Ren'Py - Park after Dark [v0.25 Public] [SID Gaming]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1769437

    v0.25 Public review.

    The is a decent Disney porn gallery buried within a mediocre VN and terrible management simulator. There's a general sort of plot: MC is given a magic pen and decides to use it to create a theme park full of sluts from other dimensions but villains have decided to wreck the park. But it hasn't had any forward progress in ages and each patch is mostly just "here's a new girl with her own vignettes that aren't related to the overarching story at all".

    Bottom line is that everything about the gameplay is just frustrating. Early game is heavily bottle-necked and linear with RNG (one of the two girls you can interact with will randomly be unavailable some days). After that, there are massive money gates that I doubt anyone has gotten past without cheats. Finally, there's a random event system that sounds like a neat idea but is so poorly implemented that it's likely that your entire park will be on fire within a day or two (again, unless you use cheats). And then there's the Helga sidequest.

    As a regularly updated game with decent original art, I want to like this more and I'd like to say more about the writing or dialogue but every time I play this the tediousness of visiting the girls once a day for a million days in order to unlock some porn has me holding down CTRL 30 minutes in.

    3/5 stars
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am actually surprised this game doesn't get more love. It is easily one of the better Ren'Py games out there right now.

    Artwork/Animation - 5/5

    What's not to love about beautiful, naked D***y princesses? But more than that, the artwork is fantastic, and the sex scenes are fun. The ladies are just beautiful, and true to form.

    Story/Dialogue - 5/5

    Shoutout to the dev here - the story is fantastic, and the dialogue is deep, but also hilarious. Jokes, humor, puns, one-liners, etc., all permeate the game, but it doesn't detract what is actually a great story. Each princess has their own personality, and the dev was very true to form from how they would act in their respective... plots. :)

    UI/Gameplay - 4.5/5

    While the game deserves an overall 5, my biggest gripe is it can be very grindy; you have to be SO careful with your park points, or you can hurt yourself in the beginning, and money takes time to earn. And it doesn't get much easier as you add more attractions (but it DOES get a little easier). This gripe also isn't necessarily bad - it keeps the game interesting so you don't blow through it. Now for the good - the minigames in it are fun, you have to actually pay attention to the dialogue in this game, and there are quite a few Easter eggs and hidden stuff to find.

    All-in-all, this is a very solid game that was very well built on a popular aspect - fucking D***y princesses! What's not to love?
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Its a scam made to waste your time and money. Instead of talking with girls and having sex with them, you have to talk with an old wizard about some nonsence twice a day. At the same time slowly drawing new picture +10% at a time, wasting days for no reason other than boring grind and reading walls of filler text.

    When a game force-feeds me some filler trash instead of interesting content - it doesnt worth my time or support.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Having Sex with the Disney Princesses? Especially with Ariel, Rapunzel and Elsa? A DREAM COME TRUE! ^^

    The Drawings are really good, the Quests make Sense (but are sometimes a little Seeking-Game, cause of no Questlog) and the Animations are hot.
    In my opinion, however, the princesses' breasts are too big. However, that is a matter of taste.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Park after Dark [v0.23a]

    I used to really like this game for a number of reasons, but there are also some downsides that can't be overlooked.

    First of all the art in general is very much enjoyable and appealing, emulating the original Disney style effectively, particularly with characters like Anna & Elsa and Rapunzel who have been transitioned from 3D to 2D.

    Very much unfortunate is the depiction of breasts in Park after Dark, which strays from anatomical accuracy. Many such representations seem to favor a very artificial, silicone-like appearance with an excessively rounded shape. This discrepancy is particularly noticeable when the areola is situated in the center of the breast, as opposed to its natural placement in the lower third, which is especially true for larger cup sizes, but not exclusively.

    Obviously the artist had many artificial silicone breasts of porn performers as a reference, instead of women with big natural breasts.

    As someone who really loves NATURAL boobs this is very disappointing and some of the in-game characters really deserve a rework concerning their chest.
    After all, these are idealized Disney princesses, so why should their breasts look like the typical ugly round silicone tits with an areola in the anatomically wrong location, instead of the much more erotic natural shapes?

    Actually Tiana, the black girl, is the only one to have realistic breasts for her cup size. Others like Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Belle, Elsa, and Anna would greatly benefit from much more natural breast shapes.

    For a more detailed commentary on how unnatural breasts look in Park after Dark, check out my post in the thread.

    For me, the art is gorgeous on the one hand because it mimics the Disney style, BUT on the other hand it isn't realistic enough concerning the look of beautiful big natural breasts that most men like to see.

    I have no problem with the fact, that there are no real animations. The sex scenes tend to be hot even without animations. But there are exceptions to this rule unfortunately.
    F.e. some of the villain scenes (these are like bonus characters, which also have a function gameplaywise) are really lacking.
    Helga Sinclair, the only truly attractive villain, has a totally lame sex scene. You can hardly see anything of her hot body during her scene in the doggy position with most of her body being obscured by clothing. This is absolutely not well thought out from a visual aspect and there are some more issues like this even with the main characters, too: Such as Anna riding the main character from the side is rather unexciting, whereas a frontal perspective would have provided a much more appealing view of her body.

    Unfortunately, potential is regularly wasted because some sex scenes are not well thought out visually.

    I understand that the sex scenes are intended to provide some variety through different positions or points of view and are not intended to be the same for every girl. But sometimes the result is a suboptimal solution that wastes visual potential just to not make it exactly like an already existing one of another character.

    It would also have been nice, if the game had given us the opportunity to customize the princesses' pubes ourselves. It wouldn't have taken much more work to offer every scene with and without pubic hair. Personally, the completely shaved look of some characters bothers me, because it's not appealing to me, but for others it may be different or even the opposite. In this respect, variations could have been built in, which really wouldn't have taken a lot of work, especially because only a small part of the body would be affected and the rest of the scenes would stay exactly the same. Implementing such a customization option concerning pubes would have been a relatively simple addition to enhance personal preferences without significantly altering the game's content.

    But enough of the art, which is one of the most if not the most important aspect of an adult game.

    My main issue with this game is the gameplay actually.
    The gameplay, while not the main focus of an adult game, does suffer from grindiness. The random delays, such as building collapses and sabotage, can be frustrating, especially when they hinder progress with story characters. The management aspect feels forced and could be improved with a more engaging system or even better a clear way to bypass it for those interested solely in the narrative and character interactions.

    The absence of a quest log is a notable flaw, making it easy to forget objectives and leading most often to unnecessary random clicking on the map. A feature to provide hints or reminders would be beneficial for a much smoother and much more enjoyable experience.

    After all unlocking all the clothes and scenes for each female character also takes time, and sometimes you get stuck. Unlocking new scenes is the main game for me, not the management aspects. But unlocking new scenes often require prerequisites that you may have overlooked.
    Sometimes a sufficient number of game rounds need to be passed to initiate a new scene, which can be vexing since the player remains oblivious to the specific conditions that advance the narrative. The player may endeavor to manually activate progression, yet it often unfolds passively after several rounds. A more user-friendly approach would involve the implementation of a quest log that informs the player to either wait or spend some time before the next interaction becomes available with said character, thereby mitigating frustration and enhancing gameplay clarity.

    There are quite a lot of quests in the game actually and sometimes the solution is not that obvious. I have to point this out, because if it’s not intuitive, it’s bad game/quest design. Sometimes you end up clicking on all buildings on the map during the day and the night cycle to trigger something. It shouldn't be like that.

    Hence it would be perfectly justified to add a quest log and some in-game hints. Talking to the wizard is useless most of the time, because he will just have some rather pointless random dialogue lines.

    Least but not last the writing, dialogues and such is ok, but it’s also not great either. F.e. a lot of non-canonical filler material was added to the dialogue with princesses. Hence some of the non-canonical dialogues showing the princesses out of character are skip worthy. This is especially true for the date scenes, where the Disney princesses tend to reveal their "true" personality, which most often is just the fantasy of the dev or writer instead of being faithful to the lore. If you have seen the original Disney movies and remember these characters, it can be quite disappointing that they are portrayed differently. For instance, Aurora's in-game personality is quite different from her film counterpart.

    Overall the writing is a mixed bag, with some dialogues adding depth to the characters, but often straying into non-canonical territory that can be jarring for fans of the original Disney movies.

    In conclusion, if the game ...
    • replaced the fake looking breasts with much more erotic natural shapes,
    • put more effort into thinking sex scenes through visually in order to make the most out of them,
    • improved the gameplay flow,
    • made time-consuming grind skippable,
    • added a quest log, and
    • refined the dialogue to be more consistent with the characters' original personalities,
    it could easily be a 4 or 5-star experience.

    As it stands, a 3-star rating seems fair.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Park after Dark is in fact the first NSFW-game I've ever played and I'm glad I discovered it. It opened the door for me for so many good (and unfortunately some abandoned) NSFW-games. I discovered it around 0.05 when Belle was about to be introduced I think and I do have to give props to the devs about the amount of progress they've make over the few years.

    Background art has improved by miles and the overall style of the game has appealed to me for ever and always will. The designs of the ladies are amazing in my eyes, true to their original and brings out the fantasy of every person grown-up with these characters. The writing is great, it has good banter, interesting dialogue and romances and overall just very enjoyable to read. I actually don't mind it not having any 'real' animations, the power lies in the design and the building of your own private collection of princesses.

    The game could use with some QoL changes, like A LOT of QoL changes. It doesn't really have a 'back' button anywhere, if I want to go from attraction to the map I have to click to go to the workshop. Kinda weird. The park rating things are annoying at best, not really gamebreaking but still could use some tweaks. The amount of pop-ups are too high compared to the speed in which you can upgrade the attractions so they won't break down. Park after Dark also suffers a bit from the same issue as Once A Porn A Time where with more updates and girls, the corruption also speeds up. I like it when the corruption is a bit longer than usual, really taking the time to get know the princesses and eventually sleeping with them. It feels more rewarding than having them easily bent to your desires.

    Overall, it's a fun game. The management can be a bit tedious at times but with some replaying you'll figure out what the best strategy is. Looking forward to the next updates with many more princesses and other characters that can be added. Would love to see a little more love to the clothing emporium, outfits feel kinda one-dimensional and making them a part of the corruption would be amazing (like Cinderella's ballgown). Oh and swimsuits. Can't say no to Tiana in a tight one-piece bathing suit.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Ah yes, the one game that actually attempts to make a harem out of disney princesses, well...most of them anyway. So how does this make out into?


    - A good selection of different princesses, with differing personalities, so there will no doubt be someone here that you would happily jerk off to.
    - Decent writing, lore etc.
    - Far as a VN goes, the gameplay is okay. The H is decent.
    - There is ambition to make a management game here.
    - Artwork is acceptable


    - The game is incredibly linear at the start, and you can argue that sets a bad precedent for enjoying the rest of the game
    - The management aspect needs some very, very heavy tweaking because its bad
    - Artwork...artwork. Read my commentary below.


    Okay, so what's the game about. You play as 'Mickey' the non-mouse, who has recently been fired from your amusement park job. One fateful night you meet Sid, wizard, who proceed to provide you with a pen that basically brings whatever you want to your reality. There are some limitations on what the pen can do but what it boils down to is you've got reality warping powers so you decided to reopen your amusement park, staff it with horny princesses (yes thats what the game describes them as) and get laid I guess.

    So with the pen youd think the first thing youd want to do is to draw a harem of princesses who would suck your dick. Unfortunately, how the game is structured is that you've got to more or less finish off Cinderella, the first girl, before you can get the next. In fact, when you get the second girl, Aurora, you now have to also finish most of hers before the game finally opens up and gives you three girls at once. So the game is linear as fuck at the start, and for a H game with such a volume of ladies, that's not good design.

    The mini game is simple enough, and easily completed. A bit grindy but whatever. But the management game is quite something else. At its worst its unfunctional, and at best its a waste of time. To make a short description of how it works: you make up a load of areas that'll earn you passive income. Occasionally there would be exclamation marks hovering over them but clicking them has never resulted in anything positive and there's simply no penalty for ignoring them. My park rating goes down after clicking them so what will I do? Well, I'll just never click them then. And lets be real, you're not really managing the girls in any shape of the imagination, its existance here is merely a nuisance to be endured for the girls' sake. Take the management game out and nothing essentially changes, from a gameplay perspective.

    The girls are properly written, so youre not really just skipping loads of dialogue, though I can confirm that theres plenty of fluff text worth skipping. Just a point: the personalities of the girls are not perfectly aligned with canon, though the dev clearly at least tried...a little.

    Artwork is fine, the proportions arent disastrous, but Id like to point out that there is enough design space for there to be girls without jumbo jugs, and not every girl's nips need to be THAT visible. The result is that every girl here looks alike, just a head transplant away from being completely homogenous.

    I will say one thing though. Taking the disney princesses is bold because they'll always be held to the standards of its IPO and in this case the game really does suffer from comparisons. If you ever watched the films, the original designs, the really does make these girls looked watered down, flat, like their soul been ripped off their bodies. Its very Robert Crumb; the girls are well drawn, anatomically correct, but there's little to no appeal in any of them. As a consequence, I couldnt get my dick hard over any of these, even the girls that I like.


    Its not a bad game by any means, and if your thing is to jerk off to disney princesses then chances are youd be at least interested to try this. For the effort, the size, and the ongoing development, Id have to praise it because stuff like these often tend to be abandoned midway through, so hats off to the dev for keeping it going.

    Good, decent, but could use some work. Consider improving the management aspect, or scrap it entirely.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6471677

    story: hold ctrl to continue
    i'd give this a 5 star rating for the concept, artwork, and sheer abundance of scenes, but it's another "super obscure gameplay" thing where you get stuck all the time and find out there's one villain you forgot to fight via card drinking game, or one stat that's abysmal with only one way to raise it. It can honestly tired you out through sheer annoyance and grind.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Story 2/5
    Well the story had potential and i love the idea of the hole park and creating stuff with the pen, creating the first female was a bit of a let down though, i mean why make a bimbo as the first one...its yet another game that thinks everyone has big tit fetish which is getting old....its also just yet another mindless fuckfest game, you have no choices in anything just fuck em all, it just dosent get more boring the pointless then that.

    Game is also just a kinetic novel hidden behind a sandbox, you rarely get choices and the ones you get means absolutly nothing, which also means relationships/sex scenes are forced on you and so is fetishes, nothing is in the players controle, you cant even skip a girl if you dont like her since quests are tied together so theres only one way to progress making it pure kinetic.

    Game tells you to talk with sid if your stuck to get a hint on what to do but that dosent work either since theres only one route where your forced to fuck girls you hate to progress, its the most idiotic way to make a game, why is it so hard to let players say no to sex scenes if they dont want it with someone... atleast show the kinetic novel tag so people dont have to waste their time playing something they hate.

    Not sure whats up with the story either, you got a pen so you can create whatever you like but MC cant figure out how to get a dress? huh? he created a hole park full of shit and he cant draw a dress? he has to buy it? makes just no sense....

    Really not a fan of MC, making him the standard run of the mill pervert with a childish mindset of a 12 year old is boring to say the least.

    Girls 3/5
    The art is great but i most wasent really for my taste since i dont have a big tit fetish so they where more of a turn-off then anything else.

    Animations 0/5
    Its not an animated game.

    Sandbox 2/5
    Missing questlog, Missing hints, Very grindy, gets boring fast having a million upgrades, cheats help but not really how a game should be played.

    Choices 0/5
    Its a kinetic novel, mindless fuckfest, no choices matters if there ever will be it wont be importen stuff like who you fuck since thats all forced.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Very bad. Progression system is trash. I hate it. The stat of park ranking or wtf is that is always falling to 0. And i can't progress because of that. This is BULLSHIT. Scens are midicore. Overall game is buggy and graphic is kinda trash.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game - looking forward to the final release. The games progression system feels really nice, and it feels like you're actually playing a game instead of just watching a movie or reading a book.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Congressman Weiner

    I enjoy this game now that I only play with the cheat codes.

    The art is excellent, the dialog is funny, and I really enjoy progressing with the plot.

    I HATE dealing with park maintenance ... and I like those kinds of games in general. I really enjoy Brothel King, for instance.

    But this is just random crap. Things break down for no reason and soon half the place is on fire and there's nothing I can do about it. It's one thing if my mismanagement caused these problems, but you can be the best manager in the world and it won't matter -- the game is designed to screw you over. I mean, if I was given a budget and I spent it all on girls and wine and ignored the running of the place, it would make sense, but I've done everything I can to keep the park running smoothly.

    And when I brought this complaint to the attention of the developer, I was treated as if I was just stupid for not understanding that this is just how the game works and basically told to suck it up. (Mind you, I am not alone in this opinion, as a glance at the comments and reviews for this game will tell you.)

    But what's the fun in that? What's the fun of having terrible things happen to you when you're not making mistakes? I am not a masochist -- I don't get off on being beaten for no reason. I mean, there are no puzzles to solve to make things better, no strategy you can apply to fix things, and that's what good games have when terrible things occur... a chance to figure out ways to make things right again. Nope, not here.

    So now I just wait for the cheat codes to be posted and ignore all that management crap, and just deal with the underlying plotlines with the girls and am enjoying the game quite well, thank you. In fact, I like it a lot. Absent the management crap, it's a great game.

    But I wish I could enjoy all of it.

    So my rating is docked a star for forcing boring grinding crap on us for no reason. It's not fun when a game punishes you when you have done nothing wrong.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Very good. Really good job with the princesses and how they appear. Nice scenes and fairly polished game. Looking forward to seeing what else comes. This is better than other disney princess games in my opinion. Creator has done a really fine job.
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    Imagine you want to play a porn game about horney Disney princesses.
    Plot twist!

    Instead you spend hours clicking through menus, being forced to talk to an annoying wizard guy, doing tedious drawing minigames, slowly unlocking a girl for lame sex scenes that are 90% more talking and two or three nicely drawn pictures also drawing your own pictures of the park at like 5% per action because the dev wants to sell you cheat codes.

    There seem to be some park management mechanics in this but after 90 minutes I was so bored I stopped playing before they became relevant. Dev at very least you could have made the wizard guy we have to spend so much time talking to into a hot girl for the eye candy.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    [Reviewed 0.20x]

    I appreciate the breadth of content and the developer trying to stay true to the art style of the characters, but for the first several hours, this game is just too grindy and the resulting scenes with the princesses just don't warrant the time investment with this game.

    The Good ((y))
    • Good art trying to emulate the look and style of each character
    • Unique game mechanics (building a theme park)
    • Lots of story content

    The Not-So-Good ((n))
    • Very, very grindy -- few options except for doing 1 or 2 actions per time period and progressing time, rinse and repeat
    • The repeatable "Drawing Training" minigame to increase your drawing speed was extremely tedious and a complete chore to complete
    • No animations or voice acting
    • Slow "unlocking" of new content -- had to wait for certain events to trigger, led to some sections of the game being relatively empty
    • Park management system has a lot of unavoidable, negative outcomes that can't be prevented in the course of normal gameplay
    Was hoping for more in this one, overall was just too slow, grindy and the time investment didn't justify the H-scenes content.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    First of all, thanks to the developers for the game, I have liked it. However, it is a little grindy at the beginning, until you unblock the Villain tavern. Now a short review of several aspects.

    The story although a little superficial is funny and serves to link everything together.

    The characters are surprisingly well developed, each with their unique personality.

    The renders are good and the animations are ok.

    The grammar is good.

    And the content is fairly good around 15 hours of playability without using cheats.

    Lastly, I have missed the GUI to put auto during the animations, but this is a personal preference.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    If you love to be rewarded for some reasonable grind and also had a crush on disney princesses as a kid this is the perfect game for you. While I usually play completed games, I already played multipe versions of this unfinished game. I highly recommend it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the system implemented in this game. It is fun to develop the park while dating princesses. Having a sligthly more complex managment of the park (financial gestion, maintenance of the attraction, food stand, employees....) will be a plus. But even without that, the game is excellent.
    Thank you.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Good shit. Worth the time spent on it.
    If you have any fetish of fantasy with Disney princesses this is the game to go. Good scenes, easy to achieve your goals, having a good fun along the way.
    The project still under development with full compromised devs working on it. Good stuff.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best harem collector game I've played here so an easy 5 stars.
    -Plenty of content and the girls seem to be largely "finished" before the next one is introduced.
    -Attractive character designs and decent characterisations (ie. how unique+likeable).
    -While there is a certain pattern to your seduction of the princesses, it doesn't feel like you're just repeating the same moves over and over again. No need to watch the same scene 5 times to progress thankfully.
    -After draw skill is maxed, it seems the grind is decently matched to progression. I seemed to unlock girls just as I finished the current one.
    -The villains are a nice wrinkle and will be a lot less annoying once you can actually deal with all of them.
    -The English is great.

    There are some problems
    -The early game seems rather grindy- you need to play the game's worst minigame twice a day to max a skill. Basically this leads to a slow start.
    -The upgrade system is a little slow (maximum 1/day) and the pricing for low-income rides is a bit off. Also there's no way to know what exactly the ride you're drawing brings to the table, negating some of the strategy.
    -Midgame can feel like you're "losing". This is a design choice, push through and you'll be fine.

    These are quibbles however. This is a well-produced game with good to great sex scenes and well implemented systems which promise continued high quality in the future.