This game is very interesting in concept and I'll be sure to follow it to see its progress. In its initial state, it's a bit rough, setting menu doesn't function , no tutorial in the beginning can make someone feel lost, the audio occasionally just cuts out, it isn't clear what things you can or can't interact with, and the streaming system is a bit confusing.
*Edit* New bugs, sprint, while an excellent edition, is bugged. It only works in the window alley and player house to the far gate, moving to the windows from the friend side or landlord side (and back the way you came) doesn't work. While doors now show whether they can be interacted with, it's not entirely true, when you're meant to pay rent on Saturday, the door says locked, but interacting with it starts a cutscene (NTR route). Making it say locked in this case makes it appear to be un-interactable, when it isn't (1.05 fixed this). The only current sprint bug is that it seems to carry momentum if you turn around too fast, otherwise, it's fixed.
Some suggestions I would make:
1. Add a tutorial: This is likely planned, but it would really help, just knowing how to use the computer in general would be good, bonus points for explaining the streaming system. Tutorial is added, but mainly just says the things you can do, but no real mention of the how. It would be nice to have an image or something to explain how this stuff should work, but a good addition nonetheless.
2. Have spending money and purchasing things more impactful: If I buy her a webcam, maybe her stream can show an image of her. Buying different equipment can appear on her desk, sort of like progressing through the items. Lastly, some kind of feedback for what buying these things will actually do, does it improve views? Get more donations?
*Edit* Buying the $1000 equipment bugs out a bit, you can buy it again in a lot of cases, and without knowing what it effects, buying the same instance just blows money.
3. Add more neighbors to the complex: Every door is locked except yours, landlord, and friend. I noticed one of the editors is apparently a childhood bully, maybe they could move in and hit on her if you keep using him for videos. Or one of the people you use to produce music, art, and the like. Again, I imagine this is planned to some degree.
4. Some kind of system for the player to access when an event is happening: Either cameras we can view from the computer, or a notification telling us to go to a window to see something. This seems like it would be especially important if new neighbors are added in. You could even upgrade the messaging system that isn't currently in use, it could function as a way to spy on the messages she is sending to other people. Perhaps exchanging pictures and videos.
*Edit* A notification system was apparently added in 1.3, but I never noticed it take effect, even when an entirely different event was happening. It may function on a new game, but it didn't on the current game. In 1.5, on a new game, there is a notification to "check outside", but it doesn't always trigger, especially in the later weeks.
5. Different types of streams: Already seems like it's supposed to be there, clicking on the "game" tab results in a dropdown with nothing else in it. You could add adult streams where she masturbates or has sex, reaction streams where she watches videos, or other various forms of live streaming. Even something weird like a sleep stream. Some kind of stat system could make her more or less likely to do these streams, but that already seems possible with what the dev has said about the comments and subscriber system. Speaking of...
6. The comments/subscriber system: The dev has already said different comments can be linked to different personalities, which could easy loop back into a stat system, encouraging sexual comments makes her more lewd, supportive comments make her happier, etc. Maybe the commenters can personally DM her on the streaming site and talk to her (adds into a messaging system) and potentially end up meeting up with her/stalking her.
These are just small critiques and ideas, and I wish the best for the dev. It does seem like the game will lean more heavily NTR (fine with me) which always brings out the crazies (filters exist). I'm very much so looking forward to this game progressing as I am not personally aware of any other game like this, with exploration and NTR that also includes animations. I'll definitely be watching for new updates!
Edit: The dev changed several things for 1.3 1.4 1.5, so anything that has a strike through has been added or changed. I'll probably edit again if the bugfixes are frequent.