I wouldn't put it that categorically, but overall the update has some minor rough spots. I can't say anything about the visuals, everything is nice as always, but regarding the plot... as a writer, who has been following Scriptor's work for a long time, I will express my IMHO:
1. The absence of cons+non-cons variations in both of Aislinne's failstates. "Success" is always consensual, "Failure" is always non-consensual. While all other scenes of the paths of serving other bosses always had two variations, except for one of Memtikhet's endings. As a fan of voluntary submission, this upset me a little
2. The lack of a "build up" for both endings of Aislinne. The Thornvine Estate, which I consider the best in this regard in the game, has it. We see both rubber maids and rubber mares BEFORE their failstates begin, which already creates in us an anticipation of the fact that we can possibly become them, as if becoming part of the world that we saw and observed. S.O.P.H.I.A., the robogirl, throughout all three games slowly creates in us the anticipation of the assistant-drone ending, which we see at the end, and this greatly enhances it. Aislinne's endings are somewhat... alien to the plot? In fact, before we get into failstate, we simply cannot expect them. I can understand this in the endings of ordinary enemies - doing a build up for each one would be very difficult, but for bosses Scriptor usually has a different standard. Usually. But not here. Maybe we should have been introduced to Aislinne's pet collection during the games or something, then this ending would have looked much more organic. But it turned out that I, personally, was basically waiting for the entire playthrough for the opportunity to offer my mind to Aislinne on a platter and/or become her mana totem voluntarily, heh (By the way, I love this ending! I can even see how a voluntary version of it could begin - Kathleen herself stands on an empty pedestal, where the totem, absorbed by the void, used to stand, takes a similar pose... and just obediently waits for Aislinne to notice her~)
But since I, like almost all of us here, got the game for free, I can't demand or ask anything from Scriptor. I simply expressed my view and opinion on that part of the game that, as an avid reader and amateur writer, I can, as it seems to me, objectively evaluate.