I haven't been able to get this game out of my head for days now. Chapter 43 was the most recent chapter at the time of writing this, and there was easily 40 hours of story. Absolutely one of the best narrative experiences I've ever had, porn game or not. Though the H content did push a lot of the right buttons for me. Hope you like vaporwave.
Story/Characters: This is a very character focused story, with the main perspective shifting between several members of the main cast. If you're not interested in a VN with a lot of reading and only the occasional input from the player this is not for you. If you don't like melodramatic elements then this may also not before you. But I highly encourage you to check it out regardless. No hitting you head against a wall because someone won't just say the obvious thing that would fix everything. The story has several main arcs and is most easily likened to something like a long running anime. Each arc centers around one of the main cast for their arc, but does a great job of not abandoning a character just because their arc is complete, or ignoring another because its not their "turn". Everyone is included and integrated well, with each person feeling like they have their role to play. The dialogue is also witty, funny, and engaging. The "joke" sections are also put in great spots that don't undermine or detract from the serious experience you're having. This was the kind of game where I went to locations that I knew had no content just to see the dialogue that I knew would be waiting for me. The characters also do a good job of each having their own "voice" and mannerisms that come out in the dialogue, helping to make everyone distinct and unique. Considering that is the core of a VN this game easily delivers in spades on this front.
Music: As previously mentioned there's a lot of vaporwave and synthwave, with music by Macross 82-99, Night Tempo, Phoenix #2772 as well as some stuff by some mainstream artists you've probably heard of, but we won't tell anyone about that will we? Since these aren't unique to Out of Touch, all I can say is that the selection is sublime. I personally love the tracks featured here, and its probably one of the main reasons I was able to get into the game as much and as deeply as I did. More objectively, the music is used extremely well and allows the emotional beats to really flourish and resonate in a way that only music can do. There are also several original songs produced by Story Anon, including the character main theme's and battle music. These are all wonderful and just as excellently fit the tone with the rest of the music, as well as the characters they mean to represent.
Art: You've probably noticed this is a game that uses Koikatsu models. I've played a lot of games with Koikatsu models and this is easily one of the best looking in this sub-genre. A lot of devs get very lazy with the models or don't put much effort into any aspect of them. Not so here. The characters look distinct, both in height, body proportions, and most importantly their faces. I don't get the sensation of looking at the same character just with a bigger bust or 12 cm's tacked on to their legs. Similarly, I didn't get a feeling of dejavu because the characters look like something that can be found in another game. Everyone is individual and unrepeated, here or in another game. The environments used are also really high quality, with lots of unique and great looking sets for the characters to inhabit. The use of lighting effects is superb, making the characters look defined and well colored, rather than just some flat object. There's a few default locations, but if you haven't played other Koikatsu based games you won't notice that, and if you have the plethora of well done locations far outstrips any other shortcomings on this aspect.
H-Scenes: Alright this is what you're actually here for. I am happy to report that Out of Touch delivers on every aspect I could want from it. Pretty girls in a cosmic harem with plenty of lesbian scenes included. You only got one cock, and so many girls. Luckily your girls have absolutely no qualms about helping you out on this herculean task of delivering satisfaction. Most of them are actually pretty into it, if you catch my meaning. The scenes aren't animated in the traditional sense (no webm'/mp4 files here). Don't let this deter you though. There's plenty of scene changes so you don't have to pretend that a character is doing something they are in the dialogue that they aren't doing on the screen. Additionally, the scenes are extremely well paced with the story, with each girl getting their fill when they're ready, not before. No peer pressure, rape, or unsureness. And there are plenty of scenes, with a gallery included under extras on the main menu. You wont have to make 30 different save files so you can see the scenes again. They unlock after being viewed once in the story. The dialogue continues to be absolutely excellent, with plenty of passion and feeling. It really has a lot of care put into it to make the scenes reach a frequency that no amount of smutty dialogue would be capable of achieving. As for the art in these scenes, its similarly amazing. Some Koikatsu devs don't pay attention to details like clipping or directionality. Not the case here. Scenes are well drawn with an excellent use of lighting. They're so pretty I almost don't want to use them for their intended purpose. Almost. Like I said at the start, this hits a lot of the right notes for me.
TL;DR This is easily my new favorite H-Game, and time will tell if it makes it into my actual favorite games. The music, story, characters, dialogue and h-content all blend in such a beautiful way that is truly gestalt. If you're a fan of VN's or narrative based experiences you owe it to yourself to play Out of Touch immediately. You will not be disappointed.
Story/Characters: This is a very character focused story, with the main perspective shifting between several members of the main cast. If you're not interested in a VN with a lot of reading and only the occasional input from the player this is not for you. If you don't like melodramatic elements then this may also not before you. But I highly encourage you to check it out regardless. No hitting you head against a wall because someone won't just say the obvious thing that would fix everything. The story has several main arcs and is most easily likened to something like a long running anime. Each arc centers around one of the main cast for their arc, but does a great job of not abandoning a character just because their arc is complete, or ignoring another because its not their "turn". Everyone is included and integrated well, with each person feeling like they have their role to play. The dialogue is also witty, funny, and engaging. The "joke" sections are also put in great spots that don't undermine or detract from the serious experience you're having. This was the kind of game where I went to locations that I knew had no content just to see the dialogue that I knew would be waiting for me. The characters also do a good job of each having their own "voice" and mannerisms that come out in the dialogue, helping to make everyone distinct and unique. Considering that is the core of a VN this game easily delivers in spades on this front.
Music: As previously mentioned there's a lot of vaporwave and synthwave, with music by Macross 82-99, Night Tempo, Phoenix #2772 as well as some stuff by some mainstream artists you've probably heard of, but we won't tell anyone about that will we? Since these aren't unique to Out of Touch, all I can say is that the selection is sublime. I personally love the tracks featured here, and its probably one of the main reasons I was able to get into the game as much and as deeply as I did. More objectively, the music is used extremely well and allows the emotional beats to really flourish and resonate in a way that only music can do. There are also several original songs produced by Story Anon, including the character main theme's and battle music. These are all wonderful and just as excellently fit the tone with the rest of the music, as well as the characters they mean to represent.
Art: You've probably noticed this is a game that uses Koikatsu models. I've played a lot of games with Koikatsu models and this is easily one of the best looking in this sub-genre. A lot of devs get very lazy with the models or don't put much effort into any aspect of them. Not so here. The characters look distinct, both in height, body proportions, and most importantly their faces. I don't get the sensation of looking at the same character just with a bigger bust or 12 cm's tacked on to their legs. Similarly, I didn't get a feeling of dejavu because the characters look like something that can be found in another game. Everyone is individual and unrepeated, here or in another game. The environments used are also really high quality, with lots of unique and great looking sets for the characters to inhabit. The use of lighting effects is superb, making the characters look defined and well colored, rather than just some flat object. There's a few default locations, but if you haven't played other Koikatsu based games you won't notice that, and if you have the plethora of well done locations far outstrips any other shortcomings on this aspect.
H-Scenes: Alright this is what you're actually here for. I am happy to report that Out of Touch delivers on every aspect I could want from it. Pretty girls in a cosmic harem with plenty of lesbian scenes included. You only got one cock, and so many girls. Luckily your girls have absolutely no qualms about helping you out on this herculean task of delivering satisfaction. Most of them are actually pretty into it, if you catch my meaning. The scenes aren't animated in the traditional sense (no webm'/mp4 files here). Don't let this deter you though. There's plenty of scene changes so you don't have to pretend that a character is doing something they are in the dialogue that they aren't doing on the screen. Additionally, the scenes are extremely well paced with the story, with each girl getting their fill when they're ready, not before. No peer pressure, rape, or unsureness. And there are plenty of scenes, with a gallery included under extras on the main menu. You wont have to make 30 different save files so you can see the scenes again. They unlock after being viewed once in the story. The dialogue continues to be absolutely excellent, with plenty of passion and feeling. It really has a lot of care put into it to make the scenes reach a frequency that no amount of smutty dialogue would be capable of achieving. As for the art in these scenes, its similarly amazing. Some Koikatsu devs don't pay attention to details like clipping or directionality. Not the case here. Scenes are well drawn with an excellent use of lighting. They're so pretty I almost don't want to use them for their intended purpose. Almost. Like I said at the start, this hits a lot of the right notes for me.
TL;DR This is easily my new favorite H-Game, and time will tell if it makes it into my actual favorite games. The music, story, characters, dialogue and h-content all blend in such a beautiful way that is truly gestalt. If you're a fan of VN's or narrative based experiences you owe it to yourself to play Out of Touch immediately. You will not be disappointed.