Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I can only say its a lovely game with much exploring the surrounding and a bit of an build up stronghold defence base. The story is really good and the chars are lovely and they all have a cute looking charmig present. DL right now 0.5 and can´t wait to play further from the last stop. That is a very good weekend :love:.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game great sex and fun puzzles. Sexy models with a neat story a little grindy to start but the sex keeps you motivated to move on.
    Cant wait for the next episodes hopefully we get to bang our "best friend" nudge nudge and get to screw them all together.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't usually leave reviews, but this has been an awesome game. I personally played the game on "Easy" because I was wary of the game mechanics, I've played RPGMs and those always make me go crazy. Overall I found the exploration and combat mechanics enjoyable. It was always fairly easy to train stuff up, whether spam fishing, or the training spot to level up skills. Navigation through the areas didn't really feel too cumbersome, though I did avoid the food mechanic so it could possibly be grindier on Normal.

    I found all the characters enjoyable, they felt as realistic as it gets (by porn game standards). Dialogue was enjoyable and none of that bs RNG events that just waste your time. The models were also unique, although I do admit the first time you see Robin its almost like she has googly eyes. Sorry folks who love huge boobs and butts, you aren't going to get that in this game.

    Sex Scenes:
    Some nice animations, the unrealistic sex talk is there but there's not a huge amount of it. You don't have to click through 50 pages of "OOOH, AHHH, YESS, ITS SHOOOOO GOOOD". The cumshot scene transitions could be a bit better but still excellent.

    The story is interesting and I never felt like it dragged on. Not much to say here, post-apocalypse with some twists (and sex), and an enjoyable read.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I started this game blind, looking for something different, so I kept my expectations low and mainly meant to browse around the game to get a feel for it.

    What I got was a heaping serving of plot with "plot" as a side dish.

    First lets start with design. I admit it took me awhile to get used to the character designs, the semi-claymation sort of look was a large departure from the norm. But once I was around it for a bit any issues with it dissipated into mist and I started to enjoy how cute the characters were.

    Gameplay is nothing amazing but it serves its function well. At first you and the enemies are balanced so well that it a hard story lock barrier, it makes venturing out rightfully difficult and nerve wracking, adding to the tone of the story. Again, not amazing or anything but very well built to keep reminding you this is a dangerously deadly situation and every action is life or death.

    The story. The story feels like walking into a Stephen King novel. Things are unexplained, you never really learn much beyond how to survive, then suddenly the story expands and youre left with even more questions. Its rare to find a Horror porn game, let alone one that relies on suspense and story.

    Overall I really enjoy this game so far and actively look forward to its next patch for more story. A true unexpected gem.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really supprising, it's got quite the story and a nicely flushed out world, love to follow it's development as the story ends now, more of an interactive story than a cyoa but thats fine with how many well done animations it has, which seem top notch.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is an easy 5/5.

    Art while different than usual is great, animations are also very good (which is not always the case).
    Characters and story are the best part of this game (IMO), each of characters is interesting, unique and their interactions are fun. Story is well written, interesting and immersive enough that i didn't even notice the few cliche moments until i started writting this review. While there are better stories in some games, the implementation is one of the best i have seen on this site, if not just the best.
    Gameplay is pretty good, it's not tedious, can be fun and it's an integral part of the story.
    Sound is really good, it's fitting to the scene and well made ambient sounds are a nice touch, usually i mute sound or set it to really low with only a few exceptions, this is one of them.
    While porn is high quality, and there is a good amount of content, after 15 minutes in, it was just a nice addition to a great game and not my main point of focus.

    Art 5/5
    Characters 6/5
    Story 6/5
    Gameplay 4-5/5
    Sound 5/5
    Porn 4-5/5

    Overall 5/5
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    What an amazing game! I decided to support the dev after finishing 0.5 (which already contains many hours of gameplay btw) because this is really something different from the bunch of standard Renpy games on this site.

    The story is very good, even without the lewd scenes. The animations are fantastic and the girls are hot! Not anything negative to say really, looking forward to the next update!
  8. T
    5.00 star(s)


    This game has no right to be as good or as long as it is. v 0.5? There are several full fledged games that don't have as much content when put together. Actually making good cutscenes inside RenPy is also something I've not seen any other dev do, it's just some light animations before people move on. The story is detailed yet never overbearing, pacing is good, the various mechanics don't conflict, there's always something to do, you aren't just pressing wait constantly to get to the next spot where something happens. Incredible job.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    -Good scenes
    -Rewarding progress system to unlock more scenes
    -Repeatable scenes
    -Scenes gallery
    -Good history
    -High quality videos for the scenes

    -Need more content and scenes for the girls.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Found myself enjoying this one much more than i thought i would. The story is actually pretty interesting and the characters are engaging enough. I also started to like the visuals although i can see why some people might not warm up to them.
    In terms of gameplay there is a lot to do and its definitely more than just a VN, which is a big plus in my book.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    adored it, it has become one of my top 3 one here, incredible attention to detail, only thing i didnt like was that a did his side didnt create any sort of bulge on their abdomen, which ive seen smaller dicks do in real life, makes me feel like the dick was just disappearing instead of going into them, but it stell gets 5 stars coz everything else is hella worth it, incredible game
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just found this game yesterday and let me tell you. It is by far one of the best games i have played.

    The animations are unique and i love the fact that they arnt the usual "3d" that is used in many of the games we see.

    -The game is not very grindy, not like other games. sure there are repetative tasks but even still it actually does it in a good way and in a way that doesnt drive you insane before getting to the good parts.
    -Story wise it is beyond excellent, this game could literally standalone on it's story without any of the sexy bits. Yes it is that good.
    I couldnt wait to see what came next when playing it, i could literally not stop.
    -The characters are quite interesting and really well done, there could be abit more " character development" but it is better than many other games.
    - Combat isnt too hard and it's not too easy either which is nice. Some games go for super easy combat and some other games (like rpg games) can go into WAY too much combat that it just gets annoying. Personally i feel that this game has a great balance to push forward the story.
    - Animations and sex scenes are really really hot, i dont know if it's the writing or the animation or the combination but it is very hot and at times entertaining.

    There is so much good about this game that can be said but i think i covered the bases.

    As for
    -The game is very very very addictive, like when you watch a show you really enjoy and literally fall asleep from exhaustion about 10h after your original sleep time.
    - It's going to be soo horrible to wait for a new update for this game since i already really want the next part and the rest of the story. When the game is completed and the story is over this is going to leave a void i feel.
    - There are some scenes that could use some more polishing when it comes to the writing, sometimes they end up "abruptly" when it can be drawn out a little more.
    - The cumshot animation is really hot at times and at other times it feels anticlimactic. What i mean is that it comes out slowly and doesnt "shoot" out etc. Like when he came at times i was like. "oh he came".
    It could be better but not really a con since it has its own charm.

    That being said the cons that i gave are like minor improvements that can be added to the game rather than "OMG I CANT STAND THIS STUFF". Because trust me, this game is worth playing if you love stories. And the setting of the story is amazing, i love survival mode games and this one is a winner.

    I hope anyone that tries this game enjoyed it as much as i did.
    Can't wait for the next version.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Played v0.5 and I have to say I was blown away. The presentation and the overall quality of the game was fantastic IMO.

    This feels more like a game rather than a VN. There are exploration aspects, resource management, light base building elements, and of course relationship building. The many different elements don't really feel forced, if anything perhaps they could use a little more polish, but we are at a v0.5, so hopefully these get improved.

    Story-wise, interesting plot that gets you hooked right away. There's mystery, suspense, and even action towards the end of the update I played.

    And don't let character models and the cartoony vibe put you off.

    Can't wait to see the finished product. Let's give the dev some love.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've played in a long time. Story, animations, gameplay were all solid. Can't really think of any cons. The game could use a few improvements, like a second proofreader to catch anything the first guy missed. The models could look better, at least in the faces, but I kinda like the unique art style and the fluidity of the animations. Oh I did have one con, moneyshots were lacking in most scenes, for someone packing serious heat, you'd expect Peter North caliber cumshots and that just wasn't the case. Aside from the aftermath scenes, which were great, when the mc busts, it's like the shameful dribbles of an amateur pre-ejaculator, with a bad prostate.

    All in all a great game
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm not sure how to put this into words really so I'm just going to stick with the core thoughts I've got on this one.

    1. This is a damn good game.
    2. Myst was the first game I love the styling that the devs have gone with.
    3. Dear lord is the scenario wonderfully written.
    4. One of the best post apocalypse games I've played even outside the smut category.
    5. Can't wait for the next update.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The most cinematic game made with ren'py to date. Super atmospheric, the story is compelling and the sex is great. The gameplay elements are also fairly engaging, so far I haven't felt like anything is too grindy at all. The content is fed at a consistent pace, render quality is amazing. 10/10 would recommend.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is better than it should be.

    The story is original, well laid out and engaging. The dialogue is solid, clear, straightforward and -when it needs to be- sexy. The art, setting, and animations are unique and very well done. As the game has moved along, the gameplay and UI have improved tremendously, and the plot is actually driven forward by the setting rather than the women.

    The story really drives this game if you're into that. These devs know what the fuck they're doing. Give this game a chance and support these guys.
  18. 5.00 star(s)



    +Superb characters and design. There are only three main characters in the version (v0.4a) i played in so far, yet their depth and genuineness already put other games' characters to shame. Beautifully designed characters both in terms of characteristics and design.
    +Incredible storytelling. In the game, your objective is very straightforward... Survive. The story only revolves on this very direct objective, and yet you will find yourself indulging on it. The premise is simple but the problems and encounters you will face make the story exciting and intriguing.
    +Good soundtrack. There's only a handful of BGM and SFX but it's enough to make the experience thrilling.
    +Adult scenes are UNBELIEVABLE. Let's be honest, this is what we're all after... ALL ADULT SCENES ARE ANIMATED. And i mean all of it. Even the "pulling-out" :PogChamp:. I cannot bring into words what the developer has made, so i highly suggest you play the game and see it for yourself. Easily one of the best 3D animations for an adult game out there.
    +Amazing gameplay. This isn't your generic Ren'Py adult game where you just click between Choice A or Choice B... The game has combat!
    +If you're looking for a well-deserved awaited wank, after investing time in story/characters playing, this game is for you


    -The game is a grindy, but ONLY at the start. It gets easier later on. (This point is only here just so people will know that there will be a bit of grinding)
    -Exploring places can be tiresome. There's only an interactive map for the house. There's none when you're exploring. There will be a lot of clicking on arrows to navigate around; and the game being focused on gathering and exploring, it makes the exploration a chore to deal with.
    -If you're looking for a quick wank, this game isn't for you

    This game keeps on deflecting cliches. I expect the game to be generic on many aspects, but it keeps shutting those expectations down. At first i thought the MC will be your generic lucky harem protagonist with a pinch of magic dust, 5 grams of wimpy bratty attitude, and a tablespoon of rape-y behavior; but instead i got a fairly competent albeit still virgin-like MC who just got pushed into a situation out of his capabilities (?) and now are forced to deal with it. Then i thought the first girl will be your generic bimbo who will deny your advances for 7 lines of dialogue and will then proceed to suck your dick just because of m'story; but instead i got a sassy yet capable girl who later on becomes integral on the survival of the party.

    Expectation subversion aside, we're all here because it is an adult game. And boy oh boy... It is JUST that. It's not a visual novel, its an actual game; and the adult scenes are really SUPERB.

    10/10 Will overlook the smell of iron just to play this game. You should play it, don't you MIST the chance :KEK::HideThePain:
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I`ve played this game for a few hors now, and I`m really intrigued!

    Love the characters, love how the story progresses, and love the general goofyness of the game :)

    Well balanced and easily enjoyed on "normal"
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is easily one of the best titles I have played this year. At first I feared the comic style head models would turn me off but the overall graphic quality and animations is very good and has a nice balance to it.

    The game also has a great balance between grind and progress and the overall progression speed is quiet enjoyable. I had only minor "I wish I had known that before" moments and they were not game breaking at all.

    The story is nothing revolutionary new and seems to borrow from different movies/games/genres but it is solid in its own way. It kept me interested without skipping too much. As for the two existing main characters: They are as interesting and fun. At least as much as you can expect from the genre.

    There is already a lot of scenes and animations in version v0.4a and a lot to come.