VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.51.2] [Story Anon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Ok, First and foremost I don't usually give reviews (officially) unless; its in the comments. The only reason I am giving this review is because, so many of the reviews talked up its story over porn.

    I will first start talking about the positives.

    1. The music is supremely well chosen, it fits 85% of what is going on. The rest however seems antiquated and belongs in a 50's soap opera.
    2. the story is, when compared to most games on this site above par
    3, the transitions and the whole psychedelic feel is astonishing.

    Now for the Negatives, That I hope the author will use too improve his story.

    1. The story is extremely soap opera-ly, i.e. It gives drama to have drama. Basically most of the drama presented seems stereotypical and forced. ie common plots of good story telling that gets over used. Furthermore, what I expect; in reading the headlines of soap opera magazines. Example, "My Dad confuses me for my dead wife (((So innovative) like that hasn't been done before under multiple iterations, especially porn) (I'm faulting it for story telling not because its a porn game)(like since the game prides itself on story rather than porn why delve into basic tropes, unless you have a fresh take. (it does not, more than once))).

    2. The over emphasize on close up shots. In all honesty its jarring as a reader, I get on a development scale its much... easier to show small forms of emotion. However, doing it on a slide by slide basis is exasperating.

    3. The dialogue... while above the usual game on this site. its very basic and for most of the characters, very predictable. Which makes the mc look asinine. Which at times , he seems he can do better in a human perspective.


    For a game that emphasizes on story rather than porn it deserves a 3 out of 5; compared to 90% of games on here. If it was a porn game rather than a story emphasis game; I would give it a 4.5. However, it seems to rely on the story which is why it deserves a 3 out of 5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    After being sent here by selebus I saw how good the models looked and thought I would give it a go and now here I sit having run through the whole story in essentially one sitting. Always refreshing to come across a game with writing and characters this good. Seriously the writing goes pretty seamlessly from (at least in my opinion) funny goofy antics with friends to deadly serious when it needs to be. Also I can't stress enough how nice it is to have characters that have some depth to them and don't just become glorified onaholes within 20 minutes of meeting them. As a final note I'm also pretty sure this game has one of the few MC dads that I do not immediately want to cuck due to him being a raging asshole, seriously what a great guy he is.

    TL;DR Came for the great looking character models stayed for the great characters
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Emperor of HUGE TITTIES

    Quickly said, Great game with good story, and really lovable girls.

    Game got a funny MC and pretty likable. The game got surprisingly deep story I did not see coming, but I welcome it, it's refreshing change, and I am quite interested to see where this goes. Also, all the girls got their own cute things to like. Only thing I found lacking was in the breast department, but I think that will improve quite soon! The Dev himself also go quite out of his way to make this a quality work, and seem quite passionate, is very easy to talk to if you got question too.

    Overall, I am quite excited to see where this will go!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played hundreds of VNs; eastern and western; 2D, 3D; old classics, new unknowns; games that intentionally make you cry and those where its just a side effect; high school slice of life and successive power-up space mech battles; kamige, nakige, and kusoge.

    I have never played a VN as powerful as this one. Its a perfect combo of personal connection - teenage nostalgia wrapped in unavoidable true, bolstered by pumping retrowave, then doused by sweet classical. Never before has my soul and my mind been so intimately touched by a piece of art.

    Don't rush it. Don't fast-forward looking for the usual. Play it. Enjoy it. Don't waste this opportunity - the one time you can experience this visual novel with fresh eyes and no foreknowledge. Savor it.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 - WOW. I definitely did not expect this VN to be SOOO good!!! :oops:

    -> T
    he story itself one of the best I've read in a long while, which is great because this one's a slow burner. I had been looking for a slow burner with a good story for quite a while, none seemed to really captivate me, until I stumbled upon Out of Touch.
    This one will hook you with the story and you'll just keep on going to see where it takes you.
    -> By far the best I've ever played on Unity. And it's not even close.

    -> I don't consider myself an emotional person, but this had me tearing up at one point. To balance that, the comic relief is outstanding.

    -> The one issue I had with Out of Touch, was that a few renders from the previews aren't in the game YET. I mentioned this in my previous review, and Story Anon, the game developer, DM'd me with an apology and an explanation to why this is the case and let me know that those are coming in the up coming updates.
    - Let me just pause here for a sec - The fact that this game dev went out of his way to DM me about this, apologize and explain what caused this, speaks volumes as to how much he's invested in this project and cares about his audience. I'm a fan.

    -> This VN is on a 2 week release schedule! That is actually insane, considering how good this is, since 90%+ of the good ones take ages to put out new content.

    I had to write my first review on this website, because Out of Touch fucking deserves it.
    Last, but not least, CHAD THUNDERCOCK is now the only God I believe in.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a story driven harem game!

    The main character is not a standin for the player and is instead a part of the story with his own personality (and it's actually good that I'm not supposed to relate to him, because he dresses like a clown and is even called out for it in the game, haha). There are also significant sections played as other characters to fill in their backstory and advance their part of the plot.

    There's a good variety of personalities and beautiful women. I was a bit thrown off by so many English names, but there's some explanation for that. So far some of the women definitely get more development and screen time than others to the point where I was surprised about who was in the core harem. Hopefully some of the other women get more focus as time goes on.

    The player can make a few decisions and there are a few areas with minor exploration but mostly it's a kinetic novel.

    There are a couple erotic scenes, but they are few and far between. Characters overcoming obstacles and melodrama to bond is the kind of payoff this game regularly provides. The game is serious when it lists hand-holding as a genre!

    Interestingly there is also a framework for turn based combat. It's not used much yet but it has animations, music, abilities ... It was pretty unexpected and impressive!

    This plays really well for a Unity game, having most of the features I expect from a Ren'Py visual novel. It's unique and high quality with each chapter delivering a satisfying chunk of story.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely amazing game. The renders are awesome in quality, character designs excellent and the story? Wonderful.

    I am extremely excited to see where this game goes in the future, and have found a new favorite to follow. Be proud of what you and your team have accomplished with this!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch is a amazing Visual Novel and in my top favorites and it deserves all the hype and support you can give. It's a really great game and the story is deep with elements that hit just right, together with as much melodrama as you'll want. Music is amazing and had me sucked in from beginning to end just as much as the memes did together with the colorful vibe of it all.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Usually i avoid Unity game like the plague from the 9 circle of hell, but i finally get around to try this out of respect for a fellow fan of Halls and Oates wonderful song. It blow me away right off the bat since its not like all the other Unity game i tried in the past that cause my pc slow and freeze just from start up like someone putting all my rams in a choke hold, turn out the creator actually had someone rework and fine tune the Unity engine, now it kind of function like a renpy game run really smooth (y).I only got through the visual novel aspect of the game, yet I feel compel to give it rating right away. Anon definitely got the music fit scenes to a perfect T, one of the most important element about visual novel that many fail to get it right is the bgm. It help establish the setting, the mood, the illusion of what's all around the characters since most of the time you be glue to the text on the screen. If done right the readers will feel more engaging to focus on story play out before them, do it wrong and they either turn on skip all unseen text and just skip through the entire game or just get some kind of extractor for the pictures, by then the game would be just a glorify cg album.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Even if there is little amount of lewd, even if i downloaded that game cock in hand just wanting to be a coomer by downloading a new generic game, BUT NO, it's an actual entertaining story that hooks you up.

    It's not a stupid story where you'll want to die thinking how boring it is, it's actually entertaining and talks about a lot of adult themes, more or less dark where you get to know the characters, have fun and a good laugh even if it also knows when to be serious

    idk i'm bad at writing reviews but play the game, it's actually good yo, i might even give some shekels to the dev on patreon even tho i never did this, because i want to support this story and see it through, also bc the dev seems like a good guy tbh
    much love and kiss on the fucking cheek
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I found this game in its early days, and immediately loved it. Even then, the world building was something I found myself completely immersed in. The humor is there and everything was my cup of tea. Regrettably, I left this game simmering in the back of my head for a while, but I recently caught up again, and boy am I glad I did.

    There's so much content now, and all of it so very good. Story Anon successfully immersed me in the world, made me feel like I was part of the unshakeable friend group. This is one of the games that leave you wanting way more after each update, because you just can't wait to see what Story Anon has in store for us next.

    Don't get scared by anyone saying that this is a slow burn. It is a slow burn in the absolute best way possible. The visuals pull you in, but the story keeps you here. All that helps to make future scenes the best they can be, because you're familiar with the characters involved; their story, their feelings.

    I'd rate this a 5/5 on any build that it is in. I cannot wait for future updates. Sarah best girl.

    Heat, your local degenerate

    Edited February 28, 2023 - one day before the Chapter 38 Public Release

    So! Two years after my last review, and I'm still loving it. Anon has gotten better and better with his skills, and it really shows.

    There's sex now! Still a slow burn in the beginning but it's finally gonna pay off!

    I've said this before and I'll say it again: this is the best AVN that I have ever played in my almost 4 years of being around the industry. 5/5? More like 10/10.

    Play Out of Touch by Story Anon
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Written as of chapter 24 (v1.55)

    Story - 5/5
    A campy over the top romp about found family and the power of the bonds between people (in some cases literally). It knows when to crack a joke but also when to take itself seriously for a dramatic moment without feeling jarring switching between the two. This is a story focused game, so expect a lot of reading, but with well crafted twists and turns it does a great job of keeping you hooked the entire time.

    Characters - 5/5
    A lovable cast of dorks, and the biggest selling point of the game IMO. Though there are some familiar character cliches those are only surface deep and even in this relatively early stage in the story the entire main cast has shown that they have a lot more going on. Even the protagonist is his own character with a full fledged personality rather than just a nameless self-insert, while your mileage may vary on that one personally I consider it a big plus.

    Visuals - 4/5
    They're made in Koikatsu. And while that's never going to be able to match doing fully original art, there has clearly been a lot of thought and effort put into making them look as good as possible. Things like the 'camera' angles, lighting, and character models (no default characters here) are all above and beyond most Koikatsu games. Not to mention the game's sense of style, you'd be hard pressed to find many other games that pull off their aesthetic this well.

    Sound - 5/5
    The name of the game is a music reference, the titles of each chapter are music references, it would be weird if the game didn't have good music. And while the game is definitely weird, in this regard you get exactly what you expect, with tons of both licensed and original music that complement and empower the scenes.

    Lewds - 4/5
    This is plot with porn, not porn with plot, so don't come expecting a quick fap. With that said the few lewds that currently are in the game are very well made, both in terms of visuals and writing, and I can't think of a better word to describe them then "sensual". And with the way the story is ramping up expect the amount of lewds to start quickly increasing in the near future, so by the time you are reading this my rating for this category may have changed to a 5/5.

    Overall - 5/5
    I can't recommend this game enough, if you're at all interested in a fun time with a strong character focused narrative you should give it a shot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    based dev, story that hits right in the gut and funny bone, interesting af plot, gameplay that isn't a boring point and click sandbox(with some great surprises), bumpin OST, decent hentai, and he gives me crispy nugs every month
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    i've been heavily invested in this story ever since it was a comic and have constantly stuck to reading each new entry. do you know how many anime's i'd drop easily and forget to ever go back to? a lot, but this? no, this is a work of heart, this is an exceptional visual novel that i go out of my way to stay updated with because i love it. maybe it won't be for you, but you should see if it is or isn't for yourself
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite simply one of the best, if not the best visual novels I have ever played. And I don't just mean here on F95; I have been downloading and playing visual novels for over 20 years and this is right at the top of them all. It really is that good. This deserves a proper mainstream release, not hidden away here on F95. But enough smoke blowing, on to why I think the above.

    Story - What can I say about the story? Let's get to the basics, it is an incredibly well written tale of a unlikely hero and his circle of friends who luckily all happen to be rather attractive females. Set in Japan in the near future our main protagonist CJ is torn from his home, his friends, his entire life after his mother decides enough is enough and he is going to stay with his father on the other side of the world. Right now, so get your bags packed. All very normal and slice of life until he meets his father, and, well, let's just say things get a bit freaky from that moment on, and CJ (and his friends) will never be the same again.

    We have Gods, Faeries, Demonic Possession, Immortality, Beings from Other Realm, from other Planes of Existence even. Shit gets unreal very quickly. Throw in some coming of age drama, self discovery, self forgiveness, murder, genocide, sexy maids unrequited love, requited love, arranged marriage, anxiety, idiocy, and then mix it liberally with a large portion of humour and you have Out of Touch.

    Characters - You see the world through the eyes of a variety of the characters as the story unfolds, however the MC is the "main playa" so to speak, and is a likeable chap, thick as a brick but charming with it, dedicated and fiercely loyal to those he cares about. He is not your typical dumb MC, you know the type - has no clue around women and gets a nosebleed at the hint of a panty hem - which is rather refreshing. He knows what he wants, he is his Father's son after all, and he won't let any long words get in his way!

    The supporting cast are all well fleshed out, each with their own personalities and quirks, and their own problems. You begin to learn their back stories and personas as the story unfolds, and they are, without exception, a likeable bunch. You care about them, you want them to succeed and you want to see them get their boobs out.

    Sexy Stuff - As of Chapter 24 (roughly one quarter the way through the Devs vision of a 100 Chapter story) there really isn't that much to be honest, and this ia a good thing all in all. This is not a "Oh Hi, I'm a girl, oh no a bad thing happened, plough my anus you sexy bastard you" type of tale, this is a slow burner, good things come to those that wait. Don't get me wrong, there is ploughing, it's just not every 3 minutes and it means something to the story. The scenes are not animated, they do not require a billion clicks to get through but you do see the bits you require to see,so you will get your quota of cocks, tits and fannies (UK version).

    Art - Absolutely incredible. You would be forgiven for thinking this has had every scene hand drawn it is that good. The girls are all different, all pretty ranging from "aww, so cute, must head pat" to "Sweet mother of god, let me sex you know" with everything in between.

    Sounds & Soundtrack - One of the few games I have played where I have turned the volume up on the soundtrack. It has an 80's vibe but mixes it up now and again, from electrosynth to soul to blues to piano to erm, european power metal. As a fan of of the latter,I must say it took me by surprise but by god did it fit, and I may have punched the air in delight. OK, I did. Don't judge me.

    Doors bang, phones ring, and it is noted that CJ has the loudest vibration alert on his phone ever. Nice touch.

    Overall - Just download this game now, set aside 15 or so hours and delve into the world of CJ and friends. You will not regret it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Hey, this was a really nice surprise.

    I saw this game mentioned in a thread as a "Look at this dev, he's a really solid dude" - comment so I got curious and more or less marathoned the entire thing. I wondered what the hell the dev meant in the description by " Out of Touch is an extremely odd journey through several genres from teenage romance to existential horror. " but after having caught up, this sums up the game so far pretty much exactly. I'm not even really sure it counts as a porn game, rather it is one of those few clearly "adult game" but not something to likely get your rocks off (as of [v1.55 Public]).

    It really is a strange but enjoyable romp. My only real complaint that bugged me was that I thought it felt as though CJ kinda disappeared as the MC for fairly long swaths of time to be replaced by Jamie or Sarah which while understandable made me feel a bit less invested. A minor gripe as well is that so far choices haven't really seemed to matter but given the massive amount of content there is, I can see why.

    Anyway, kudos to the dev on this one, looking forward to what comes next. He also seems like a worthwhile dev to support if you are able to.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a solid game story wise. I don't really ever rate games unless i think they're amazing and this one is by far one of my favorites. If you're here for great characters and stories this is a perfect game to try. Unlike a lot of games on this site this ISN'T a sex game with a story. If you're here to fuck a bunch of women you won't be happy. This game is a story with some nudity it in. Usually i want some sex in my H-Games but honestly id give up all sex in this game to continue the amazing story (not because the sex scenes are bad but because the story is THAT DAMN GOOD). This is by far one of my FAVORITE story on this website, I do hope the dev keeps up his amazing writing on the story and characters!
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Bard Jesus

    Really great game with a great story. Be warned that the adult part of the game is more of a small detail in the game so far as the focus is mostly on the story still. Its a good game, just dont get into it with the same expectations you may have from other games on this site.
  19. 4.00 star(s)

    Joey's Conscience


    The story revolves about a guy named CJ, who comes back to his hometown 5 years after an event separates him from his closest friends, but you do play as multiple characters, to follow their perspectives.
    For better or worse, the story gets pretty insane. Lots of ethereal experiences, mind trips, and general crazyness. It helps set the game apart, lots of bits are very creative and interesting, but the game doesn't establish many boundaries to it's setting, or logic to it's events. You kinda just roll with the mystical explanations the game gives to what's happening on screen, and things do get convoluted. It's certainly more artistic than cohesive.
    From the character relations perspective, the story is very dramatic. The characters are great, and the highs and lows of their relationships make them more genuine. However, it does go overboard with the drama at times. I don't think I've ever seen a work of fiction with more frequent crying than this one.

    The game is a very linear story. There are some segments when you can choose to have extra dialogue, but not really any story-relevant decisions. The game does have a combat system, but as of the writing of this review, there's only one combat segment, so it's hard to gauge how it will impact the experience as a whole.


    The game has very solid visuals, that manage to capture the trippy feel the game is going for. Some of the most unique I've seen from a Koikatsu engine. The battle sequence has fantastic custom animation and camera movement that gives the battle almost a AAA RPG feel to it. But again, so far there's only 1 battle and it's very simple. So it remains to be seen if the technical archievement will translate into fun.
    The sound is also fantastic, one of the best soundtracks I've experienced on this site.
    If only the same care was given to the lewds... Let me be blunt, there's barely any adult content here, in several hours of gameplay. The sexiest preview pictures actually aren't in the game yet. And the little there is, isn't great. There is no animation for lewds, which is strange, since Koikatsu comes with several standard animations that would be way easier to implement that what the game already has for battle scenes. I like slow burns, and games that put story above the lewds. But in this case, it feels like the adult aspect is more of a marketing choice than anything. So much passion shows into every other aspect of the game, that it's jarring how little goes into the adult content. It's a real shame too, because the girls are absolutely stunning.


    This is a hard game to rate. The characters and off the wall story did manage to keep me interested all the way. The visuals and music are great, the girls are gorgeous, and the battle system archieves things I've never seen done on a Koikatsu engine. As a VN, it has a lot of strenghts.
    However, this is being promoted in an adult site, and the preview pictures leads you to belive there's more erotic content than there actually is (I'd advise the dev to remove any picture not yet in game, as to avoid expectations). Fact is, there's barely any adult content here, and when you finally get there, the execution is below average. So I can't really bring myself to give 5 stars. If you wanna go into the game, keep that in mind. It's a pretty good VN, but a pretty poor h-game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I came for the memes, and I stayed for the plot, the writing, the characters.

    You made me feel some kind of way when I was having a rough night.

    Don't go into this for lewd stuff there's not much, but go into it for the story. Trust me.

    11/10 cannot recommend more