You have the worst timing i've ever seen

If you were a patron maybe you would have seen that I made a post some hours ago.
Let's go over your points and see if I can clarify anything.
-"Significantly delayed". No such thing, even if it were true (is not) I don't think one month is insane in terms of a delay, I mean take a look at other projects.
I originally planned to release the update early this month (Not that I said It will be released for sure, just maybe) several things happened. The original update that was planned was smaller than the final one (like half the content) but it got bigger as we were working on it. The writer had some problems and he couldn't work on the game so I have been working with a handicap as my workflow involves using the dialogues as storyboard.
-"being completely quiet about it". I've been responding to every message I got on patreon and my *last* post was from 14th last month.
-" I would still not consider supporting it, if they can't even get a few updates in without problems."
Complains about no comunication. Complains about dev comunicating if there's a "problem".
And btw the reason I don't post here often.
1. It's unfair to the people supporting the game, if I have the time and energy to answer or engage with the community I think it's fair to prioritise those who support "me", no?
2. Toxicity, yeah self explanatory for this website, doesn't feel very pleasing to engage with passive agressive or negative comments and people.
Does all of this sound reasonable?
There you go, I hope this post makes some things clear and I don't come across as a douche.
me go over
your reply.

I am as stated not yet a Patreon, I did however check your account just some hours ago, so I must really just literally have missed it.
Well, you originally intended the update to be released in early June, as stated in your Patreon post from June the 14th.
Since no other information was available here, or in your visible or shared (here) Patreon posts, and we now have the 30th of July, that would make it very close to two full months since the update was originally supposed to be released. 2 months in my opinion is a significant delay, whether it's a few days more or less.
I am sure your patrons appreciate you answering their messages, that is more than many other devs do, once delays hit, but as I stated, I am not (yet) a patron, there was no other information to be found here, and several users posted that you and the writer went completely quiet.
I can only go from the information available to me, even if it isn't complete, and considering that you both were active members here before, it isn't wrong to notice this change in posting behaviour, again, even if, as you state, there is a reason for that.
As for the next bit, I did not and do not complain about a dev communicating a problem, you seem to have misunderstood something.
All I'm saying in my op, is that, before I decide to part with my hard-earned money, I want to see some regular updates, and that is the case even if the game is fantastic. I don't think that my approach to this is wrong, but you are of course free to disagree. This is also not aimed at you, your work or your game specifically, that is a rule for MY behaviour on Patreon
Last but not least, I don't see how my post was supposedly toxic or passive-aggressive. It was negative, yes, while still saying that I understand that there are valid reasons for delays and that the game has potential, and I have (had) high hopes for it.
Again, I was going by what was visible on your Patreon and by the comments in this thread and your changed behaviour on this site (I do understand that you want to prioritise your patrons, that is only logical, but it is still a difference from the behaviour you and your writer showed before).
Let me say this, I am sorry that my post here came with such bad timing, if I had seen your new Patreon post before, I would probably just have shared that here and asked if a patron could share the message. But I do not have any ill will or negative intentions in regard to you, your writer or your game. On the contrary, I think it has a lot of potential, as I stated in my 4-star review, and I hope it becomes great and you two have a ton of success with it. That is completely honest.
Which is something I try to be, which means I will praise, but also criticize what I perceive as wrong.
And no, you didn't come off as a douche, but as a bit defensive, though that is completely understandable under these circumstances.
I won't delete my post, as I hate it when there is a part of the conversation missing, but I will write an addendum to update it, to counter the negative impact (hopefully).