Ren'Py - Life in Santa County [v0.11.0] [Bold Bash Studios]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Female renders are stunning the male renders are something else and I dont mean that in a good way the MC has one of the most punchable faces I have seen in a adult VN. Kills the whole vibe everytime I see the MC wish this game was first person only.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Ok, I tried this game and I have to say that it is a hot mess.

    The Good - The renders are really good.

    The bad - Everything else.

    Right from the beginning you are stuck with the single most annoying character in the game... Ron, his "best" friend. As friends goes, this is a guy that nobody in their right mind would spend two minutes with.

    The MC is little more that an impudent pussy. He has no back bone, he lets himself get pulled into Ron's messes when he should be telling him to get lost and he is just an all around wimp. His personality should make women cringe and yet somehow everyone in the game wants to get in his pants.

    The story is just kind of all over the place. Once you get to the Free-roam, the game just becomes broken and isn't worth going any further with. I really wanted to like this story but it is just a train wreck and should be avoided.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Edit 2: I tried to just proofread everything but the script is so fundamentally garbage that only a complete rewrite from someone who isn't retarded could save it.
    I mean, wow. I remember it just being shitty grammar and spelling but it's not. It's like it was written by someone who is cringe incarnate and doesn't have a good understanding of English.

    Poor grammar and spelling. Images of some obnoxious weeabo keep popping into my head whenever I try to read the dialogue. Are you writing a story or are you talking to people online?
    • A mix between way too formal and internet slang no one would use in real conversation or even say in their heads.
    • That's really bad for something that's supposed to be a visual novel.
    • Learn how people talk, dude. No one says "WTF" in real life. Also, it's not "cashes". It's just "cash". Get a proofreader. I'm calling bs on that "professional writer" you got.
    • There's actually not a lot of scenes so I think they're seriously thinking of having the story carry the game
    I'm pretty sure the only reason this game is highly rated is because of the renders.
    Nothing in this game makes sense.
    • I got the gist of the story but I actually can't sit through any dialogue without cringing at how terrible it is so I just speed through. Then at some point, I find that I can't even roll back.
    • A lot of times, I'll look back through the log because I feel like I missed important context but I actually didn't. The characters just start talking about something like I should know about it.
    • I don't know what working out even does, nothing was explained.
    • Bugs everywhere - message notifications when there aren't any more messages, weird screen blinks, can't even get to some places in free roam without the fast-travel UI, etc.
    From the prologue, I thought it was just the terrible writing that looked like most of it came from memes and internet slang but that was just the tip of the iceberg.
    The renders make this game look like it's going to be a lot better than it actually is. Imagine getting a gift for free. This gift is in an immaculate, mahogany box wrapped in extravagant, gold wrapping paper then you look inside and find ... a turd. The people that would be all happy about the packaging while completely ignoring that they just opened a box to a wet turd are the people that would give this game 5 stars.

    Edit: You have to understand that the renders are so fucking great and crisp but everything else is so awful that the stark contrast gives me a feeling of great revulsion.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty easy to give a 5 star to this game.
    Amazing renders, Great story. Awesome animation. Interesting characters with actual personalities.
    If anyone wanna play this for the first time, please go ahead and enjoy it, you'll not be disappointed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is PERFECT, except for the prologue that takes about 15-20 minutes. The prologue is misleading: it has NTR vibes(not actual NTR), a weak MC and annoying characters. It turned me off big time but I kept playing and I'm glad I did, because the rest of the game isn't like that at all. If I gave up during the prologue I would have given this 1*, and I'm assuming that's what some reviewers did.

    As for the game(except the prologue) it has:
    * A MC that isn't wimpy or silly
    * Amazing models and animations
    * The usual incest setting we all love and cherish
    * Lots of foot stuff
    * Easy to follow quest objectives and NO grinding
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is good novel. Here are the best 3D graphics, the best animations, everything is done at the highest level. The developers tried very hard. I'm not a big fan of visual novels, but for some reason this one interested me and I was not mistaken. I usually didn't like visual novels, but it was this work that made me reconsider my views and now if I see something worse than this game, I don't even want to play it. P.S. Sorry for my bad knowledge of english(
  7. 3.00 star(s)

    Unexpected Error

    Good renders - check
    loser mc - check
    loser friend of mc - check
    botox mum who can't help but to touch the mc every fucking time and he thinks its nice - check
    story(?) that shits all over your loser mc all the time - check

    not my taste, thanks.

    3/5 for the renders - rest wasn't for me.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I Play this from the start and really enjoy it. Art is beautiful, there are scenes very well designed with hot sexual tensions (massage on the couch). I like the story too so it is a must have for me. Bravo to the def and may the force be with you to continue this work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    A good Joe

    A true gem. This game in my opinion has THE best renders and girls on this site. Incredible detail in the animations that is really unequaled even by the creators with massive followings.

    The sandboxy content is a little strange but its not grindy and gives you a little more bang for your buck. The story is simple enough and moves along. The adult content is your standard stuff but incredibly polished and all the girls so far are pretty different and amazing.

    This game is definitely on the path to being one of the best of best games on this site and I hope the creator keeps up the quality.
  10. 5.00 star(s)

    GayLord Jesus

    Wow. This is such a game. Loved it from the very start however it only getting better and better.
    Best of luck for future updates and hope for you succeed where others have failed through game completion.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Had to review this game. The models and CGs are phenomenal. So hot.

    I only take one star because the story is very strange and some of the character motivatios dont make sense.

    But this is prime porn game material.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    The story is painful to read, it makes no sense and is in very poor English.
    I tried to stay with it but left me mostly confused and when I actually did jnderstand what the developer was trying to convey I just thought it was garbage.
    I feel like no dialogues or characters are realistic atall.

    The positives are the design of some females are pretty good, so if you want to skip to sex scenes only it's a fairly decent game.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, it even has a plot and high-quality animation) We wish the developer success with his project and look forward to the next update))
    One of the most promising projects on the Ren'Py engine )))))))
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really good if you are into very sexy scenes with very hot characters, like to explore free roaming sections with hidden secrets and colectibles and a nice branching narrative system.

    The Prologue dont make justice to the game. It was long with no real consequences to your choices, no free roam, no branching narrative, story felt mediocre with too much reaing character thoughts, and the only good thing about the prologue was some hot sexy scenes. Then the 1st Episode starts and all the game mechanics are finally introduced and the game becomes really good.

    The story is just ok, but everething else is great. Its an easy 5 star for me.

    Congrats to the dev.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    I can summarize my experience with the game as the following: The characters are generally unlikable jerkasses, including yours. You get coerced by a lot of people, including women who suddenly want to have sex with you and husbands who suddenly want you to fuck their wives in front of them, your character is utterly stupid and unrelatable, and the plot is utterly nonsensical.

    I added a star because the graphics and female models can be pretty good at times.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best. Why???
    It has the perfect :love:.
    1. Quality
    2. Variety
    3. Sense of detail
    4. Choice
    5. Lot of more...
    1+2+3+4+5 = Perfect game GLHF :cool:
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a lot of luck for the future.(y)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    In general, the game is fantastic in the renders in the animations, it is above the other games that I have tried, hopefully it will continue with the same intuition, the story does not matter, it only matters the quality of the game that is rarely seen in this forum, what can you say that it is the first for that pingo 5 stars
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    It's kinda hard to review this properly as I've not gotten far into it yet, but also mainly cause right from the off there's wee points that annoy me about it.

    Immediately, I'm left thinking the MC is a dick, he's quite unpleasant to his step-dad as soon as he appears and there's nothing to suggest it's warranted. The step dad makes a stupid dad joke and suddenly the MC's saying he hate him. It could be warranted, but as there's no real backstory to explain why the MC is being a dick, it's quite jarring.

    The other problem I have is the fact the MC seems to have a square head. The renders look good for the women and it seems the efforts been put in to make everyone unique but with his hair and his cheekbones his face looks like a perfect square. Honestly, check it out. The scene where Ron says "I thought I would go back and get the bag after a while". It's a square. And once you see it, it's kinda hard not to see it you know?

    All joking aside, the renders are ok but there's a bit.... unsubtle? Within the first few minutes of gameplay you meet 2 women and both basically have their nipples out. But hey, it's a porn game, it's to be expected.

    The plot seems ok, a bit airy at times. Like the dialogue doesn't seem to marry up to the seriousness of the plot at times. The game starts with your friend needing your help cause he botched a job for some drug dealer or something and as you're going to speak to him he's kinda vibing, makes jokes and what not. Like bitch he could kill you? But he doesn't cause it's a game but still, read the room Ron. Maybe it's just his character and the others are a bit more grounded but again, it's a lot of wee things adding up as soon as you start to play.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Great renders and animations. Most of the girls are really great (Lauren/Mom, Iris, Sophie, Karen and Aunt/Chloe are all 10s).
    But this game has some of the worst written dialogue I have seen.
    I still enjoyed it just because of how great the girls are but still had to knock down 2 stars for the poorly written dialogue.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    played this game at the very beginning but didn't really enjoy it, thought about giving it another try while looking for femdom games and wow, it has developed into such a great game, amazing renders and an interesting story, can't wait for the next update