Game version: [v0.3.1]
A unique, ambitious game with real flair and a distinct style. It's a cut above a lot of the mediocre games on this site, but unfortunately, its reach far exceeds its grasp.
The dev is clearly milking everything he can get out of Ren'Py when it comes to UI and effects. Comicbook-style panels, clever transitions, it's really impressive if you can appreciate that sort of thing. Sometimes he goes a little overboard when it comes to style though, I'm not a fan of the black outline thing on the renders, it's just weird and distracting. And that FPS section abomination really wasn't worth the effort. Also, I have a 1060 and that light reflection bullshit still managed to lag on my machine. Maybe cut down on the super special effect type shit?
The renders (apart from the black outline thing) are decent, but nothing special. The writing saves it though, it is quite good, sometimes even inspired. The sections of the different aspects of your personality talking to each other and acknowledging your choices are actually quite impressive.
The love interests are all distinct and likable, at least to me, though they are a little pedestrian in their uniform beauty and dimensions. But to the dev's credit, they actually feel like different people, so the writing again does its job. People with vastly different personalities and kinks. Which is realistic I suppose, but means you're going to miss out on some content and your harem fantasy. Which I'm fine with. I have a Dom and a Sub save file for this game. Which in my opinion would have been enough of a distinction, the whole skill system and the personality points seem more like a gimmick.
Also wasn't a fan of having to choose your "one true waifu" this early in the game (it is early in the game, isn't it?), basically, this is one of those games where you need multiple save files if you're into different kinks or different girls. That's not a criticism, just an observation.
The biggest negative for me in this game is the MC. Visually and character wise. He looks like a broad-shouldered jock with a huge (too huge) penis and somehow he still gets described as having a "dad bod" by others. I also don't like his face. Anytime "I" am in a render I'm like "ugh, this fucking guy again."
This might not be a problem if you play the "alpha" route, but it kind of kills the femdom scenes for me. Maybe this is a personal problem, but I just can't get into it if I look like the star quarterback with a porn-star-level cock. Which is a shame, the foot worship scene with Deb was my favorite thing in this game, but the way the MC looks kind of ruins it for me.
All in all, it's one of the best first-time efforts I've ever seen and this dev deserves more support for work of this quality.
A unique, ambitious game with real flair and a distinct style. It's a cut above a lot of the mediocre games on this site, but unfortunately, its reach far exceeds its grasp.
The dev is clearly milking everything he can get out of Ren'Py when it comes to UI and effects. Comicbook-style panels, clever transitions, it's really impressive if you can appreciate that sort of thing. Sometimes he goes a little overboard when it comes to style though, I'm not a fan of the black outline thing on the renders, it's just weird and distracting. And that FPS section abomination really wasn't worth the effort. Also, I have a 1060 and that light reflection bullshit still managed to lag on my machine. Maybe cut down on the super special effect type shit?
The renders (apart from the black outline thing) are decent, but nothing special. The writing saves it though, it is quite good, sometimes even inspired. The sections of the different aspects of your personality talking to each other and acknowledging your choices are actually quite impressive.
The love interests are all distinct and likable, at least to me, though they are a little pedestrian in their uniform beauty and dimensions. But to the dev's credit, they actually feel like different people, so the writing again does its job. People with vastly different personalities and kinks. Which is realistic I suppose, but means you're going to miss out on some content and your harem fantasy. Which I'm fine with. I have a Dom and a Sub save file for this game. Which in my opinion would have been enough of a distinction, the whole skill system and the personality points seem more like a gimmick.
Also wasn't a fan of having to choose your "one true waifu" this early in the game (it is early in the game, isn't it?), basically, this is one of those games where you need multiple save files if you're into different kinks or different girls. That's not a criticism, just an observation.
The biggest negative for me in this game is the MC. Visually and character wise. He looks like a broad-shouldered jock with a huge (too huge) penis and somehow he still gets described as having a "dad bod" by others. I also don't like his face. Anytime "I" am in a render I'm like "ugh, this fucking guy again."
This might not be a problem if you play the "alpha" route, but it kind of kills the femdom scenes for me. Maybe this is a personal problem, but I just can't get into it if I look like the star quarterback with a porn-star-level cock. Which is a shame, the foot worship scene with Deb was my favorite thing in this game, but the way the MC looks kind of ruins it for me.
All in all, it's one of the best first-time efforts I've ever seen and this dev deserves more support for work of this quality.