Ren'Py - Completed - Mist [v1.0.3] [395games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Quite interresting game with survival progression ganre. Really can grab you into the story and survival. Would be glad to see something like this as online survival game with progression story like that and world of the mist. But that would be another story.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Publius Clodius Pulcher

    ✓ Well-written, original story.
    ✓ Diversity of mechanics, so not your average visual novel.
    ✓ Good-looking models, top-notch sex animations.

    ✗ Scarcity of sex scenes, few and far between. Also, most of the content focuses on two of the four girls atm, so not a lot of diversity.
    ✗ Seems to be no relevant choices, routes or paths to choose from. No evil jerk MC nor goody paragon of virtue to be, you just follow this dude's steps without being able to make any relevant decision. I dislike that I cannot build my character in that way.
    ✗ A constant stream of pointless unskippable animations that feel like the dev is flexing muscle but serve to no real purpose and drag the pace of the game. Some of you will find them immersive, so take this particular negative point with a grain of salt.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Discoered this yesterday, decided to give it a go.
    Played four hours solid utiul early hours of th emorning before deciding I should really go to bed, then completed it before lunch today,.
    Absolutely hooked in and am really looking forward to the next chapters

    Story is very captivating and mysterious, graphics, cut scenes and general feel of the whole game are on point, and whilst I'd prefer the girls to be a little less "cartoony" it was not a deal breaker and they still had the "desired effect".
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What should I say ... I love it.

    I started with Ver. 0.5, so I could played a good amount of content straight away, and now I´m really hyped how the story goes further.

    Unique Models, nice animations, good Gameplay, good Story.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Really enjoying this game.
    It has exploration, stats that are not a major grind to upgrade (you will have to fight the shadow creatures anyway - men and beasts - and these upgrade whichever stat you are working on: Stealth, Health and Attack energy consumption reduction) and have instant benefits, also has some investigative type work, mild puzzle solving (these have been simple to achieve so far), plus a mythical vibe going on.
    The mist has turned all the men & the animals into evil looking creatures that you need to fight, or run away from if your health or stam is too low.
    The 2 girls I have discovered and are sharing my mountain retreat are lovely and they both provide a great way to increase your stamina before leaving on an expedition - obvs this is achieved by shooting your load - what better way?? lol
    Well made, well written, absorbing story, highly enjoyable experience - definitely a recommendation if you enjoy any of the aspects I've described here. As other reviewers have stated, it's a damned fine game, not just a good sex game. It would actually be an enjoyable game without the sex! So the sex is the icing on the cake.
    Big thanks and thumbs up to the dev!! (y)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    i'm not a good reviewer and i dont think i can add any sigifcant words to this but to be honest i absolutely love this game. The story, the setting, the dialogs (mostly), the chars everything is really enjoyable. The gameplay is self explantory easy to understand and for me good balanced.

    My stand point is the version 0.5 from 04.10.2020 and these fuckers (<3) have a huge cliffhanger (but not gonna lie it's the perfect point to end this version)
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Almost didn't download because the models looked too simple and amateurish.
    I'm glad I didn't listen to me :D

    Yes, the figure models and renders are very simple but the story makes up for that by far. That's the ONLY reason this isn't a 5 star game. With the models and renders from something like "Leap of Faith" or "Summer's Gone" I'd have to give it at least 5.
    For being simple figure models, the posing, expressions and animations are very well done and more enjoyable than some games I have seen done with "better" models. The fact that it wasn't the same 2-3 Daz3d models you see in most games kind of grew on me and gave it a uniqueness like a 2d drawn game.

    Yeah, there's a few rough spots early on but the story settles down and you really get the MC's sense of protectiveness and caring for the girls. Mia's over -possessive jealousy is a bit wearing but she's "maturing" as the story goes on. The MC isn't a Superman, but he's no angst-ridden soy-boy either; he's pretty average and relatable. Love the "bad guys" and really want to find out what they are.

    Having to level up to get to certain things was a little annoying, but not a deal killer

    I really want to know where the story goes, this is shaping up to be a novel I would read - even without the graphics and animations

    one of my short list of "mandatory check for updates" titles(y)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One word: Awesome! :) Big thanks to all who worked on this project, who sponsored it. I will surely wait for further updates. Good luck with it. (I hope i wrote it right, coz english is not my native language).
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Yo this game have more content than any other game I played so far. It feel like witcher 3 full dlc quests but lewd. and free. and this is only v0.5 only dude this is legit a steam game over qualify, unlike those trash game that u need to pay and the content is like 5mins and boom nothing more lol. Yo this Dev and games is OP asf letycuminside/10
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly most games i come across that interest me on this site I test out and am over in the same day i get them. BUT THIS ONE..... oh my god.... this one... maybe its the gameplay elements fixed in with a GREAT storyline and some quirky characters that did it for me. The entire experience was immersive and i actually binged through it in 3 sessions across 3 days... and i can't wait for the rest of it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A great game with a captivating plot, and interesting MC and even side characters that require a bit of work (not grind) to develop a relationship with. It's so interesting that I'm in for the plot as much as for the naughty stuff. The only con is the cartoonish look of Robin's face which is a little off since the plot is serious-ish, but still a 5/5. Can't wait fo an update
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is amazing, its fun even with a bit of grinding, animation are pretty, dialogues are good, girls are hot AF.

    Had tons of fun playing it, and sometimes its good to be able to have fun in games where you are just supposed to jerk off =)

    My favourite so far, and gets updated often too unlike other games like "harem hotel" with 10x his budget and reutilized assets where the author takes 5 months to get out a hour gameplay. too busy playing baldur gates I guess XD

    Very good job to the developer, go support him if you can.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    its a bit like rareware turned pervy point and click adventure. I actually really like it surprisingly, thank you.

    Entering more characters because apparently being concise isn't a thing that's expected out of people.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is truly a gem of its genre, never before have I gotten this invested in a lewd game. Played through the 0.5 update in a single sitting and thoroughly enjoyed my experience. The characters have so much depth to them while still remaning believable and relateable, and on top of that the setting and development givinen to the world and its story is truly captivating. Keep up the good work!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Playtime: Took me about 10 hours and there isn't much reason to replay this but the 10 hours were awesome!

    Pros: Addictive gameplay, interesting characters, amazing story. The graphics are quite unique; a little bland and simplistic at the start but the latter part of the game looks AMAZING. If you've ever played Skyrim, think Blackreach. The h-scenes were pretty much all animated as well.

    Cons: A little bit of mandatory grind near the start of the game. I wasn't bothered by it but I know some people have a phobia towards even the slightest amount of grind.
    The writing during the first few hours has typos and minor grammar mistakes.

    Overall, I was blown away. Considering how short of a development time this game has had, I expected a couple hours of gameplay. Easily a 10/10 VN.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the games I play immediately after each release. The story is refreshing and has me wondering for more. Renders are amazing (with animation + gallery provided). So far I have not encountered any bug nor did I have to backtrack.

    The only downside is the grinding for stats/etc. Cheats help.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely leave a review unless the game earns one. I've just played this through to the end of v0.5 and have to rate it one of the better games I've seen so far.
    The art style grabbed my attention right from the start. It is definitely different to the usual fare.
    The story is well written considering it's a porn/horror game with only the odd grammatical or spelling error but not so bad as to ruin the story.
    The animations are first class. They run smoothly and combined with the art style, make for pleasant viewing (read fapping) :cool:
    All in all, highly recommended and I wish the Dev success with his game.
    Keep up the good work.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like long reviews so..
    Models are nice, animations are fluid; even though in the second half of the game they look better, scenes that takes place in the first half still not bad.
    Thing is when i first played this game character models looked "interesting"? They are unique that's for sure but kinda looked plain, now tho I can say that they look way more improved with last uptades or maybe it's because i got used to it. But still very enjoyable.
    Combat again well-made and grind is not that boring, with other mechanics you have to think about and calculate a couple things too so it's enjoyable. And also I didn't see kink pushing stuff i saw from other games with good combat so that's a plus.
    Story and atmosphere 5/5, great. One of the few games that really hooked me and made me curious about what gonna happen next, and I don't remember any other game from this site made me this nervous while playing, even horror in this game good.
    Only bad thing i can say about this game is, uptades are so slow and game just ended exactly when good things about to happen, can't wait. :p
    (Uptades takes too long, Sadge)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    good dynamic models and an interesting story makes it stand out from the rest of the pack on the site.

    The resource management and stamina limits can make the game a bit grindy at points, but not enough to take from the experience
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Dracula Belmont

    Mist is an interesting game it had the potential in becoming a horror game but the premise of mysterious mist and dangerous monsters hiding behind it got slowly erased as the protagonist has no problem with eradicating anything in his path I would call him "the Mistslayer" Enemies looks more silly than scary however it doesn't lower quality of this game.

    The story starts, interesting you are some dude who wants to spend some time in his grandpa's wooden cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere things quickly go wrong and you are cut away from the society there I have one criticism is how quickly you gain a companion after you explore your cabin you are greeted with a character named Robin I personally would make the player spend some days alone to feel that loneliness eventually player would be then forced to go out to hunt some food and he would encounter his first monsters which should have been mutated animals rather than funny looking shadows then he would have to encounter Robin and here I have one thing about her character development.

    Her personality seems to change between the two first updates as if the developer was experimenting with her and then he changed her in the next update when we met her she sounds like a crazy woman who wants to babysit us later she changes herself from a potentially crazy woman into 2020 millennial who would give you a lecture about women equality which isn't a problem but kinda ruins expectations. The story then gets less and less scary I would say after visiting the hotel you are not terrified the big bad villain looks ridiculous, I think My issue was the writing although it was fine my problem was how everyone sounds so logical every woman you encounter seems to be flawless in logic all of them sounds like someone who functions more on logic than on feelings and that was a big turnoff because I wanted to meet characters who would sound more emotional.

    From my run, I have encountered no game-breaking bugs, just small minor ones when you equip an axe, you still see your character to be swinging a knife from rendering point from some minor errors wrong lighting or hand clipping from robin's clothing.

    Sex scenes were nice but boring I'm not into gentle sex and I expected some crazy, unreal sex scenes I mean after i grinded my ass I hoped I will see something naughty with robin but all I got was super slow boring sex animation.

    The game is easy to beat and I think the developer should have to add more variants of enemies or make them scarier; I mean killing wolves and bears would sound better than boars or raccoons.

    I'm giving it 4/5 my main issues were: sex scenes and weird written characters and not sympathetic protagonist because we cannot even choose what he is gonna say or how he is gonna sound.