review based on 0.6 version.
game actualy r mix kinetic novell and choicebased novell, proportion 60/40% or 70/30%. i actualy dnt like that kind of games, so ill add +1 to rating.
-good renders (found no flaws)
-good girls images (i dnt like that kind so much, but its just my personal taste)
-story is present, not great one, but ok. also a bit of mystery/horror is present.
-simple eng
-in my taste to few animations
-imho better translate latin, cuz not all people know that lang and can remember given half/hour ago translation (i mean like this: latin_latin(lala_translation) )
-damn hospital... w/o mod or wt u can spend half/hour for that puzzle.
in my taste its mean rating near 3.7-3.8, then add +1 (cuz that type novell not my favorite). mby thats unfair a bit, but i played in that game and no regrens, instead i got some pleasure.