A few things to know :
You can use your old save for the game but be warned that the current version does not allow you to complete the first map if you choose to serve the Goddess. So there is no way you can use the recollection room to view the new scenes. If you are partial to that particular save I suggest you make a copy of it.
Also attaching the update's changelog here :
Heya Tier III!
V0.17.1 is done and I'm pretty happy how it turned out, so I hope you guys will like it as well! :3 You can use a save file from V016.2 with this update; just make sure it's a save before you meet with the priestess.
Changlog V0.17.1:
- Updated the (heavily oudated) nw.js file that comes pre-packed with RPGMaker MV (V0.24) to its newest version (0.55). After running some heavy stress tests this seems to resolve the annoying framerate drops that popped up when switching maps and/or opening/closing the menu. Why the makers of RPGMaker MV didn't bother to fix this themselves is anybody's guess...
- I've made a script myself to clear the image cache to help save RAM on lower end rigs. (Although I'm pretty sure RPGMaker MV does this automatically.)
- During Rose's maidsuit battle your equipment now actually get unequipped, meaning you can no longer use those fancy upgrades to protect yourself during said fight! >:3
- Lowered item prices all across the board.
- Day 1 of the priestess submit events!
- 2 introductions to these events; one con (choose: Serve her...) and one non-con (choose: Pretend to serve her...).
- A quest to complete on day 1 of the priestess submit events; succeed and you get an invitation to the priestess bedroom! Fail and you get to spend the night in the handmaiden chambers... >

- 3 ways to fail the day 1 quest. (Can you find them all?)
- 3 new erotica scenes clocking in at 100+ new images.
- 2 experimental struggle animations during the intro of the route (let me know if you like these!).