VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.51.2] [Story Anon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Playing Version 1.70
    First of all, Out of Touch is an amazing experience that I have enjoyed tremendously over the past couple days, and I'm really looking forward to seeing where the games goes in the future!
    Now for some specifics.

    The game describes itself as a melodramatic comedy, and that description holds up. The cast is made up of a group of teenagers who all have a deep friendship with each other and the main man, CJ. This is also one of the few harem games where it truly feels like these characters are all in a relationship together. All of them, girls included *wink wink* Don't worry though, CJ will be the only dick in the mix, for those who might be worried about that. Also, if you don't like teenage rom-coms, this one's probably not gonna do much to change your mind on that. For me, this was a story that sucked me in and would not let me go from the start. It goes to some heavy places though, so for those who don't like content with discussions of
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    you might not enjoy this.

    Fantastic. This games general vibe and aesthetic is right up my alley. The scenes and characters look great, and the music. The MUSIC. Vaporwave tracks, 80's hits, even some OST's thrown into the mix, it makes playing through the scenes a real pleasure, and is another aspect of the game that kept me going through. There's even a Youtube playlist with most of the songs used in the game that I have been jamming to for the last two days. Seriously good stuff on there, if you're into those genres.

    H Content:
    This may be the only thing the game is slightly lacking in, purely from a numbers perspective. Anyone coming in here expecting to see harem shenanigans right from the getgo is in for a rude awakening. I would say it takes a good couple hours before you even get to what I consider the first true sex scene, so be warned going in. But the bonus of this is that all the sex scenes that have happened have mattered. Some actual plot relevance given to the porn, shocking, I know. But after playing so many games that just throw scene after scene at you, it's actually refreshing to have a game that holds its cards and knows when to show them. I know the creator has stated that there will be more sex in future updates, so it's likely that as the story progresses we'll see more and more of this stuff in the game.

    Overall, this game deserves a look for those who like some good, thoughtful drama with a good splattering of comedy and sex thrown into the mix. I give this game a big slap of approval!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    A very interesting game, graphics are well done, and the setup is great. The writing is good, and the characters well portrayed. The drama was crafted very well, it's so rare to find a game where the tension isn't feeling forced and make your eyes roll, though it wasn't handled very well with the "side character" IMO, there was no room for the tension to breathe, meaning: there's the revelation->it creates the drama->1 minute later the mc talk and that character does an immediate 180.. it really feels to rushed and a missed opportunity. The game has practically no sex scenes yet (but i've not finished it yet) but nevertheless it interested me up to this point, unfortunately "this point" is the battle scene, unnecessary, boring, hard to understand (for me at least). Another critique is the mix of genre, I've got nothing against it but here is not well implemented IMO, it doesn't feel organic. The teenage drama part is well done and it's emotional, so the paranormal bit with the father felt really out of place, in my opinion it could be handled way better.
    Anyway, overall it is a good product, I hope to find the will to overcome this silly combat bit and that after that the lewd part becomes more prominent.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful art style.. Beautiful and unique girls.. a very interesting and fun story.. AND CHAD F'N THUNDERCOCK. One of those things might not seem like the others BUT damn if it doesn't somehow work in this amazing game.

    Two things to warn you about with the first being that fairly quickly the MC is going to feel like he's going down the 'not a nice guy' route but don't let that turn you off the game! The MC may be a bit out there but he's really just an example of what happens if 'Mr. nice guy' also has supreme confidence and doesn't let himself get caught up in over thinking (or thinking at all on occasion).

    The second thing to be ready for is the period where the story takes a weird ass turn and you get hit with the fire hose of trouble/scariness. The game definitely threw me for a loop with a lot of bad stuff happening within a pretty short time but it's all for the greater purpose of getting you into the actual story line.

    This is definitely up there on my favorite game list!
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Hello everyone. I put this grade to the game cause the next critics (Pros, neutral, cons and the worst)

    Pros: The soundtrack (Specially the A E S T H E T I C ones), But there is a one tiny story part that was really "OOFFF" if we talk about music, but that is going the consreasons.

    -Jamie, Kieran/Cro and Sarah. The best well-written characters.

    -The different body styles of this game. I love that most of your friends have petite, normal and thicc bodies. Most of these games only show us two paths: "The lolita" or the "GG cups"

    Neutral: The story didn't change in something despite that the game offers a lot of options about your differents friends. I know that the author wants show us a main plot, but that your characters didn't change some mindset after your decisions is a bit lazy in my opinion.

    CJ: Maybe he has the "I can save everyone/GaryStu syndrome" and although that is polarizing in anime/cartoon/Literature plots, I like when he brings some kind of comedy even in the most disheartning moments. However I believe all girls have a lot of patience and love about someone being so oblivious, specially Jamie.

    The Cons.

    The battle attempt between CJ, Sarah and Cro was really maddening. I'm ok that you want "Thing outside the box" about defeating a villain, but that music and the poor quality design for the battle and not real skills or techniques is a waste of time. I recommend put a lot of effort ching that or simply erase the battles in this game.

    Victoria and Leah. Look, I like the design of Victoria being the most "Blessed" of all girls, but the story raping CJ and after Leah discovered that moment and treat Victorias as the worst trash/human/cunt in the world and after that being the BFF in the same day, It's really a bad construction of guts for a real human. These two girls must being at least enemies or neitral after that conversation.

    The worst.

    Most of people love this, But the "Wholesome" content in this story and after those "sacrifices" of Matoi, Hayat and Kieran, nothing happened and all your harem is ok was a real waste of time. Per se I was expecting a game where you're a dumbass and you treat yout harem as your harlots, the author give us content for tearing some hours, and learn about being together along with your beloved each second. But everyone survived, your friends continue with the "Happy joy club" and nobody is spiteful despite that all the drama is really big the charaters enough motives to be spiteful, specially Victoria and Kieran.

    Conclusion. I gave the game 4 stars. The pros are present for most of time in this story, but the cons are really, really bad and maybe the authors should change the focus for future updates. "The worst" critic that I gave is maybe really personal and I know that most people really enjoy this kind of story, but I hope that author doesn't fellow that for uture games. I'll give future critics and if the game improves a lot at least "The cons" I can give five stars and even being patron in the future.

    Keep your job to this kind of work.
  5. 4.00 star(s)



    So far this is a decent, fun Visual Novel. I'll leave any mention of combat system out of this review. Reading the thread it's seems that combat the system is not completed yet, and this is not yet a complete game. Fair enough.

    Renders are top notch. It's done with that Kokiatsu (something like that) game/engine. Same engine used to make Lessons in Love, and High School Tutor. However the dev here has better control over that engine, and his results just look better to my eyes. Better than the other games I've mentioned.

    Story seems to be trying to strike the balance between Serious V/N, Horror and also not taking itself too seriously. It's mostly successful in that regard. But that's a very fine line to ride, and i'm not sure how anyone could manage such at thing without some "wierdness". In my opinion a final edit, once over when the game is complete, could probably tighten things up a little.

    The point of view changes at times feel both jarring and almost pointless, i think i'd prefer a single narrative focal point, more of "Show me, don't tell me" and less "internal monologue". But then again this is a visual novel at it's core, and internal monologue is kinda embedded into that VN ethos.

    The "sandboxy" choices, where you get to "free roam" feel out of place. As if nothing you do or chose in those sections has any real impact to the story. It makes them feel more cumbersome then interesting.

    Overall it's enjoyable and worth a good playthrough. The dev is engaged in the thread, and it's shaping up to be a good project. although at times it can be a bit unfocused, and could be a little more streamlined.
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    That game me cry twice.
    The story is very original, quite funny yet very interesting. it got me thinking about life itself and the purpose of being alive multiple times.
    The H-Scenes are actually part of the story instead of having just H-Scenes with a story as an excuse.

    The characters are relatable and varied.
    The fact that on of the MC lacks some grey matter yet is still loving and always here for the others is very cute.

    Truly an amazing experience that I recommend!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Writing is a nice blend of silly and very serious, got me to laugh harder than I have in a while, it's definitely got me looking forward to seeing where these characters go from here. Also has probably the best looking koikatsu models I've seen, both in terms of whatever mods are being used (I don't really know how koikatsu works tbh) and also just their character designs. The soundtrack also hurts my soul.
  8. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle

    v1.62.5 Public

    Out of Touch starts off as a visual novel about a young man who is separated from his friends by his bitch mother and sent away for five years wherein he learns the value of self confidence and vows to return, after which there are some twists and turns and changes in perspective along the way. The writing is difficult to follow, full of memey internet references and switching between melodrama and absurdity so quickly it gave me whiplash. The character models are straight out of Koikatsu and not too interesting. The gameplay is mainly just clicking through the VN with the occasional options to talk to people or examine your surroundings, so slightly more interactive than a click-to-progress VN but not much more. Overall I couldn't get into it though a lot of other folks enjoy it, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Version 1.62.5

    At the present state of the game, it's a definite recommend to try it out. I say "try it out", because I think at this point if you played from the very start, it's probably at least 15-20 hours long assuming you're not skipping all of the dialogue and you're probably going to know within the first couple of hours whether it's for you or not.

    The big positive points at the moment are:
    1. The story. It is simply a well-written game that very much lives up to its description as a melodramatic comedy. With the chapters and story arcs so far, it plays out much like a TV show in how it sets up its plot points and drama and then resolves those or dangles unanswered questions. Despite some of the harder-hitting themes explored, conflict does tend to be resolved in relatively light and positive ways and although some people may find "defeating the big bad with The Power of Love and Friendshiptm" to not be their tastes, personally I don't think every story has to bury itself in a grim reality. Outside of that, it's worth considering that the story so far is almost entirely kinetic, following a set path with optional side stories that develop individual characters further and the only real choices you have in the main story so far are intended to be whether or not you become romantically involved with certain characters.
    2. The art. For a game that uses assets from Koikatsu particularly the character models look much better than any other KK game I've seen.
    3. The music. The soundtrack, if the YouTube playlist is an accurate indication, is up to 77 licensed or original songs and has been put together very well. It's a rarity to notice/be able to comment on the soundtrack of these types of games and this is very much a stand-out that adds to the game.
    There are a couple of things that might be considered negatives that are also worth mentioning:
    1. The combat system. At present, there is only one instance of combat in the entire game and, to be fair, whilst I didn't have a problem with it, some people have found it clunky/confusing. As far as I'm aware, combat in the game is currently having a complete overhaul before it's rolled out to any other part of the game (and I understand it is the intention to add more combat to the game) but in its current state some people may find that one encounter a drawback.
    2. H content. Compared to the current story length, there is not a huge amount of sexual content in the game. It is very much not a game that you're going to enjoy if all you're playing it for is porn and, particularly for some people on this site, that might be a deal-breaker.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch Critique

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  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is definitely a one-of-a-kind.

    TL,DR: Clever, deep, and self-aware writing, some good Koikatsu work, and wonderful characters.

    The writing! The characters are so endearing that I went from "ok, a new character" to having feels about them faster than any other game I can remember. The plot is convoluted and a little messy, but it has enough internal consistency that it works. There is a lot of humor, and it's a good blend of over-the-top and subtle nods.

    Smut: It's a slow burn-- there is a ton of lore, world-building, character development, and plot to chug through. But the content really does deliver. Top-tier writers of H-games tend to be very adamant that their game is a Serious Game, not fap fodder, and the porn is just there because the plot needs it. Well, so be it; porn being secondary to plot is certainly true enough for those games, and for this one as well. But I get the vibe that this game is not ashamed of being sexy, and is willing to have a lot more fun with the h-content. That's a huge plus in my book.

    Technically, the game is remarkably bug free and runs on what is best described as a nearly-full-featured RenPy engine built inside Unity, complete with a robust save system, rollback, ctrl-to-skip-already-seen, etc. This lets it have some things in it that you couldn't pull of in RenPy, mainly a so-far-little-used, but interesting, combat system.

    The downsides: Like with most KK games, the quality is a bit spotty in a few scenes, especially in close-ups. There is a large (but not huge) cast, and all of them have multiple names, so you get a lot of information pitched at you early. (Fortunately, the characters are visually distinct and have memorable personalities, so this is not as bad as it sounds.) None of these flaws are big enough to deduct a star, though.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, don't usually write reviews but sheesh, this game is something else.

    Not a lot to say that hasn't already been said, the characters are great, the retro vibe is incredible, and the writing, man, stellar.

    From the plot, to the titbits of background info you get from checking everything, you can tell this project is made of passion. Can't wait til next chapter, I'm here for the long run!

    Also Jamie is a treasure, need more.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I would have really liked to rate this higher and even a 5 star but some major flaws dropped my rating to 3.5.

    This VN should not be a game. The dev can make a nice story and graphics but this shoudn't be a game. The moments i enjoyed the least were the parts where you "played the game". The dev in the middle of the game after a couple hours of gameplay introduces a pokemon type of fighting mechanic that almost made just quit the game. The way you have to distribute mana each round was unejoyable because it felt like useless clicking. Between each round you have to wait for the 10 sec animation to finish and there is no skipping. Choosing the attacks were even worse as if you don't have enough mana they won't even show the ability. The fight lasted too long for the little amount of actions that i did. Not only was the mechanic not enjoyable it disrupted the pace of the game. it would randomly popup in the middle of your playthrough and it didn't fit in the game. The dev seems to want to make this VN more gamelike but i instead hope the dev decides to remove this mechanic and stop any future plans to make this game more gamelike. If the dev wanted to make this VN a game he would require to remake the whole game.

    Graphics are top tier and is one of the best looking games in the site. But the dev needs to refine the graphics. When the game wanted to change character sprites it would transition really badly. the game would delete the sprite and leave an empty black square and then a new sprite pops up. This happens almost instantly and idk how noticible they are but they are part of the game and anything not done well by the dev should be taken in account. Another more important thing are the character models. Multiple characters have imperfection and especially models that use glasses. some of these imperfections are not noticible but when you see one of the main characters have glasses inside their face then that becomes a big problem. It is a visual problem on a visual novel so this makes the problem even worse and i never found this problem on other top games.

    The VN does a great job storywise. Even though there is a lack of sex scenes it didn't make the game worse because of how well the game was paced. The VN makes the MC individually connect with each character instead of fucking immediately so we can get to know each character better and feel more attached. The story is a bit messy but not enough to become a flaw.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    While I was going to make an account anyways, I thought I might as well review one of my favorite games here on f95 with my new account!

    Firstly, as many will say, once you play the game through the prologue, then you'll know if you like it or not and while the game does touch upon some sensitive topics, it works well towards its story and character development while also blind siding you three ways to Sunday.

    The whole aesthetic is absolutely on point too and everyone really fits their roles both on the surface scale and subtextually. Currently on the released version of Chapter 25 and man is there a lot of good, solid content to read from, getting really in depth with all the characters introduced in here.

    A rollercoaster from beginning to end (so far), not a single moment feels wasted or of fluff, everything grabbing your attention and just adding more to the characters along the ride. And the musical score in here is so top notch! Every music swap is incredible and something you can entirely vibe to.

    The only thing that was a bit janky and sudden was the turn based battle system which was, for all intents and purposes, well done but almost didn't feel needed as it was so far into the story and still had some jankiness to it. It felt more like a complicated puzzle than anything which didn't bar me long from the story but I hope that the future ones don't take as long.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, the pron. To be honest, I don't think this story even NEEDS it but yeah, it's pretty good for what it is. Not default stuff and really unique compared to other Koikatsu-type games.

    Anyways, for me, this game deserves the highest praise and continues to astound me every update and easily deserves a five star rating.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like this game and the direction its headed. I am playing 1.62 public version right now. As far as H games go, this game's story is original with memey elements as well as serious tones. This game goes places that you would not expect. The renders are of high quality and were done in koikatsu. the start is a little slow, rather spending the beginning on character building than on getting into the action. This game plays like a Ren'Py game, despite being made in Unity. It's not identical however. Rollback is a little janky as well as the skip & auto buttons. If you play the game, paying attention to the story as you go, this won't be that big of a problem. The date and time system for the saves is nonfunctional, though I have yet to get to a point that I would need to know the date and time of any of my saves. Minus the occasional spelling error, the grammar is well done. This game (as far as I know) has no voice acting in. That is not a deal breaker for me, but it is possible that it is for someone else.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Out Of Touch v1.62 Unbiased Review :

    - Story keeps going in a consistent pace
    - Loved the Character Interactions and the overlaying connections which each individual has with another
    - Every person has their own time to shine and interactions generally feel very natural with the girls and CJ
    - Updates have always been consistent and high quality
    - Also the music track is pog and does not feature most of the generic tracks
    -Overall a very good structured story with consistent character development and world building as well and the sex scenes are always present at the right times

    Overall Result - 9.8 Spaggets / 10 Doritos [ Would play again ]

    :BootyTime::BootyTime::WeSmart: :WeSmart:
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch is without a doubt one of my favorite games (regardless of engines used) on this website. It's an amazing tale about a fella named CJ who has a really faithful and kind group of friends.
    However, one day, something goes horribly wrong and they have to part ways. All is not lost and CJ meets someone who'll help him become the CHAD that he is and get him back together with his best of friends.

    - Really immersive story with several plot twists
    - Each character genuinely feel different, their own manneurisms, you just really feel like each character is their own person and not a single person writing them
    - Really good H-Scenes (Renders are gorgeous)
    - Grandpa

    - It takes a few hours till you see a H-Scene (This can be subjectively good or bad, to me, it's really good cuz it shows the author is fully committed to writing a good story, not just garner followers from mindless sex scenes)
    - Not enough

    If you're a big fan of games that actually make you feel certain emotions while you play it (other than excitement), Out of Touch does it absurdly well.
    To me, it's a 5/5 game and definitely a must try at least.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly one of the best stories out there with a very intriguing plot and amazing characters who are all unique in their own way. Lots of amazing content too that will keep you hyped for hours as you anticipate each new chapter. some great renders too with the lighting being some of the best I've seen and overall just a great game
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an absolute joy to read. Don't go into this expecting smut though. You will be thoroughly disappointed., story 1st and sexy time 2nd. The characters are unique and complex, and the story is thrilling. If you like visual novels, this is for you.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    To put in short words, this is exactly the kind of story i was looking for. But i aware you, if the main thing you're looking for is non-stop porn, that's not the game.

    Out of Touch is a great visual novel with great story, characters and soundtrack. The story is well driven with awesome twists, and it's amazing how well it plays the role of not one main character, but rather all main character, if you know what i mean.

    This visual novel is awesome on what it does. And i hadn't gotten so addicted to a visual novel for years now. I strongly recomend it if you really want a really good story to read.