
Jul 17, 2018
Anyone can tell me how to repair the tattered flute? Clue was Cloride in hydrogen so I tried 1-17 but it didn't work. Maybe I need to do something else first?

And how do I trigger the chicken event?
tattered flute/ water flute is bugged right now. Don't get the recipe unless you want your woodcrafting to CRASH your game everytime you hover over the water flute crafting tab.

And the CHICKEN EVENT don't bother with that unless you want to have all your crafting (cooking, woodcrafting, tailoring) be Bugged to crash your game upon interacting).

Dirk Mcstride

May 9, 2018
tattered flute/ water flute is bugged right now. Don't get the recipe unless you want your woodcrafting to CRASH your game everytime you hover over the water flute crafting tab.

And the CHICKEN EVENT don't bother with that unless you want to have all your crafting (cooking, woodcrafting, tailoring) be Bugged to crash your game upon interacting).
Seem I have a bug after the fisherman quest. Can't continue. Guess I have to start all over.


Jul 17, 2018
Seem I have a bug after the fisherman quest. Can't continue. Guess I have to start all over.
what bug the can't interact with crafting stations? Did you do the chicken/water flute (that's the only bugged ones that I found so far). I also finished that quest but can't start Black saint quest (I don't know how lol the guide is not well written to state).

Dirk Mcstride

May 9, 2018
what bug the can't interact with crafting stations? Did you do the chicken/water flute (that's the only bugged ones that I found so far). I also finished that quest but can't start Black saint quest (I don't know how lol the guide is not well written to state).
Nope can't start it. The other quest just end after I defeat the mermaid and talk to the fisherman afterwards.

Dirk Mcstride

May 9, 2018
How to repair the music box ? And is it Puca which guarding the orb that you mean ?
I think you find the screws on the clock on the first floor in the house. You can repair it on the workbench in the tree house. Should show what items are required for repair.


New Member
Jun 11, 2020
I finished this game. Here is a trick to BYPASS that water flute bug. Sry for my bad Eng, hope you can understand what i say.

- 1 : Open

- 2 : Upload your current save. This file location is "GameFolder/www/save/file___.rpgsave"

- 3 : After uploaded the file, scroll down and click to "Show data in raw" button.

- 4 : In Inventory textbox, add this


(You must place it with correct format of JSON file, if you dont it will corrupt your save)

- 5 : Click download and replace your old save.

- 6 : Now, a water flute is in your inventory. Go to Flower Square and meet Nyar shop owner. He will tell you meet Azathoth. After gained a powerful magic from Azathoth, find and kill the Mermaid Princess.

- 7 : Talk to Silver Sage to finish this chapter.

- If you want open woodworking window for create something. NEVER use Up/Down key to select item. Use Right/Left key instead ! Some item will missing icon but dont worry, you still can create them.
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New Member
Dec 5, 2024
i still couldnt figuire out how to do farming in 2F. and i almost completed spider event. (edit: all i needed to do was press space. i am doomed)
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Jul 17, 2018
Still wait for it to not be bugged
There are some unofficial fixes by forum users in steam. Fcking embarrassing to the translators that they had not yet fixed the bug that they (some users say there were no bugs in the OG JP version) introduced. It's already been 9-10 days since release and no statement regarding bug fixes or some shit (makes me wary of buying 072 translated games, and yes I do buy H games that are quality made). A steam user said they managed to get the true end/ all achievements by following the temporary bug fix in steam forums. So yeah technically the game is bug free (not sure) aside from word wrapping by following the steam fix.

And lo and behold it seems the WATER FLUTE is needed to continue the game/ get to the ending yet that shit is bugged in the translated version (there is an unofficial fix).

I'll copy and paste the steam fix here (in the case that the user deletes their Steam post or 072 deletes that forum post).
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Jul 17, 2018
Fix by Steam User: VoxNihili

"Game Breaking Crafting Bug Workaround
Use this at your own risk, because I have not tested if it causes anything else to stop working, but so far this has solved the problem for me.

If you're unable to use the crafting tables after getting the Golden Chicken Feed recipe, here's a quick and dirty workaround:

Navigate to the plugins folder in your game files, it should be something like: SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\シュブニグラスの夜\www\js\plugins

Locate a file called FTKR_ItemCompositionSystem.js

Open it up in your app of choice; Notepad will work just fine. Scroll down to line 2587, it should say:

var item = recipe.item();

On the immediate next line, write the following:

if (item == null) return false;

Then save the .js file.

You won't be able to access the Golden Chicken Feed recipe, but you'll be able to craft again. As far as I can tell, the Golden Chicken Feed recipe is null, so when the game tries to retrieve information from it, it throws an error message and crashes the game (EDIT: Or rather, it looks like it might actually be the fact that it requires 6 separate ingredients, but the game only allows you to mix up to five). That extra line of code just tells the game to check if a recipe is null before trying to access it, thereby avoiding the crash.

I've only tested to make sure I can access all the crafting tables again and that I can actually craft items. I don't think this should affect anything outside of crafting, but if anyone finds that this breaks something else in the game, you can easily undo it by just following those instructions again, but removing the line that you inserted. Hopefully this will let anyone who got stuck at this point continue the game until it's properly patched."

This is a temp band aid fix that just prevents the game bricking your whole crafting by obtaining the golden chicken feed. You STILL CANNOT CRAFT THE GOLDEN Chicken feed (although I think it's not related to any scenes/ events anymore but still having 1 uncraftable item due to bug sucks).
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Jul 17, 2018
Water Flute bug fix by Steam User: VoxNihili
"Were you able to get past this? I just reached this part myself and my earlier fix didn't quite cover it. If you're still stuck on this, here's another workaround in lieu of a patch (same disclaimer as before, I only made sure it worked, I haven't done any further testing to make sure it didn't break anything else):

Navigate to:


Open up a file called Items.json. Navigate to line 77, it should show the following:

{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<SG説明:【Water flute formula】\nMaterial: Speaker: 2 Tattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2 Deep_one's_scale: 2 \nCthulhu_gospels: 1\nQuantity: 1\nSynthesis category: Woodworking\n>","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},

Replace that code with this code:

{"id":75,"animationId":0,"consumable":false,"damage":{"critical":false,"elementId":0,"formula":"0","type":0,"variance":20},"description":"You can feel the blasphemy when you play it.\nEffect of decorating at home: HP+30 MP+30","effects":[],"hitType":0,"iconIndex":202,"itypeId":2,"name":"Water_flute","note":"<ICS カテゴリー: Woodworking>\n<ICS カテゴリー: 製造物品>\n<ICS レシピ>\nSpeaker: 2\nTattered_flute: 1\nCthulhu's_favor: 2\nDeep_one's_scale: 2\nCthulhu_gospels: 1\n</ICS レシピ>\n","occasion":3,"price":0,"repeats":1,"scope":0,"speed":0,"successRate":100,"tpGain":0},

Save it, then launch the game. You should be able to craft the Water Flute now, which will let you advance the game.

Be very careful to make sure you don't accidentally touch any of the code around it. You can keep the document open in Notepad so that you can undo any edits with Ctrl+Z in case anything breaks (if that happens, undo the edits, save the document again, then launch the game again). Let me know if that worked.

(For anyone who's curious as to what this does, it looks like the text in the "note:" field is what the Item Combination system uses to generate recipes. For the Water Flute, the note field looked like a copy and paste job from the Water Flute Formula object instead of being formatted as it's own item that can be crafted, which I think is what was throwing the error. So I took the ingredients for the Water Flute and put them in the same format with the same tags as the Wind Lute so that the Item Combination system could parse it correctly.)"

So that's two bug fixes for the two most Game breaking bugs found so far. I HAVE personally not yet TESTED IF THEY WORK but some steam users said that they do.

Still sucks that the word wrapping is still shit and some item/equipment descriptions (effects) are unreadable due to it.
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