The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is v0.3.2...
For the time being the only real thing this VN/Game has going for it is the visuals...
The visuals are very unique, almost having a cartoon like feel to the 3D models for the characters and backdrops... They are high resolution and don't really take themselves too seriously most of the time... You can tell the artist was trying to go for a cute and comic type feel for most of the characters, with slightly exaggerated facial expressions and body language... The visual style is very well done, but that is really the best thing this VN/Game has going for it, which I'll get into...
The script is horrible, being mostly really bad broken English with lots of misused words, spelling, and grammar mistakes... I had to re-read a lot of the text many times while going through the current content... The pacing of the introduction was also very fast and the way it played out was practically the same as I've seen in other VN/Games... Not much on the originality... After the brief introduction this VN/Game becomes a relationship grinder, with the typical location and time mechanics you see in most grinders... You also need to worry about money and other factors... For the moment, the grind isn't bad, but this VN/Game is also just getting started, so I'm unsure if it will get worse as more content comes on board... Only time will tell...
The plot revolves around a male protagonist who moves in with his mother and younger sister after having lived with his father for several years... And of course the sister is angry with him, and the mother feels bad for not seeing him in so long... An over used family cliché... From there he gets into photography... After that point, everything becomes over the top, and I mean practically everything... From getting a camera from an old guy who is almost like a mafia loan shark, so now the protagonist owes money every two weeks (hence the money grind)… To the first day of school getting caught just walking into the girls locker room and blatantly taking a picture of the female students getting dressed and showered... Then, of course, being sent to the headmistress' office, where his mother bribes the headmistress (the developer calls it the headmaster's office, but it's a she and not a he) to let him stay in school... Everything moves at a fairly fast pace, and all the characters are fairly over the top or stereotyped... Mix all that with the highly broken English... It just made the pacing feel rushed most of the time... I think, not sure, the developer was trying to be funny with some character dialogue, but I rarely found it to be humorous... And sometimes it felt either cryptic, or there was some cultural joke being told, that most westerners would not get... In one case, what was said, could have been misconstrued as malicious, but it was hard to tell due to the poor English...
The developers also added a form of mini-game with one of the characters, where you actually have to pay attention to, and memorize historical information learned in the library, in order to properly tutor one of the female students... I really hate when these things do stuff like that... Making players/readers waste time either writing things down or actually having to memorize a bunch of content, unrelated to the story, for later game play mechanics... Some folks may like that sort of stuff, but for me it was annoying, because you are not clued in properly, that you needed to do the information gathering step, prior to the tutoring mini-game... But I guess it is what it is...
You can also tell fairly quickly, if not right off the bat, that this VN/Game includes the a-typical Incest setup... With peeping, walking into the bathroom to see the sister naked, perving on sleeping family members, and so forth... A set of themes used too much in these low to moderate quality VN/Games... Lack of originality...
Overall, the visuals are the only good thing this VN/Game has going for it... With the major broken English, over the top and stereotyped characters, cliché tropes, and very fast paced story telling, this VN/Game is looking like it will most likely, just be a porn fest grinder, more then anything else... Because the text is so hard to read and understand sometimes, any attempts at humor get lost in the bad translations/interpretations... Most character setups and events are predictable, over the top, and been used before... The only real originality was the visuals and the basic concept of taking lewd photo's... Now, this VN/Game is very early into it's development, so it is possible that someday, perhaps, the text will get fixed... But I'm still of the opinion that a good VN/Game can not stand on it's visuals alone... Which for now makes this VN/Game rather poor to average, in overall quality... But I guess we'll need to wait and see what the future holds... Will I revisit this one? Maybe, but for now it needs a lot of work... If I do revisit, it will not be for a while...
For the time being the only real thing this VN/Game has going for it is the visuals...
The visuals are very unique, almost having a cartoon like feel to the 3D models for the characters and backdrops... They are high resolution and don't really take themselves too seriously most of the time... You can tell the artist was trying to go for a cute and comic type feel for most of the characters, with slightly exaggerated facial expressions and body language... The visual style is very well done, but that is really the best thing this VN/Game has going for it, which I'll get into...
The script is horrible, being mostly really bad broken English with lots of misused words, spelling, and grammar mistakes... I had to re-read a lot of the text many times while going through the current content... The pacing of the introduction was also very fast and the way it played out was practically the same as I've seen in other VN/Games... Not much on the originality... After the brief introduction this VN/Game becomes a relationship grinder, with the typical location and time mechanics you see in most grinders... You also need to worry about money and other factors... For the moment, the grind isn't bad, but this VN/Game is also just getting started, so I'm unsure if it will get worse as more content comes on board... Only time will tell...
The plot revolves around a male protagonist who moves in with his mother and younger sister after having lived with his father for several years... And of course the sister is angry with him, and the mother feels bad for not seeing him in so long... An over used family cliché... From there he gets into photography... After that point, everything becomes over the top, and I mean practically everything... From getting a camera from an old guy who is almost like a mafia loan shark, so now the protagonist owes money every two weeks (hence the money grind)… To the first day of school getting caught just walking into the girls locker room and blatantly taking a picture of the female students getting dressed and showered... Then, of course, being sent to the headmistress' office, where his mother bribes the headmistress (the developer calls it the headmaster's office, but it's a she and not a he) to let him stay in school... Everything moves at a fairly fast pace, and all the characters are fairly over the top or stereotyped... Mix all that with the highly broken English... It just made the pacing feel rushed most of the time... I think, not sure, the developer was trying to be funny with some character dialogue, but I rarely found it to be humorous... And sometimes it felt either cryptic, or there was some cultural joke being told, that most westerners would not get... In one case, what was said, could have been misconstrued as malicious, but it was hard to tell due to the poor English...
The developers also added a form of mini-game with one of the characters, where you actually have to pay attention to, and memorize historical information learned in the library, in order to properly tutor one of the female students... I really hate when these things do stuff like that... Making players/readers waste time either writing things down or actually having to memorize a bunch of content, unrelated to the story, for later game play mechanics... Some folks may like that sort of stuff, but for me it was annoying, because you are not clued in properly, that you needed to do the information gathering step, prior to the tutoring mini-game... But I guess it is what it is...
You can also tell fairly quickly, if not right off the bat, that this VN/Game includes the a-typical Incest setup... With peeping, walking into the bathroom to see the sister naked, perving on sleeping family members, and so forth... A set of themes used too much in these low to moderate quality VN/Games... Lack of originality...
Overall, the visuals are the only good thing this VN/Game has going for it... With the major broken English, over the top and stereotyped characters, cliché tropes, and very fast paced story telling, this VN/Game is looking like it will most likely, just be a porn fest grinder, more then anything else... Because the text is so hard to read and understand sometimes, any attempts at humor get lost in the bad translations/interpretations... Most character setups and events are predictable, over the top, and been used before... The only real originality was the visuals and the basic concept of taking lewd photo's... Now, this VN/Game is very early into it's development, so it is possible that someday, perhaps, the text will get fixed... But I'm still of the opinion that a good VN/Game can not stand on it's visuals alone... Which for now makes this VN/Game rather poor to average, in overall quality... But I guess we'll need to wait and see what the future holds... Will I revisit this one? Maybe, but for now it needs a lot of work... If I do revisit, it will not be for a while...