
Jan 14, 2022

Uhhmm, anyone knows what to do here?

I followed the guide and went back to the shepherd but nothing happened. (The shepherd's dialogue didn't say anything useful)
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Jan 19, 2018
Yeah I am the same place. Talked to all NPCs multiple times with all keywords they had. Got the malachite and bottle(Got the malaghite before I got the bottle, hope that did not fuck stuff up), but no clue what to do with it. Also and cleared out goblin caves and killed all stuff I could, Except black goats and shoggoth slime thingies since I can´t damage them.
Tried hanging out in the ice field a whole day to see if it would turn the yellow thread white, since the hint for that was sometehing with snow.
Got my milking to level 69 and got level 32.
Also not sure if cat guy ever gets better weapon or armor recipies. So far he has the starting ones still which I have been using all game.
Not sure if I am to let the color out of space keep draining me, since someone said it would leave if it ate enough. So far it is not sated from my health yet.
So not sure what to do here all avenues are kind of closed, except rattling and getting a bad end.


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
Yeah I am the same place. Talked to all NPCs multiple times with all keywords they had. Got the malachite and bottle(Got the malaghite before I got the bottle, hope that did not fuck stuff up), but no clue what to do with it. Also and cleared out goblin caves and killed all stuff I could, Except black goats and shoggoth slime thingies since I can´t damage them.
Tried hanging out in the ice field a whole day to see if it would turn the yellow thread white, since the hint for that was sometehing with snow.
Got my milking to level 69 and got level 32.
Also not sure if cat guy ever gets better weapon or armor recipies. So far he has the starting ones still which I have been using all game.
Not sure if I am to let the color out of space keep draining me, since someone said it would leave if it ate enough. So far it is not sated from my health yet.
So not sure what to do here all avenues are kind of closed, except rattling and getting a bad end.
touch the celestial sphere in the library to get magic
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New Member
Dec 5, 2024
Yeah I am the same place. Talked to all NPCs multiple times with all keywords they had. Got the malachite and bottle(Got the malaghite before I got the bottle, hope that did not fuck stuff up), but no clue what to do with it. Also and cleared out goblin caves and killed all stuff I could, Except black goats and shoggoth slime thingies since I can´t damage them.
Tried hanging out in the ice field a whole day to see if it would turn the yellow thread white, since the hint for that was sometehing with snow.
Got my milking to level 69 and got level 32.
Also not sure if cat guy ever gets better weapon or armor recipies. So far he has the starting ones still which I have been using all game.
Not sure if I am to let the color out of space keep draining me, since someone said it would leave if it ate enough. So far it is not sated from my health yet.
So not sure what to do here all avenues are kind of closed, except rattling and getting a bad end.
there is a monster in the snow area. on top of the place, there is a spider circle. you can make it white from there and get spider magic
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Aug 9, 2020
Where is the copper. made it so far and I don't have copper for the flame.

Edit: Copper ore is all the way to the left of the mountains near the statues in the next area

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Jan 19, 2018
touch the celestial sphere in the library to get magic
Touching the spere just say the same thing it has done since start of game. So no new magic there.
Thanks on the spider tip. I walked around so much I did not see that you could traverse the white slide


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
Touching the spere just say the same thing it has done since start of game. So no new magic there.
Thanks on the spider tip. I walked around so much I did not see that you could traverse the white slide
did you let shunith defeat colour out of space?
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New Member
Dec 16, 2024
okay my water flute part item sort of disappeared from my inventory after picking it up next to the mermaid npc. now i cant continue the story after finishing the fisherman chapter. now how do i start the black saint one?


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
Water Flute bug fix by Steam User: VoxNihili
"Were you able to get past this? I just reached this part myself and my earlier fix didn't quite cover it. If you're still stuck on this, here's another workaround in lieu of a patch (same disclaimer as before, I only made sure it worked, I haven't done any further testing to make sure it didn't break anything else):

Navigate to:


Open up a file called Items.json. Navigate to line 77, it should show the following:

{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<SG説明:【Water flute formula】\nMaterial: Speaker: 2 Tattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2 Deep_one's_scale: 2 \nCthulhu_gospels: 1\nQuantity: 1\nSynthesis category: Woodworking\n>","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},

Replace that code with this code:

{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<ICS カテゴリー: 製造物品>\n<ICS レシピ>\nSpeaker: 2\nTattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2\nDeep_one's_scale: 2\nCthulhu_gospels: 1\n</ICS レシピ>\n","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},

Save it, then launch the game. You should be able to craft the Water Flute now, which will let you advance the game.

Be very careful to make sure you don't accidentally touch any of the code around it. You can keep the document open in Notepad so that you can undo any edits with Ctrl+Z in case anything breaks (if that happens, undo the edits, save the document again, then launch the game again). Let me know if that worked.

(For anyone who's curious as to what this does, it looks like the text in the "note:" field is what the Item Combination system uses to generate recipes. For the Water Flute, the note field looked like a copy and paste job from the Water Flute Formula object instead of being formatted as it's own item that can be crafted, which I think is what was throwing the error. So I took the ingredients for the Water Flute and put them in the same format with the same tags as the Wind Lute so that the Item Combination system could parse it correctly.)"

So that's two bug fixes for the two most Game breaking bugs found so far. I HAVE personally not yet TESTED IF THEY WORK but some steam users said that they do.

Still sucks that the word wrapping is still shit and some item/equipment descriptions (effects) are unreadable due to it.
the woodworking stuff doesnt show error anymore but the recipe of the water flute is gone. now how do i start black saint


New Member
Dec 5, 2024
I finished this game. Here is a trick to BYPASS that water flute bug. Sry for my bad Eng, hope you can understand what i say.

- 1 : Open

- 2 : Upload your current save. This file location is "GameFolder/www/save/file___.rpgsave"

- 3 : After uploaded the file, scroll down and click to "Show data in raw" button.

- 4 : In Inventory textbox, add this


(You must place it with correct format of JSON file, if you dont it will corrupt your save)

- 5 : Click download and replace your old save.

- 6 : Now, a water flute is in your inventory. Go to Flower Square and meet Nyar shop owner. He will tell you meet Azathoth. After gained a powerful magic from Azathoth, find and kill the Mermaid Princess.

- 7 : Talk to Silver Sage to finish this chapter.

- If you want open woodworking window for create something. NEVER use Up/Down key to select item. Use Right/Left key instead ! Some item will missing icon but dont worry, you still can create them.
ayyy this worked. thanks man . (also i got myself infinite dream coins)
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
Thanks for pointing that out, I've been wracking my brain trying to find the cause of the bug on my saves (luckily I have a previous save that is uncorrupted by the bug). I was thinking it was either related to the playtime, item I picked up, boss/enemy I've killed, or some conversation I've triggered. I tried retracing my steps and did everything except re initiate shunith events. So that's possibly (I'll test it on my end if it prevents the bug) the cause. The one thing constant between the unbugged save and the bugged saves (first one at least) is that I have more shunith milking = I did some main events.

Hopefully they fix it, that chicken event was a pain in the ass to activate lol (I needed to learn that I can plant seeds at the 2nd floor, farmed for the feed recipes, feed the chicken 3-8 times/days). But I'm a bit skeptical because I've looked at 072 patches and all the patch changes only state adding events/ CGs there is no mention of BUG fixes in the patches that they have for other games.

Anyway thanks for the info, did you buy the game on steam/somewhere? I'm wary of sending bug reports to 072 because I did not buy the game lol (they might fix the bug and I'll still be reporting about a bug that they fixed possibly outing me as either a pirate/ someone with an outdated game lol). Aside from this gamebreaking bug the word wrapping is irritating but tolerable.

EDIT: Tested out the Gamebreaking bug and it is really the fcking CHICKENS/ Date 9/ Golden chicken feed recipe causing the bug. AVOID FEEDING THE CHICKENS/ DOING Date 9 and your game will be fine (probably). I hope 072/Ren fixes this bug.

EDIT2: It seems that the bug is not limited to the Chicken RECIPE. ANOTHER bug is the water flute. Obtaining the broken water flute is FINE AND ALL. But after solving the puzzle at the library for the recipe of the Water Flute and obtaining the recipe to craft it is when it will also BUG YOUR game/crafting (limited only to woodcrafting, cooking and tailoring is fine) and it only triggers when you hover over to the water flute tab. This bug is a bit different from the previous one but can also be gamebreaking/ prevent you from using woodcrafting (which is required for progress for quest items).

View attachment 4341992

This game is pretty HEAVY asset wise , it takes 10-15 seconds just to load a save on a PC. It is certainly not OPTIMIZED for phones.
the chicken feed recipe did not bug my game...got it from elsewhere though. XD
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