there is an extra sex scene here and there, but the sex scenes are not worth talking about anyway...
    I'm only giving 3/5, because this VN wasn't abandoned and to be fair, I don't really care that much, that the sex scenes are bad. Also, the girls are hot. However, I really don't like the fact, that unlocking the vamp powers and the stats are just a bait for the reader. Oh, and if you do read through this VN, get ready to read through typos/mistakes like every 2 minutes.
    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is (kinda) ruined...
    Meh. :cautious: What a waste.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Imagine being on a cruise ship. You're going from port A to port B and nothing can change that. In the interim, you're allowed to go from your room to certain other rooms, but not all rooms. Some rooms remain hidden and despite wanting to know more, you know little.

    Such is this game. It is technically a KN with no real choices in how it plays out. One supporting character can live or die based on the only real choice in the game. So that leaves the question of whether the story is compelling enough to push through the lack of agency the player has. Early on I might have been inclined to state, 'yes', but now...not at all.

    There are so many unanswered questions about origins and relationships and progress that in the end, the story implodes leaving one with the feeling of anger that all these hours and attention have been wasted. It's as if one went to a dinner and upon arrival the menu looks great, elaborate even, but by the time the waiter makes it to your table all that's left is a bologna sandwich.


    + Length and longevity of story and updates.


    - CG Renders. It is apparent the dev team never tried to improve their work. While other games in this genre have evolved with improvements in DAZ (for example), none of that can be seen here.

    - Animations. None

    - Audio. One endlessly repeating BGM track. No creativity in this regard.

    -- Lack of choice and opportunity for player to interact and immerse.

    --- Plot holes, lack of explanation, rushed and incomplete ending. Embarrassing lack of dedication to players. Lazy. Ends with dozens of questions of origins, relationships, outcomes...all left blank.

    --- Throughout the story, the main characters...all characters, communicate with truncated, stilted speech. There were times I thought they would just start grunting at each other. Again, laziness has to be a factor.

    Recommendation: I cannot recommend spending the hours necessary to complete this game. I am confident that a new player will be encouraged early on which will lead to frustration at the end.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    I wrote a glowing review some episodes ago as the story was quite interesting and the world building was quite nice. However, now I'm changing my review to hopefully let the dev know that this game is going downhill hard and fast. You're killing off characters that were being built over many episodes for no real reason, the MC has completely gone from from being this newbie to vampire society to bossing around these top elder vamps. This change was not gradual but rather a sudden shift. It makes no sense. The quality of writing has tanked enormously. Also, there are still no animations, and any type of points and paths we were slowly building up are now completely useless and gone. This means that the sex scenes are completely pointless and linear. And since there are no animations, it makes them dated and stale as well. This game is slowly becoming a generic kinetic novel with dated models, bland sex scenes, and poor writing. I don't know if the dev is getting burned out or what's going on, but this needs to change quickly or this game is gonna become a stinker. It also doesn't help that there's now going to be SIX episodes, and you can't start a new game at these later episodes. New players are going to have to start from the very beginning, and a lot of people are not going to want to have to download over 20GB, probably approaching 30GB, of files and mods just to have to catch up.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    Tis a porn game without porn.

    Doing a VTM-esque VN needs a good writing, the plot, choices and etc should matter. The ep 1 was great, kinda rushed to what could be, but still, great start, build up and stuff. You could unlock 0 powers, claws, or even claws and invisibility, for example.

    The plot was moving in a way, and it was building a strong foundation to some shit, and then it all is thrown away from 2 onwards.

    Almost no choices.

    The ones you have, change jack shit. You can be evil or good, but neither let's you do anything beside saying "Hi uwu" or "fuck you lmao"

    Dunno how long in ch 3, still couldn't fuck my god damn thrall or the pseudo-sire that has the hots for me nor the fucking hunter that tried to kill me.

    New characters that i don't care while unresolved plots stay on the background for no reason