VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, I wasn't sure if I would like this game, because I thought I didn't care for Honeyselect models. But after playing this for awhile, I began to find this game super HOT! One the the most enjoyable games I've tried in a long time. The animations were really very good! I enjoyed the story, and found the development of relations with the girls to be quite fun.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The character models of all the women are hot and nearly everyone has their own personality, the story seems good, and their are epic anime like funny moments as well. A solid 5 from my side. I don't know if we can get harem ending or not, but it will be even more amazing in case we do.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoy the humor as well as the story. One of those games I will be waiting for each update.. Absolutely hit the Patreon button so I could stay in the loop. Cliff hanger ending was awesome so excitement level is high for the next update!!

    Fun read, very good story 5*s for sure.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I really like the humor of the author. I even think that there could be even more sounds in some scenes though that might be controversial. Everything else (models, characters, story, writing and spelling) are nice too though.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's definitely one of the top 10 erotic games that I've played (the other are Peasant's Quest, Being A DIK, Pale Carnations, What a Legend, My Pleasure, Where the Heart is, Melody, Sisterly Love and Unleashed) and by far the funniest. I don't know how author does it but dialogues and characters here are top notch - they're witty and hilarious at the same time and even without erotic content it's a great game. If you're only interested in lewd scenes and hot chicks though, this game delivers 100%. Models look beautiful (although they are a bit too similar if one looks closely - which doesn't affect my judgment in any significant way), animations are great and sex scenes are just exquisite.

    All in all it's an underappreciated gem (much worse games and with much worse developer support get way more money and praise) which I recommend to anyone who wants to relax and have tons of laugh as well as high quality erotic content. 10/10 from me.
  6. C
    4.00 star(s)


    This game is extremely hit or miss. It's either the best thing in the world, or the worst thing in the world, no in-betweens. It has some incredibly good parts, and it has some ragequit-inducing parts.

    The very bad:

    1. The intro. My fucking god, the intro. I only made it through the intro on my third try. It's long, it's a massive infodump about things you'll never wanna hear of again, and it's so. damn. boring. Like it's at least 100 screens. Pro tip if you're picking up this game - set up a timer for 15 minutes or so, and force yourselves to sit through the intro until the timer rings. By that time you'll be at least a little bit invested in the story and won't wanna ragequit as badly. This game is like Fallout 3, would be incredible with a skip intro mod.

    2. The tone. The game has a tonal dissonance - it tries to be too many things at once. In particular it tries to be both a comedy and a thriller. That kind of just doesn't work too well - you have one part of the game that is all about creating tension, and another that is all about relieving tension, and in the end instead of an overall structure of the story you have a rollercoaster. Both a comedy and a thriller would have been fine, but you gotta pick one and discard the other, can't keep both - too many a scene have been ruined by either building too much tension where there really shouldn't have been any, or by ruining the scenes which should have had a lot of tension.

    I can see definite influences of British comedies like Hot Fuzz here, but if we take Hot Fuzz as an example, it doesn't like, actually build tension all that much. Its antagonists are all laughable, their goal is a joke, and their methods are more funny than anything. Hot Fuzz doesn't build too much tension, whereas this game kinda does.

    The either very good or very bad:

    1. The jokes. My or my, the jokes. A few of them hit really well. Some are funny jokes, but used a few dozen times too often to still be funny. Too many of them fall flat on their face from the start. An unforgivable amount of them uses the "Any reference is a joke, and they must be pointed out" sort of joke - at least, unlike some games, it doesn't highlight them in cursive so that you know that this is a reference and you must laugh.

    2. The story. The synopsis is a tired old "ancient conspiracy is trying to dominate the world, and only this unassuming teenager with no discernible qualities can possibly save it", but hey I'm not complaining. Sometimes the story works surprisingly well, quite a few times actually, which is more than what can be said for most naughty games. And sometimes, the story shits the bed, some sort of divine intervention happens, and MC and his crew is allowed to essentially bypass/dodge a problem.

    I gotta give the story credit though - it doesn't make MC a total dick and make him abuse his power too hard (leaving it to player's choice to abuse it), and it doesn't make him a total cuck and take away any agency he might need in order to proceed in the story - he does have agency and feels like a character, not a puppet.

    On that note, the consistently good:

    1. Characters. They feel surprisingly deep and refreshing, despite being pretty archetypal - keeping their number relatively low, and letting us spend time with them, allows them to flower. Their dialogue feels great (at least after the damn intro), and their personalities make them easy to attach to and like. Consistently good.

    Which feeds into...

    2. Sex, the part we're all here for. Consistently great. Even the tamest scenes, great. Even the cockblock scenes, great. All girls are attractive (even if a little too conventionally attractive, without too much variance between their bodies), all of the renders and motions are great, all of the situations are hot, and their personalities existing make all the scenes even hotter - because you actually care about the girls. Definitely worth a few wanks.

    Overall verdict: do try this game. It's alright, if you soldier through the damn intro, definitely worth a download, and I will be keeping an eye on how it progresses.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be my first time rating but after playing the game all the way, I just had to do it. Firstly, the dev's humor is just too good, such great comedic timing and concepts mashed together with the visual novel element. The art style is nice and the animations are solid. The story overall is one of the most intriguing one yet and I have read quite my share of visual novels. Looking forward to new updates!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A golden gem, a game you would be missing out if you didn't play. Kept a boner while laughing throughout the game.


    - the plot is insanely well done, from the humor to the twists, every scene has an effect, every event, a purpose
    - sex scenes are VERY good, though I have a bias towards this sort of art style, the transitions and words really fleshes out the eroticism
    - characters have depth, and interactions between them make sense
    - realism with valid touches of fantasy. perhaps the only game so far to have been able to strike a balance between believable (just barely, though) scenerios and fantastical ones
    - appropriate music fitting for scenes
    - a protagonist with actual balls, whose character depends on player choice
    - branching plot with a multitude of impactful choices


    - not a lot of rape as I would've liked, and was hoping for pregnancy scenes as well
    - the game is reaching its finale and i feel empty and depressed. please make a part two or a game similar to this or i may never be able to fill this void

    Please read the cons, game dev. Please.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Almost a perfect game,graphics are really nice compared to the other games on the site the story is different and its both creepy and cool at the same time. My only gripe is that if you make a mistake it does not tell you and you play for like 30 minutes for the path to be locked. I am speaking of the teachers path when you court her/swap the papers and leave for your trip to japan it acts like you are still on her path which is very misleading tried multiple save playthroughs still cant seem to get it right..... and yeah like i mentioned it acts like you are still on the path until the end of the trip where it grays out and says path locked which is very very aggravating. i rate 4.5 out 5
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is absolutely phenomenal (In my own opinion)

    The Story is extremely interesting and hooks you in. It takes some turns and you are given extremely important choices, Hospital for example. Characters are great and the game is funny as fuck. Even the male characters are good which is rare in a VN, i.e. MC, Jack, Mike, Later game Tom, list goes on.
    Some story elements are genuinely brilliant, The Spray for example.

    So here's why I give it the full 5 stars:
    • Renders and animations are spot on
    • Characters are designed well on the aesthetic aspects and story aspects
    • The story is fantastic and interesting
    • The English is perfect and the story is written brilliantly
    • The humour is perhaps the best thing in this game (Apart from the girls)
    For me, This games makes it into my top 5 games currently being developed. I strongly recommend playing this and supporting the development if its a viable option for you
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is dooooope! Judy and Lauren are probably two of the most exciting girls to hook up on this kind of graphic novels. The story is compellign and looking forward for this game to get finished. Also loved the artstyle.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    OK, i don't let a lot a review, cause few game really took me that far, the story is simple, but interesting, it has turn and turn over, and as simple it is, it does the work I just started the Game to finish it in the same day, returning to it every time!
    To resume:
    Story easy and undertaining to follow
    Graphic and scene great
    Chara design that really attaching

    The thing i don't recommend cause i don't know:
    the music (not listend)
    the ending (not here yet)
    The mod (kill the game to fast...)

    Thanks to have read this and thanks to the developer
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    My entire review is summed up with this one quote from the game:

    >A red fucking dragon which is being used in the filming of Shrek's live-action!
    >They're filming a live-action Shrek?!
    >Indeed, [MC]! What a time to be alive!
    >This is fucking priceless!
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is all around great. I can't find any flaws as of 0.8. Models and renders are good for honey select. The humor... man it's great, I laughed so many times playing this game and it doesn't just come from the dialogue, the good usage of sounds effects and visual effects helps a lot.

    Concerning the sex scenes, it's a great balance in terms of quality and quantity. Facial expressions used, transitions, dialogue, possibility to change angle, possibility to change speed and multiple poses. You won't have for exemple 10 sex scenes per character and it doesn't need to have this many because each scene is really well made. To give you an idea as of 0.8, you have 1-2 sex scenes ( talking about penetration scenes ) with 6 out of 7 characters. They also blend in the story, which is interesting enough and kept me curious.

    All around a great game I recommend (y)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably my favourite game on this site. Legitimately laugh out loud funny without being obnoxious, interesting setting that manages to be creepy without taking itself too seriously, and hot as hell girls. Seriously. So hot.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolute best game, decent renders, a funny yet torrential storyline and the MC is hung so what else can we wait from a game? I would give solid 10/10 and props to the developer that continues its pace to the perfection every single update, thus, congratz on that too!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny. Good and exellent story with many twists. MC is a normal guy, no super hero or something. The girls have an interesting character development. One of my favourit games here. A little minus: the XXX-scenes are a little short. But for me it dosn't matter.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Forgot to review this masterpiece. If you like mystery, along with family bond plus huge tons of comedy (that doesn't overwrite the flow the story) then this game is to you. It is a great game at all levels, worth to play. Gave me quite some hours of pure fun.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really fun. I can only recommend it. The characters are well thought out and you can see that they have their own personality. There are a lot of funny scenes and ther are a lot of h-scenes. I am looking forward to the next version.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Played the game and thought it was overall really good. What i usually notice in these types of games is that the writing in combination with how interesting / creative the story is really makes up a huge portion of what makes this type of game good. Usually there are a lot of games with moments where you just get extremely bored and tired of reading and skip text all the time, but this game made me not do it. There was always something new happening.