You xenomorph guys better hurry up, cuz lifespan of a single xeno is about ~150 years and at this pace, when it took you 3 years to build 1 open level, very partially, aka 0.1% of one level, and you intended to do 250 000 levels to cover 1/5 of the earth, so you will need only,
7,500,000 years.
Hurry up
Do not fret, Matto is doing his best to create the best game he can, sadly good things take time...
This is way more than a scope change bruv.
The Scope has changed quite a bit from the very first poc/protoype/demo, I'm well aware of that, but Matto is confident in his abilities and he has no issues showing it on his Patreon posts for you to yeah, the game might not have porn content as of now, but beside that it's actually shaping up.
In any case, don't think for a second that we are not aware of the concerns, there are plenty of projects with bloated ambitions that fail to meet any expectations and get discarded by the dev when they bomb at release...many of them are from big studios and publishers <<what chance does a single dev at a game with "100 million km2" of stuff to populate with content have?>> is a valid argument.
The difference from most project I've seen here lies in how these have been laid out tho: many started as a linear games, started small, one map and moved from there, some to open worlds, OGZ/Rogue Planet is doing the opposite, Matto created the big system and is scaling down.
This means that, from a pure "readiness" standpoint of the basis themselves, Matto's already there...he just need to pile up content to populate the system that are already there, but piling up enough content to make the game a game and not a walking simulation will be a challenge for a single dev, even with all the procedural generation helping you, and he runs the risk of falling into the "soulless" type of procedural content, where there is a lot of nothing...
The next challenge for him will be proving that, on top of the world he created, he can actually create this content
I believe he can, he has an eye for detail, but then there is the "how long will it take?" question...
gamedev is not easy job...
You can choose to support Matto or not, nobody's forcing you to do anything, but I would kindly ask for people to stop messaging, insulting and pressuring the guy on DMs.
I think Matto can pull it off if he moves with purpose, you are free to believe the opposite, just, please, try not to be toxic about it.