The porno gaem formula/fantasy of "PC in danger/life crisis grinds their way of it, becomes cool and gets laid" is as popular as the motivational/influencer/life coaching culture its audience overlaps with, but it alone doesn't make for an interesting porno gaem.
In my experience these types of games work best when there's an angry (and v v hot) love interest and the PC's main quest is to turn their relationship around ("grinding" various aspects of that process being the basis of gameplay and/or story content). Reconciling with angry but basically supportive and decent daddy while having a great college life just doesn't have the same ring to it.
The best compliment I can give this game is nothing about it annoyed me, which is actually quite an achievement in the realm of porno gaems. Chars if not resembling actual humans at least do not resemble algorithmically generated demons, no incoherent crime/conspiracy subplots etc etc.
Gfx, h-scenes and anims are average so that's my score. Suggestion to dev/s: do a major revision of the plot to include a love interest/crush and a legit reason to be on the ropes with her, get rid of the falling out with dad premise and also axe around half the characters the PC meets in college.
In my experience these types of games work best when there's an angry (and v v hot) love interest and the PC's main quest is to turn their relationship around ("grinding" various aspects of that process being the basis of gameplay and/or story content). Reconciling with angry but basically supportive and decent daddy while having a great college life just doesn't have the same ring to it.
The best compliment I can give this game is nothing about it annoyed me, which is actually quite an achievement in the realm of porno gaems. Chars if not resembling actual humans at least do not resemble algorithmically generated demons, no incoherent crime/conspiracy subplots etc etc.
Gfx, h-scenes and anims are average so that's my score. Suggestion to dev/s: do a major revision of the plot to include a love interest/crush and a legit reason to be on the ropes with her, get rid of the falling out with dad premise and also axe around half the characters the PC meets in college.