Ren'Py - Park after Dark [v0.25 Public] [SID Gaming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    thought it was great, lots of content and potential here. Can't wait to see who gets added next. Definetly need to use cheats to get through the grind but the end result is great! Wish date outfits could be worn outside of dates too
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, as a poly person, I like that the girls are open to an open relationship, even if it is a bit too easy harem wise and I'd like some interpersonal drama, hope that there will he more multigirl scenes added, Aurora and Cindy need (that isn't a dream) badly, just because they way Aurora talks about it, you expect it.

    I do hope to eventually be able to cuck Roger rabbit and fully fuck Jessica, but if all we get is what's available for her, that's fine.

    Overall the game is a really great time, I wish you could maybe have the girls put on "date outfits" at home. Other than that I have very few complaints.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5670829

    Loved playing this game. Initially pretty grindy with the drawing minigame, but once you max out your level, it becomes a non-issue. The selection of girls, ranging from princesses to some villains is filled with variety. The characters talk and act exactly as they would in their respective movies. Overall a great game.
  4. 4.00 star(s)

    God's Last Gift

    It's lewd Disney princesses and it also features Slut versions of their regular outfits, which is one of my favourite little things these games tend to do. It's got a grind to it if you don't use cheats, but I did, so I guess I can't really complain about that.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good sometimes great art. Nice steamy scenes. The girls i've been able to get to are interesting but the rest of the game is too needlessly convoluted grindy and confusing. I've only been able to get to about 3 girls and finally got to the villians but there are so many places where the game grinds (literally) to a halt and you have to search through the thread or cheat or what have you.

    Art doesn't make up for how aggravating the actual game part is, hopefully it gets a bit more streamlined and fleshed out at a later point but for now I'd recommend avoiding unless you really love the art (which you can just extract) or don't mind tedious grindy and confusing mechanics.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game overall.
    The art is lovely and the scene variety is great. The only issue i can think of is how boring the late game is, fixing that will make it a strong 5/5.
    A gallery viewer to check on scenes without having to go to each girl's place would be awesome!.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    I gave this 3 stars because even though the art is good, the game still feels like much to be desired and can be kinda grindy.

    -Art is very good and accurate to OG Disney princesses
    -Premise is creative and interesting
    -Enviroments are good
    -Lightweight game
    -Dialogue is above decent

    -The game is getting carried very hard by its artstyle but that will only get it so far.
    -Almost no animations
    -Kinda mindlessly click around hoping something to happen
    -Grindy, I don't mind grindy games if the pay off is good but not in this one
    -No ethnic characters yet
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A pretty good game overall.

    The real selling point is of course the art which captures the style of classic Disney extremely well and is very appealing. There is also a lot of charm with the pseudo park manager theme; lots of in jokes and cute references to people familiar with the Disney parks. The game does VERY little with this theme, but it doesn't have to. It is clearly a simple sim-date game with a unique theme and there is nothing wrong with that.

    The biggest issue by far is the lack of depth and the segmented gamestyle. You progress through the game one girl at a time (essentially) seducing them and unlocking scenes. The main issue is that once you have actually fucked a girl...that's it. You move onto the next one and that "completed" girl has essentially 0 content past that point. There are glimmers that this may change; the latest patch includes 4 tiny scenes where the most feature complete girls begin working in a strip bar and they all say hi to the player when they visit it. I dearly hope that instead of just adding more girls (there are honestly plenty at this stage; maybe room for two more max) the dev increases the depth of content with the ones we have.

    Overall an average game that is carried very, very hard by the art style. This creator is extremely talented as an artist and their game proves it. I just hope this game focuses a tiny bit more on fulfilling its potential as a harem/dating game and I can justify making it a 5/5.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    The princesses and actual characters generally tend to be drawn pretty well, the princesses have been distinct and likable so far, and it seems there are interesting stories to be told. There is also a joy that shows up that makes what are pretty standard adult VN plots a bit more vibrant than they tend to be.

    However, the art tends to be on the lazy side, gameplay needs to be introduced at a much brisker pace, instructions for gameplay and triggering next events need to be a lot more coherent, and the game needs to flow a lot better in general.

    I should note that the game seems to have been designed in a freemium-style mindset, since the developer has said on this site that "A walkthrough is available for $10 patrons. Just saying." ( and "We don't give out help because that's our policy on the matter. We have an official walkthrough that's also patron-exclusive, so we don't also give out answers for free." (

    As it is, it has potential, but is too frustrating (seemingly on purpose to promote their Patreon as a sort of pay-to-win mechanic) after the initial magic wears off.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    As a lifelong Disney fan, this game immediately grabbed my attention as soon as I saw that you can freely romance and fuck multiple Disney Princesses. Honestly it has been a longstanding fantasy of mine to fuck Belle hard and raw, day in and day out, and this game comes as close to that dream as can possibly be. HOWEVER... as of version 0.11, I will admit that this game has huge potential, but it also has a long... LONG way to go to stand out amongst the crowd.

    The Good:
    1. Character Art
    2. Dialogue Chemistry

    In summary, the only two good elements of this game are the dialogue and character art. The chemistry between the MC and characters such as Yen Sid, the princesses and even the minor villain characters are pretty well thought out. You can easily tell that the developer has done their homework on every character's background as well as the film they originally portrayed in, all the while throwing in some adult humour and modern-day references to keep the player engaged. I also love the irony how Aurora is just downright into casual sex!
    The character art is also fairly decent to a point where I can say that it is loyal to the source material. Each character looks almost identical to the original, however there are some minor nitpicks I must address; Aurora sometimes looks cross-eyed, and every girls' breasts look as if a ten year-old had drawn them. (The breasts have no weight to them and the nipple placements are usually all over the place!)

    The Bad:
    1. Grinding
    2. Quest hints
    3. Management (even more grinding!)

    I think it's safe to say that everyone is having some issues with the grinding mechanics of the game. In the beginning of the game, the basis of the gameplay is; you press the clock, talk to Yen Sid to practice drawing, do the mini-game dot-to-dot, draw a project, go outside/press the clock, rinse and repeat. That's not what I would call my ideal way of fapping to Rule34 of my favourite Disney princesses. Honestly you'd be better off just scrapping the "drawing progress" mechanic altogether and save people a headache.
    Speaking of headaches, the quests are almost near impossible to follow without some sort of guide or hints given to the comments within the F95 thread. I strongly suggest having a mechanic where if you're truly stuck, have an option where you can ask Yen Sid for advice (it could even be subtle!) just so you have a rough idea of where to go and look for the next trigger point.
    Park management is also a bit of a pain. I get the lowering park rating events and that assigning your princess waifus to certain events can help bolster it up again, but the one thing I do find annoying is how you have to fork over a day's profits just to upgrade one building, rinse and repeat for the next thirty days, only to realise that you've only accumulated 200k with fully upgraded rides to reach a goal of 2M to unlock the next set of events. (I cheated in the end, I ain't got time for grinding in a porn game!)

    The Ugly:
    1. The map
    2. The backgrounds

    These two are more or less covering the same point, but I just wanted to make it clear that, as an artist myself, seeing basic MS Paint shapes being passed off as rides is both laughable and disappointing. Toontown is especially a big example of this. If they're just placeholders for more detailed lots in the future, then that's fine, I'll forgive the developer for that. BUT if not, then they're either lazy or struggling for time, to which I'd recommend they find and hire a background artist to help. I can honestly see somewhere down the line of a grand, detailed map that reflects the ones we see printed within WDW, with the rides clear and detailed in the background as we click on each one, and I hope that the developer's endgame goal is the same. If not, well, it seems like a wasted opportunity. There are many games within F95 that implement nice backgrounds, usually done by third-party artists, it's just a matter of reaching out.

    Overall I give this 3 out of 5. I have faith in the developer to make this into something truly magical (pardon the reference). AND seeing as they've included Frollo and Helga, I can assume that Esmerelda and Kida may potentially join the harem at some point, so if they do... I'll be a very happy man!
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Good promise but a bit of a mess as a game. No real clue what to do to trigger events, constant grind and no walkthrough or hint system. I wouldn't recommend playing this as is. Good potential though if the devs can manage to clean this mess up.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.11 review.

    So, the art is fine and that's really the main positive i can say about it.

    It's a standard trainer game with multiple girls, nothing new or innovative with all the click grinding you've seen before AND MORE!

    The gimmick with this one is that the player character is given a magic pen and uses it to draw the girls and attractions of Disney. The issue is the shear amount of clicking this takes to grind through. To level up your drawing skill and complete things faster you need to either complete a drawing or do a connect the dots minigame. So for a 1 level increase that's something like 5 days at first (2 drawings per day) or clicking between 10 and 40 ish times on a basically blank screen for 1 level up (that's again 2 times per day).

    Then you need money to buy outfits (nothing new there), but the time to grind the cash to buy them is complicated by the massive cost of them and the fact that your park attractions can break down. I honestly don't think a single attraction made enough money to repair a single breakdown of said attraction. I ended up cheating the cash in to speed up the fixes and avoid the grind.

    Even then there's a point where you get a mention of expanding the park (opening Epcot). The issue is you click on a red exclamation point, which give dialogue about needing a lot of money to do so. This doesn't say how much money is needed (I think it's event based, not actually money based which is a shitty design choice if true). Click that also has a large chance of triggering an event that breaks down a ride or lowers your park rating. Both of which lose you money, and cost money to fix in the case of the break down.

    Basically far too much grinding for me, but maybe those who like the clicking for a trainer game might like this one.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    A rather simple game, made great by the artwork and the dialogues.

    Gameplay: there is nothing much to say about this game, a pretty simple management game that is kindy grindy sometimes (but not too much).
    Story: magic pen that lets you draw whatever you want, pretty simple but still a cool concept imho.
    Artwork: the handmade characters and places are truly what made this game stand out in my opinion, they are very pretty and well drawn. Props to the artist!
    Dialogues: are the icing on the cake of this game, they are funny and a pleasure to read, making this a light-hearted game that I personally enjoyed a lot.

    Good job SID, keep it up!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Definitely need more games with this parody that have this great of artwork. Look forward to more. Need to have a tool tip or maybe i missed it to tell you when to move the ladies to different jobs. Took me a bit to figure that out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good hand drawn art.
    I enjoy the humor and find it funny.
    The scenario is pretty nice.
    Just a tad bit grindy. overall a solid 4.5 stars game. rounding up to 5 because no half stars in this site.
    200 characters minimum for a review is a bit much
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The writing is great - the funny bits are actually funny, and the girls are sweet and personable. , and the H scenes are hot. It can be a little grindy - the rides break down WAY too often - so I've dinged it a star, but it's absolutely worth playing.
  17. 4.00 star(s)



    But grindy, even with cheats.

    The art is very pretty and there is a good number of scenes.

    The first 2 characters are pleasantly contrastive. I hope future ones bring new things to the table and keep it interesting.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a good effort but it's such a ball ache. Progress is slow. Tons of clicking all in the sake of making some number bigger so that you may bestowed the privilege of progressing through the game. The wizard dude is fun, cinderella was boring as hell. I don't really find the art/models that attractive.

    There is definitely a good amount of stuff that has been worked into the game, but it's a good amount of... *meh* stuff.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.09

    Giving this game 5 stars solely based on the writing. It's sharp, humorous, and seductive all when it needs to be-- and it does it all so effortlessly. The girls are written in ways that make them loveable. Aurora knows how to push your buttons, Belle knows how to flirt. It's all so good and rarely ever feels out of character.

    Setting the placeholder background art aside, the way the girls are drawn are top notch. Even the tiny details like Ariel's lip bite give me the impression the devs really know how to sell sexy. A few of the CGs do look a little off model, like Aurora's smug face when you titfuck her, but it's not bad enough as to be distracting.

    If there were 1 thing I'd dock points for, this game is pretty dang grindy. Not the worst I've seen, and certainly can be abated with the cheats menu but it's definitely something worth being aware of as a roadblock that gets in the way of the story. Even with the grind-reducing cheats, there are going to be times where you're not sure what to do next to unlock more scenes so you just check everywhere and hope you accidentally stumble on progress. The rewards you get when you do unlock them though make it all worth it.

    On the whole, I really liked what I saw. Premise, art, and story are all down on lock and I have no doubt they'll only be improved upon with each successive release. And with a long, long line of ladies in the Disney canon that could be added in each release, I have nothing but excitement for the future of this game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    A very promising start as a dating simulation game.

    - very well done artwork
    - somewhat interesting storyline and corruption elements
    - plenty of CGs and outfit choices that unlock along the way to make progression worth it
    - interesting park simulation elements that can greatly simplify the game if you spend time building and upgrading rides

    - very grindy and this is the main reason I am giving it 4 stars instead of 5. I get that repeating actions over and over in order to unlock something new goes hand-in-hand with these types of games but it is not an enjoyable game mechanic at all (at least for me)
    - without a guide it can difficult determining the next step in progression with one of the girls or figuring out how to unlock the next outfit.