VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.51.2] [Story Anon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    While the writing and art are very good, first 20 chaps feel like a huge waste of time. Obviously I am not fit to lecture people and especially this author on how to write games, but I think you need to have porn in your porn game. Basically, at ch22 it feels like a 4 hour long intro and i don't think that a disclaimer justifies this. And it's a damn shame cause the game is really good and at the same time barely playable.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Essentially, this is a kinetic novel so there's no choices that change the way the story moves on. There is not much in regards to sex scenes compared to the actual content in the game but the story itself is great, intriguing, and definitely keeps you hooked.

    I admit at first thought, I assumed this game would bore me due to the art style as I'm not a huge fan of the anime-esque characters. But, playing through the game and experiencing the story, even with the comedic and dumb moments, definitely changed my mind and kept me intrigued and wanting to read more. I do feel like the story and progression also helps enhance the sex scenes that eventually come up and make them feel way better.

    I enjoyed this game for what it was and hoping the game continues on well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a great game with a tremendous amount of story.

    I passed over this game several times due to its art style and my neutrality towards the harem tag. However, the game quickly assuaged my biases as it blasted me in the face with 80s Japanese music and vaporwave aesthetic before introducing a cast of compelling characters and a believable world.

    I recommend this game to anyone willing to initially tolerate a bit of teenage drama, so the story can take you on an adventure through the minds of a bunch of hot, young adults with an incredible amount of daddy/mommy issues.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Genuinely excellent writing, well off the charts of what you'd tend to find in an H-game - particularly in how it approaches certain topics, early on. It takes its time exploring its cast in with its feet firmly on the ground, waiting until you've made a genuine connection to these people before the fantastic and bizarre begins to creep in. Well, except for CJ Senior. Though even that, in its ridiculous tonal whiplash, somehow works, despite having absolutely no right to.

    Not a game for a quick fap, maybe not for a fap at all, but absolutely worth experiencing on its own merit.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I wanted to enjoy this game, as the renders are good with some great character designs. The issue is the plot, both in terms of quality and quantity.
    So I didn't mind the story the game is trying to tell, however there is way too much, the dialogue feels extremely stretched out and my interest was completely gone after around 20 chapters of the game.
    TLDR; story sucks and there's way too much, characters and renders are good
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    A fantastical story about a bunch of friends and a bunch of trauma that would make Stephen Hawking jump from how good it is (and he's dead).

    I can't stress enough how good some of the character relationships is and how well depicted it is, the amount of care put in the shots, the movie feeling it has and the soul that's been poured into it shows. And it does so in beautiful ways.

    It's one of the few stories that makes you wish there was less sex and more action, vaporwave and trauma fighting done by underprepared people, ever hoping to make themselves a better version than the ones they were before. Some do so out of love, and others do so out of selflessness, and the fact that you can tell unsaid motivations should tell you all about how deep the writing is at times.

    No longer with a rough start, the Cro'logue has bumped out the number of people that would have abandoned it before.

    The dev strives to deliver content every month, and of high quality, mind you. So all those that stay say the same, we want more .

    Also don't die because we want to see the end of this lmao. Much love and hope that to whoever reads this to give it a try, by chapter 22 you'll know whether you wanna stay or not. And while that might seem a big number, I assure you, that's some of the best writing I've ever had the pleasure to read.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm earnestly playing this game for the plot. It's a good enough story that it could stand on its own without explicit content IMO

    It's honestly a complete shitpost at the core of the matter, but it takes itself seriously enough and does enough with its themes/characters that its a comepletely unqiue and enjoyable experience.

    The renders are great, there was recently a resolution upgrade and the author puts a ton of effort into the renders. This game is full of conversations and a render is rarely used for more than three or so lines. Tons of good renders.

    The soundtrack is top-notch. The author paid a clearly talented individual and the music is skillfully implemented to match the tone of the scenes.

    Silky smooth performance even in the battle scenes.

    None so far!

    There are not many animations as of now, just a few pre-rendered videos. That is changing with coming updates because the project met a funding goal. The animations that are present are good but do not expect animated sex scenes until the updates catch up.

    Voice Acting
    Only one character is voiced at the moment, but it's extremely well done by a professional voice actor.

    Zero issues spotted on my play-through. Author has a dedicated space to report these as well.

    Amount of content
    The game is on chapter 40/100. Each chapter varies in length so that doesn't necessarily mean it's 40% done, but I'd say it's around there. Dozens of hours of content if you read all the side events and explore all the dialogue.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    It's perfect. This story got so much emotion and care out of me, that I felt like I was really there with the characters. It has the amount of debt, that a classic book would have. I never thought, that a VN I got from this site would make me shed a tear. And on top of that, it's sexy as well. I love it, no doubt about it. It deserves 5 stars.

    My only criticism is, that CJ doesn't have a manly body. The guy nas female hips and time shoulders. :ROFLMAO:
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Oliver Wendell Homely

    This game has a cinematic quality in terms of its ability to use framing and edits to tell a story. Unfortunately, too many of these edits (jump cuts, if it were video) are too abrupt, which left me confused early on. And while the story itself touches on a number of serious themes that could make for a very compelling adult game, the way it's told is simply juvenile. I'm sure it's deliberate, but like a Bollywood musical that plops an upbeat song-and-dance right after a death scene, this game had too many jarring tone changes for me to take it seriously. Some players may not mind it; some may even like it. But if, like me, it is both unexpected and unappreciated, you are probably better off playing something else.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought this game is some kind of joke game that did not take itself very srly so I do NOT expected much from it, I just play it since I'm bored, but boy I was very wrong, the story are very good if you stick to it long enough, and most of the time it will be moment where story turn dark or very serious(Which is good btw) and the character growth don't even talk about it, it's damn good(chef kiss). If you play the game just to find some quick fab material or do not have patient to read a lot to text, don't ever play this game, it's not for you.

    1.OUR CJ clothes choice look so damn ridiculous especially his other side clothes, it's like he came out of 70 or 80 and combined it with fat otaku and hippie clothes which I hate, but the more I play the better I feel about his clothes lol.

    2. the music choice in this game make me feel like I'm drunk and drowning while music is playing and it's not few times but MOST of the times it's kind of weird

    3.I bust out laughing every times CJ transform, the music, the pose are god made perfect , I love it
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably the best VN I've played and will play for a long time.

    I'm not gonna elaborate too much but everything in this game is amazing. From the aesthetic, to the music, the evolving characters, the deep themes and evolving plot, the memes... And obviously the sex scenes. It's absolutely everything I could ever hope for in a VN.

    It's not even about the porn anymore (if it ever was).

    I don't know how I'll manage to get by, while waiting for the next update (or one day when the game ends). I've never been as excited to play a VN as I have with Out of Touch.

    Bless you, Story Anon!
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    The game description it makes you think this game is pretty good, even the renders are good, the start is interesting, with all that supernatural setting, but for some reason after the first minutes the game starts to go down. The introduction lenght is like 20 minutes, with a too many renders from the same scenes but in a different perpective, the writing starts to lack a lot because is not interesting, a lot of description of places, of situations, etc. The MC is not likeable at all, he starts like a sweet and kind of timid boy and then they turned him in somekind of"fuckboy", and asshole, with no empathy, that only cares if his crush love him and nothing else.
    The game is almost kinetic, you can take a few decision but they are too far one from another, the game is kind of open world, so you can take "decisions" about where you want to go and something like that, but that have no affects to the story because the game tells you where you have to go to continue the story, so you don't have freewill.
    I don't understand why they started so fast with the supernatural thinks because it looks like is the less important thing in the game. There is even a large scene with a fight at the start and is really confusing because there wasn't a setting, the battle started from nowhere and after a lot of time the scenes ends with the MC having sex..... Just because, a battle started from nowhere and ended with sex from nowhere, well done writers.
    They tried to make some jokes or make "funny" moments here and there and they aren't really good, like the MC's father being somekind of God and Meme at the same time.
    I'll talk again about the huge amount of text that to me was innecesary or could being made better, because there is so much text and is so unninteresting that you feel the game will be eternal and after a lot of time you get to see some sex, and just you be clear, I love game slow paced, with a lot of text explaining the world, giving you a good lore and everything, but this game has nothing of that and when it tries, it fails.
    I would not recomment this even at my worst enemy. I don't know what drugs are taking the people that rated this game so high, but please stop taking it because is ruining your brains or at least share a little.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I came here looking for porn but I found a story that touched my heart. I can't belive I am saying this but I got a little dissapointed when the sex scenes came. The story is soo good I don't even need sex scenes or anything. I literally cannot explain in words how good this game is. I am currently inspired by it to quit porn and achieve something in life (probably won't happen but still). The story is generally wholesome but it has some really interesting turns and some quite dark content but I love the way it is integrated and it doesn't really make the game any less wholesome. 10/10
  14. 4.00 star(s)

    Derik X

    In short, this is a Kinetic Novel not a VN

    To elaborate my reason for stating this, this has a story and you go through with it, there are no "game" altering choices or love points to for relationship to grow or reduce, there are no paths the MC can take which are Divergent. No, this is a story which is said by the creator and we watch it like anime, only difference if you click through each frames or set to auto, and you can skip dialogues by not choosing to talk to someone at certain locations. Again I re-iterate this is not a Choice Based Visual Novel.

    And that is the reason I dropped it past like 15 chapters in.

    Now to the Good parts, the story is good, has cliches but which one doesn't these days. The dialogues are well written, nothing to point out on grammar, and it flows well. But the issue I have is that since this is labelled as VN, I was disappointed by downloading and playing it, expecting choices, routes to follow few girls or avoid some, or reply with different dialogue choices, but nope.. nothing of sorts. In my good conscience I can't give low rating to something that is well developed. My only issue is, if I had known this is a Kinetic novel with Multiple Point of views I wouldn't have downloaded it not my type of game, almost like multiprotagonist, as you go through the view of each character. Which might be good for story telling but not for a supposedly "VN" which should have choices that chooses paths or have significant impacts.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall: one of the better VNs on the site right now. It's far from perfect, but for an amateur product on a porn site it's pretty damn good. If you like plot-with-porn and don't mind some JVN tropes, give it a spin.

    But first, the bad:
    • It's very heavily JVN inspired, which might put some people off.
    • The characters begin as extreme stereotypes. They get developed later, but since the story goes one character at a time there are still some who are untouched dozens of chapters in.
    • Some people might find the unnecessary inclusion of certain memes very offputting. You'll know when you get there. I personally laughed out loud, but I still think it probably would've been better left out.
    • The "school friends hanging out" start overstays its welcome, to the point where I can imagine a lot of people dropping the VN before getting past it.
    • Unity isn't great here, and the gameplay teaser isn't promising. Games and VNs don't tend to mix.
    • The writing leans a bit too heavily on characters being bad at communicating their problems. It would be fine if there were one or two with that flaw, but it's the whole damn cast.
    • Every character seems to have some terrible, dark, traumatizing secret. It works well in some cases, poorly in others. Once again, could use more variety.
    • If you're here for the porn, it takes a while for much to show up. There's a lot more in the later segments, but you're in for a ride to get there.
    Next, the good:
    • The VN is tropey, has some memes, and breaks the fourth wall here and there. But it never once apologizes for it, and it's hard to overstate how refreshing that is. The author owns their work, which makes the worse stuff tolerable and the better stuff endearing.
    • The English is good.
    • The character arcs thus far have been as good as you'll find in VNs. By the end of each arc you'll likely be invested in each character and what they went through.
    • The art is generally well-done and distinct. It manages to use a very boilerplate anime starting point and yet still gives several of the characters very distinctive looks. The more "anime" elements (special eyes and the like) don't really get abused like they are in many Koi VNs—I can't remember if they show up rarely or not at all.
    • OoT seems to have a clear story with a clear plan which—aside from the slow start—it marches towards at a steady pace. Once the action starts you'll have a very good sense of how far along in the plot you are.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    JOJO references, great memes and funny scenes. but most importantly, incredible writing and unique/dynamic characters. "Out of Touch! " is an mature title even though it doesnt look like it, especially in the start. The horror/paranormal aspects and the many deep/serious topics delved in this game create great contrast with the rest of the lighthearted and wholesome moments. The cast and dialouge are also excellent, Victorias early arc was definitely one of the driving forces on making this game really stand out against other adult visual novels, especially how well the scenes are able to show her trauma and regret. Speaking of scenes, this game has incredible visual design direction and while sometimes it can make a scene confusing, the colorschemes, shot angels, facial expressions are on point and cant imagine how long it takes to get all of that to be this good. all in all "Out of Touch! " is a must play, one of a kind masterpiece.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a weird one.
    First things first, the story is actually pretty deep and rich. The characters are likable. It does drop some memes here and there that imo don't fit the atmosphere and theme, at all, and while I personally didn't mind them, I laughed even, they can completely break the story for some.
    Also, if you like having choices this isn't for you. Game is completely linear. I'm several hours in and haven't get a single "real" option. Sure, games let you click on "talk" to the characters and "leave" an area, but game would be the exact same without those. You don't really have a chance on how the game plays itself. So far at least, but these many hours in I doubt this will change, and if it does game seriously needs a disclaimer at the start to let you know you'll get more freedom later on (really later on).

    Now, over the reason why I even wrote this review and why I say its a weird VN. The problem here really is the adult content, or more like, how much (or little) of the game contains adult content. I feel it hurts the game more than it helps it, relevance and popularity wise. The game barely has any adult content, so peeps who will find it excepting ero content could, potentially, be extremely disappointed. To market a game as ero yet to barely have any ero is no good. Yet, the game does have some adult content so it can't be advertised as a regular, all-age appropriate, VN. And this is why I find it to be so weird.
    OoT does a lot of good stuff, but falls in a weird middle where it doesn't really cut it for any market. It isn't really an ero game, if you come here expecting that as the game main focus, you'll hate it. Heck I'm several hours in (more than the amount I give most VNs) yet there have been only 2 scenes so far, and they were pretty lackluster erotic-wise, as they weren't there for erotism really.
    Let me repeat that, this game ISN'T an ero VN, as much as it is a romance VN, with some adult content here and there, which also feels like its there for the sake of it. Which imo, does an undeserve to the game, as just a single adult scene makes it unsuitable for most audiences.
    This VN would be, imo, better off just cutting entirely all adult content (which would amount to less than 5 minutes of content so far in my game) and just sell itself as a regular romance VN with some heavy themes.
    Feels like authors needs to decide what they want their VN to be, because, so far, it really isn't anything in particular. Almost feels like they simple added the adult content cuz that's where patreons are (which is understandable). Because game certainly doesn't focus on ero content at all, and it doesn't even need for what is tbh.
    If you remove what little adult content there is, you still have a pretty damn good VN.

    I wouldn't be surprised if once game is finished they'll just go and cut off the adult content and release it on steam without it. It has potential to do good that way, cuz it most definitely will miss the mark if its sold as an ero VN.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is wild. It's revolutionary and is almost an entirely new genre all on its own. Everything about this story is incredible. The characters have complex personalities and incredible chemistry together. Not just the MC and girls have chemistry... EVERYONE has chemistry with EVERYONE. Furthermore, the presentation and writing style are a thing of beauty. Even the soundtrack is a complete BANGER. I legit dropped reading a 10/10 book so that I could read this incredible story instead because its a work of indescribable beauty!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch has one of the best stories, lore, and character development of any game I've ever played, and I mean every game, not just VN's. Don't take my word at face value, I will explain why that is and also to be unbiased I will also discuss the negatives.

    There are currently 39 chapters and you somehow keep learning something new in every chapter. The lore keeps expanding every update, previous questions get answered, and new mysteries are started. Also there is a ton of foreshadowing that is so hidden until you play a second time. The game feels like its on full throttle at almost all times, but it knows when to take a chill pill and give you some time to relax and spend time with the girls(and boys?), and also allow you to mentally prepare for the insane stuff around the corner. I can't get enough of the story.

    Characters & Writing:
    I am a writer myself, and I have taken so much inspiration from this games writing, especially the dialogue between the characters. I'm not gonna lie, I have teared up a few times while playing this and so has pretty much everyone else who has played it. Some scenes are outright gut-wrenching and some of the saddest shit you'll ever see on a screen. All of the characters are so lovable, one of the few VN's where I actually like every character.

    Chef's Kiss. The graphics get better and better as the game goes on and the use of colors to emphasize objects/people on screen is mind-blowing how well it's done here.


    The longest VN I've ever played, which I appreciate a lot. It is currently over 30-35 hours depending on reading speed, and I enjoyed every minute. There are 100 chapters planned and we're on 39, so there is a lot more content to come which also has me excited.

    This part will be short. My main negative was the opening prologue of the game, but with the new prologue update that just dropped, all of my issues with it are gone and now is the perfect time to jump in. My one other negative is I wish there were more choices, there still are some, I just wish there were more which is a small complaint.

    Download the game. If you've been considering trying it, just do it. I promise you that you're missing out on one of the best stories in gaming if you skip over this game. Also support the dev if you can!
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5730975

    Out of touch is a confusing VN for me to rate. It relies a lot on tropes I dislike - memes in a serious story, anime humor, a really dense protagonist and the list goes on. However it also does a few things I really like. The story is well written and interesting, there are some genuine heartfelt moments, the scale of the story feels epic and again the list goes on.

    Because this game is hard for me to review I am going to just talk about what I liked, what I disliked and give my overall thoughts on the VN.


    What I disliked:

    There are a few things that I disliked about this game and this is listed below:

    1. Meme humor. One might argue that it is part of the game's style but sometimes your sense of style is just awful. To me the memes added nothing to the story and just cheapened my experience as a whole.

    2. A dumb protagonist. I usually love it when protagonists have character. I love it when we get someone who is different and does not have the personality of a piece of cardboard. However at the same time certain personality types can be incredibly frustrating/annoying to play. And I would take cardboard personalities over something that annoys me any day of the week. CJ - the main character has a distinct personality. However this is not the type of character I enjoy. Playing someone dense is more frustrating than it is fun and it got in the way of me enjoying the game. The gags involving him being an idiot were not funny, they were annoying.

    3. Some scenes/revelations feel like they drag on. I am not a fan of drama for the sake of it. Some gags and some drama is ok however it is important for it to not overstay its welcome. One such example is the MC not noticing one of the girls is in fact a girl. It is played off as a joke at first but the joke overstays its welcome and after a certain point it gets really annoying. There are a few other plot points that made me feel the same way.

    4. The slow start. While the start is a small part of the story, the game is incredibly long so you are stuck with a dull start for several hours before the story gets interesting.


    What I liked:

    Despite my complaints in the above section, I am still giving this a rating of 4 stars and that is because what the game does well, it does really well. Below are some of the things I liked about this game:

    1. The story. While the beginning is slow and boring, things ramp up when the game starts leaning more towards the fantasy elements. I started enjoying the game at around chapter 20. After that point the story just kept improving in quality. The downside is that it takes some time to reach that point. However the game is very large and while the bad parts of the game can feel long, the good parts of the game last a lot longer in terms of gameplay hours.

    2. The visual style. I dont like Koikatsu art and I am indifferent about the character design. However I must admit that it stands out. The game looks different from your usual Koikatsu game and I can appreciate that.

    3. The romance. While Out of Touch is heavy on anime tropes, one category of tropes it does not follow are tropes involving romance. And I am so happy with that decision. The sex scenes did not feel like they had your usual sex level up system where there is a rule that you must have a handjob/blowjob before sex that you see in so many other VNs. And more importantly unlike most harem games out there, this game establishes a proper poly relationship between the MC and the girls early on. There is no beating around the bush, hiding relationships from other girls etc. Hiding romances from other characters is what frustrates me the most in harem games and I am happy to say this VN does not have that.

    4. The emotional moments. As stated before I dislike overused drama (something that this game admittedly has). But at the same time this game also has some very emotional moments that have a lot of impact. Some of the later scenes in the game are just incredible. I do not want to give any more details here as it will require me to spoil the good parts of the game.


    Overall Thoughts:

    If you are a fan of JVNs and dont mind going through a tedious beginning, if you dont mind a VN that is relatively light on sexual content (there are sex scenes but relative to its size its not a lot), if you dont mind anime tropes (dumb as a rock MC, power of friendship etc), if you are not put off by overused meme related humor you will like this VN. Because everything else is done well.

    To anybody who is playing this game for the first time, my recommendation is to keep in mind that the game gets better as the VN goes on. However I can recognize that this VN is not for everyone. I myself almost dropped it a couple of times. The VN is unique and might be a bit different from many western AVNs you are probably used to - it feels a lot like a JVN in many ways. To me this is a 7-8/10 which I am rounding up to 4 stars. I recommend trying it for yourself to see if you like it.