VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Nothing Is Forever [v0.7.3] [MrSilverLust]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an exceedingly good game for a such an early stage effort (2.2, as of this review).

    The writing and characterization are its strongest aspect: I believed in the female LIs, who have sharply-defined, realistic and layered personalities. They could well end up being the best-written, most fully-realized women _ever_ in an adult game, with the possible exception of Elsa from _Corporate Culture_. There are no porn tropes or stupid cliches in evidence here!

    There are three other unique features of the game worth calling out:
    • A deep, complex quasi-RPG system of skills (or 'perks') that the MC can 'earn' based on his choices, which reflect a realistic understanding of human psychology. The richness of the system, and its connection to the story, are brilliant strokes. You, in effect, define the MC's potential relationships (or the nature of those relationships) by slowly defining his personality.
    • Eroticism. Actual eroticism. In a porn game. Thanks be to the Dev! It shouldn't be as rare as it is. The sex scene with one of the characters... is so hot.
    • Chess commentary. I mean, WTF?! Is the Dev a secret fan of Nigel Short's old chess columns?! It's insane! (Don't worry, if you don't like chess, you can skip it.) But the Dev has built a deep chess commentary feature... into a porn game. He/she is a deranged genius!
    So... please dear adult game aficionado... stop reading this review and play the damn game _right now_!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    [v0.2.1] Nothing is Forever is a well-written character study into certain aspects of the human condition. You can always tell apart good writers from the rest when they create real, painfully flawed characters.

    Here, we have an MC who is trying his best to recover from being a monumental fuck up and is surrounded by friends, colleagues and clients, all cordial and friendly on the surface, but busy with their own lives and weaknesses.

    • Jen, temptation personified, unwittingly daring the MC to surrender to his baser instincts...
    • Emma, hopelessly in love with the MC, but much too lost in her insecurities to realize how utterly broken the object of her affections is...
    • Lea, riddled with performance anxiety but with so much confidence hiding just below the surface, desperate to get out...
    • Deb & Carl, seemingly a sexually confident, committed couple who aren't afraid to broaden their horizons, but with deeper frustrations threatening their balance...

    Not to mention the outstanding chess visualization and commentary! That's got to be a first in an adult game :)

    Nothing is Forever is seriously great, and I'm eagerly awaiting what comes next!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This seems really promising. There's clearly been a lot of thought put into the character dynamics, and the deductive aspect of figuring out the various women is nicely implemented. I also like the use of an alignment system that goes beyond good guy/bad guy. I look forward to seeing where this goes.

    As far as negatives go, I did notice a few small typos and the first chapter is a bit slow to get moving, but none of that is a dealbreaker for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy damn what a great VN fuking loved and enjoyed every single bits of it

    Unique realistic interesting plot with psychology aspects
    Smooth and creative presentation that is very artistic
    Oh the mechanics damn it's unique never seen these much of abundance of choices and branching before and also it was integrated very well
    Choices impact your story and drastically changes personality You can either become an Alpha fuck em all or a soy bitch boy cuck.

    The story is very realistic which is very rare in AVNs and the writing keeps you immersed in the story
    Great character building with different personalities
    The renders are awesome as well as the animations with hot new models
    The scenes were presented very well loved the hate talk during the session
    Humors are just on point
    Choice of music and sfx are spot on too
    And for a first release it has a lot of content and gives you a proper insight what is about to go down

    If this continues like this it has the potential to become the one of the top VNs in the future but time will tell
    Damn I'm so into this VN hope this continues and can't wait for what's to come in the future
    Props to the dev for the release of a great VN
    Goodluck dev keep up the goodwork.
  5. 4.00 star(s)



    Rating downgraded to 4 stars only and here's why:

    The plot stays consistent since the first chapter and I love that. No unexplained personality changes and such. There is one that didn't stay consistent though and that is the pacing of the story. The first chapter's story progression was well-paced and I think it's mainly because the developer intended it to be more of an introduction to the characters and the game features thus the dialogues have perfect length, not too long, not too short, just enough to get you to see their personalities. In chapter 3, I was just disappointed at the lack of progression as most of the segments are just a bunch of dialogue that are so stretched I may even consider calling them fillers at this point, example:
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    I get that dialogue is useful in getting you attached to the characters, but there are plenty of other VNs that do exactly that but with 10x less text. 2 hours of update with most of it just being useless stagnant conversations.

    Still looking forward to future updates. I'm just hoping it won't be me reading a new Harry Potter book for most of it.


    It's clear the developer clearly wanted a different approach when making this game, as shown with the renders as well as the skill tree and many more. That's usually very risky but this game definitely showed that it's not impossible.

    The story is great. It explores different territories, the story of a psychologist with a regrettable past, an insecure chess player, the complicated life of 2 lovers among many more. The best part is it flows really well, which is pretty difficult to accomplish considering the number of characters introduced in a very short period; that usually makes the plot convoluted and you get lost wondering who's who, but this game absolutely nails the story progression. Also, I have to mention how underestimated the impact of music is in video games, especially in visual novels where it's more of immersing yourself in the story more than anything, and the music chosen really executes that job perfectly by dictating the mood in particular scenes. Some VNs just flat out not put any or just put a single track and let it repeat the whole time. I can't wait for the romance to kick in in the future chapters (Emma path for the win!)

    The gameplay is well done, from the choices actually mattering to the skill tree system. I especially liked how even though minor choices do not generally affect the overall story progression, it's still important as it rewards you with a skill point depending on your choice. While it's way less than major choices, it can still accumulate and could make or break your relationship with the love interests. It's great to see free roam integrated in a way where it isn't sandbox-y (grinding to get to a certain point). Gameplay content overall is perfect.

    As many others mentioned, the art style might not be that appealing to others. Personally, too, I prefer the realistic Daz3D games, but as aforementioned, the developer is trying all sorts of new things and flourish with it, and this case is no different from that. My only small, very small problem, is the inconsistency of the black outlines mostly seen on the faces of the characters. Sometimes it's there, sometimes it's not. Some characters have more of it, some barely. So I don't know if that's a mistake or something, but it doesn't really affect anything.

    What I think will catch people's eye here is the aforementioned skill tree. The game explores various kinks/fetishes, albeit particulars might be locked to different characters, the fact that it offers the player the option to choose between 4 different routes and even as far as not limiting them to just choosing one of the 4, will be this game's best attraction. With most games just focusing on one kink/fetish and most of them on the dominant male side, I feel like people with submissive kinks will enjoy this game considering how underrepresented that side. So realistically, you gain more audience and lose none, that's the most win/win outcome if I've ever seen one. While having many different routes might prove way too complex, therefore, take time to follow through with updates, I have high faith the developer will give his best, judging from what I've seen in the very first chapter. For me, I won't mind if major updates take a long time, so long as each one has the same level of or even better writing, content, and length as the previous.

    With that being said, I can't wait for the future updates!
  6. 5.00 star(s)



    I think there is enough here to rate this even though it's a first release. The length is quite substantial as it is a chapter 1 and not just a quick prologue/intro.

    I was impressed from start to finish, and after having played through the release, this game has shot up to the top of my most anticipated game list.

    First things first. The art may not be everyone's cup of tea. It didn't immediately appeal to me, at least. I found it stylish and unique enough, but it does have a bit of a artificial quality to it, seeing as these are DAZ renders run through some kind of filter. That said, it grows on you as you play the game and you get used to it. It's even looks pretty good by the end. Other than the filter, the dev shows some creativity and artistic vision with the presentation. There are some photo montages and slideshow type of scenes that shows time passing by. There are some cool visual effects here and there. There is even a cool true free roaming where you press arrow keys to move around in real time (it's janky as hell, but it was cool lol). Overall, the game has style, that's for sure.

    The writing is what really sets this game apart. Aside from some occasional grammar issues and typos, the dialogue flow very naturally. It's not just in the way people speak, but also in the content of the conversations. These characters interact and talk about things in a way that makes them feel like real people. Not only that, but the character dynamics have a lot of depth to it. We can talk about unique personalities and what not in many games, but how many games presents truly realistic characters? Not too many.

    We don't get bogged down by mundane everyday activities, going on dates and meeting girls one after another like some mundane dating or life sim. We see glimpses of the MC's life that has meaning and are interesting. The pacing is great and it moves things along without sacrificing the character and relationship building.

    I have a suspicion that the dev isn't actually a native speaker (apologies if I'm wrong), and that makes this amazing script even more impressive.

    The other aspect of the game that shows immense potential is the skill tree. The skills/traits that are available seems very extensive. This could quickly get out of control for the development, but I think the dev has a good handle on reining in the potential nightmare. The skills will likely be used mostly as a gatekeeper for picking certain choices. Doing it this way makes it so the dev doesn't have to make a huge list of alternate dialogues in every common text lines during dialogues. The minor (flavor and small point boost) choices come very frequently, so you are never really feeling like the MC is acting in ways that goes against the type of character you are trying to build. All in all, I loved the way this system played out in the first release.

    The sex scene was just amazing. The sexual tension and build up throughout the chapter that ends in a bang at the end was exceptional. Great dialogue during the sex. I went with the dominant approach, and there was no problems at all in immersion. The relationship dynamics, personalities, and lead up all supported this scene and elevated it both in terms of the sex and for the plot.

    There seems to be 2 main sides to the plot. One is the MC's inner voices and how he deals with it. The other is his job as a psychologist. Currently, the psychologist job means helping the Chess prodigy succeed... which has Queen's Gambit vibes. I fucking loved that show and enjoyed all the chess stuff in this game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this is one of the best made games in this genre I've seen, there's so much interactivity. The choices feel important, there are consequences, the dialogue is realistic and engaging. The characters show a lot of real emotions and humanity. The chess aspects alone make things worthwhile. Great work, can't wait for more updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.1.0

    The good things:

    A good story - well thought out so far. Even though the psychology is in the foreground, the humour is not neglected.

    The game does not use any mechanics as is usually the case in games of this kind, in which you are credited or deducted x points for the potential LI with a chosen answer. Instead, all points of the respective category are added up, and these points can then be spent in the respective category for skills in the - let's just call it - talent tree.

    By talking to the possible LIs, you receive tips with which, if you have received enough, you have the opportunity to find a kink in the LI. This, in turn, does not just happen in the form of a message that LI xyz is now on this kink, but you have to solve a small quiz in which you are asked questions and receive the answers.

    The music is harmonious, fits the respective situation and is simply beautiful. Congratulations to the dev for the selection and placement of the music!

    The art style is certainly due to the fact that the dev doesn't have the hardware to create super realistic renders. On the other hand, I think it's great, and it was also what drew my attention to the game. This is certainly a matter of taste, but also a great unique selling point.

    The game has animations, albeit short ones. They are kept in the same art style, fluid and look beautiful. They fit the situation perfectly, i.e. their placement makes sense. These are not two-second stupid loop animations that are simply there for the sake of animation.

    The characters are very well developed and all have their own worries and needs to deal with, both at work and in their private and mental lives - or a combination of all three.

    The less good things:

    Sometimes the music is off during conversations, and I find myself missing the music and checking to see if I have accidentally switched off the sound on my keyboard. the dev should probably improve this a little more. Well, dev, you have been the victim of your own success in the selection and placement of the music! :devilish:

    Renpy games are born loud, so when you start the game for the first time, the music starts blaring. Headset wearers beware! The dev should improve this
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Nothing is Forever has potential but is overly ambitious in terms of gameplay mechanics while also being handicapped with a subpar art style. There is a lot of content to play for a first release, however for some people the art style will be prohibitive to enjoying the story, I know it was for me.

    Pros: Interesting concept, skills system makes almost all of the player's choices contribute to the MC's personality.

    Cons: Art style - you either love it or hate it. Lack of certain skills will lock you out of sex scenes. Needs a good proofreader.

    The art style has large black outlines around the renders, it seems slightly cartoony and could be fun but ends up being more distracting and ugly. Supposedly this started out as an accident but was eventually embraced by the dev.
    The plotline is rather simple though different, certainly haven't seen anything similar in the time I've been on F95. However, I don't know that it is a strong enough plot to hold anyone's attention for 10-20 updates, especially with the skill system involved.
    As to my issues with the skill system, if the player hasn't chosen to unlock certain skills the one sex scene in the first episode is inaccessible. The idea of locking out a player from the content they are looking for in an adult game is disappointing. However it is much worse that the developer doesn't explain the skill system and individual skills within the context of the game, the game also doesn't prompt the player to choose skills when they have enough points.
    In terms of grammar, it needs a good proofreader to clean the English up. As I said in the beginning there is potential here, I will need to wait and see if the dev can seize it.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Woah now this is a gem! Very first release and it is already extremely polished. I think the complaints about the black line effect on the renders are valid but ultimately not very distracting and easy to get used to.

    I really appreciate how the creator also makes it easy for people to understand the game concepts, and doesn't try to create "secret" paths that require a walkthrough. Multiple reminders appear throughout and you can pick up the skill needed for something on the fly. It is very well done.

    The characters all feel real too, they have a main dimension that fits the mold but other parts of their personality come to light too, this story is very well crafted.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Just WOW this game!!!

    I dont know how to describe it properly but i will try :)

    The game mechanic is somewhat i never have seen and it is just fantastic to play. For the first release you got a lot of gametime to play it. I played it now for about 3 hours with some pause to smoke.

    The Story is new to me and realy good. A psychologic with more problems than his clients :) And the chess tournament i thought at first that it will be realy boring but i played trough it and it was very funny and almost realistic with the movements.

    The Renders are not that type of 3D i normaly play but it was very good! This game is a gamechanger and a good start and i hope to see this till the end!

    My compliments to the dev for this and his work! The potential of this is huge and i hope to see updates soon and not every 6 months. For that i will support you!

    Play the game and see for yourself. You will be surprised how good it is!
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    For version 0.1.0

    The art style is (as you can see in the pictures) 3d models with a drawn border and shadows. It's more noticeable sometimes. Whether this is good or not is up to personal preference. I found it somewhat distracting when it was to much.

    I was impressed how the different systems interacted. I'll try to explain them here. With every choice you make, you gather points in one of four categories. These four categories define your character. You can then buy sexual skills within each category with the points gathered there. While speaking with other characters, you'll be given clues about their sexual preferences. If you come across enough clues, you'll be able to puzzle your way to discover their kink. Knowing someones kink and possessing the right sexual skill will (possibly) open the way into their pants. Choices aren't always just for gathering points, however. They sometimes alter the story or changes characters attitude towards you.

    The story takes psychology seriously but there are enough jokes to keep it enjoyable. Looking at the different possible sexual skills, I can't help but look forward to the continuation of this game.