Damn after my review I came back and was still kinda weird-ed out from the whole experience, looking through the patreon, its radio silence from the Dev for years until they release a minute long youtube video a few months ago teasing this game but the video only show 5 quick characters and some techno music. Then a big push for pre-order on steam for a couple months again just with some quick character models nothing else. Now we have this "Demo" set in a 1999 city with a teen walking around a few buildings for the Mars space farmer? Is this a scam?
If it's not, how can someone possibly put all this out and not think "damn this looks like a scam" lmao. Not a single quick timelaps video of the Dev being proud of the day / night cycle, doesn't show off the crops for the farmer once, one still image of some spider mobs that honestly look janky? The Dev references falling on hard times, maybe a quick pump and dump for patreon subs?
Whatever this is it's going to be juicy haha can't wait to see the drama.