Version: [0.41.1]
I played 'Photo Hunt' for the first time around 2 years ago, it was a pretty solid experience and i'd rate it a 4/5, probably.
In the last couple of days I played it again, and now I'm debating between a 2 and a 3.
First of all - lets talk about the good stuff.
The renders and animations are very solid, the cast of VN is wide and diverse, sex is done well, a bit short most of the time though.
Now, let me ask you a question.
I have no freaking clue and it pisses me off.
Most (all?) LI's progression is simply locked behind progression with other LI's (which is awful, by the way) so it's not about choice.
The whole 'go to point X at 12PM' is, as always, awful and serves no purpose other than inflating 'play'-time, and DEAR GOD it gets worse and worse as you progress.
At some point at least 60% of the things you need to do can only happen at weekends afternoon, so 2 'time blocks' every week. now, some of the characters (like Lina) plotlines takes 20+ weekend afternoon events. so yah, that's a whole bunch of weeks of skipping to progress.
It's not like you can just do it whenever when doing other things, because as I said earlier PROGRESSION IS LOCKED BEHIND OTHER LI'S PROGRESSION.
So yah, have fun waiting for freaking Lina to have some time over the weekend for 7 weeks to be able to progress, it's so awful it taints the whole experience.
There's pretty much no story, some uninteresting plotlines with mostly cardboard characters, mom has troubles at work, sister loves-hates you, the girl that comes from money is cold and bitchy but warms up to you, etc.
If you've played any AVN at all, you've probably seen it all already.
The dialogues are fine, but are often endless conversations about nothing important which gets pretty boring while you grind meaningless events to progress.
Writing-wise 'Photo Hunt' is serviceable, nothing more, nothing less. if you like a good story, or amazingly written characters - look elsewhere.
The cast of LI's is too wide, especially in context of how grindy and inflated this VN is.
Let's take grace for example - she just got a huge update (and they don't come too often), she gets probably 1.5-2 hours of screen time, of grinding 'help sort out documents' at the hospital, etc... the payoff? sleeping rapey-fondling, and some grinding action.
That's it???? oh well, guess i'll come back in 2 years for the next time she'll get some meaningful content.
'Photo Hunt' does that a lot by the way, a huge build up just to stick you with 'come back later for more content

' just before the payoff. it pisses me off more than it makes me want to come back in the future.
Menus are not great , and the in-game walkthrough might as well not exist with how often you need to use it and how clunky it is to get to it. thank god there's a great walkthrough mod out there.
Overall there's some good stuff in here, unfortunately its locked behind awful grind, terrible sandbox execution, a bunch of meaningless dialogue and events, the developer baiting with 'lost'-level cliffhangers, and in the grand scheme of things - just isn't wort it in my honest opinion.
It really did leave me with a sour taste, and it's truly disappointing to see this is the direction this VN took, since I thought it had a lot of potential.