Alright, Let's start with the good points
Good Renders: They may look weird at start, because these days almost every game uses the same models. But the models in this game have originality and variety, but not only this they have good poses too, they not just stand there generically.
Game Mechanic: It's nice to see some actual "gameplay", not just a VN with some inconsequential choices that leads to the same result. Even if its simple, this game mechanic doesn't become a eternal grinding, with is a very good thing
The bad points
Plot: Generic... I mean, its the same thing as always, reunite with the family, new city, new school, blah blah blah...
Writing: Probably the worst part of the game, we can take the cliches, but a cliche poorly written is a hard thing to swallow. This game's lack of consistent transitions is sometimes infuriating, we reach point A to C without a point B to smooth thing up, for exemple, in the intro scenes there so much info thrown in your face that if you miss a line you get completely lost, and besides the intro, there no other internal monologue, we feel like we don't really know the characters, even after we supposed to do, is't there much dialogues and they are short. I know that this game still in development and maybe the things that I mentioned can get better, but for now it's bad.
To conclude, The game have some good and bad points, but the final result is positive, so it's worth to play and follow its development.
UPDATE: The game has been focusing A LOT on sharing and prostitution, you can turn almost every character into a whore and even the ones that are already prostitutes like Fiona are literally intertwined with more than half of the other stories, I know it's mostly optional but it takes a lot of development time and is one of my least favorite fetishes
Also, the dev messes up a lot of important scenes in the "romance" paths like:
Raped in your sleep :
Rachel "Romance" FT, the game literally forces you to don't interact at all and pretend to be asleep during EVERYTHING, instead of AT LEAST "waking up" in the middle, which would have made the scene MUCH better, such a wasted opportunity
Sleep sex AGAIN, but on a hallucinogenic trip: Supposedly
Skylar "first time", which not only the game make sure to leave it ambiguous and nonsensical as everything Skylar-related (btw i don't think this is a good thing), but it doesn't even confirm it at the end of the route (in fact, the developer makes a point of misleading you even more, again, I don't think that's a good thing)
Dark alley where we could barely see shit (after ruining the perfect opportunity a few events prior.):
Gracie, damn, what a shitty scene, he literally makes you grind for 3 Gracie updates of expectation to then ruins Gracie's birthday party and end up concluding as a fucking quickie in a back alley that the player can't see shit cuz the scene is dark as fuck, which is less respect than the literal prostitutes in this game get
So I guess I can't recommend this game anymore