
Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
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Aug 7, 2021
All good suggestions.
While playing I was also thinking of how the game would be if we had to managing the childhood friends mental health as well, similar to the game "Needy Streamer Overload".
Like irl, streamers want/need days off to themselves for their own health/stuff, so that could lead to having to balance her schedule more and make sure she dosn't overwork herself and become sick, which could lead to forced days off.
Maybe you could dip into your own funds to buy medicine for her, but it be quite expensive.

Outside of those other suggestions and less important, It be nice to see more faical expressions on the child hood friend because as of now it's just the default one we see at the start, even during the h-scenes.
I think it would also be kinda cool to allow us to see a simple image on her computer screen that reflects the game we choose for her to play.

Overall so far I'm enjoying the game in it's current version.
I enjoy games that have the option of preventing ntr, and so far I've completed the ntr route (easy to speed run) and I'm now working on the good ending.

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Anyway just as FrogFrozen mentioned, just go at your own pace with your plan. The most I've ever done with game making has been in rpg maker so stuff like this made by others is always fun/amazing to see, and I look forward to see where you go with it.


May 18, 2017
This game has a ton of potential, there is so much things to be added and you just started with the right approach to the mechanics,it just needs to be polished and thenthe posibilities of what you could add are vast.
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Aug 28, 2018
i actually liked this one a lot, it had a nice concept with it being a 3D managing game,like it was said before it could be helped having more rivals, for example someone that moves in and try to make advances with her only if you have advanced enough on the vanilla route, that way it could also be branched from ntr to vanilla, also would be fun to have some kind of interaction with the girl, at least a kiss or a dialogue if you advance enough on the vanilla route(and she could stop kissing you if you go too far on NTR too) also i would be great to have a way to see a affection gauge to see how much the landlord has advanced on comparison to you etc... anyway is easy to give ideas but hard to make them, what matters is that i loved it a lot, it was unexpectedly fun!
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New Member
Feb 27, 2021
In the early game it seems like she is often home and you can at the time often open her door to visit her. It would be nice to have some sort of interaction while the route with the landlord is still low. Or heck even awkward interactions with her when it being progressed something like mentioning having to pull an all nighter.


Game Developer
Feb 8, 2025
Version 1.04 up on itch!


Fixed a jitter issue at high framerates (possibly)
Added vsync option in settings.
Fixed an issue with sprinting.
Fixed volume slider to use the linear to dB function.
Fixed some text while selecting marketing and music for videos.
Fixed some ending text

Having issues with the non NTR route, anyone has the complete save file for the diary scenes?
What issues are you having?

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Same here actually. MC just happens to forget to unzip his pants for the entire duration of this scene. I think there was something slightly problematic with landlord's scenes too, but this one is far more glaring

It doesn't seem like there're any diary entries for the non NTR route so far, so you probably have to collect weekly date scenes yourself
This has been fixed but yeah I will add diary entries for the non-NTR route as well.

So I like the general idea that this game has, my biggest complaint is the lack of different locations to find the FeMC in when she's fucking the landlord. Every day it's just the same location in the same position and it's only slightly different when shifting from day to night. Also, being able to interact with them while they're fucking would be nice, just to add some flavor to the scene, especially if it's a scene where someone is hiding like when you go to the landlord to pay rent and he's fucking her behind the door. More scenes similar to that would be awesome. It'd be nice to utilize her room and maybe even the MC's room for more scenes where you can find her, or even maybe repurposing some of those rooms across from theirs for something.

Right now it just plays like, you get to the day after rent day, see the 2 iterations of a new tier of scenes both on Sunday morning and night and then it just repeats for the rest of the week, making it kind of pointless to explore around after Sunday.

Having more interactions in general to flesh out the characters relationship would be nice as well.

I see people throwing the idea of being able to watch the stream. I also think it'd be a good idea, maybe you could implement it in a way similar to how you do with the diaries but only from the stream viewer perspective. The landlord, or maybe any new characters like the bully in that one editor choice (which I like better, personally), can show up on the streams and maybe be doing something to the FeMC off camera and it gets progressively more erotic every week.

I know it's a lot of work to do all this, but you obviously don't need to do it if you don't want to, it's your game. Plus it's not like you have to get this all done in one update, you could work at it slowly over many updates. Despite all that, great first iteration at the game despite the rough qualities it has as a sort of beginner project.

....Oh yeah... more of a meme complaint for these types of games... it'd be awesome to be able to play this with one hand. D: The fact that I gotta use one hand to move around with WASD or arrow keys and the other hand for mouse clicks makes things frustrating!
All valid criticisms, and some very good points, I will be adding more daily interactions and randomized scenes soon. Thank you for playing!

honestly at first i thought some of the sponsors which gave out lots of money would come with a setback, like the product being advertised is a scam or something or is highly controversial

another idea that could tie to more NTR stuff or potentially lead to a lewder streamer could be the FMC receiving dms from her fans and some of those dms could be very horny stuff, or asking her to do lewd stuff on camera in exchange for money or something, and the player could manage this and this could lead to a downward spiral where once you start the NTR path, it takes lots of efforts to go back and mitigate the setbacks
Some good ideas there. Noted!

Hi, Dev, when I ran the application, the game window popped out and then closed immediately. Any solution?
Which OS and what's your graphics card? I've noticed more than 1 person trying to play it on an older GPU and if the GPU doesn't support vulkan then the game will crash.

This is a very minor complaint, but the base move speed feels kinda slow. Would be nice to have a sprint button, or just make it faster in general. As far as new content goes, I will echo others in requesting more scenes that involve the MC like the window blowjob or behind the door.

Overall, very promising for an initial release. I'll definitely keep following.
Base move speed has been increased and a sprint option has been added in the latest version on itch. I agree about needing more scenes but that also means I need ideas for those scenes!!

I completely agree with this. This game has a unique style and the premise seems fun, but most of all it's just refreshing to see a dev that's this passionate about their game, with what seems to be a clear goal in mind (based on honestentity's posts here).

Keep up the awesome work. I tried out the game and I like what you've got going already, but reading your messages here has me pretty excited for the future of your project. If I can give a bit of advice: stay true to your vision, make the game you want to play, and don't let us (your players) water it down with random ideas. Listen to feedback and adjust minor stuff accordingly, of course, but don't let the playerbase tell you how your game should be. I hope that makes sense, I haven't had enough coffee yet today. :HideThePain:

Good luck, and thanks for sharing your project with us here!
Thank you!

devs doesnt even include scene in good route smh. Here save data for both ending, i save all scene good route in save 3 till bottom
I will add diary entries for the player next release!

xP I was probably adding it as royalty free music or something and mistyped. Either way, thanks for sharing, it has been fixed.

Thanks a lot for coming here to interact with us, pirates, and even listen to our criticism. I hope you don't get disheartened by the many ungrateful, rude and generally-not-constructive criticism you'll unavoidably get. Can't please everyone.

Nice game you are doing, I wish you the best and that you are able to get a job, or for your Patreon to let you pay your bills at least.

The mods might want to remove the Completed tag from this one, as the very dev said this is not so, and that might mislead people who will end up complaining about it.
Thank you <3

Enjoying the game. Would love to see it expanded after the initial bugs are crunched out.

Contentwise, I think you could add a lewd streamer stat. Since classes are randomized you could have some classes be 50% off but not provide the same increase, and they increase her lewd tendencies on stream.

Also, since the texting isn't used for much, I'd either drop it or expand it with her, the landlord and maybe future characters sending discussions and pictures.

Would like to see the job mechanic either expanded or axed. The day skip can be part of selecting stream. Otherwise, maybe you could have a sleazy boss or coworker who becomes her fan and wants to hang out? Perhaps even offering to pay her rent if you bring her to work events. (as an alternative to the landlord).

Oh, right, do titles have mechanics behind them?

Anyways, MC needs to learn how to keep his dick OUT of his pants.
View attachment 4572003
Thanks for the ideas and yea, that clothing bug should be fixed.

Kinda late, but like the other person, Win10 & it's just a blank frame.; opens to a frame & some secs later closes.
What's your graphics card? I've noticed more than 1 person trying to play it on an older GPU and if the GPU doesn't support vulkan then the game will crash.

This game is very interesting in concept and I'll be sure to follow it to see its progress. In its initial state, it's a bit rough, setting menu doesn't function , no tutorial in the beginning can make someone feel lost, the audio occasionally just cuts out, it isn't clear what things you can or can't interact with, and the streaming system is a bit confusing.
*Edit* New bugs, sprint, while an excellent edition, is bugged. It only works in the window alley and player house to the far gate, moving to the windows from the friend side or landlord side (and back the way you came) doesn't work. While doors now show whether they can be interacted with, it's not entirely true, when you're meant to pay rent on Saturday, the door says locked, but interacting with it starts a cutscene (NTR route). Making it say locked in this case makes it appear to be un-interactable, when it isn't.

Some suggestions I would make:

1. Add a tutorial: This is likely planned, but it would really help, just knowing how to use the computer in general would be good, bonus points for explaining the streaming system. Tutorial is added, but mainly just says the things you can do, but no real mention of the how. It would be nice to have an image or something to explain how this stuff should work, but a good addition nonetheless.

2. Have spending money and purchasing things more impactful: If I buy her a webcam, maybe her stream can show an image of her. Buying different equipment can appear on her desk, sort of like progressing through the items. Lastly, some kind of feedback for what buying these things will actually do, does it improve views? Get more donations?
*Edit* Buying the $1000 equipment bugs out a bit, you can buy it again in a lot of cases, and without knowing what it effects, buying the same instance just blows money.

3. Add more neighbors to the complex: Every door is locked except yours, landlord, and friend. I noticed one of the editors is apparently a childhood bully, maybe they could move in and hit on her if you keep using him for videos. Or one of the people you use to produce music, art, and the like. Again, I imagine this is planned to some degree.

4. Some kind of system for the player to access when an event is happening: Either cameras we can view from the computer, or a notification telling us to go to a window to see something. This seems like it would be especially important if new neighbors are added in. You could even upgrade the messaging system that isn't currently in use, it could function as a way to spy on the messages she is sending to other people. Perhaps exchanging pictures and videos.
*Edit* A notification system was apparently added in 1.3, but I never noticed it take effect, even when an entirely different event was happening. It may function on a new game, but it didn't on the current game.

5. Different types of streams: Already seems like it's supposed to be there, clicking on the "game" tab results in a dropdown with nothing else in it. You could add adult streams where she masturbates or has sex, reaction streams where she watches videos, or other various forms of live streaming. Even something weird like a sleep stream. Some kind of stat system could make her more or less likely to do these streams, but that already seems possible with what the dev has said about the comments and subscriber system. Speaking of...

6. The comments/subscriber system: The dev has already said different comments can be linked to different personalities, which could easy loop back into a stat system, encouraging sexual comments makes her more lewd, supportive comments make her happier, etc. Maybe the commenters can personally DM her on the streaming site and talk to her (adds into a messaging system) and potentially end up meeting up with her/stalking her.

These are just small critiques and ideas, and I wish the best for the dev. It does seem like the game will lean more heavily NTR (fine with me) which always brings out the crazies (filters exist). I'm very much so looking forward to this game progressing as I am not personally aware of any other game like this, with exploration and NTR that also includes animations. I'll definitely be watching for new updates!

Edit: The dev changed several things for 1.3, so anything that has a strike through has been added or changed. I'll probably edit again if the bugfixes are frequent.
Some nice ideas there, some of those I will consider, some are planned. Thank you for the detailed comment!

is the rent bugged? i have 1 k and he say that i dont have enouth money...
Yes it was, it has been fixed in the latest version on itch.

Is it normal the MC doesn't have a dick?

During the first scene with the titjob and the blowjob, he was just humping in the air, and the girl was, sucking in the air.
The game ends quite abruptly too, with no prompt to save for future versions.
This has been fixed, sorry. Noted about the abrubt ending, maybe I will make it more explicit through dialogue.

bug i guess or is this an invisible dick featur? I tryed to see in settings if there was a uncensor or somth, but nothing happen when i click on settings
View attachment 4573663
Fixed, sorry!

Saw one comment on itch and it made me realise i overlooked at least one more money related side of things in that first big post that i've made. Knowing myself i of course wouldn't really be able to remember everything, let alone structure it properly to put in a decently presentable text form, but still there's plenty to polish when it comes to money, even if most things may be small time cosmetics that might never be needed to progress the game.
The issue is the skill courses seemingly not taking any money when you sign up for them as far as technical side goes. From the narrative side of things it also seems rather questionable as far as the availability of the characters goes. With the day only consisting of morning and evening you have to assume that FMC does courses in the first half and streams in the second, which just seems grim (streaming daily already is grim on its own too), then you add extra work around the landlord's house each of the two times of the day later on to the equation and it becomes pretty ridiculous. It works that on NTR path there is no dating anyway (although i'd hope both routes can co-exist in the future until certain later points so there can still be casual dates arranged before it becomes too late) because there's no way FMC would ever have time for anything ever outside of the aforementioned stuff.
And to chip in with more ideas regarding money related stuff - if MC could have his own funds on the side through the work he does he could potentially improve himself in some fashion through those too or even if just to serve as a distraction from trying to protect FMC ultimately (as a distraction some default timewaster like gym could work i suppose, but would need extra time of day again). FMC's courses can also have some more lewd content in them too, if we already take the possibility of livestreams being used as a fuel for H content. Depending on what's being taught to her she can be corrupted through those either through online courses (more webcam stuff perhaps), or through there being a coach/coaches arriving at her place to teach her personally, giving opportunities for more characters, routes and apartments utilities (or introduction of new places altogether if there's an art class place outside of the default neighbourhood, for example) as long as you spice up the existing courses topics/descriptions to accomodate the enhancement.
Lastly one other little thing that if could be tweaked would also help the game narratively is the stream donations. Currently it works so the moment you schedule next stream at any point you instantly see the money counter increase with the upcoming donations before the stream even happened. This pretty much flushes down any need to pay attention to the audience preferences and possibly even encourages savescumming (it's inevitable to some degree anyway, but still) if people catch on to that, to earn maximum amount of cash with some slight stream settings tinkering. Plus it makes little sense to have a cash bailout for your possible last moment rent payment to come ahead of the event even taking place. Like if i'm ~30$ short on rent amount it would just seem silly for there to be a possibility to gain money for a future stream right away (am i correct in assuming that streams are narratively an evening/night time activity?) first thing in the morning.
Thanks for detailed comment! More stuff is definitely coming soon. The money counter thing, I've noted down to be fixed soon, thanks for noticing! it's hard to playtest everything along so I appreciate this a lot!

damn this game is fucking great, firsrt person view is a game changer for NTR, can't wait to see more updates
Hey thanks!

Split up into spoilers to shorten post length.

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Thank you for the advice and suggestions. I will implement stuff based on feasability but you do have some great ideas (esp the stalker/fan part).

In the early game it seems like she is often home and you can at the time often open her door to visit her. It would be nice to have some sort of interaction while the route with the landlord is still low. Or heck even awkward interactions with her when it being progressed something like mentioning having to pull an all nighter.
This should be fixed in the latest versions. But yes daily interactions coming soon!

I think the absolute must have is more interaction with her/him while they fuck or teasing you about they fucking etc, like the blowjob window scene
I need ideas for this! I will implement more scenes/animations!
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Mar 5, 2018
I think good idea would be adding extra page that you need to find, for example looking in stream comments, with her "OF" page where MC can see pixelated pictures, before you buy them, with extra scenes with and without landlord or with someone else, and dmail tab is usless
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Dec 30, 2017
xP I was probably adding it as royalty free music or something and mistyped. Either way, thanks for sharing, it has been fixed.
I think the music portion of stream preparations can benefit from having the cheapest music you buy being a monthly license type of thing. That way you don't pay 50$ daily, but instead can have this particular option be available to you for the duration of the month before you need to renew the deal. Got the idea from brief searching on licensing stuff IRL, so if those kind of deals exist normally why not have something similar in-game. Perhaps 50$ may be a bit too little though, maybe 100$ can work better, but imo shouldn't be much higher than that, otherwise it'll be an overkill. Maybe other services can work in a similar manner, or at least some tiers of them?
Oh and thanks for the QoL updates, hope you can keep more coming in the future. At the very least since this still needs a fixing.
I need ideas for this! I will implement more scenes/animations!
I'll try to elaborate on some earlier ideas and give some more, hopefully any of which can be of use to any extent. I'll hide said thoughts from the plain view, else it'll be taking up too much space with something not everyone would care to even scroll over.
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I think good idea would be adding extra page that you need to find, for example looking in stream comments, with her "OF" page where MC can see pixelated pictures, before you buy them, with extra scenes with and without landlord or with someone else, and dmail tab is usless
If this will be considered as an idea i'd hope it can at least be well thought through instead of using this vague barebones"OF" idea.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2017
What's your graphics card? I've noticed more than 1 person trying to play it on an older GPU and if the GPU doesn't support vulkan then the game will crash.
Ahh, yeah that's prob the problem (Don't remember the specific, but this comp is around 10yo).

Oh well, thanks for trying & hope you success. May try playing again once this one dies & I upgrade.


Mar 5, 2018
I think the music portion of stream preparations can benefit from having the cheapest music you buy being a monthly license type of thing. That way you don't pay 50$ daily, but instead can have this particular option be available to you for the duration of the month before you need to renew the deal. Got the idea from brief searching on licensing stuff IRL, so if those kind of deals exist normally why not have something similar in-game. Perhaps 50$ may be a bit too little though, maybe 100$ can work better, but imo shouldn't be much higher than that, otherwise it'll be an overkill. Maybe other services can work in a similar manner, or at least some tiers of them?
Oh and thanks for the QoL updates, hope you can keep more coming in the future. At the very least since this still needs a fixing.

I'll try to elaborate on some earlier ideas and give some more, hopefully any of which can be of use to any extent. I'll hide said thoughts from the plain view, else it'll be taking up too much space with something not everyone would care to even scroll over.
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If this will be considered as an idea i'd hope it can at least be well thought through instead of using this vague barebones"OF" idea.
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This is why OF was in quotation, i mean a site where FMC can sell her nsfw videos without MC knowing just like her whole affair with landlord and i think concept of her making this site by herself without help of MC is not a farfetched idea. And this would be good addition to her increased depravation through whole game


New Member
Feb 9, 2024
Hello people, I have seen that many have problems with starting the game when they open it and it closes

It is quite easy to solve it, you just have to create a shortcut, right click and go to properties

in the name of the game they will put this text and that's it

NostalgiaAndLust_windows.exe --rendering-driver opengl3


Aug 5, 2023
after talking to the landlord for the first time i have no idea what to do nxt lol any walkthroughs ?
Jan 27, 2024
I definitely feel like this game could use a Scene Guide/Walkthrough. It does seem simple and easy to play, but the fact that 1. NTR is avoidable and 2. The first scene takes place 2-3 weeks after the game starts, making it seem like it'll be a big commitment to do anything, depending on what scenes you want, whether it be the NTR or the Non-NTR scenes.

Also, there should definitely be a sprint button, especially since I have to walk to the door/window to see things. Also, the "Free Music from the Internet" should not cost $20... It should be, well, free...
3.40 star(s) 14 Votes