Dating my daughters
The good
The so-so
The improvable
My first thought when I saw the banner of Radiant:
Oh, someone is trying really hard to appeal to the masses and get into their pockets.
The visuals are nice (aside from the incest tag probably the main reason why Radiant is so popular) - other than that it has been just a mediocre experience.
I've seen my fair share of poorly written adult VNs - and Radiant is a prime example.
I don't know how many times I moaned out aloud while reading - and no, those weren't moans of pleasure.
The good
- Decent renders & animations
- Attractive girls
- Nice music
- Proper English
The so-so
- Redundant "narrator"
The improvable
- Facial expressions sometimes look weird.
- Some strange body proportions (wasp waists) and hairdos
- Implausible & one-dimensional characters
- Unlikeable and inconsistent MC (at times polite, then again aggressive, cocky and pushy)
- MC still looks like 20, although - according to the story - he should be almost 40.
- Blue-eyed blonde, brown-eyed brunette & green-eyed redhead triplets? My ass.
- Cheesy, far-fetched and shallow story. Yikes, the story is really weak - second-hand embarrassment free of charge.
- Trivial dialogue (which - again - made me cringe a lot).
- "Daddy", "sweetie" - you guys just met for the first time, so could you please cut the crap?
- Annoying "humour"
- Being able to read other people's thoughts.
- Single "choices"
- Heart gesture. Just no.
My first thought when I saw the banner of Radiant:
Oh, someone is trying really hard to appeal to the masses and get into their pockets.
The visuals are nice (aside from the incest tag probably the main reason why Radiant is so popular) - other than that it has been just a mediocre experience.
I've seen my fair share of poorly written adult VNs - and Radiant is a prime example.
I don't know how many times I moaned out aloud while reading - and no, those weren't moans of pleasure.